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Monthly Achievement March

First Service Learning Group in Jalova

One of our objectives here at GVI is to ensure that we provide participants unique, safe, responsible
experiences, exceptional training and career development opportunities, and facilitate the ability to
make a real difference. In line with this objective the service learning programs, provide students
an opportunity to contribute to long term community projects while completing supplemental edu-
cational assignments, gain a deeper understanding of international development, global citizenship,
and intercultural competency.

During March, we received our first Service learning group of the year in the area of Tortuguero,
from the Roots & Shoots chapter Tampa University. This was an intense week full of work, learning
and new experiences for everyone. The students had an introduction to the different Bio survey tech-
niques for the different species from jaguars, turtles, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
They learnt and identified more than 50 species within the area. . This experience incorporated
research, fun, bonding and much more.

During the week of the 4th to the 12th of March, Jalova hub received their first service learning group
from the Roots & Shoots, University of Tampa. Prior to their arrival, preparations and arrangements
were made in order to ensure the week was filled up with activities and fun to make this the experience
of a lifetime.

The students arrived to their new home for the

week ahead, carrying their luggage while look-
ing around into everything, as it was so differ-
ent to what they were used to in the city. After
settling in their cabins they got ready for a cou-
ple of trainings, some introductions and the ex-
perience of living in the jungle. From jaguar
training, to setting a camera on the trail, to bio-
diversity training and walks through the jungle
at different times of day, bird training followed
by a canal survey identifying different species
flying over or perched in the vegetation, to turtle training completed with a night walk at the beach. The
students got to do surveys every day in the morning and at night, identifying different species of reptiles,
birds, mammals and amphibians, and learnt more than 50 new species, being able to capture the expe-
rience of a lifetime in more than 200 pictures.

The experience was not only about scientific surveys but also about getting to know themselves better
and each other, to bond and have fun in the Costa Rican jungle, and paint some murals in the close by
school town, while interacting with the children from the village.

The leading staff also learnt a lot, from early morn-
ings to late nights, it gave them a new perspective
and reminded them why they are there, and why
they do what they do ie. To grow all together each
day, and be better than yesterday, to make sure that
whoever comes leaves observing and appreciating
the bigger picture, and being better than yesterday,
learning as much as everyone can, and moving for-

It was a week where staff members and students

from the University of Tampa learned throughout
the week, shared laughs, stories and made a differ-


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