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Student Name: Nicole Lopez

Date: 4/9/2017

Portfolio Artifact Description: Creating a can label for your hometown or a town you are

familiar with using various types of shapes and sizes.

What you learned: Something that I learned was that this project was easy but it was time

consuming. I expected to take a while creating it, but it did not expect to take this long. It was

hard to come up with a design so I just went along with what came to my head. I would just

remove something or move it around if I didnt like how it looked.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)T

Addressed: The standard that was addressed was #6: Creative Communicator. This standard

was used in this assignment since the assignment requires for them to use different things on the

software like the shape tool, the rotating, etc. so they are able to learn new things and use their

creativity to finish their assignment.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This assignment would be

fun for students to do. They would learn how to use PowerPoint or whatever

they are using to create their assignment and if they already know how to

use it then it would extend their knowledge. It would be a great project to do

in Geography. Students could each pick a different place and then at the end

present it to the class or maybe even have a gallery walk displaying the


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