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Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Integration of Neural Network for Geological Facies Classification

of Bujang Field, Malay Basin
Adrina Chin Chui Mae
Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering Department, Center of Seismic Imaging, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Abstract Numerous interpretations of 3D seismic data from the is to understand of geological history of depositional
Malay Basin has led to the suggestion that there are still some environment and the architecture.
new stratigraphic play which have not been discovered yet The characterization of hydrocarbon formation heterogeneities
Therefore, delineation of the depositional facies plays a very has been the most important aspect for the evaluation of a fields
important aspect in the identification of the reservoirs potential as a hydrocarbon reservoir. However, due to the
prospective reserve. Certain fields in the basin like Bujang has complexity of various factors which affects logs responses
high gaseous content that distorts seismic signal images. In order together with the increasing amount of data received from
to overcome limitations of its present data, computational and numerous methods employed in the well drilled, the
higher accuracy predictive methods have been proposed to be interpretation process involves many layers of procedures from
integrated with the current interpretive workflow. The neural different study, which is insufficient to be utilized as a
network has proven itself to have the capabilities of classifying representation of the entire field in reality, as the correlation of
geological facies in many studies throughout the centuries in the sedimentary layers between two or more wells would be
various properties. This paper focuses on the neural network biased to the seismic data obtained, which is unfavorable.
implementation by utilizing Probabilistic Neural Network PNN Among the most commonly applied methods in resolving facies
which is a supervised network Hampson-Russell software to classification is by comparing the results of multidisciplinary
predict lithologies in those areas where well data is unavailable study like biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, petrophysics
within the Bujang field. The lithology log of the wells are and seismic interpretations with seismic attributes. These studies
generated using LithoSI module and set as the reference data for are bound to have human errors as each individual interprets the
lithology classification where it incorporates the usage of other data differently, especially if the studied field has high content
built-in attribute within EMERGE to achieve a precise lithology of gas, causing distortion and poor imaging of the central part of
map of the field. Five best attribute determined by the neural the field. But, with the advancement of technology for the past
network are used to train the PNN to produce a lithology decade, computational methods which are deterministic and
response log that is applied onto the seismic information and the unbiased to any available data has grown to be the focus of
result produced was comparable to prognosis works conducted attention as a tool for geophysical method for facies
on this particular field. As Bujang field contains mostly gas, it classification, and the most commonly known is the neural
will serve as a good platform to determine the reliability of the network theory.
employed neural network, as means to save costs and at the same
time identifying prospective areas to be drilled.. For that purpose, this study has employed Probabilistic
Neural Network (PNN to classify the three decided types of
Keywords: Depositional facies, neural network, facies which are: brine sand, hydrocarbon sand (gas and oil) and
Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)
shale. By performing this computational method, it is accepted
I. INTRODUCTION that the facies interpretation of such gaseous field is a step closer
to be resolved confidently, and therefore facilitate in the
Five decades of oil and gas exploration have been carried out in discovery of other areas with hydrocarbon potential.
Malay Basin where it is one of the most productive basin in SE
Asia and since 1970s, the production in this basin has been II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
declining. In early 1990s, all the large structure had already been
discovered by the oil and gas companies. The inter-relation Geological facies of certain fields in Malay Basin are difficult to
between geology and geophysics are very important in both be distinguished due to their complex depositional pattern and
exploration and development. With good combination of the deformation from major tectonic activities affecting the
Geology and Geophysics linkage, the success during exploration region. Basins which are connected to the sea like river mouths,
and development can be increased. One of the important aspect estuaries and continental shelfs, are most likely to be affected by
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

the sea level cycles, hence displaying various types of facies that geological facies is important to ensure that the result obtained
indicate both continental and marine depositional environment. is logical and non-bias to any available data. This will help in
Depending on the period of sea level cycles, and activeness of verifying the reliability of the facies classifications end-result
tectonic plays, facies environment may display drastic
sedimentary changes and features in a prolonged period of time.
Furthermore, as Bujang is a gas field, the seismic data would not A. Malay Basin
be reliable since the resulting image would be poor and
unreliable. The following are problem statements of the study: Malay basin is located in the southern part of Gulf of Thailand
within the north central region of Sunda Block which is about
I. The conventional method of using well log data may not be 80,000 km2 and the maximum depth of the basin is 14 km. It is
able to display subtle geological features that could give dated to be a predominantly Tertiary-filled basin, with a general
indication of the depositional environment it was formed in. NW-SE axial strike. Due to the resultant NW-SE sinistral shear
along the Three-Pagoda Fault, the early 3rd order Malay Basin
II. Dependence on seismic and well logs alone is not encouraged
rift was developed. It has a size of around 250 km across, and
as the relationship between facies type and facies occurrence are
about 500 km long in NW-SE direction, with three main tectonic
not linear and a more statistical and deterministic approach is a
phaces controlling its development in the past millions of years,
more practical solution.
which are crustal rifting, followed by basin subsidence (thermal
III. OBJECTIVES subsidence), and compression (structural inversion) as suggested
by Liew (1997).
The main objective of this study is to build a relationship
between geology and geophysics for the classification of
geological facies by employing neural network theory with the
integration of multiple seismic attributes, as this would help
enhance structural features present and increase the detail of
geological interpretations. The following specific objectives
were proposed to aid in the achievement of the main objective:

1. To classify lithology of the Bujang field based on acoustic

impedance on well domain

2. To apply the seismic facies classification workflow using

neural network for the Bujang field

3. To identify which seismic attribute is most suitable in

delineating subtle geological features


a) Regional study of Bujang Field

Understanding of regional geology and depositional

environment of the Bujang field will be crucial to accurately
predict the type of facies obtained by the neural network theory
and recognize any abnormal events or geological structures
which is irrelevant of the fields depositional environment like
events affected by gases.

b) Analysis of neural network theory applied on the seismic Figure 1: Present day Malay Basin Tectonic Sub-Province Map; Mansor
et al., 2014, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)
In addition to that, the Malay Basin Ridge and Graben
The analysis of how the neural network theory determines the
Model (Figure 2) explains the multi-phased structural
number of seismic attribute to be used to characterize the
deformation which started with, the a) Pre-Rift Palaeo/Mesozoic
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

crystalline/metamorphic Basement, b) Synrift phase during B. Bujang Field

Paleogene, c) Fast Subsidence from Late Oligocene to Middle
The Bujang field of study interest is formed during the late
Miocene, d) Compressional inversion of first Sunda fold during
Miocene, and is situated at the North of Malay Basin which is
Late Miocene, and e) Basin Sag during Plio-Pleistocene with
known to be a gas-prone area that is flanked on both sides and to
mild compressional episodes (Mansor, Rahman, and Menier
the south of it, mixed oil or gas zone can be found. In the central
2014) (similar to Liew (1997) as mentioned in first paragraph).
zone (Cakerawala to Bujang Trend), non-associated gas field are
After the opening of the synrifts in Malay Basin during
reservoired in anticlinal traps formed by basin inversion (at (d)
Palaeocene to Eocene (Pre-Rift), the East Malaya Block SE
as mentioned earlier) during late Miocene times.
motion slowed down, causing a result of a reversal to NW-SE
dextral shear direction of the Three-Pagodas Fault, which further According to GeoMark (2002), Mid- to late Miocene
opened up the Malay Basin (Syn-Rift). Following subsequent transpression created anticlines that are most important
shears during Oligocene, high and low relief tectonic blocks or hydrocarbon traps in the province. Traps described as fault block
narrow ridges and grabens were generated, which was then filled and normal fault contain 29% of the discovered reserves
with coastal fluvio-tidal sediments. This would therefore infer (Petroconsultants, 1996). Although proven to be an oil and gas
that the depositional environment of the basin was dominantly reservoir, one of the major issue as to why the Bujang Field is
fluvial environments (e.g. lake, rivers). still in development phase is the presence of shallow gas in the
central crest part of the field. Ghosh and Brewer indicated that
The Malay basin was subjected to extensional and
the presence of gas has caused the quality of the 3D data imaging
compressional forces which played a major role in the existence
in the Bujang area to be very poor as the reflectors beneath the
on the petroleum system, which would infer that there are two
shallow gas are absorbed and attenuated, leading to severe loss
systems based on source rock geochemistry known as Lacustrine
of reflection amplitudes and time-sagging of events in the main
and Fluivio-deltaic source rocks (Madon et al., 1999). Based on
structure of the field, extending to about 50 With this, if
the Esso nomenclature, Malay basin is divided into 12 groups
facies and fault delineation or compartmentalization can be
from A-M. Hydrocarbons in the Malay Basin are found the
observed by using the neural network as its analysis, it would
sandstone reservoirs of Groups D to K. The depositional
also add to the benefits of using neural network as a
environment of the sandstone differs with the stratigraphy. For
computational method for identifying subtle differences.
this study, the work will focus on group D and E indicated in red
C. Seismic Attribute Classification and Description

Since their introduction in the 1970s, seismic attributes have

allowed geologists and geophysicists to break down and view
seismic traces in terms of unique, quantifiable components such
as frequency, velocity, and amplitude (Mourning, 2014). Seismic
attributes are linear combinations of three variables namely;
frequency, amplitude and phase (Figure 3), each with its own
specific interpretation objective, allowing subtle or masked
geological structural features to be highlighted.

Figure 2: General stratigraphy of Malay Basin, hydrocarbon Figure 3: The 3 variables which are linearly combined to form
occurance, and structural history. seismic attributes
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

The three main classes of seismic attributes which are; determine the best single sigma, assuming that all the different
mathematical, geophysical or geological attributes, have its own sigmas are equal. Once the stage is completed, the second stage
specific objective for interpreting a studied field and its types. is to determine the individual sigma using a conjugate-gradient
Variance, coherence and curvature are the respective post-stack analysis with the first global sigma the starting point. The
seismic attribute examples for those three classes which will be criterion for determining these parameters is that the resulting
taken up to study Bujang field. Several methods for computing network should have the lowest validation error. Given the
seismic attributes were introduced since the late 1970s, for training data, the PNN assumes that each new output log value
instance; spectral decomposition, statistics, complex seismic is written as linear combinations of the log values in the training
seismic trace analysis and pattern recognition. The seismic data. For a new data sample with attributes values
attributes which were used are built-in attributes from the
Hampson-Russell software, e.g. integrated absolute amplitude,
cosine instantaneous phase, apparent polarity and average The new log value is estimated as
D. Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)

Neural networks have many types and is divided into either

supervised (feedforward) or unsupervised (feedbackward)
networks. Supervised classification, like PNN, uses the known (3)
information at specific well locations to classify the seismic data.
It is presented with a set of inputs and outputs for a particular The pros of supervised learning is that the output can be
problem, where it is allowed to learn and determine the interpreted since its nature has been specified beforehand, and it
relationship between these inputs and outputs. is mathematically simpler than the Multilayer Feedforward
Neural Network (MLFN), therefore making it to be the network
of choice. However, if there are insufficient number of input and
output values for the network to train, the learning process will
be limited.


Prior to the neural network application, the

conventional methods to seismic and well log data quality
control is performed, e.g. well-correlation, well-seismic tie, and
TDR conversion. Geological structural interpretation was then
carried out on PETREL and the horizons and well logs are
Figure 4: Architecture of a Probabilistic Neural Network. imported into Hampson-Russell for the neural network
workflow. Lithology facies was generated using LithoSI module
The first layer is the input pattern with n features. The in HRS from Gamma Ray, Neutron-Porosity and Density logs of
number of nodes in the pattern layer is equal to the number of Bujang 2, 4, and 5.
training instances. The number of nodes in the summation layer
is equal to the number of classes in the training instances. Each
group of training instances corresponding to each class is just
connected to one node in the summation class; which simply sum
the inputs from the pattern units that correspond to the category
from which the training pattern was selected.

When a probabilistic network is training, it finds the set of

sigma which minimizes the validation error. There is one sigma
() for each of the input attributes, where the convolutional
operator increases the number of attributes by this factor. There Figure 5: Workflow for creating Lithology Logs for wells using
are two stages involved during the learning. The first stage is to LithoSI
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Figure 6: Workflow for applying lithology classification on

seismic volume by selecting the most suitable attribute using
EMERGE module

The generated lithology log is then taken as one of the input for
the multiattribute classification and neural network process using
the EMERGE module in HRS as observed in the workflow

Figure 8: Surface map of E 34 Upper with gas zone highlighted

in red

Figure 7: Integrated workflow of EMERGE neural network

training and application

The Figure 7 workflow is repeated until an acceptable lithology

facies result is obtained by EMERGE.


Figure 9: Lower loop area surface attribute on E34 Upper
The surface map of E34 Upper shows the major gas zone in horizon highlighting sagging event (green) due to presence of gas
Bujang field. Horizon and fault interpretation presents
uncertainty within that zone as the seismic data is heavily The generation of lithology log is accomplished by
attenuated and absorbed by the fluid, and experienced sagging in applying the cut-off values for the Gamma Ray, Neutron
certain areas at the rims of the domal anticline as well. The Porosity and Density logs for the three classes of facies: brine
sagging event can be delineated by using Lower Loop Area, sand, hydrocarbon sand and shale. The resistivity log was not
which is a surface attribute built in Petrel software that is utilized as there are some necessary logs which were unavailable.
highlighted in green in Figure 9. The resulted well log display based on this classification are
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Figure 11, 12 and 13 for wells B2, 4, and 5. The analysis of Cosine of Phase= Cos((t)), (4)
seismic facies can provide an initial framework to constrain
The cosine operation scales the output data range from -1.0 to
stratigraphic correlation based on well data. Instead of assuming
1.0, thus does not contain amplitude information. This
a continuous facies between two wells, far away from each other
normalizing effect improves reflector continuity and is an
during stratigraphic correlation, seismic facies map can be
excellent indicator of lateral continuity, and seismic facies
utilized as a tool to identify the changes in inter wells facies. The
variations. Cosine of phase is commonly used for guiding
inverted impedance data and seismic data were set as the input
interpretation in areas poorly resolved on the amplitude or to
for the first stage.
enhance definition of structural delineation.
The LithoSI module helped to define and classify the
well data accurately according to the specified lithology classes:
brine sand, hydrocarbon sand and shale as seen in Figures The
very low percentage of unclassified data (0.1%) for B4 and B5
wells (B2 has no unclassified data) gives high confidence on the
reliability of the classification output using this module. The
lithology log (Figure 14) produced by PNN (BLUE) seems to be
in line with the lithology generated using LithoSI (RED), with
higher frequency of data, thus being more accurate that the
lithology log generated earlier with the exception for B5 well,
where the PNN has skipped some of the values at the end if
compared with the underlying lithology log generated by
LithoSI. However, as the the values skipped are not very
significant with thin layers of shale present in between brine
sand, the result for the B5 well is still accepted.

For the single attribute workflow, more than twenty

(20) in-built attributes were analyzed against the lithology facies
classes. The error for these relationship are usually more than the
multiattribute cases. The many attributes were narrowed down in Figure 10: EMERGE multiple attribute error plot, training and
the multiattribute workflow to a selection of the best eight (8) validation error
attributes computed which are: integrated absolute amplitude, 2. Apparent polarity
cosine instantaneous phase, apparent polarity, dominant
frequency, inverse of inversion data, average frequency, Apparent Polarity is relationship to the original seismic trace and
derivative instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous phase, as. the envelope (reflection strength). The Apparent Polarity
From the crossplot in Figure 10, the sudden drastic increase of attribute is only interested in the expression of the sign (positive
validation error of the attributes against all the wells is or negative) of the seismic trace at the peak reflection strength.
observable. This situation is an example of overtraining, a The computation for Apparent Polarity is:
situation where after a certain numbers of attribute are applied,
On a noisy seismic section, event continuity can be clearer on the
the result of the validation error will increase suddenly.
apparent polarity than the original seismic section. This attribute
Therefore, it is deduced that the maximum number of reveals reflection details without the waveform effects and can
attributes that should be applied on this field is five (5). Below help detect thick beds when the data is of good quality (less
gives a brief description of the functions and operation of three noise).
of the best five attributes (integrated absolute amplitude and
3. Dominant frequency
inverse of inversion data not included) :-
Dominant Frequency is defined as the square root of the sum of
1. Cosine instantaneous phase
the squares of the Instantaneous Frequency and Instantaneous
Cosine of Phase, also known as Normalized Amplitude, is the Bandwidth. Mathematically, expressed as:
cosine of instantaneous phase angle (t) see the Instantaneous
RMS = [A + B ]1/2 (5)
Phase attribute. Mathematically given as:
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

where is the angular frequency, A is the instantaneous pointed although many costs and manpower have been utilized
frequency and B is the instantaneous bandwidth. Instantaneous for this fields exploration.
bandwidth and dominant frequency serve as a supplement to the
2. The gas present may not be hydrocarbon gas but carbon
Instantaneous Frequency. The three attributes reveal the time
dioxide gas, which was interpreted to be around 50~80% in four
varying spectral properties of seismic data. They help in the
wells (including deviated wells) before B5 well was drilled
search for low frequency shadows.
Overall in terms of lithology facies, with consideration
Following up with the neural network training, the best
to the seismic data quality, the results are acceptable and more
three (3) attributes were used and Probabilistic Neural Network
validation workflows need to be incorporated for future projects
(PNN) was selected as the neural network of choice. The
implementing neural network procedures.
resulting lithology log produced by the PNN was acceptable with
a fractional classification error of 0.2222 with amplitude As a conclusion, neural network such as PNN is a
weighted cosine phase as the final attribute used. After the output valuable predictive method where 3D seismic surveys are
was run on the seismic data for cross-validation purpose, the available because it has the capability of reducing chances of dry
error is 0.226043 as shown in Figure 15. holes drilled, and estimate the facies type within areas between
drilled wells without relying solely on methods such as
Referring to Figures 16 and 18, where the horizon
stratigraphic correlation of the depositional environment.
slices are displayed in, it is obvious that the E 34 Upper and E 36
Additionally, this method is compute-efficient, simple to apply
Coal Base of Bujang field is composed mainly of shale lithology,
and does not suffer from non-monotonous generalization of data.
followed by hydrocarbon sand and brine sand. On the other hand,
Unlike the traditional statistical and back-propagation method,
Figures 16, 17 and 18 which displays inline view at the three
neural networks does not need to depend on accurate selection
wells position shows higher composition of brine sand
of training traces, and is quite resistive to the shortcomings of
compared to hydrocarbon sand, and is observed as thin layers at
the flank of the anticline and top of the anticline.
Overall, the main advantages of the new algorithm over
conventional inversion are
1) it is able to predict other logs such as lithology log and
The end result of this workflow is acceptable, considering the porosity logs for some other fields
seismic data quality to be very poor in the central area of the
2) it uses other attributes besides the conventional stack,
domal anticline as can be seen in Figure 16 and Figure 18,
where the continuity of the display is very poor and sagging 3) it does not rely on any particular forward model,
events is prominent due to the very high gas content within the
field. In terms of these figures reliability, they are very similar to 4) it can achieve greatly enhanced resolution,
the PETRONAS reports schematic diagram of fluid distribution
5) it does not require a knowledge of the seismic wavelet, and
within the Bujang field and therefore, these results may be
utilized as a reference for lithology data. 6) it uses cross-validation as a measure of success.

As Bujang field has only 5 wells in total, the The integration of neural network as a predictive tool
confirmation of this result requires more statistical and for classifying facies is highly recommended as the oil and gas
predictive method to be proven useful for well proposals in the industry would eminently benefit from its application and
future. As a note, the B3 well was not used in the EMERGE findings, with its independent methodologies and more detailed
module as the zone of interest is acquired by the well, and B5 and high confidence result. Moreover, the employment of such
well was obtained to replace it. With Bujangs field proven to be computational method would save cost which is utilized for
consisting mainly of shale, but gas being present with such high facies classification study, which is the main concern for any
content, two scenarios can be inferred: companies doing business in the oil and gas industry.

1. Some hydrocarbon may be present within the shale

layers, but due to the presence of gas seepage, its seismic
signature is distorted and causing it difficult to be classified pin-
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Figure 11: Display of lithology classes on Gamma Ray log B2 well, highlighted zones produced for the earlier stage as visual
aid (Green= Brine Sand, Orange= HC Sand, Magenta= Shale)

Figure 12: Display of lithology classes on Gamma Ray log B4 well, highlighted zones produced for the earlier stage as
visual aid (Green= Brine Sand, Orange= HC Sand, Magenta= Shale)
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Figure 13: Display of lithology classes on Gamma Ray log B5 well, highlighted zones produced for the earlier stage as visual
aid (Green= Brine Sand, Orange= HC Sand, Magenta= Shale)

Figure 14: EMERGE neural network trainings application Figure 15: EMERGE neural network trainings regression
plot error - 0.226043 and correlation value - 0.94392 (actual
lithology vs predicted lithology)
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017



Figure 16: Horizon slice of E34 Upper with Lithology Classes. (Red:Brine Sand; Green:Hydrocarbon Sand; Blue: Shale



Figure 17: Horizon slice of E36 Coal Base with Lithology Classes. (Red:Brine Sand; Green:Hydrocarbon Sand; Blue: Shale
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Figure 18: Inline view with B2 well display (Red: Brine Sand; Green: Hydrocarbon Sand; Blue: Shale)

Figure 19: Inline view with B4 well display (Red: Brine Sand; Green: Hydrocarbon Sand; Blue: Shale)
Bachelor of Technology, Petroleum Geoscience Technical Paper May 2017

Figure 20: Inline view with B5 well display (Red: Brine Sand; Green: Hydrocarbon Sand; Blue: Shale)


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