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Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, 2015 Vol.

Resolution of Nonlinear Partial Dierential

Equations by Elzaki Transform
Decomposition Method
Djelloul ZIANE and Mountassir HAMDI CHERIF
Laboratory of mathematics and its applications (LAMAP),
University of Oran1, P.O. Box 1524, Oran, 31000, Algeria.
November 23, 2015

The aim of this work is to extend the application of Elzaki transform
decomposition method suggested by M. Khalid et al. to resolve
nonlinear partial dierential equations. We apply the proposed method
to obtain approximate analytical solutions of the proposed problems.
Comparison between the numerical and the exact solutions revealed
that (ETDM) is an alternative analytical method for solving nonlinear
partial dierential equations.

Keywords: Adomian decomposition method , Elzaki transform method,

nonlinear partial dierential equations.
2010MSC: 35A08; 44A05; 35G25.

1 Introduction
There is no secret to the researcher in the eld of nonlinear partial dier-
ential equations, that the solution of this class of equations is not easy. So
we nd that many researchers have done and are still doing great eorts to
nd methods to solve this type of equations. These eorts resulted in the
consolidation of this research eld in many methods, among them we nd

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Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, 2015 Vol. 5

the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) ([1]-[5]), variational iteration

method (VIM) ([6]-[10]) and homotopy perturbation method (HPM) ([11]-
[15]), which have become known in a large number of researchers in this area.
A new option emerged recently, includes the composition of Laplace trans-
form, Sumudu transform or Elzaki transform with these methods. Among
wich are the Adomian decomposition method coupled with Laplace transform
method ([16], [17]), Adomian decomposition Sumudu transform method [18],
variational iteration method coupled with Laplace transform method ([19],
[20]), variational iteration Sumudu transform method [21], homotopy per-
turbation transform method [22], homotopy perturbation Sumudu transform
method ([23]-[25]), homotopy perturbation Elzaki transform method [27],
Elzaki transform decomposition algorithm [29].
The basic motivation of the present study is to extend the application
of the Elzaki transform decomposition algorithm suggested in [29] to solve
nonlinear partial dierential equations. The advantage of this method is
its capability of combining two powerful methods for obtaining exact solu-
tions for nonlinear equations. Several examples are given to re-conrm the
eectiveness of this method.

2 Basic denitions of ELzaki Transform

A new integral transform called ELzaki transform ([26]-[28]) dened for func-
tions of exponential order, is proclaimed. We consider functions in the set A
dened by,
A= f (t)=M; k1 ; k2 > 0; jf (t)j < M e kj ; if t 2 ( 1)j [0; 1) :

Denition 1 If f (t) is function dened for all t > 0, its Elzaki transform is
the integral of f (t) times e s from t = 0 to 1: It is a function of s and is
dened by E[f ]
1 t
E [f (t)] = T (s) = s f (t)e s dt:

Theorem 2 ELzaki transform amplies the coe cients of the power series
f (t) = an tn : (1)

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Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, 2015 Vol. 5

On the new integral transform "ELzaki Transform"

E [f (t)] = T (v) = n!an v n+2 : (2)

Theorem 3 Let f (t) be in A and Let Tn (v) denote ELzaki transform of nth
derivative, f (n) (t) of f (t), then for n 1,

T (v) X
n 1
Tn (v) = v2 n+k (k)
f (0): (3)
vn k=0

To obtain Elzaki transform of partial derivative we use integration by

parts, and then we have
@f (x;t)
E @t
= v1 T (x; v) vf (x; 0);
@ 2 f (x;t)
E @t2
= v12 T (x; v) f (x; 0) v @f (x;0)

Properties of Elzaki transform can be found in Refs. ([26], [27]), we

mention only the following
1. E(1) = v 2 ; 3. E (tn ) = n!v n+2 ;
2. E(t) = v ; 4. E 1 (v n+2 ) = tn! :

3 Elzaki Transform Decomposition Method

for PDEs
In this section, we extend the proposed method [29] to solve ordinary dier-
ential equations, a new modied method for solving partial dierential equa-
tions. To illustrate the basic idea of this method, we consider a general non-
linear nonhomogeneous partial dierential equation

@ m u(x; t)
+ Ru(x; t) + N u(x; t) = g(x; t); (5)
where m = 1; 2; 3; with the initial conditions

@ m 1 u(x; t)
= fm 1 (x); m = 1; 2; 3; (6)
@tm 1 t=0

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where @ @tu(x;t)
m is the partial derivative of the function u(x; t) of order m
(m = 1; 2; 3), R is the linear dierential operator, N represents the general
nonlinear dierential operator, and g(x; t) is the source term.
Applying the Elzaki Transform (denoted in this paper by E) on both
sides of Eq. (5), we get

@ m u(x; t)
E + E [Ru(x; t)] + E [N u(x; t)] = E [g(x; t)] : (7)

Using the properties of Elzaki Transform, we obtain

m+k @
u(x; 0)
v E [u(x; t)] = v2 + E [g(x; t)] E [Ru(x; t) + N u(x; t)] ;
k=0 @tk
where m = 1; 2; 3:
And thus, we have

m @ k u(x; 0)
E [u(x; t)] = v 2+k + v m E [g(x; t)] v m E [Ru(x; t) + N u(x; t)] :
k=0 @tk
Operating the inverse transform on both sides of Eq. (9), we get
u(x; t) = G(x; t) E (v m E [Ru(x; t) + N u(x; t)]) ; (10)

where G(x; t), represents the term arising from the source term and the
prescribed initial conditions.
The second step in Elzaki Transform Decomposition Method, is that we
represent the solution as an innite series given below
u(x; t) = un (x; t); (11)

and the nonlinear term can be decomposed as

N u(x; t) = An ; (12)

where An are Adomian polynomials [30] of u0 ; u1 ; u2 ; :::; un and it can be

calculated by the formula given below

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Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, 2015 Vol. 5

" !#
1 @n X
An = N ui ; n = 0; 1; 2; : (13)
n! @ n i=0 =0

Substituting (11) and (12) in (10), we have

" " 1 ##
X1 X X
1 m
un = G(x; t) E u E R un + An : (14)
n=0 n=0 n=0

On comparing both sides of the Eq. (14), we get

u0 (x; t) = G(x; t);

u1 (x; t) = E 1 [um E [Ru0 (x; t) + A0 ]] ;
u2 (x; t) = E 1 [um E [Ru1 (x; t) + A1 ]] ; (15)
u3 (x; t) = E 1 [um E [Ru2 (x; t) + A2 ]] ;

In general, the recursive relation is given as

un+1 (x; t) = E [um E [Run (x; t) + An ]] ; (16)
where m = 1; 2; 3; and n > 0:
Finally, we approximate the analytical solution u(x; t) by truncated series

u(x; t) = lim un (x; t): (17)
N !1 n=0

The above series solutions generally converge very rapidly [31].

4 Application of the ETDM

In this section, we apply Elzaki transform decomposition method for PDEs
to solve nonlinear partial dierential equations of the rst, second and third

Example 4.1
First, we consider the following nonlinear partial dierential equation

ut + uux uxx = 0; (18)

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with initial condition

u(x; 0) = x: (19)
Applying the Elzaki transform on both sides of Eq. (18). Thus, we get
E [ ut ] + E [uux ] E [uxx ] = 0: (20)
We use the properties of Elzaki transform, we have
E [ u(x; t)] = xv 2 vE [uux uxx ] : (21)
Taking the inverse Elzaki transform on both sides of Eq. (21), we obtain
u(x; t) = x E [vE [uux uxx ]]: (22)
By applying the aforesaid decomposition method, we have
" "1 ##
X1 X X
un (x; t) = x E 1 vE An (u) (un )xx (23)
n=0 n=0 n=0

On comparing both sides of Eq. (23), we get

u0 (x; t) = x;
u1 (x; t) = E 1 [vE [A0 (u) u0xx (x; t)]] ;
u2 (x; t) = E 1 [vE [A1 (u) u1xx (x; t)]] ; (24)
u3 (x; t) = E 1 [vE [A2 (u) u2xx (x; t)]] ;
The rst few components of An (u) polynomials [30], for example, are given
A0 (u) = u0 u0x ;
A1 (u) = u0 u1x + u1 u0x ;
A2 (u) = u0 u2x + u2 u0x + u1 u1x ; (25)
Using Hes polynomials (25) and the iteration formulas (24) we obtain
u0 (x; t) = x;
u1 (x; t) = xt;
u2 (x; t) = xt2 ; (26)
u3 (x; t) = xt3 ;

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The rst four terms of the decomposition series solution for Eq. (18) is given
u(x; t) = x xt + xt2 xt3 + (27)
That gives
u(x; t) =; jtj < 1; (28)
which is an exact solution to the KdV equation as presented in [32].

Approximation solution of Eq. (18-19) by

Exact solution (28) of Eq. (18-19). ETDM.

Example 4.2
Next, we consider a nonlinear partial dierential equation of second or-
utt 2 uux = 0; t > 0; (29)
with the initial conditions

u(x; 0) = 0; ut (x; 0) = x: (30)

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The exact solution of this equation is given by

u(x; y) = tan (xt) : (31)

Applying the Elzaki transform and its inverse on both sides of Eq. (29) gives
the following
u(x; t) = xt + 2E 1 [v 2 E uux ]: (32)
By applying the aforesaid decomposition method, we have
" " ##
x 2 X1
un (x; y) = xt + 2E 1 v 2 E An (u) : (33)
t n=0

On comparing both sides of Eq. (33), we get

u0 (x; t)
h = xt;
h ii
1 x2
u1 (x; t) = 2E v2E ; t
A0 (u)
h 2
u2 (x; t) = 2E 1 v 2 E xt A1 (u) ; (34)
h h 2 ii
u3 (x; t) = 2E 1 v 2 E xt A2 (u) ;

Using the iteration formulas (34) and Hes polynomials (25), we obtain

u0 (x; t) = xt;
u1 (x; t) = 31 x3 t3 ;
2 5 5 (35)
u2 (x; t) = 15 xt;
17 7 7
u3 (x; t) = 315 x t :

The approximate solution in a serie form is given by

1 2 17
u(x; t) = xt + (xt)3 + (xt)5 + (xt)7 + (xt)8 : (36)
3 15 315
And so, we get the exact solution of Eq. (29) that is given in the form

u(x; t) = tan (xt) ; (37)

which is an exact solution to the nonlinear partial dierential equation (29)
of second order.

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Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, 2015 Vol. 5

Approximation solution of Eq. (29-30) by

Exact solution (31) of Eq. (29-30). ETDM.

Example 4.3

Finaly, we consider a nonlinear partial dierential equation of third

uttt 3uuxx = 0; t > 0; (38)
with the initial conditions
1 1 2
u(x; 0) = ; ut (x; 0) = 2 ; utt (x; 0) = 3 : (39)
x x x
The exact solution of the equation (38), is given by

1 t
u(x; y) = ; < 1; x 6= 0: (40)
x t x
Applying the Elzaki transform and its inverse on both sides of Eq. (38) gives
the following
1 t t2 1
u(x; t) = + 2 + 3 + 3E [v 3 E [uuxx ]]: (41)
x x x

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By applying the aforesaid decomposition method, we have

" "1 ##
1 t t2 X
un = + 2 + 3 + 3E 1 u3 E An (u) : (42)
x x x n=0

On comparing both sides of Eq. (42), we get

1 2
u0 (x; t) = x
+ xt2 + xt 3 ;
1 3
u1 (x; t) = 3E [v E [A0 (u)]] ;
1 3
u2 (x; t) = 3E [v E [A1 (u)]] ; (43)
1 3
u3 (x; t) = 3E [v E [A2 (u)]] ;
The rst few components of An (u) polynomials [30], for example, are given by

A0 (u) = u0 u0xx ;
A1 (u) = u0 u1xx + u1 u0xx ;
A2 (u) = u0 u2xx + u1 u1xx + u2 u0xx ; (44)
Using the iteration formulas (43) and Hes polynomials (44), we obtain
h 2
u0 (x; t) = x1 1 + xt + xt 2 ;
h i
1 t3 t4 t5 9 t6 6 t7
u1 (x; t) = x x3 + x4 + x5 + 20 x6 + 35 x7 ;
h 6 i (45)
29 t7 t8 15 t9 3 t10
u2 (x; t) = x1 11 t
20 x6
+ 35 x7
+ x8
+ 28 x9
+ 20 x10
The rst terms of the approximate solution of Eq. (38), is given
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 t t t t t t
U (x; t) = 1+ + + + + +
x x x x x x x
7 8 9 10
t t 15 t 3 t
+ + + + + : (46)
x x 28 x 20 x

That gives
1 t
U (x; t) = ; < 1; x 6= 0; (47)
x t x


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which is an exact solution to the nonlinear partial dierential equation (38)

of third order.

Approximation solution of Eq. (38-39) by

Exact solution (40) of Eq. (38-39).

5 Conclusion
The coupling of Adomian decomposition method (ADM) and Elzaki trans-
form method proved very eective to solve nonlinear partial dierential equa-
tions. The modied algorithm is suitable for such problems and is very
userfriendly. From the obtained results, it is clear that the Elzaki transform
decomposition method yields very accurate approximate solutions using only
a few iterates, especially in the equations of the third order, where we note
the emergence of the decomposition series solution after calculating the two
rst terms only. As a result, the conclusion that comes through this work is
that (ETDM) can be applied to other nonlinear partial dierential equations
of higher order, due to the e ciency and exibility in the application to get
the possible results.


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