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Lesson 1 Evaluation Criteria

As stated in Task 3, Part C, the pre-assessment (see Formal Formative Assessment 1.1
in Task 1, Part D) was a Credit/No Credit grade. If students answered both the
questions, they received credit. If they did not, they received no credit.

The post-assessment (see Formal Formative Assessment 1.2 in Task 1, Part D) has a
more descriptive grade system. The grading is as follows:

Grade Requirements
5 Students must effectively use all elements of RACE (restate the question,
answer the question, cite evidence with a quote and MLA parenthetical citation,
and explain how the evidence relates to the answer and comes to a broader
meaning) and use proper writing mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, etc.)
4 Students lack one of the elements of RACE or have many mechanical errors
that impede meaning.
3 Students lack one to two elements of RACE and/or have many mechanical
errors that impede meaning.
2 Students lack two to three elements of RACE and/or have many mechanical
errors that impede meaning.
1 Students lack three to four elements of RACE and/or have many mechanical
errors that impede meaning.

In general, students received one point for the presence of each element of RACE
(resulting in four points) and received one point for proper mechanics. If students did not
use an element of RACE, a point would be taken off for each element missing. Further, if
students had more than two mechanical errors, a point would also be taken off.

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