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SmartPlant Instrumentation

Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Version 2013

March 2013

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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance ................................................................ 7

Database Backup and Restore ................................................................................................................... 9

Backing up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on SQL Server ................................................... 10
Create a Dump Device on the Source Server ................................................................................ 10
Backup the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database to the New Dump Device on the
Source Server ................................................................................................................................. 10
Restoring a Backed-up SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on SQL Server ................................... 10
Preliminary Restore Tasks ............................................................................................................. 11
Restore the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on the Target Server ..................................... 13
Post-Restore Tasks on SQL Server 2005 ...................................................................................... 13
Backing up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on Oracle ........................................................... 15
Backup the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database ........................................................................ 16
Restoring a Backed-up SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on Oracle ........................................... 16
Preliminary Restore Tasks ............................................................................................................. 16
Restore the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on the Target Server ..................................... 22
Post-Restore Tasks ........................................................................................................................ 23

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review ..................................................................... 31

Multi-User Strategy ............................................................................................................................... 31
Locking Mechanism ........................................................................................................................ 31
SmartPlant Instrumentation Users ................................................................................................. 31
Windows Authentication Logon Method ......................................................................................... 32
SmartPlant Instrumentation User Access Rights ........................................................................... 32
Logon Data and Database Connection Security................................................................................... 32
Other Database Objects ....................................................................................................................... 33
Grants ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Synonym ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Sequence ....................................................................................................................................... 33

Internal Setup Utility.................................................................................................................................. 35

Internal Setup Commands .................................................................................................................... 35
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Structure and Schemas ........................................................... 36
Referential Integrity Constraints ..................................................................................................... 37
Database Relationship Example .................................................................................................... 38
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas ........................................................................... 38
Admin Schema ............................................................................................................................... 39
Domain Schema ............................................................................................................................. 40
INTOOLS_LOGIN Schema ............................................................................................................ 40
SPI_login Schema .......................................................................................................................... 40
SPIsuper Schema........................................................................................................................... 41
View-Only Domain Schema ........................................................................................................... 41
Owner Operator Domain Schemas ................................................................................................ 41
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database .................................................................... 42
Testing the Database Connection Common Tasks ........................................................................ 43

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 3


Connect to the Admin Schema....................................................................................................... 44

Connect to the Domain Schema on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ...................................... 44
Connect to the Domain Schema on Oracle .................................................................................... 45
Connect to the Domain Schema on SQL Server ........................................................................... 46
Connect to the As-Built Schema .................................................................................................... 47
Connect to a Project Schema ......................................................................................................... 48
Connect to a Combined Project Schema ....................................................................................... 48
Checking Database Version Compatibility ..................................................................................... 49
Commands and Controls ................................................................................................................ 49
SQL Queries ......................................................................................................................................... 53
Executing SQL Commands ............................................................................................................ 53
Execute a SQL Command .............................................................................................................. 53
Examples of SQL Commands ........................................................................................................ 54
Save SQL Results in a Specified File Format ................................................................................ 54
Commands and Controls ................................................................................................................ 55
ODBC Profiles ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Create an ODBC Profile for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ................................................... 56
Service Operations ............................................................................................................................... 57
Rebuilding Stored Procedures and Triggers .................................................................................. 57
Testing the Printer .......................................................................................................................... 59
Commands and Controls ................................................................................................................ 59

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 61

4 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

This document is the user's guide for the configuration and maintenance of the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database.
Intergraph gives you permission to print as many copies of this document as you need for
non-commercial use at your company. You cannot print this document for resale or redistribution
outside your company.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 5


SmartPlant Instrumentation
Configuration and Maintenance
This set of documents describes the procedure for configuring and maintaining the SmartPlant
Instrumentation Version 2013 database to ensure optimal performance.

In this guide, whenever a string appears in brackets, type the desired value substituting the
entire string, including the brackets. For example: instead of <Oracle home folder>, type
If you encounter problems during any configuration or maintenance process, contact your
local SmartPlant Instrumentation provider or Intergraph Support. To locate your Intergraph
Support service provider, use a World Wide Web browser to connect to (

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 7


Database Backup and Restore

The backup and restore procedures are used in conjunction with one another; you need to make a
backup of your SmartPlant Instrumentation database if you want to be able to restore a corrupted
or damaged database from a previously backed up database. You back up a SmartPlant
Instrumentation database using your database platform options.

During the lifetime of your instrumentation data, you store in your SmartPlant Instrumentation
database important data and spend a lot of time creating it. Therefore, it is imperative that
you maintain backup procedures, and back up the appropriate SmartPlant Instrumentation
data regularly.
If you have saved external files, for example, trimmed audit trail data files, spec files saved in
.psr or .isf format, keep the original external file paths the same on all client machines when
restoring your SmartPlant Instrumentation database.
SmartPlant Instrumentation does not have its own backup utility that allows you to back up the
entire Oracle or SQL Server database and relies on you to correctly use the backup utility of the
selected database. If you want to back up a specific domain in your database, or back up a
database implemented in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, use the Administration module
options of SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Shut down all engines that use your database (for example, InfoMaker) before
backing up or restoring your Oracle or SQL Server database.
This document includes information about using the backup and restore procedures in SQL
Server and Oracle. The information provided here is not intended to substitute the information
given in the relevant database platform manual but to supplement it with requirements specific to
SmartPlant Instrumentation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself
with the backup and restore procedures described in your Oracle and SQL Server user's guides
before you read this document.
In addition to regular backups, it is highly recommended to backup the SmartPlant Instrumentation
database in the following special cases:
Before upgrading the version of the software
Before and after a massive import
At any milestone in your set of tasks (for example, when you finish creating your domain)
It is also recommended to test the backup of your data, and restore it once prior to the first
major modifications to your data using the following sequence of operations:
1. Make a database backup.
2. Make some changes to your database.
3. Restore the database.
4. Make sure you have your previous version of data.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 9

Database Backup and Restore

Backing up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on

SQL Server
The instructions in this procedure apply to SQL Server 2005.
The following procedure describes how to back up your SmartPlant Instrumentation database on
another server. You start the procedure by running the MS SQL Server Query Analyzer or MS
SQL Server Management Studio on the source server where you create a new dump device that
will be used for your backup. Then, you back up your database to the new dump device. This
allows you to copy the dump device data file to another server, which completes the backup
You cannot include the existing user-defined database views in your database backup.
To be able to use these views, you must make a separate backup of all your user-defined
database views before backing up your database. Then, after restoring the database, you need
to re-create the user-defined views using InfoMaker or the database utilities of your platform.

Create a Dump Device on the Source Server

At this stage, you only create the logical name of the dump device, not the dump file
1. Depending on your SQL Server version, run either the MS SQL Server Query Analyzer or MS
SQL Server Management Studio. Make sure that you log in as the System Administrator.
2. In the Query window, enter the following stored procedure: SP_ADDUMPDEVICE with the
following parameters:
First parameter '<DISK>'
Third parameter '<datafile name and path on the server>'
Fourth parameter 2 (without quotation marks)
3. Click Execute Query.

Backup the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database to the New

Dump Device on the Source Server
1. Depending on your SQL Server version, run either the MS SQL Server Query Analyzer or MS
SQL Server Management Studio. Make sure that you log on as the System Administrator.
2. In the Query window, type:
BACKUP DATABASE <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name> to <dump
device logical name> WITH BLOCKSIZE = 2048, INIT, STATS=5
3. Click Execute Query.
You can now copy the dump device data file to the target server.

Restoring a Backed-up SmartPlant Instrumentation

Database on SQL Server
The instructions in this procedure apply to SQL Server 2005.

10 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

The following section explains how to restore a backed up SmartPlant Instrumentation database
on the target server. The restore procedure is divided into preliminary tasks, restore tasks, and
post-restore tasks.

Preliminary Restore Tasks

1. Depending on your SQL Server version, run either the MS SQL Server Query Analyzer or MS
SQL Server Management Studio on the source server and log on as the System
2. In the Query window, type the following:
EXEC SP_HELPDB <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
USE <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
3. Click Execute Query.
4. Save the results in a text file so that you can use them to plan your restore and post-restore
tasks correctly.
5. Depending on your SQL Server version, run either the MS SQL Server Query Analyzer or MS
SQL Server Management Studio on the source server and log on as the System

You must have SQL Server installed on your target server with exactly the same
character set and sort order as on the source server.
Make sure that you have enough disk space for each data file. To improve the restore
performance, create the Indexes, Data, and Log files on different physical disks if
6. Create an initial SmartPlant Instrumentation database that contains the following file groups:
Admin data
Admin indexes
Log file
7. To create these file groups, in the Query window, type the following:
CREATE DATABASE <source SmartPlant Instrumentation database>
ON PRIMARY (NAME = <source Admin data datafile name>,
FILENAME = '<full path and name of source Admin data datafile>',
SIZE = <source Admin data datafile size>MB,

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 11

Database Backup and Restore

FILEGROUP <source Admin index filegroup name>

(NAME = <source Admin index datafile name>,
FILENAME = '<full path and name of source Admin index datafile>',>',
SIZE = <source Admin index datafile size>MB,
(NAME = <source log file name>,
FILENAME = '<full path and name of source log file>',
SIZE = <source log file size>MB,
8. Click Execute Query.
9. Add to the initial SmartPlant Instrumentation database the required file groups for all existing
domains in the source database. For each additional domain, run the following queries:
ALTER DATABASE <source SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
ADD FILEGROUP <source domain data filegroup name>
ALTER DATABASE <source SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
ADD FILE (name = <source domain datafile name>,
FILENAME = '<full path and name of source domain datafile>',
SIZE = <source domain datafile size>MB,
TO FILEGROUP <source domain data filegroup name>
ALTER DATABASE <source SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
ADD FILEGROUP <source domain index filegroup name>
ALTER DATABASE <source SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
ADD FILE (NAME = <source domain index file name>,
FILENAME = '<full path and name of source index file >',
SIZE = <source domain index datafile size>MB,

12 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

Restore the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on the

Target Server
1. In SQL Plus utility, connect to the account SYSTEM.
2. Copy the source dump device data file from the source server if you have not done so yet
3. On the target server, create a dump device for the source dump device as follows:
a. In the Query window of the MS SQL Server Query Analyzer or MS SQL Server
Management Studio, enter the following stored procedure: SP_ADDUMPDEVICE with
the following parameters:
First parameter '<disk>'
Second parameter '<backup device logical name>'
Third parameter '<datafile name and path of the copied data file on the target
Fourth parameter 2 (without quotation marks)
b. Click Execute Query.
4. Restore the SmartPlant Instrumentation database by running the following operands in the
Query window:
RESTORE DATABASE <source SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
FROM <target dump device name> WITH MOVE '<source Admin datafile name>'
TO '<full path and name of target Admin datafile>',
MOVE '<source Admin index file name>' TO '<full path and name of target
Admin index file>', MOVE '<source domain datafile name>' TO '<full path
and name of target domain datafile>',
MOVE '<source domain index file name>' TO '<full path and name of target
domain index file>',
MOVE '<source SmartPlant Instrumentation log file name>' TO '<full path
and name of target SmartPlant Instrumentation log file>',
For each additional domain, before the MOVE operand for the log file, enter two MOVE
operands: one for the data file and one for the index file.
5. Click Execute Query.

Post-Restore Tasks on SQL Server 2005

After your SmartPlant Instrumentation database has been restored, you have to create all the
required schema logins, define their default database, and grant appropriate access rights. You
perform all the post-restore tasks in the MS SQL Server Management Studio.
1. Run the MS SQL Server Management Studio on the target server and log on as the System

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 13

Database Backup and Restore

2. Do the following to create the Admin and SPI_LOGIN schema logins and two logins for each
a. In the Query window, type:
CREATE LOGIN <Admin schema name> WITH PASSWORD = '<Admin schema
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
CREATE LOGIN SPIsuper WITH PASSWORD = 'spisuper_pwd',
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
CREATE LOGIN <Domain schema name> WITH PASSWORD = '<Domain schema
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
CREATE LOGIN <View-Only Domain schema name> WITH PASSWORD =
'<View-Only Domain schema password>',
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
b. Repeat the last two CREATE LOGIN commands for each existing domain in your
c. Click Execute Query.
3. When the domain type is Owner operator, create the As-Built schema login for each domain.
Also, for each project, create Project and Combined Project schema logins as follows:
a. In the Query window, type:
CREATE LOGIN <Domain schema name> WITH PASSWORD = '<Domain schema
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
CREATE LOGIN <Domain schema name>_E_<Project Number>, WITH PASSWORD
= '<Domain schema password>_E_<Project Number>',
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
CREATE LOGIN <Domain schema name>_C_<Project Number>,
WITH PASSWORD = '<Domain schema password>_C_<Project Number>',
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>,
b. Repeat the last two CREATE LOGIN commands for each project defined in each domain.
c. Click Execute Query.
4. Define a default database for the SPIsuper login as follows:
a. In the Query window, type:
b. Click Execute Query.
5. Check the relationship between the SQL Server logins and the SQL Server database users in
the restored database. Run the following SQL to generate the login-user relationship report:
6. Fix the database user logins according to the generated report if required as follows:

14 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

a. In the Query window, type:

USE <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
'<admin login name>'
EXEC SP_CHANGE_USERS_LOGIN 'UPDATE_ONE', '<Domain schema name>',
'<Domain logon name>'
name>', '<View-Only Domain logon name>'
b. Repeat the last two EXEC commands for each existing domain in your database.
c. Click Execute Query.
7. When the domain type is Owner operator, for each As-Built schema of each domain and also
for each Project and Combined Project schemas, do the following to fix the database user
logins according to the generated report, if required as follows:
a. In the Query window, type:
USE <SmartPlant Instrumentation database name>
name>_A_1','<Domain schema logon name>_A_1',
name>_E_<Project Number>', '<Domain schema logon
name>_E_<Project Number>'
name>_C_<Project Number>', '<Domain schema logon
name>_C_<Project Number>'
b. Repeat the last two EXEC commands for each project defined for each domain.
c. Click Execute Query.

Backing up a SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on

The following procedure describes how to back up your SmartPlant Instrumentation database on
the same or another server. All the tasks are performed using the Oracle Export utility that writes
data from a source database into an operating system file in binary format. This file is stored
outside the database, and it can be read into another Oracle database using the Oracle Import
You cannot include the existing user-defined database views in your SmartPlant
Instrumentation database backup. To be able to use these views, you must make a separate
backup of all your user-defined database views before backing up your SmartPlant
Instrumentation database. Then, after restoring the SmartPlant Instrumentation database, you
need to re-create the user-defined views using InfoMaker or the database utilities of your platform.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 15

Database Backup and Restore

Backup the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database

1. Invoke the operating system Command Prompt on the source file server.
2. At the prompt, type:
EXP System/Manager@<Oracle instance alias>
FULL=Y FILE=<export file full filepath> BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<log file
full filepath >
3. Press Enter.
4. Once export is complete, you can check the log file for details.
This completes the export task. You can now copy the new dump file to another computer if

Restoring a Backed-up SmartPlant Instrumentation

Database on Oracle
The following procedure describes how to restore your SmartPlant Instrumentation database on
another Oracle server. You use the Oracle Import utility to restore the required database. The
Oracle Import utility reads the binary dump file created by the Oracle Export utility back into an
Oracle database.

Preliminary Restore Tasks

It is imperative that you perform these steps in the order presented.
1. Check the macro design of the source database by doing the following:
a. Run the SQL Plus utility.
b. In the Log On dialog box, enter the required values to log on as the System Manager.
c. In the Oracle SQL Plus window, type and then press Enter after each command:
SPOOL <result text file full filepath>
Press Enter.
Type the following:
Press Enter.
Type the following:
Press Enter.
Type the following:
Press Enter.
Type the following:
Press Enter.
Type the following:

16 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

Press Enter.
2. On the target server, create a new Oracle instance with a new database. Follow the
Installation Guide instructions to create the new instance compatible with SmartPlant
Instrumentation. Note that the new database must have the same character set as the
source database.
3. To improve the restore performance, create the Indexes, Data, and Temporary files on
different physical disks if possible.
4. Create table spaces for Admin data, Admin indexes, Admin temporary data, Domain data,
Domain indexes, and temporary data for each domain.
a. In the SQL Plus window, type and then press Enter as follows:
CREATE TABLESPACE <Admin data tablespace name>
DATAFILE '<full path and name of the Admin data file>'
SIZE <Admin data file size>M
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE TABLESPACE <Admin index tablespace name>
DATAFILE '<full path and name of the Admin index file>'
SIZE <Admin index file size>M
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Admin temporary data tablespace name>
TEMPFILE '<full path and name of the Admin temporary data file>'
SIZE <Admin temporary data file size>M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 2M
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE TABLESPACE <Domain data tablespace name>
DATAFILE '< full path and name of the Domain data file>'
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE TABLESPACE <Domain index tablespace name>
DATAFILE '<full path and name of the Domain index data file>'
SIZE <Domain index data file size>M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M
Press Enter.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 17

Database Backup and Restore

Type the following:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Domain temporary data tablespace name>
TEMPFILE '<full path and name of the Domain temporary data file>'
SIZE <Domain temporary data file size>M
Press Enter.
b. Repeat the last three CREATE commands for each required domain (as in the source
c. If the source database domains have only two table spaces, do not repeat the third
CREATE command.
5. Create database users for the Admin, Encryption, Domain, and As-Built schemas. Also,
create the INtools_Engineer Database role. In the SQL Plus window, type and press Enter
as follows:
CREATE USER <Admin schema logon name>
IDENTIFIED BY <Admin schema logon password>
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Admin data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Admin temporary data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
Type the following:
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Admin data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Admin temporary data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE USER <Domain schema logon name>
IDENTIFIED BY <Domain schema logon password>
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Domain data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Domain temporary data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE USER <View-Only Domain schema logon name>
IDENTIFIED BY <View-Only Domain schema logon password>
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Domain data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Domain temporary data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
6. If the source database contains As-Built schemas, enter the following CREATE commands for
each project in the domain:
CREATE USER <As-Built schema logon name>
IDENTIFIED BY <As-Built scheme logon password>
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Domain data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Domain temporary data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE USER <Project schema logon name> IDENTIFIED BY
<Project schema logon password>
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Domain data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Domain temporary data tablespace name>;

18 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

Press Enter.
Type the following:
CREATE USER <Combined project schema logon name>
IDENTIFIED BY <Combined project schema logon password>
DEFAULT TABLESPACE <Domain data tablespace name>
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <Domain temporary data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.

A Combined Project schema is the schema of the As-Built and project.

All As-Built schema logon names contain the _A_ string.
All Project schema logon names contain the _E_ string.
All Combined Project schema logon names contain the _C_ string.
7. Run the following commands to create the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role:
Press Enter.
8. Grant system privileges to the following SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas and
Admin schema
Domain schemas
As-Built schemas
INtools_Engineer database role
a. In the SQL Plus window, type and then press Enter as follows:
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 19

Database Backup and Restore


Press Enter.
GRANT CREATE TRIGGER TO <Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO <Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO <Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT CREATE SESSION TO <View-Only Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT CREATE SYNONYM TO <View-Only Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
b. Repeat the last five GRANT commands for each required domain.
c. If the source database contains As-Built schemas, enter the following GRANT commands
for each project in the domain:
GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO <As-Built schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO <As-Built schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO <Project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO <Project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO <Combined project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO <Combined project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
d. Repeat the last two GRANT commands for each required combination of Engineering and
Combined project in the source domain.
e. Continue setting the GRANT options:
GRANT DBA TO <Admin schema logon name> WITH ADMIN OPTION;
Press Enter.
f. Continue setting the GRANT options:
GRANT CONNECT TO <Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT RESOURCE TO <Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT INTOOLS_ENGINEER TO <Domain schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
g. Repeat the last three GRANT commands for each required domain (as in the source
h. Continue setting the GRANT options:
GRANT CONNECT TO <As-Built schema logon name>;

20 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

Press Enter.
GRANT RESOURCE TO <As-Built schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT INTOOLS_ENGINEER TO <As-Built schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT CONNECT TO <Project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT RESOURCE TO <Project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT INTOOLS_ENGINEER TO <Project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT CONNECT TO <Combined project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT RESOURCE TO <Combined project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
GRANT INTOOLS_ENGINEER TO <Combined project schema logon name>;
Press Enter.
i. Repeat the last six GRANT commands for each required combination of Project and
Combined Project in the source domain.
j. Continue setting the ALTER options:
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Admin schema logon name> DEFAULT ROLE ALL;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <View-Only Domain schema logon name> DEFAULT ROLE ALL;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Domain schema logon name> DEFAULT ROLE ALL;
Press Enter.
k. Repeat the last two ALTER commands for each required domain.
ALTER USER <As-Built schema logon name> DEFAULT ROLE ALL;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Project schema logon name> DEFAULT ROLE ALL;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Combined schema project schema logon name> DEFAULT ROLE
Press Enter.
l. Repeat the last two ALTER commands for each required combination of Project and
Combined Project in the source domain.
m. Continue setting the ALTER options:
ALTER USER <Admin schema logon name> QUOTA UNLIMITED ON <Admin data
tablespace name>;
Press Enter.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 21

Database Backup and Restore

Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Domain schema logon name> QUOTA UNLIMITED ON <Domain index
tablespace name>
QUOTA UNLIMITED ON <Domain Data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <View-Only Domain schema logon name>
QUOTA UNLIMITED ON <Domain Data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
n. Repeat the last two ALTER commands for each required domain.
o. Continue setting the ALTER options:
ALTER USER <As-Built schema logon name> QUOTA UNLIMITED ON <Domain
Data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Project schema logon name> QUOTA UNLIMITED ON <Domain Data
tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
ALTER USER <Combined project schema logon name> QUOTA UNLIMITED ON
<Domain Data tablespace name>;
Press Enter.
p. Repeat the last two ALTER commands for each required combination of Engineering and
Combined project in the source domain.
9. Restart the target database.

Restore the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database on the

Target Server
After you have completed the preliminary restore tasks, you can start restoring your backed-up
database by reading the new dump file back into your SmartPlant Instrumentation database.
1. Copy the new dump file from the source database to the target server.
2. Import the Admin schema from the dump file. At the operating system command prompt,
IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER@<new instance alias> FROMUSER=<Admin schema logon
name> TOUSER=<Admin schema logon name> FILE=<target dump file full
filepath> IGNORE=Y BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full path and name of the Admin
schema import log file>
Press Enter.
3. If the INTOOLS_LOGIN schema of the source database contains the INTOOLS_LOGIN
table, import the source INTOOLS_LOGIN schema from the dump file. At the operating
system command prompt, type:
TOUSER=INTOOLS_LOGIN FILE=<target dump file full filepath> IGNORE=Y
BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full path and name of the INTOOLS_LOGIN schema
import log file>
Press Enter.

22 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

4. Import the source Domain schemas from the dump file. For each required Domain schema,
type the following at the operating system command prompt:
IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER<new instance alias> FROMUSER=<Domain schema logon
name> TOUSER=<Domain schema logon name> FILE=<target dump file full
filepath> IGNORE=Y BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full path and name of the Domain
schema import log file>
Press Enter.
5. Import the required source View-Only Domain schemas from the dump file. For each
required View-Only Domain schema, type the following at the operating system command
IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER<new instance alias> FROMUSER=<View-Only Domain
schema logon name> TOUSER=<View-Only Domain schema logon name>
FILE=<target dump file full filepath> IGNORE=Y BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full
path and name of the View-Only Domain schema import log file>
Press Enter.
6. If the source database contains an As-Built schema, import the source As-Built schemas from
the dump file. At the operating system command prompt, type:
IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER@<new instance alias> FROMUSER=<As-Built schema logon
name> TOUSER=<As-Built schema logon name> FILE=<target dump file full
filepath> IGNORE=Y BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full path and name of the
As-Built schema import log file>
Press Enter.
7. To import the Project schemas from the dump file, for each required Project schema, at the
operating system command prompt, type:
IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER@<new instance alias> FROMUSER=
<Project schema logon name> TOUSER=<Project schema logon name>
FILE=<target dump file full filepath> IGNORE=Y BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full
path and name of the Project schema import log file>
Press Enter.
8. To import the Combined Project schemas from the dump file, for each required Combined
Project schema, at the operating system command prompt, type:
IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER@<new instance alias> FROMUSER=<Combined Project
schema logon name> TOUSER=<Combined Project schema logon name>
FILE=<target dump file full filepath> IGNORE=Y BUFFER=5000000 LOG=<full
path and name of the Combined Project schema import log file>
Press Enter.

Post-Restore Tasks
Post restore tasks include procedures that verify the validity of the imported objects. You can
also run SQL queries to find and correct problems.
Steps 1 and 2 in the following procedure are only relevant if you are working with old title
blocks created before Version 7.0 of SmartPlant Instrumentation.
1. Create Power Builder System tables for the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Run the
SQL Plus utility and log on as the system manager. In the Oracle SQL Plus window, type:
pbc_tnam varchar2(30),
pbc_tid float,
pbc_ownr varchar2(30),

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 23

Database Backup and Restore

pbc_cnam varchar2(30),
pbc_cid float,
pbc_labl varchar2(254),
pbc_lpos float,
pbc_hdr varchar2(254),
pbc_hpos float,
pbc_jtfy float,
pbc_mask varchar2(31),
pbc_case float,
pbc_hght float,
pbc_wdth float,
pbc_ptrn varchar2(31),
pbc_bmap varchar2(1),
pbc_init varchar2(254),
pbc_cmnt varchar2(254),
pbc_edit varchar2(31),
pbc_tag varchar2(254));
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
pbe_name varchar2(30),
pbe_edit varchar2(254),
pbe_type float,
pbe_cntr float,
pbe_seqn float,
pbe_flag float,
pbe_work varchar2(32));
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
pbf_name varchar2(30),
pbf_frmt varchar2(254),
pbf_type float,
pbf_cntr float);
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.

24 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore


pbt_tnam varchar2(30),
pbt_tid float,
pbt_ownr varchar2(30),
pbd_fhgt float,
pbd_fwgt float,
pbd_fitl varchar2(1),
pbd_funl varchar2(1),
pbd_fchr float,
pbd_fptc float,
pbd_ffce varchar2(18),
pbh_fhgt float,
pbh_fwgt float,
pbh_fitl varchar2(1),
pbh_funl varchar2(1),
pbh_fchr float,
pbh_fptc float,
pbh_ffce varchar2(18),
pbl_fhgt float,
pbl_fwgt float,
pbl_fitl varchar2(1),
pbl_funl varchar2(1),
pbl_fchr float,
pbl_fptc float,
pbl_ffce varchar2(18),
pbt_cmnt varchar2(254));
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
pbv_name varchar2(30),
pbv_vald varchar2(254),
pbv_type float,
pbv_cntr float,
pbv_msg varchar2(254));
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
2. Create the Power Builder System PL/SQL package for the SmartPlant Instrumentation
database. In the Oracle SQL Plus window, type:
procedure disable;
procedure put(a varchar2);
procedure put(a number);
procedure put(a date);

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 25

Database Backup and Restore

procedure put_line(a varchar2);

procedure put_line(a number);
procedure put_line(a date);
procedure new_line;
procedure get_line(line out varchar2, status out
type chararr is table of varchar2(255) index by
procedure get_lines(lines out chararr, numlines in out
Press Enter.
enabled boolean := TRUE;
buf_size binary_integer;
tmpbuf varchar2(500) := '';
putidx binary_integer := 1;
amtleft binary_integer := 0;
getidx binary_integer := 2;
getpos binary_integer := 1;
get_in_progress boolean := TRUE;
type char_arr is table of varchar2(512) index
by binary_integer;
buf char_arr;
idxlimit binary_integer;
procedure enable (buffer_size in integer default 20000)
lstatus integer;
lockid integer;
enabled := TRUE;
if buffer_size < 2000 then
buf_size := 2000;
elsif buffer_size > 1000000 then
buf_size := 1000000;
buf_size := buffer_size;
end if;
idxlimit := trunc((buf_size+499) / 500);
procedure disable is
enabled := FALSE;
procedure put(a varchar2) is
if enabled then
tmpbuf := tmpbuf || a;
end if;
procedure put(a number) is

26 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

if enabled then
tmpbuf := tmpbuf || to_char(a);
end if;
procedure put(a date) is
if enabled then
tmpbuf := tmpbuf || to_char(a);
end if;
procedure put_line(a varchar2) is
if enabled then
tmpbuf := tmpbuf || a;
end if;
procedure put_line(a number) is
if enabled then
tmpbuf := tmpbuf || to_char(a);
end if;
procedure put_line(a date) is
if enabled then
tmpbuf := tmpbuf || to_char(a);
end if;
procedure new_line is
strlen binary_integer;
if enabled then
if get_in_progress then
get_in_progress := FALSE;
putidx := 1;
amtleft := 500;
buf(putidx) := '';
end if;
strlen := lengthb(tmpbuf);
if strlen > 255 then
tmpbuf := '';
raise_application_error(-20000, 'ORU-10028: line length
overflow, ' ||
'limit of 255 bytes per line');
end if;
if strlen > amtleft then
if putidx >= idxlimit then
tmpbuf := '';
raise_application_error(-20000, 'ORU-10027: buffer
overflow, ' ||
'limit of ' || to_char(buf_size) || ' bytes');

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 27

Database Backup and Restore

end if;
buf(putidx) := buf(putidx) || ' -1';
putidx := putidx + 1;
amtleft := 500;
buf(putidx) := '';
end if;
buf(putidx) := buf(putidx) || to_char(strlen,'999')
|| tmpbuf;
amtleft := amtleft - strlen - 4;
tmpbuf := '';
end if;
procedure get_line(line out varchar2, status out integer)
strlen binary_integer;
if not enabled then
status := 1;
end if;
if not get_in_progress then
buf(putidx) := buf(putidx) || ' -1';
putidx := putidx + 1;
get_in_progress := TRUE;
getidx := 1;
getpos := 1;
tmpbuf := '';
end if;
while getidx < putidx loop
strlen := to_number(substrb(buf(getidx),getpos,4));
if strlen >= 0 then
line := substrb(buf(getidx), getpos+4, strlen);
getpos := getpos + strlen + 4;
status := 0;
getidx := getidx + 1;
getpos := 1;
end if;
end loop;
status := 1;
procedure get_lines(lines out chararr, numlines in out
integer) is
linecnt integer := 1;
s integer;
if not enabled then
numlines := 0;
end if;
while linecnt <= numlines loop
get_line(lines(linecnt), s);

28 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Database Backup and Restore

if s = 1 then
numlines := linecnt - 1;
end if;
linecnt := linecnt + 1;
end loop;
numlines := linecnt - 1;
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
3. Check if the imported database contains any invalid objects. In the Oracle SQL Plus
window, type:
Press Enter.
4. To fix the invalid objects, in the Oracle SQL Plus window, type:
Press Enter.
5. To ensure that the imported database is free of invalid objects, run the check again as
explained in step 3 above.
6. If the imported database still contains an invalid object, do the following:
If the number of invalid objects after running the check the next time is a smaller than the
number of invalid objects received the previous time (but larger than zero), run the
PL/SQL block again as in step 4.
If the number of invalid objects after running the check the next time is the same as the
number of invalid objects received the previous time, connect to the schema of each
invalid object and find out the cause of the invalid object. Correct each cause separately.
For example, to correct an invalid stored procedure, type:
ALTER PROCEDURE <stored procedure name> COMPILE;
Press Enter.
Press Enter.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 29

Database Backup and Restore

For example, if there is an error showing a missing sequence, to correct the problem, type:
CREATE SEQUENCE <sequence name>;
Press Enter.
ALTER PROCEDURE <stored procedure name> COMPILE;
Press Enter.
If the result of the previous command is "Statement processed", the problem is solved. If you
get another message, run the SHOW ERRORS command again.
7. If, after running the SELECT query in step 3, there are SmartPlant Instrumentation audit
triggers (triggers starting with TR_CL_) that are invalid objects, but the P_Audit_Triggers
stored procedure is valid, connect to the appropriate Domain schema and run the following
PL/SQL block:
Press Enter.
8. If you want to import only some of the existing source domains, do the following in the target
a. Run the SQL Plus utility.
b. Connect to the Admin schema.
c. Run the following SELECT query:
d. Run the DELETE query where you specify the project IDs of the domains that you want to
keep. The domains whose project IDs are not specified will be deleted. In the SQL
Plus window, type:
WHERE PROJ_DEL <> 'H' AND PROJ_ID NOT IN (<project ID to be
kept>,<project ID to be kept>,));
Press Enter.
WHERE PROJ_DEL <> 'H' AND PROJ_ID NOT IN (<project ID to be
kept>,<project ID to be kept>),);
Press Enter.
WHERE PROJ_ID NOT IN (<project ID to be kept>,<project ID to be kept>,)
Press Enter.
Press Enter.

30 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide


SmartPlant Instrumentation Database

Technical Review
The technical review describes general database features, such as referential integrity constraints
and database concepts. Also, it explains multi-user strategy, lists database schemas, describes
connection security issues, and database version control.
The Data Dictionary, which describes the tables, their columns, their attributes, and relations
between the tables, is available upon request.

Multi-User Strategy
Locking Mechanism
The internal locking mechanism of the RDBMS prevents two or more users from writing to the
same data simultaneously. However, SmartPlant Instrumentation requires an additional locking
mechanism to enforce some engineering rules. This is done to prevent simultaneous access by
more than one user to the same item or related data. For example, when User A is updating a
spec sheet, the system prevents User B from updating the same spec sheet or from modifying the
same instrument tag number from the Instrument Index module. Another example is when User
A is making changes to a cable. The system prevents User B from modifying the cable, its sets,
and its wires. Furthermore, if the wires are connected to a terminal, User B cannot access the
panels, strips and terminals to which these wires are connected. In this case, neither can User B
access panels, strips and terminals associated with these wires by propagation from a device
We implemented this locking in the multi-user RDBMS using stored procedures.
On Oracle, the locking is done using the statements select ... from ... where ... for update
On SQL Server, a locking table exists on which each locked item has a record. This record will
have been created when the transaction is completed.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Users

Every user logs on to SmartPlant Instrumentation using a name and a password. The software
records SmartPlant Instrumentation user logon name and password (whether encrypted or not) in
the INTOOLS_USER table.
Two types of SmartPlant Instrumentation users are registered in the database server:
System Administrator (SA) This user has privileges of the database System
Administrator. These privileges allow the System Administrator to create database schemas,
tables, and other database objects. The System Administrator is responsible for setting up
the general security definitions, such as password encryption, password expiration, whether
user names are required to be unique, and how SmartPlant Instrumentation responds to users
who log on with incorrect passwords.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 31

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review

SmartPlant Instrumentation user This user has privileges limited to mainly connected
schemas including some minimal rights in the Admin schema. SmartPlant Instrumentation
Domain Administrator is a SmartPlant Instrumentation user who has privileges to grant access
rights for user groups and perform various administration activities.

Windows Authentication Logon Method

The System Administrator can enable the user to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation using the
Windows authentication logon method. Windows authentication logon method allows the
software to create SmartPlant Instrumentation users automatically and assign them to existing
SmartPlant Instrumentation groups as soon as these users start SmartPlant Instrumentation. For
more information, see the Windows Authentication topic in SmartPlant Instrumentation Online
Help. The following is an example of a Windows authentication logon format:
Windows domain\Windows user name
In this example, the Windows user name corresponds to the name of user's computer.

SmartPlant Instrumentation User Access Rights

SmartPlant Instrumentation Domain Administrator assigns users to groups and grants access
rights for each group. When assigning a user to a group, the software associates this user
automatically with the appropriate domain. A group can contain one or more users and a
particular user can belong to more than one group.
User definitions and user access rights only apply to SmartPlant Instrumentation application
activities and access to SmartPlant Instrumentation items. User definitions and user access
rights do not apply to database access or database schema logon name and password.

Logon Data and Database Connection Security

This section provides detailed information about database schemas and their functions and about
types of SmartPlant Instrumentation users. Also, the section describes how the software
retrieves the database schema logon data to connect to the SmartPlant Instrumentation
database. Using this information, you can learn how to enhance your logon data and database
connection security if needed.
SmartPlant Instrumentation is a Client/Server product. Therefore, two layers of security are
maintained. On the user side, the application handles access rights to prevent users from
accessing different items in the system, and can give different levels of access (for example, view
only, modify, add) to various application sections. For details, see Administration Module User's
Guide, Domain Administration > Access Rights > Grant Access Rights.
On the database side, it is important to prevent users who do not have the appropriate access
rights from accessing data using external tools. It is also important to eliminate the possibility of
SmartPlant Instrumentation users without appropriate access rights from accessing other data
that may reside on the same database server.

32 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Technical Review

Other Database Objects

Grants are given via the INTOOLS_ENGINEER role permissions.
The Administration (Admin) schema gets a DBA grant.
Each domain receives its grant to view all tables in the Administration schema and update
permission for REV_SOFTWARE in the domain table.
Domains receive grants to update columns in the DOMAIN and LICENSE tables of the Admin

On Oracle, the synonym is given to Admin tables for each domain so it can be read from each

The sequence is used to create unique numbers for the table's Primary Keys.
SEQ_NEXT_ID - to give the next sequence number for the row ID.
All new records use the same sequence except the cascade tables: cable-set-wire; and
panel-strip-terminal. For these tables, the top-level item type is given a sequence number like
all the other tables, then the system just selects the lowest number available and grows
sequentially (that is, when creating a panel, the panel_id will be taken from the sequence, the
first strip ID will be 1, the first terminal in this strip will be 1, and the rest of the terminals will go
from there: 2,3,4,...).
On Oracle, the sequence cache is 100. Oracle needs to complete reading a set of 100
sequence numbers before accessing the disk to read the next set of sequence numbers.
On Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere and SQL Server, tables with the same names
(SEQ_NEXT_ID and so forth) replace the functionality of the sequence.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 33


Internal Setup Utility

The Internal Setup Utility is for the use of System Administrators to troubleshoot and fix database
problems in SmartPlant Instrumentation without the need to log on to SmartPlant
Instrumentation. The Internal Setup Utility is installed when you perform your network
With the Internal Setup Utility, you can execute SQL commands for updating the database or for
ODBC configuration. You can also compare and match a version of SmartPlant Instrumentation
with the number available in the version information file.
Incorrect use of this utility can damage the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. If
you are unsure of any of the procedures, back-up your database and contact Intergraph Support
before starting to work with the Internal Setup Utility.

Internal Setup Commands

Open Allows you to open an external SQL file in the Query pane of the Database Type Test
and Query window. The encoding of the source SQL file must be Unicode LE. You can then
execute the retrieved SQL statements as needed.
Available when the Database Type Test and Query window is open and you are
connected to the database.
Close Closes the Database Type Test and Query window.
Available when the Database Type Test and Query window is open.
Save As Saves the results of an SQL Select command in a specified format.
Active only after you connect to a database.
Print Prints the results of an SQL Select command.
Active only after you connect to a database.
Database Type Test and Query Opens the Database Type Test and Query window to test
your database connection and version compatibility. You can also query your database from this
window by means of SQL commands.
Printer Diagnostics Opens the Printer Diagnostics dialog box, which displays details of your
current default printer settings and allows you to specify the printing orientation. From this dialog
box, you can also launch the Properties dialog box if you need to change the printer settings.
Versions Opens the Versions dialog box, where you compare SmartPlant Instrumentation
and template database versions with the version information file.

The Action menu is available only when the Database Type Test and Query window is
open. Note that you can access most of these commands by clicking the icons that become
active when you open this window.
(Database connection actions)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 35

Internal Setup Utility

Use INI file Copies the database settings from the Intools.ini file to the fields under the
Connection setting group box.
Connect Connects to the database indicated by the parameters.
(Database query actions) Active only after you connect to a database.
Execute Executes any SQL commands that you typed in the Query pane.

Available only from the Internal Setup window.
Create ODBC Profile Creates an ODBC profile to configure SmartPlant Instrumentation
database files.
Rebuild Procedures and Triggers Identifies abnormal database behavior and corrects it by
rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers in the database.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Structure and

The SmartPlant Instrumentation database consists of a hierarchy, where each level of the
hierarchy contains tables that are specific to that level. The highest level of the hierarchy is the
Admin schema. On the next level of the hierarchy, there is a Domain schema for each domain
you initialize in the database. For an engineering company domain, the hierarchy can be
represented as follows:

Within each domain, there are plant hierarchy levels. By default, each domain has three levels as
follows: <plant>, <area>, and <unit>. When you perform an upgrade, the Admin schema is
updated first, and then the software prompts you to upgrade domains (one domain at a time).
The following table shows most common types of data you can define at each level of the

Level Table Data Included Note

Admin Users, user groups, naming
schema conventions, access rights

36 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

Level Table Data Included Note

Domain instrument types and other
schema supporting tables, spec
forms, reference wiring
<Plant> Wiring data, custom fields
<Area> None Used as a container only
<Unit> Loops, instruments The software checks
uniqueness at the <unit>
There is a connection between the data settings at each level of the plant hierarchy, for example,
an instrument tag includes data from various tables at the following levels:
COMPONENT table (contains instruments) at the <unit> level
Supporting tables at the domain level
PD_GENERAL table (contains process functions, such as pressure, flow, temperature, and so
forth) at the <unit> level
SPEC_SHEET_DATA table (contains specification data) at the <unit> level
See Also
Database Relationship Example (on page 38)
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)

Referential Integrity Constraints

There are foreign keys between the parent and child tables. In some cases the referential
constraints cannot be kept via foreign keys due to technical limitations, so the stored procedures
and triggers perform the constraints.
Due to a mutating problem, some referential integrity in Oracle and SQL Server is kept only in
stored procedures and triggers or in the application (referred to in the table as o(p)).
Some parent tables in SmartPlant Instrumentation, mostly supporting tables (also known as
validation tables) have initial rows for cases where the child table is not required to have a defined
value for the parent table. The ID number of these rows is usually 0. In Sybase Adaptive Server
Anywhere, these table columns are defined with a default of 0 and the foreign key is set to default
on deletion of the corresponding records. With other platforms, this emulation is done by the
application or the database code and a restricted foreign key exists.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 37

Internal Setup Utility

Database Relationship Example

The following example shows how data in the LOOP and COMPONENT tables is related.
The LOOP table includes the following columns:

Column Example Value Column Status

LOOP_ID 1000 Primary key
LOOP_SERV Feed to B-101 Pass A

The COMPONENT table includes the following columns:

Column Example Value Column Status

CMPNT_ID 999 Primary key
LOOP_ID 1000 Foreign key
CMPNT_SERV Heat exchanger inlet
A primary key is the column or a combination of columns where the values determine the
uniqueness of each record. Note that both tables include the column LOOP_ID. This column is
the primary key in the LOOP table. In the COMPONENT table, the LOOP_ID column uses the
value of LOOP_ID in the LOOP table to associate the tag to the loop, and is therefore the foreign
key in the COMPONENT table.
In the LOOP table, there is a zero row, which is used as a reference row if you create a tag that is
not associated with any loop.
The following SQL Select command retrieves loop numbers and instrument tag numbers with the
associations between them:
Select component.cmpnt_name, loop.loop_name from component, loop where
component.loop_id = loop.loop_id;
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Structure (see "SmartPlant Instrumentation Database
Structure and Schemas" on page 36)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas

SmartPlant Instrumentation database schemas are internal objects that hold SmartPlant
Instrumentation data and enable the software to connect to the database. Each database
schema has a logon name and password, which the software uses to connect to the database.
The following schemas exist in SmartPlant Instrumentation:
Admin Schema (on page 39)
Domain Schema (on page 40)
INTOOLS_LOGIN Schema (on page 40)
SPI_login Schema (on page 40)
SPIsuper Schema (on page 41)
View-Only Domain Schema (on page 41)

38 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

Owner Operator Domain Schemas (on page 41)

See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Structure (see "SmartPlant Instrumentation Database
Structure and Schemas" on page 36)

Admin Schema
The Admin schema holds SmartPlant Instrumentation administration data managed by the
System Administrator. The logo name and password of the Admin schema depend on your
database platform.

Admin Schema in a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Database

Every shipped Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database already contains the Admin schema
with the IN_DBAMN logon name and IN_DBAMN logon password. In a Sybase Adaptive Server
Anywhere database, it is not possible to modify or encrypt the Admin schema. When connecting
to the Admin schema, the software retrieves the Admin schema logon name and password from
the Intools.ini file.

Admin Schema in a SQL Server Database

The software creates the Admin schema in your SQL Server instance on the database server
when you run the DB Setup Utility. The default Admin schema logon name is SPI_DBAMN. The
default Admin schema logon password is SPI_DBA. SmartPlant Instrumentation System
Administrator can redefine the default name and password when running the DB Setup Utility,
provided that the schema password is different from the schema name.

Admin Schema in an Oracle Database

The software creates the Admin schema in your Oracle instance on the database server when you
run the DB Setup Utility. The default Admin schema logon name and password is
IN_DBAMN. SmartPlant Instrumentation System Administrator can redefine the default name
and password when running the DB Setup Utility.
The software adds the Oracle role DBA with maximum privileges to the Admin schema. The
software uses the DBA role when running the DB Setup Utility, initializing a new domain, or
upgrading the software. Furthermore, the following Administration module activities cannot be
performed without the DBA role:
Assigning Administrator rights
Deleting a domain
Deleting an invalid domain
Accessing the database
Encrypting passwords of SmartPlant Instrumentation users
Managing security
Resizing tablespaces
Working with the tablespace list
Rebuilding catalog tables
Rebuilding stored procedures and triggers
Rebuilding domain views
Clearing locking

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 39

Internal Setup Utility

By default, regardless of the database platform, the Admin schema logon password
is not encrypted. On Oracle or SQL Server, if needed, the System Administrator can encrypt the
Admin schema logon password. For more information, see User's Guide, Administration Module
> System Administration > Database Security > Encrypt the Admin Schema Logon
Password. When encrypting the password, the software removes the Admin schema logon name
and password from the Intools.ini file and stores this data in the INTOOLS_LOGIN table of the
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

Domain Schema
The Domain schema holds SmartPlant Instrumentation domain data, managed by the Domain
Administrator and engineers. The software creates the Domain schema when the System
Administrator initializes a domain. The System Administrator is prompted to define the Domain
schema name and password and the defined Domain schema name becomes the domain logon
name in the database. In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the Domain schema password is
not encrypted and cannot be encrypted; after initializing a domain, the Domain schema logon
name and password become set permanently in the software. In Oracle or SQL Server, the
System Administrator can encrypt all the Domain schema logon passwords in the database if
needed. When performing a database connection, the software retrieves the logon name and
password from the PROJECT table of the Admin schema.
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

INTOOLS_LOGIN is a SmartPlant Instrumentation database schema created only in Oracle
during the database setup. This schema stores the encrypted Admin schema password in the
database. The schema logon name and password are both intools_login. The logon name is
set permanently in the software. The System Administrator can change and encrypt the
intools_login password if needed.
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

SPI_login Schema
SPI_login is a SmartPlant Instrumentation database schema (database user) created only in SQL
Server during the database setup. Each SPI_login schema stores the encrypted Admin schema
password in the database. This schema login is shared for all databases you create in a
particular SQL Server instance. For example, if you create SPI1 and SPI2 databases in the same
instance, each database contains the SPI_login schema but, at the instance level, both schemas
share the same login, whose name is SPI_login and password is spi_login_pwd (lower
case). The login name is set permanently in the software. The System Administrator can
change and encrypt the spi_login_pwd password if needed.
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

40 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

SPIsuper Schema
SPIsuper is a SmartPlant Instrumentation database user created only in SQL Server during the
database setup. This schema is used when you initialize and define a domain, and also when
you back up, upgrade, or delete a domain. Furthermore, this schema is used when you run any
DBA menu option in the System Administration window.
The schema login is shared for all databases you create in a particular SQL Server instance. For
example, if you create SPI1 and SPI2 databases in the same instance, each database contains
the SPIsuper schema but, at the instance level, both schemas share the same login. The login
name is SPIsuper and the password is spisuper_pwd (lower case). Both the login name and
password are set permanently in the software.
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

View-Only Domain Schema

The View-Only Domain schema holds database views of all tables in a domain. The software
creates this schema when the System Administrator initializes a domain. This schema enables
viewing data for users of report generators, such as Microsoft Access and InfoMaker. The
View-Only Domain schema logon name and password that the software creates is <DOMAIN
NAME>_VIEW, where the DOMAIN NAME segment corresponds to the Domain schema logon
name in the database. The logon name is set permanently in the software. The default logon
password is <DOMAIN NAME>_VIEW. In the database, the password is not encrypted. The
System Administrator can change the password only once, when initializing a new domain. On
the Initialize dialog box, the default password and the characters that you type when changing the
password appear masked.
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

Owner Operator Domain Schemas

An owner operator domain is a domain that supports an As- Built functionality with multiple
projects. There are three owner operator domain schemas.
As-Built Schema Holds As-Built database views. The software creates the logon name and
password automatically using the following naming convention: <domain name>_a_1. The
<domain name> segment corresponds to the Domain schema logon name in the database. The
As- Built schema logon name and password are identical to each other. When performing a
database connection, the software retrieves the logon name and password from the
ENGINEERING_PROJECT table of the Domain schema. The password <domain name>_a_1
is not encrypted. The logon name and password are set permanently in the software.
Project Schema Holds project database views. The software creates the logon name and
password automatically using the following naming convention:
<domain name>_e_<project id number>. The <domain name> segment corresponds to the
Domain schema logon name in the database. The Project schema logon name and password
are identical to each other. When performing a database connection, the software retrieves the
logon name and password from the ENGINEERING_PROJECT table of the Domain
schema. The password <domain name>_e_<project id number> is not encrypted. The logon
name and password are set permanently in the software.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 41

Internal Setup Utility

Combined Project Schema Holds database views of a project used in a combination with
As-Built. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, such a combination enables the user to open a project
with As-Built items displayed. The software creates the logon name and password automatically
using the following naming convention:
<domain name>_c_<project id number>. The <domain name> segment corresponds to the
Domain schema logon name in the database. The Combined Project schema logon name and
password are identical to each other. When performing a database connection, the software
retrieves the logon name and password from the ENGINEERING_PROJECT table of the Domain
schema. The password <domain name>_c_<project id number> is not encrypted. The logon
name and password are set permanently in the software.
See Also
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Internal Setup Utility allows you to connect to the Admin schema or Domain schema and then
run various SQL commands to view or modify data in the tables. On Oracle or SQL Server, if the
Admin schema is not encrypted, any user can connect to the Admin schema, view user logon
information, or update data in the Admin schema tables, or retrieve Domain schema logon
information and then connect to the appropriate Domain schema. If the System Administrator
encrypted the Admin schema, you can connect to the Admin schema only if you know the Admin
schema logon password. It is not possible to encrypt the Admin schema on Sybase Adaptive
Server Anywhere. For details about the Admin schema encryption, see User's Guide,
Administration Module > System Administration > Database Security > Encrypt the Admin
Schema Logon Password.
When you connect to the Admin schema, depending on whether the Admin schema password is
encrypted or not, the software retrieves the Admin schema logon name and password in one of
the following ways:
If the Admin schema is not encrypted, the software connects to the Admin schema using the
Admin schema logon name and password from the Intools.ini file. On an Oracle platform, the
default logon name and password are IN_DBAMN. On a SQL Server platform, the default
logon name is SPI_DBAMN and the password is SPI_DBA. It is possible to specify different
settings during SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. In SQL Server, the name must
be different from the password.
If the Admin schema is encrypted, the software connects to the INTOOLS_LOGIN schema
and then retrieves the Admin schema logon name and password from the INTOOLS_LOGIN
When you connect to a Domain schema, the software performs the following actions:
a. Connects to the Admin schema.
b. After retrieving the Admin schema logon name and password, the software connects to
the Domain schema and retrieves the Domain schema logon name and password from
the PROJECT table of the Admin schema.
The following connection actions only apply when the domain type is Owner operator:
After connecting to the Domain schema, the software connects to a project schema (As-Built
or project) and retrieves the logon name and password from the ENGINEERING_PROJECT
table of the Domain schema.

42 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

When a SmartPlant Instrumentation user opens a project with As-Built items displayed, the
software connects to the Combined Project schema and retrieves the logon name and
password from the ENGINEERING_PROJECT table of the Domain schema.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)
ODBC Profiles (on page 55)
Checking Database Version Compatibility (on page 49)

Testing the Database Connection Common Tasks

These tasks deal with testing the connection to the Admin schema or Domain schema of the
SmartPlant Instrumentation database. Click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then
click the topic that you want.

Connect to the Admin Schema

Use this procedure to test the connection to the Admin schema in your database. You can either
connect to the database whose connection settings are specified in the Intools.ini file or connect to
a different database. For details, see Connect to the Admin Schema (on page 44).

Connect to the Domain Schema on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

Use this procedure to test the connection to a specific Domain schema residing in Sybase
Adaptive Server Anywhere. You can either connect to the Domain schema whose connection
settings are specified in the Intools.ini file or connect to a different Sybase Adaptive Server
Anywhere database, provided that you previously created the appropriate ODBC profile. For
details, see Connect to the Domain Schema on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (on page 44).

Connect to the Domain Schema on Oracle

Use this procedure to test the connection to a specific Domain schema residing in Oracle. You
can either connect to the database whose connection settings are specified in the Intools.ini file or
connect to a different database, provided that you know the Oracle instance alias for the target
Oracle database. For details, see Connect to the Domain Schema on Oracle (on page 45).

Connect to the Domain Schema on SQL Server

Use this procedure to test the connection to a specific Domain schema residing in SQL
Server. You can either connect to the database whose connection settings are specified in the
Intools.ini file or connect to a different SQL Server database, provided that you previously created
the appropriate ODBC profile. For details, see Connect to the Domain Schema on SQL Server
(on page 46).

Connect to the As-Built Schema

Use this procedure to connect to the As-Built schema in an owner operator domain. For details,
see Connect to the As- Built Schema (see "Connect to the As-Built Schema" on page 47).

Connect to a Project Schema

Use this procedure to connect to a specific Project schema in an owner operator domain. For
details, see Connect to a Project Schema (on page 48).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 43

Internal Setup Utility

Connect to a Combined Project Schema

Use this procedure to connect to a specific Combined Project schema in an owner operator
domain. For details, see Connect to a Combined Project Schema (on page 48).
See Also
Checking Database Version Compatibility (on page 49)
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)

Connect to the Admin Schema

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Use INI File.
On the toolbar, click to retrieve the parameters from the Intools.ini file for the current
Admin schema.
3. Under, Database type group box, select the type of database that you are working in, and
then, under Connection settings, type the appropriate database parameters in the boxes to
retrieve the parameters from a different Admin schema.
On Oracle or SQL Server, the System Administrator can prevent unauthorized
connections to the Admin schema by encrypting the Admin schema password using the
Administration module option. When encrypting the password, the software removes the
Admin schema logon name and password from the Intools.ini file and stores this data in the
database. Therefore, if the password is encrypted, you cannot retrieve it automatically from
the Intools.ini file but must enter it manually. For more information, see the Administration
Module User's Guide > System Administration > Database Security > Encrypt the Admin
Schema Logon Password.
4. Do one of the following:
On the menu bar, click Actions > Connect.
On the toolbar, click .
The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a successful
operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining the reason for
the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)
Checking Database Version Compatibility (on page 49)

Connect to the Domain Schema on Sybase Adaptive Server

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Do one of the following:
To connect to the Admin schema whose parameters are defined in the Intools.ini file on
the current client machine, click Actions > Use INI File.
The software automatically retrieves the connection parameters from the Intools.ini file for
the Admin schema.

44 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

To connect directly to the target Domain schema without specifying the Admin schema
parameters first, under Database type, select Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere.

When connecting to a Domain schema in a database that is located on another machine,

make sure that the appropriate ODBC profile exists on the current machine. For details,
see Create an ODBC Profile for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (on page 56).
The ODBC driver box must display ODBC.
3. Under Connection settings, do the following:
In the Schema logon name box, type the target Domain schema logon name specified
by the System Administrator when initializing the domain.
In the Schema logon password box, type the target Domain schema logon password
specified by the System Administrator when initializing the domain.
4. If the DBParm box is empty, enter the following string:
DBParm=ConnectString='DSN=<ODBC profile name>;UID=<Domain schema logon
name>;PWD=<Domain schema logon password>.'

If the Database name box does not display any setting, you can leave it blank.
If you connected to the Admin schema using the Intools.ini file parameters, the DBParm
string is retrieved automatically from the Intools.ini file. When you change the login name
and password, the software automatically updates the DBParm string. For example, if
the DBParm string for connecting to the Admin schema is
ConnectString='DSN=INTOOLS;UID=IN_DBAMN;PWD=IN_DBAMN' and your target
Domain schema name is DEMO and password is also DEMO, the DBParm string
changes to ConnectString='DSN=INTOOLS;UID=DEMO;PWD=DEMO'.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Connect.
Click .
The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a successful
operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining the reason for
the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)
Checking Database Version Compatibility (on page 49)

Connect to the Domain Schema on Oracle

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Under Database type, do the following:
Select Oracle.
In the ODBC driver box, enter the DBMS parameter of your Oracle version. For
example, if you use Oracle 9i, enter O90.
3. Under Connection settings, do the following:
In the Schema logon name box, enter the target Domain schema logon name specified
by the System Administrator when initializing the domain.
In the Schema logon password box, enter the target Domain schema logon password
specified by the System Administrator when initializing the domain.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 45

Internal Setup Utility

4. In the Server name and Database name boxes, enter the Oracle instance alias name, which
is the same for the Oracle server name and Oracle database name.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Connect.
Click .
The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a successful
operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining the reason for
the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)
Checking Database Version Compatibility (on page 49)

Connect to the Domain Schema on SQL Server

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Do one of the following:
To connect to the Admin schema whose parameters are defined in the Intools.ini file on
the current client machine, click Actions > Use INI File.
The software automatically retrieves the connection parameters from the Intools.ini file for
the Admin schema.
To connect directly to the target Domain schema without specifying the Admin schema
parameters first, under Database type, select SQL Server.

When connecting to a Domain schema in a database that is located on another machine,

make sure that the appropriate ODBC profile exists on the current machine. For details,
see ODBC Profiles (on page 55).
The ODBC driver box must display MSS. This value is retrieved from the Intools.ini file,
where it appears in the [Database] section as the DBMS parameter value. Make sure
that in the MSS value of the DBMS parameter appears in upper case. Otherwise, it is not
possible to work with specifications in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
3. Under Connection settings, do the following:
4. In the Schema logon name box, type the target Domain schema logon name specified by the
System Administrator when initializing the domain.
5. In the Schema logon password box, type the target Domain schema logon password
specified by the System Administrator when initializing the domain.
6. Enter or modify the DBParm string using the following values:
DBParm=ConnectString='DSN=<ODBC profile name>;UID=<Domain schema logon
name>;PWD=<Domain schema logon password>', DisableBind=1
If you connected to the Admin schema using the Intools.ini file parameters, the
DBParm string is retrieved automatically from the Intools.ini file. When you change the logon
name and password, the software does not update the DBParm string. You must manually
change the UID and PWD values to match the Domain schema logon name and password

For SQL Server 2008, the default ODBC profile name for SQL Server is MSS2008. For
SQL Server 2012, the default ODBC profile name for SQL Server is MSS2012.

46 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

If the Server name and Database name boxes do not display any settings, you can leave
them blank.
7. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Connect.
Click .
The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a
successful operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining
the reason for the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)
Checking Database Version Compatibility (on page 49)

Connect to the As-Built Schema

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Connect to the Domain schema.
3. In the Query pane, type the following command:
4. Click Execute.
5. On the SQL Result window, scroll right to display the Eng Log Name and Eng Log Pass

The Eng Log Name and Eng Log Pass columns contain As-Built and Project schema
logon information.
In the ENGINEERING_PROJECT table, the As-Built row is the one whose Eng Proj ID
column value is 1.
6. Type the As-Built schema logon name, which appears in the Eng Log Name column, in the
Schema logon name box in the Database Type Test and Query window.
7. Type the As-Built schema logon password, which appears in the Eng Log Pass column, in
the Schema logon password box in the Database Type Test and Query window.
8. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Connect.
Click .
The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a successful
operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining the reason for
the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 47

Internal Setup Utility

Connect to a Project Schema

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Connect to the Domain schema.
3. In the Query pane, type following command:
4. Click Execute.
5. On the SQL Result window, scroll right to display the Eng Log Name and Eng Log Pass
The Eng Log Name and Eng Log Pass columns contain Project and As- Built schema
logon information. The Engineer Name column displays names of existing projects.
6. Type the target Project schema logon name, which appears in the Eng Log Name column, in
the Schema logon name box in the Database Type Test and Query window.
7. Type the target Project schema logon password, which appears in the Eng Log Pass column,
in the Schema logon password box in the Database Type Test and Query window.
8. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Connect.
Click .
The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a successful
operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining the reason for
the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)

Connect to a Combined Project Schema

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Connect to the Domain schema.
3. In the Query pane, type following command:
4. Click Execute.
5. On the SQL Result window, scroll right to display the Eng Log Name and Eng Log Pass
The As-Built log Name and As-built Log Pass columns contain Combined Project
schema logon information. The Engineer Name column displays names of existing projects.
6. Type the target Combined Project schema logon name, which appears in the As-built log
Name column, in the Schema logon name box in the Database Type Test and Query
7. Type the target Combined Project schema logon password, which appears in the As-built
Log Pass column, in the Schema logon password box in the Database Type Test and
Query window.
8. Do one of the following:
Click Actions > Connect.
Click .

48 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

The Results pane displays the result of the connection. A zero (0) indicates a successful
operation. Codes that indicate a connection failure include a message explaining the reason for
the failure.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)

Checking Database Version Compatibility

When you run SmartPlant Instrumentation after installation or update, if a message appears that
there is an inconsistency between the database and the application, this procedure can help you
to start troubleshooting the source of the problem. You can then notify Intergraph Support.

Check the Database and Application Versions

1. On the menu bar, click File > Versions.
2. Click Read.
By default, the Internal Setup Utility reads data from the SmartPlant Instrumentation
database and the version information file.
3. Beside Domain, select the domain in which you want to check the version numbers.

If the version information file number is higher than the corresponding domain database
number, the most likely reason for the incompatibility is that the database needs
updating. In this case, you should open the Administration module and run the upgrade
option on the domain.
If the version information file number is lower than the corresponding domain database
number, the most likely reason is that an older SmartPlant Instrumentation version was
installed over an existing database. In this case, you should contact Intergraph Support
for further assistance.
The template database does not have a version number.

Commands and Controls

Database Type Test and Query Window
You use this window to connect to a database and to run SQL commands.
On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query to open this window.

Database type
In this group box, you select the platform on which your database runs. The following options are
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
SQL Server
If you click Actions > Use INI File, the software selects the database type automatically.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 49

Internal Setup Utility

ODBC driver Accept the default value for the database platform, or type a different value. If
your database is Oracle, you must enter the DBMS parameter of your Oracle version. For
example, for Oracle 11g, enter ORA. If you click Actions > Use INI File, the software retrieves
the DBMS parameter value from the [Database] section of Intools.ini file and displays this value in
the ODBC driver box automatically.
When the database platform is SQL Server, make sure that the ODBC driver box
displays MSS in upper case. In the Intools.ini file, the string DBMS=MSS must display MSS in
upper case; otherwise, it is not possible to work with specifications in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Connection settings
Displays the connection settings retrieved from the Intools.ini file or allows you to enter the
connection settings manually if you need to connect to another database.
Schema logon name Allows you to type the logon name of the Admin or Domain schema.
Schema logon password Allows you to type the logon password of the Admin or Domain
schema. The password characters appear masked.
Server name Allows you to type the Oracle instance alias for the server to which you want to
Only required when the database type is Oracle.
Database name Allows you to type the Oracle instance alias for the database to which you
want to connect. The alias name is the same for both boxes.
Only required when the database type is Oracle.
DBParm Displays the connection string as defined for the DBParm parameter under the
[Database] section of the Intools.ini file.
Only required when the database type is SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server
On SQL Server, if you first connected to the Admin schema by using the Intools.ini
file parameters, when connecting to a Domain schema on SQL Server, you must manually change
the UID and PWD values to match the displayed target Domain schema logon name and
password respectively. On Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the DBParm string is updated
automatically as you change the values in the Schema logon name or Schema logon
password boxes.
Auto commit Allows you to execute a batch of SQL commands. If you clear the check box,
when executing SQL commands, the software prompts you to execute each SQL command
Query Allow you to enter the SQL command that you want to execute for the database to which
you are connected.
Results Displays the result of making a database connection or executing SQL
commands. On connecting to the database, a zero (0) parameter indicates a successful

Database Type Test and Query Toolbar

Use .INI Allows you to copy the database settings from the Intools.ini file to the boxes in
the Connection setting dialog box.
Connect Connects to the database specified in the Database type and Connection
setting parameters.
The following icons are active only after you connect to a database.
Execute Executes the SQL commands that you typed in the Query pane.

50 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

Open Opens an .sql file.

Save as Save the results of an SQL Select command in a specified format.
Print Print the results of an SQL Select command.

Use this dialog box together with Intergraph Support to compare SmartPlant Instrumentation and
template database versions with the version information file, c_ver.pbd.

Read from
From this group box, select one or more of the following:
User database Select to read version data from the database used for creating and managing
SmartPlant Instrumentation data.
Template database Select to read version data from the SmartPlant Instrumentation template
database file, in_templ.db. This file is used for database upgrade.
Version file Select to read version data from the version information file, c_ver.pbd.
Domain After clicking Read to display the data, select the domain to which you want to
compare the version information.
Admin Displays the Admin schema version ID in each category.
Domain Displays the Domain schema version ID in each category.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 51


SQL Queries
This section contains topics about using SQL Queries in the Internal Setup Utility.

In This Section
Executing SQL Commands ........................................................... 53
Execute a SQL Command ............................................................. 53
Examples of SQL Commands ....................................................... 54
Save SQL Results in a Specified File Format ............................... 54
Commands and Controls ............................................................... 55

Executing SQL Commands

You can execute SQL commands to retrieve data from the database, or to update values in the
database. After retrieving data, you can save it in several formats such as Excel spreadsheets,
PowerSoft reports, SQL, and so forth. You execute SQL commands in the Database Type Test
and Query window, in which you can either type an SQL command in the Query pane or load
SQL commands from an external SQL file, provided that the file encoding is Unicode LE.
In the Internal Setup Utility, it is possible to run certain SQL commands generated by the
DBChecker Utility. However, when using the Internal Setup Utility on the SQL Server platform,
commands that contain 'go' do not run. To be able to run these commands in the Internal Setup
Utility, change all the occurrences of 'go' with ';'.

Execute a SQL Command

1. On the menu bar, click File > Database Type Test and Query.
2. Do one of the following:
Define connection parameters for the Admin schema by clicking Actions > Use INI File
on the menu bar or by clicking on the toolbar.
Define connection parameters for the appropriate Domain schema. For details, see
Testing the Database Connection Common Tasks (on page 43).
3. Do one of the following:
On the menu bar, click Actions > Connect.
On the toolbar, click .
4. Do one of the following:
Under Query, type the SQL command that you want to execute. End each command
with a ; (semicolon) and do not type more than one SQL Select command.
On the menu bar, click File > Open, and then, select an external SQL file with the .sql
The encoding of the source SQL file must be Unicode LE. Any other SQL file encoding
is not supported.
5. Do one of the following:
On the menu bar, click Actions > Execute.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 53

Internal Setup Utility

Examples of SQL Commands

The following SQL Select command retrieves the current software version and domain name from
the Admin schema tables:
Select rev_software, proj_name from project;
The following SQL Select command retrieves loop numbers and their associated instrument tag
numbers from the Domain schema tables:
Select component.cmpnt_name, loop.loop_name from component, loop where
component.loop_id = loop.loop_id;
Select c.cmpnt_name, l.loop_name from component c, loop l where
c.loop_id = l.loop_id;

End each command with a ; (semicolon).

In this example, the where argument ensures that the tag numbers appear with the correct
relationship to the loops to which they belong.

Save SQL Results in a Specified File Format

1. Execute an SQL Select command.
2. With the SQL Result dialog box open, click File > Save As.
3. On the Save As dialog box, select one of the following data formats:
Original: Saves the data in all the fields, including the ones that are not visible in the
preview, for example, internal database ID numbers. This option is recommended if you
want to save the file in .psr or .sql format, or if you want to re- import the data into
SmartPlant Instrumentation at a later stage.
Data Only: Saves only the data that is visible in the preview. This option is recommended
for easier viewing of the data, and also enables you to manipulate the headers and select
the columns you want to display.
4. Click OK and navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
5. Select the required file format and type the name of the file, then click Save.

You can save a result in the original format as an SQL file under the name of the table that you
specified in the Select command. When you run the SQL file, it creates the table. You can
delete all the data except for the set of values under the first insert into section and run the file
as a script to insert the zero (default) line if it is missing. This is a requirement for making
correct validations in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere.
If you save SQL results in SQL format and you intend to open the SQL file in the Internal Setup
Utility later, make sure you select the correct encoding, which is Unicode LE.

54 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

Commands and Controls

Save As Dialog Box
This dialog box enables you to save your query results as an external file. Among the formats
supported are Microsoft Excel, PowerSoft, and SQL.

Saves the data in all the fields, including internal database ID numbers and so forth. This option
is recommended if you want to save the file in . psr, .xls, or .sql format, or if you want to re-import
the data into SmartPlant Instrumentation at a later stage.

Data only
Saves only the report data that is visible in the preview. This option is recommended for easier
viewing of the data, and enables you to manipulate the headers and select the columns you want
to display.
Include headers Allows you to include the column headers in the new file you are
saving. This option is available only if you selected Data only.
Edit headers Opens the Edit Column Headers dialog box where you can edit the column
headers SmartPlant Instrumentation saves in the new external file. This option is available only if
you selected Data only and Include headers.

ODBC Profiles
SmartPlant Instrumentation uses an ODBC profile when connecting to a SmartPlant
Instrumentation database on SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. When you
install SmartPlant Instrumentation on SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, the
software automatically creates an ODBC profile on your client machine. The created profile type
is System DSN, which allows every user working on this machine to connect to the database using
this profile. You do not need to configure this profile to connect to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

SQL Server ODBC Profiles

When you install SmartPlant Instrumentation on SQL Server, the software creates an ODBC
profile on the Windows registry level and also adds database profile connection parameters in the
[Database] section of the Intools.ini file. For SQL Server 2008 (or SQL Server 2012) database
server, on every client machine where you install SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software
creates the MSS2008 (or MSS2012) profile. It is not possible to create SQL Server ODBC
profiles using the Internal Setup Utility. However, you can use the Internal Setup Utility to test the
connection to your database using any other ODBC profile for SQL Server that exists in your
Windows registry.

To ensure that you do not receive errors when opening a domain from your database, in the
[Database] section of the Intools.ini file, the ServerName parameter must have the same
value as <ODBC profile name> in the ODBC connection string.
You must use your tools to create an ODBC profile if you want to connect from your client
machine to another SmartPlant instrumentation database residing on a different machine.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 55

Internal Setup Utility

Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ODBC Profiles

When installing SmartPlant Instrumentation, the software creates an ODBC profile for every
shipped .db file on the Windows registry level and also adds database profile connection
parameters in the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file. For example, if you chose to create an
empty database rather than a demo database, in the Intools.ini file, the software automatically
sets the connection parameters to enable the use of the ODBC profile created for the Intools.db
database. Connection parameters for other ODBC profiles are commented out. When you
install SmartPlant Instrumentation Stand-Alone for Sybase, for every shipped Sybase Adaptive
Server Anywhere database, the software adds the following ODBC connection string:
DBParm=ConnectString='DSN=<ODBC profile name>;UID=<schema logon
name>;PWD=<schema logon password>'
You must create an additional ODBC profile in the following cases:
You need to connect from your client machine to another SmartPlant instrumentation
database residing on a different machine.
You need to connect to another Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database on your client
machine. For example, you received a .db file you want to use as a source for domain
initialization, or you renamed an existing .db file or moved it to another folder.
The Internal Setup Utility provides a convenient method of creating ODBC profiles for Sybase
Adaptive Server Anywhere, although, you can define ODBC profiles using the Windows Control
Panel, Data Sources option, on the System DSN tab or User DSN tab. When creating an
ODBC profile using the Internal Setup Utility, you have an option to define the profile creation
method. The following methods are available:
System DSN Allows you to create a database profile on the registry entry level of the local
machine so that every user working on this machine can connect to the database using this
profile. The profile appears in the Windows registry in the following path:
User DSN Allows you to create a database profile on the registry entry level of the current
user so that only the current user working on this machine can connect to the database using
this profile. The profile appears in the Windows registry in the following path:
User DSN and System DSN Allows you to create a profile on both registry entry levels.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)

Create an ODBC Profile for Sybase Adaptive Server

1. On the menu bar, click Settings > Create ODBC Profiles to open the ODBC Profile Wizard.
2. Click Next, and under Profile name, type a name for the profile, and then click Next.
3. Under Database path and filename, type the database path and filename, or click Browse
to navigate to the target database file if the target database resides in Sybase Adaptive Server
Anywhere (for example: Intools.db), and then click Next.
4. Under Schema name, type the schema name for this profile, or accept the default, and then
click Next.
5. Under Schema password, type the password, or accept the default, and then click Next.
6. Under Database driver path, do one of the following:
Accept the displayed path and database driver.
Type the path and database driver.

56 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

Click Browse to navigate to the database driver.

7. Click Next, and under Database start command, accept the displayed value, or type the
name and path of the database engine, and then click Next.
8. On the Update INTOOLS.INI file page, do one of the following:
To update the Windows registry and the [Database] section of the Intools.ini file, select
Modify INTOOLS.INI and Windows registry.
To update the registry, but not the Intools.ini file, select Modify Windows registry only.
9. From the Create Windows registry entry list, select one of the following options:
SYSTEM DSN to create a database profile on the registry entry level of the local
machine so that every user working on this machine can connect to the database using
this profile. The profile appears in the Windows registry in the following path:
USER DSN to create a database profile on the registry entry level of the current user so
that only the current user working on this machine can connect to the database using this
profile. The profile appears in the Windows registry in the following path:
USER DSN and SYSTEM DSN to create a profile both registry entry levels.
10. Click Next, and then click Finish.
11. Check the connection to the database. For details, see Testing the Database Connection
Common Tasks (on page 43).

You can also configure the profile using the Windows Control Panel, Data Sources option,
on the System DSN tab or User DSN tab.
If a database profile row already exists in the intools.ini file, the Internal Setup Utility adds the
profile as a new DBParm row, for example, for a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ODBC
profile, the following row is added:
If there are more than three rows representing database profiles, the Internal Setup Utility
deletes the first row from the intools.ini file when adding the new row.

Service Operations
This section contains topics about various service operations performed in the Internal Setup

Rebuilding Stored Procedures and Triggers

This procedure allows you to identify abnormal database behavior and correct it by rebuilding the
stored procedures and triggers in the database. Stored procedures and triggers are portions of
code that run automatically when you perform certain actions that affect the database. For
example, when you delete a loop, there is a stored procedure that runs to delete an associated
loop drawing. You can re-create stored procedures either for the Admin schema or for the
Domain schema.
The System Administrator should perform this procedure if inappropriate SQL error messages are
displayed in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Normally, you should run this option from the Administration module; however, you can run
it from the Internal Setup Utility if for some reason you cannot log on to the Administration module.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 57

Internal Setup Utility

Rebuild Stored Procedures and Triggers

This procedure should only be carried out when you are specifically instructed to do so by
Intergraph Support.
Make sure that all users have logged out of the SmartPlant Instrumentation database before
starting this procedure. When you start rebuilding stored procedures and triggers, no users
should attempt to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Create a Batch Rebuild File

As in batch upgrade, you can create a .bat file that rebuilds stored procedures and triggers for
multiple domains simultaneously. The following procedure describes how to create a batch rebuild
1. In Notepad, create a batch file (for example, BatchRebuild.bat).
2. Enter a line for each domain you are asked to rebuild stored procedures and triggers for, as
shown in the example below:
Upgrade -9999 //rebuild stored procedures and triggers
for admin schema
Upgrade -<proj_id> //rebuild stored procedures and triggers
for a specific domain
3. Double-click the batch file to run it and rebuild stored procedures and triggers for the defined
You can schedule the batch file to run at a convenient time using Windows scheduler (for
example, during the night or over the weekend).

Rebuild Stores Procedures and Triggers Manually

1. With the System Administration window open, click DBA >Rebuild Stored Procedures
and Triggers.
2. Do one of the following:
Click Admin schema to rebuild stored procedures and triggers of the Admin schema.
Click Domain schema and then, under Domain, select a domain for which you can
rebuild stored procedures and triggers.
3. Click OK.

When rebuilding stored procedures and triggers of the Admin schema, the Domain list is
If the process stops for any reason, you can restart the process and the process continues
from where it stopped. If you get an error that cannot be corrected, contact Intergraph
Support with the error description. It is recommended that you have your log file
available when contacting Intergraph Support.
4. On the Rebuild Stored Procedures dialog box you can click Browse to specify the log file
path and filename, if you do not want to use the default Log.txt file. This file contains
information of the current session and any errors that may have occurred in previous
sessions. The log file is concatenated, if you use the same log file name.
5. Click OK to start rebuilding the stored procedures and triggers of the selected schema.
At the end of the process, an appropriate message is displayed and an additional log file
Logerror.txt is generated in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. The data in the

58 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Internal Setup Utility

Logerror.txt file is incremented between sessions. Send the Logerror.txt file to Intergraph
Support after you complete the process.
See Also
SmartPlant Instrumentation Database Schemas (on page 38)
Connecting to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Database (on page 42)

Testing the Printer

This option allows you to troubleshoot printing problems by testing the default printer and
displaying current settings.

Commands and Controls

Printer Diagnostics Dialog Box
You use this dialog box to display the settings of the current default printer. The dialog box also
allows you to access a dialog box to change the printer settings.
To access this dialog box, click File > Printer Diagnostics.

Printer settings
Displays the current printer settings after you click Test.
Printer name Displays the name and model of the printer.
Horizontal resolution Displays the horizontal resolution of your printer in dpi (dots per inch).
Vertical resolution Displays the vertical resolution of your printer in dpi.
Port Displays the port connecting your computer to the printer.
Paper width Displays the width of the paper you selected in setup.
Paper height Displays the height of the paper you selected in setup.
Paper size Displays the name of the paper-size you selected, for example: A4, Letter, with the
appropriate dimensions.
Print driver Displays the name of the driver file you set for this printer on your computer.
Printing orientation Displays Portrait or Landscape selected, according to the print setting.

Rebuild Procedures and Triggers Dialog Box

This option allows you to identify abnormal database behavior and correct it by rebuilding the
stored procedures and triggers in the database. Normally, the System Administrator accesses
this feature from the Administration module; however, you can run it from the Internal Setup Utility
if for some reason you cannot log on to the Administration module.
To open this dialog box from the Internal Setup Utility, click Settings > Rebuild Procedures and
Select a schema you want to rebuild:
Admin schema Allows you to rebuild the Admin schema.
Domain schema Allows you to rebuild the schema of the domain you select from the
Domain list.
Domain Allows you to select the target domain if you choose to rebuild a Domain schema.
OK Opens the Rebuilding Stored Procedures and Triggers dialog box where you can
accept or specify a log file path and start the process. For further details see Rebuilding Stored
Procedures and Triggers Dialog Box.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 59

Internal Setup Utility

Make sure that all users have logged out of the database before rebuilding stored
procedures and triggers. When you start rebuilding stored procedures and triggers, no users
should attempt to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

60 SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide


comments on documentation 5
configuration and maintenance 7
overview 7
consulting services 5
customer support 5

documentation comments 5

logon data 32

multi-user strategy 31

security 32

technical review 31, 32, 33
logon data and security 32
multi-user strategy 31
other database objects 33
technical support 5

SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide 61

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