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Michael Rabbitt


Professor Moore

19 January 2017

Trey Gowdy

His persistence is impeccable and a sign of a great leader.

Trey Gowdy is a republican U.S representative for the 4th congressional district of South

Carolina. He serves as a representative in the U.S House of Representatives. He has grown up as

an American politician. As well as being a politician, he has also been an attorney and a former

prosecutor. Mr. Gowdy has been serving for a total of 7 years to date and recently won his re-

election in 2014.

Many accomplishments by Trey Gowdy include serving as a clerk for John P. Gardner on

the court of appeals for South Carolina. He also served under George Ross Anderson Jr as a clerk
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for the United States district court judge. After this, Gowdy then went into private practice as an

attorney. After his excellent performance as an attorney, Mr. Gowdy was then chosen to be a

federal prosecutor in 1994 at the age of 29. One of Gowdys most important accolades is his role

as a federal prosecutor was the case of J. Mark Allen. Allen was on the Americas most wanted

list for some time after committing many robberies and a carjacking. When he was sentenced to

52 years, he chose to escape from jail and run from court marshals. 3 months later court marshals

took him into custody and Trey Gowdy was named the prosecutor for the case. After making a

very convincing case against the defendant, Mr. Allen was sentenced to a 77 year sentence. For

getting the career criminal, Gowdy had been awarded the postal inspector award.

In 2009, Gowdy announced that he would run against the incumbent Republican

congressman Bob Inglas. His reason for doing this was that Inglas hadnt kept his promises to his

constituency and had become much more moderate and tolerant on issues he used to stand very

strongly for. Gowdy won and was named the U.S representative for the 4th congressional district

of South Carolina. In his past 2 re-elections, Gowdy has beaten his challengers by more than a

60% majority. Mr. Gowdy is also widely known for being a huge supporter of the investigation

into Hillary Clinton. His position was to question her actions on the night of the Benghazi attack

when he served as chairman of the Benghazi committee. He also was involved in Mrs. Clintons

email investigation where he has gained most of his support and popularity.

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