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SmartPlant P&ID

Utilities Guide

Version 2009 SP5 (6.0.5)

January 2009/June 2012

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SmartPlant P&ID Utilities ............................................................................................................................ 5
Check Item Paths Utility .......................................................................................................................... 5
Check Symbols Utility ............................................................................................................................. 5
Check Symbols in a Plant ................................................................................................................ 5
Sample Check Symbol Log File ....................................................................................................... 6
Clean Data Utility (DelOrpModItems.dll) ................................................................................................. 7
Clean Data (Delete Orphan Model Items) ........................................................................................ 7
Display Tabs Conversion Utility .............................................................................................................. 9
Duplicate Item Tag Report Utility .......................................................................................................... 10
Item Tag Validation Utilities .................................................................................................................. 11
Local Model Item Lookup Table Utility .................................................................................................. 11
Repair Relationship Indicators Utility .................................................................................................... 12
Update Labels Utility ............................................................................................................................. 12
Updating Symbology ............................................................................................................................. 13
Use the Update Symbology Command .......................................................................................... 13
Update Line Styles Using the ApplySettingsCmd Macro ............................................................... 13
Fixing Orphaned Drawing Symbols ...................................................................................................... 13
Fix Orphaned Symbols Using the OrphanGraphics Macro ............................................................ 13
Fix Orphaned Symbols During Drawing Re-Creation .................................................................... 14
Piping Specification Utility ..................................................................................................................... 15
Enter Required ProgIDs ................................................................................................................. 16
Configure Piping Specification Settings ......................................................................................... 17
Performing Service Limits Validation .............................................................................................. 18
Performing Commodity Code and Fabrication Category Look Up ................................................. 18
Update Zero Length Pipe Run Connectors Utility ................................................................................. 19
Service P&IDs Utility ............................................................................................................................. 19
Open the Service P&IDs Utility from SmartPlant P&ID .................................................................. 20

Log Files ..................................................................................................................................................... 23

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 25

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 3


4 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide


SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

SmartPlant P&ID delivers several utilities to help you manage your data.

Check Item Paths Utility

The Check Item Paths utility (CheckFilePathCmd) checks the directory paths in the file names of
all active plant items and reports paths that do not point to the current catalog. This macro,
delivered to the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder, details invalid paths in a log file
named CheckFilePathsFor_YourPlant.log in the Temp directory.
1. Open a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID.
2. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
3. On the Custom Command dialog box, double-click CheckFilePathCmd.dll.

Check Symbols Utility

The Check Symbols utility (CheckSymbolsCmd.dll) checks the specified plant catalog for symbols
that contain:
Graphics other than the following:
igArc2d, igBalloon, igBoundary2d, igBsplineCurve2d, igCircle2d, igDimension, igEllipse2d,
igEllipticalArc2d, igLeader, igLine2d, igLineString2d, igTextBox, and igPoint2d
ConnectPoints with an incomplete connect point attribute set.
Duplicate Connect Point Keys.
Incorrectly ordered (not sequential) Connect Point Keys.
Piping/Signal points (if the symbol is an OPC symbol).
You should run this utility at least once on all version 3.0 and 4.0 plants. After running this initial
check, run this utility each time symbols are edited in Catalog Manager. Results are written to the
log file named CheckSymbolsFor_PlantName.log in the Temp directory.
This utility, delivered to the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder, must be
run in the SPPIDAutomation.exe environment.

Check Symbols in a Plant

1. Start Drawing Manager.
2. Click File > Open Database and select the plant containing the reference data that you wish
to check. Doing this sets the ActivePlant value for the utility.
3. Close Drawing Manager.
4. Start the SPP&ID Automation application by double-clicking SPPIDAutomation.exe in the
..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 5

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

5. If the SPP&ID Automation application does not open a document by default, complete the
following steps before proceeding:
a. Click File > New.
b. Select Document in the Create new group.
c. Select Normal.spp from the list of templates.
d. Click OK to open a new document.
6. Click Tools > Custom Command and run CheckSymbolsCmd.dll from the
..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder.
7. Click OK or view the log file for detailed information.

Sample Check Symbol Log File

The following sample log file contains five sets of detected errors. Below the graphic is a
suggested solution for each numbered error set.

Suggested Solutions
1. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open the symbol in Catalog Manager, delete
rectangles, and draw the graphics as lines instead of a rectangle. Place updated symbol on
2. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open symbol in Catalog Manager, place a select set
around the graphics, select Ungroup from the Change toolbar. Place symbol on drawing.

6 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

3. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open symbol in Catalog Manager, delete connect
points and add connect points. Place symbol on drawing.
4. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open symbol in Catalog Manager, delete symbol and
re-create symbol. Place symbol on drawing.
5. Delete symbol from existing drawings. From Catalog Manager, delete connect points and add
Auxiliary points. Place symbol on drawing.

Clean Data Utility (DelOrpModItems.dll)

The Clean Data utility (DelOrpModItems.dll) removes orphaned records that occur when drawings
are upgraded. This utility, sometimes called Delete Orphan Model Items, can be used for the
following tasks:
Database Report Generates a report, written to the DBCleanup.txt file in your Temp folder,
that helps you decide if a manual cleanup alternative exists before using the Entire Database
command to delete the problems from the database.
Entire Database Removes orphaned records from the plant database. Use this only after
running Database Report, examining the report, and manually cleaning up as many items in the
database as necessary.
Model Items Finds and deletes any model item in the database that does not have a
corresponding entry in the T_Representation table. The utility works on an item type basis and
repairs the following model item types: Vessel, Mechanical, Exchanger, Equipment: Other,
Equipment Component, Instrument, Nozzle, Piping Component, Pipe Run, Signal Run, and OPC.
Once the orphan model items for an item type are found, you can select any or all of the items and
choose to delete them.
OPCs Finds and repairs off-page connectors (OPCs) that have lost their associations with the
OPC with which they were originally paired. If one OPC has lost the identity of its mated OPC, but
the mated OPC still has the identity of the first OPC, then the OPC is considered repairable. To
repair the OPC, the utility updates the identity information for the first OPC. However, if both the
OPC and its mated OPC have lost the identities of each other, then the OPCs are considered
non-repairable, and you are given the option to delete them.
Gaps Repairs and updates gaps in the representation record with the proper item type. On rare
occasions you will need to perform this operation if you have gapping problems in your drawings.
We do not recommend using the Gaps command as part of your database constraint
cleanup. If you find it necessary to run Gaps, you must be careful not to select Yes to a symbol
that is not a gap. If you select Yes to any symbol other than a gap, you may corrupt your data set.

Clean Data (Delete Orphan Model Items)

To avoid data corruption, complete the following steps in the sequence presented. The buttons on
the utility are arranged in the proper sequence.
You must perform the following steps in the order they are listed. The buttons on the
Clean Data dialog box are arranged in the appropriate order.
Run the following grants on your database. For more information, refer to your database
1. connect pid user/pid user password;
2. grant all on pid user.t_modelitem to plant user;
3. grant all on pid user.t_representation to plant user;
4. Verify that the plant user has full permissions to the T_Representation and T_ModelItem
tables. For information on setting table permissions, refer to your database documentation.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 7

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

5. Open a drawing and click Tools > Custom Commands to open the Custom Commands
dialog box.
6. Browse the drawing software program directory and open DelOrpModItems.dll. This macro is
located by default in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder.
7. On the Clean Data dialog box, click Database Report. The results are written to the
DBCleanup.txt file in your Temp folder. This report helps you decide if a manual cleanup
alternative exists before using the Entire Database command to automatically delete the
problems from the database.

8. After any manual database clean up, click Entire Database to automatically delete the
problems from the database.
9. Click Model Items.

10. On the Delete Orphan Model Items dialog box, select each model item type from Item Type
Names list to see if any orphan items exist in the database.

11. In the List view, select the model orphan items to delete, and click Delete.
You can also click Delete All to select and delete all the items in the list view.
12. Click Close to return to the Clean Data dialog box.

8 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

13. On the Clean Data dialog box, click OPCs.

14. On the Repair OPCs dialog box, chose either repairable or non-repairable from the OPC
Type list. Repairable OPC pairs retain one link out of two between the mates. Non-repairable
OPC pairs retain neither link.

15. Choose the OPC pair you are interested in from the OPC list, and click Fix if it is a repairable
pair or Delete if it is non-repairable.
16. Click Close to return to the Clean Data dialog box.
17. On the Clean Data dialog box, click Gaps to find and repair gaps that do not have the correct
representation in the database.
We do not recommend using the Gaps command as part of your database
constraint cleanup. If you find it necessary to run Gaps, you must be careful not to select Yes
to a symbol that is not a gap. If you select Yes to any symbol other than a gap, you may
corrupt your data set.
18. On the Clean Data dialog box, click Close to return to the design software.

The Clean Data utility must be run from within the SmartPlant P&ID environment.
For easy access to this utility, you can create a custom menu in the SmartPlant P&ID interface
to run the Clean Data utility. For information about how to do this, see the Create a New Menu
topic in the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide.
Log messages generated when orphaned records are deleted from the plant database are
written to the DBCleanup.txt file in the directory assigned to the TEMP environment variable.
Log messages are placed in SPDelOrpModItems.log file in the directory assigned to the
TEMP environment variable. The log file contains information about deleted items including
the item type and SP_ID number.

Display Tabs Conversion Utility

Use the UpgradeTabsCMD.dll to convert display tabs (also called filter tabs) created in previous
SmartPlant P&ID versions to display sets.
1. In SmartPlant P&ID, open the drawing containing the display tabs that you want to convert.
2. Click Tools > Custom Commands to open the Custom Commands dialog box.
3. Browse the drawing software program directory and open UpgradeTabsCMD.dll. By default,
this macro is located in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder.

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SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

4. Enter the name of the display set to which you want the display tab filters written and click OK.
5. The new display set is added to the View > Apply Display Set > My Display Sets menu.

Duplicate Item Tag Report Utility

The Duplicate Item Tag Report utility (DuplicateTagReport.exe) helps you locate instruments,
piping components and equipment that have the same item tag. The utility creates a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet in a temporary folder (usually C:\Temp) on your computer. The spreadsheet is
named PlantName-DuplicateTags.xls, where PlantName is the name of the active plant.
1. Double-click DuplicateTagReport.exe in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program

2. Click Connect to Active Plant. The name of the active plant displays.

3. Click Create Duplicate Item Tag Report.

4. Click to exit the utility.

5. Open the report spreadsheet from your TEMP folder.

10 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

Item Tag Validation Utilities

An ItemTag.dll containing the new item tag validation source code for duplicate tag checking is
available for each of the following environments:
ActivePlant (Delivered in the Item Tag Validation folder) Contains the delivered item tag
validation code and the default ItemTag.dll with the scope set for validating item tag
uniqueness in the current plant only.
ActiveProjectAgainstAsBuilt Contains the delivered item tag validation code and the
ItemTag.dll with the scope set for validating item tag uniqueness in the As-Built and the current
ActiveProjectAgainstAsBuiltAndProjects Contains the delivered item tag validation
code and the ItemTag.dll with the scope set for validating item tag uniqueness in the As-Built
and all of its projects.
These .dll files are delivered to the Programmer's Guide\Sample Source Code\Item Tag
Validation folder on the SmartPlant P&ID product CD. These files are not installed on your
computer during setup.

To use these files, you must rename the ItemTag.dll file installed on your computer (for example,
rename the file to DeliveredItemTag.dll), then copy from one of the product CD sub-folders
(ActiveProjectAgainstAsBuilt or ActiveProjectAgainstAsBuiltAndProjects) the ItemTag.dll
flavor that you want to use. Place this copy in the same location as the installed ItemTag.dll that
you just renamed. When you are finished, remove the ItemTag.dll copy, then rename the
delivered copy back to its original name.

Local Model Item Lookup Table Utility

Use the LocalModelItemLookupTable.sql utility if your connected Workshare satellite experiences
performance problems when transferring piping data from SmartPlant P&ID to PDS. This script
converts a satellite database view (namely, the T_ModelItemLookup) that references a host table
into a local table, allowing the data transfer to proceed without using a DBLink.
SmartPlant P&ID uses the DBLink to fetch unique Long IDs from the Host when running from a
connected Workshare satellite. If the performance of opening the PID file in PDS is an issue or if
maintaining the correlation between SmartPlant P&ID and PDS after the merge is not an issue,
then you can run this script to change the lookup for the Long ID from a view to the host to a local
This utility is delivered as an SQL script to the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder and
can be executed using any Oracle user interface, such as SQLPlus.
Do not use this script if the transferred PDS data will be merged back into a host PDS
database because the Long IDs will not be unique at the host.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 11

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

For more information about transferring piping data, see the SmartPlant P&ID to PDS Piping Data
Transfer Configuration and Reference Guide.
For more information about Workshare and DBLinks, see the Workshare Configuration and
Reference Guide.

Repair Relationship Indicators Utility

The Repair Relationship Indicators utility (RepairRelIndCmd.dll) processes all graphic
connections on the active drawing and verifies all relationship indicators in the graphic file and in
the database. If any relationship indicator errors are found, they are reported. You can then use
this utility to automatically repair any of the reported errors. This utility must be run on a drawing by
drawing basis.
1. Open a SmartPlant P&ID drawing and click Tools > Custom Commands to open the
Custom Command dialog box.
2. Browse to the SmartPlant P&ID workstation program directory and select
3. Click Open to start the utility.

4. Select the Report option and click OK to evaluate relationship indicators and generate the
RnR-RelIndicators.log report in the Temp directory. Review the report to see any
relationship indicator errors existing in the drawing.
5. If any errors exist, select the Repair & Report option and click OK to repair relationship
indicators and to generate an activity report, RnR-RelIndicators.log, in the Temp directory.
Review the report to see how each relationship indicator error was resolved.
6. Close and reopen the drawing after running this utility and before making any further
modifications to the drawing.
This utility must be run on a per drawing basis. It cannot be run on an entire plant.

Update Labels Utility

The Update Labels utility updates item labels in drawings where the properties of the items were
changed using automation. Without this utility, the labels on these items are not updated with the
new information, and they display the old values in the drawing.
This utility is delivered as a macro to the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder. Use the
following procedure to update labels in a drawing.
1. Open a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID.
2. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
3. On the Custom Command dialog box, double-click UpdateLabelsCmd.dll.
This utility will not update the label with modifications made in Catalog Manager. If
modifications were made to the label in Catalog Manager, each instance of the label must be
replaced in the drawings. Use the Edit > Replace command to find and correct these instances.

12 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

Updating Symbology
You can force the software to redraw the graphic representation of your data, the drawing, by
using the Update Symbology command in SmartPlant P&ID. This command refreshes the
graphic symbology (that is, line weight and color) of symbols in your drawing based on the current
settings in Options Manager. The ApplySettingsCmd macro (delivered to the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID
Workstation\Program folder) also updates the line settings, Minimum Connector Segment, and
Routing Self-Avoidance.
The symbology and other settings defined in Options Manager usually take effect only in those
drawings created after those values are defined. Updating Options Manager settings enables you
to force changes in your symbology definitions to be reflected in the current drawing, regardless of
when it was created.

Use the Update Symbology Command

1. Open a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID.
2. Click Tools > Update Symbology.

Update Line Styles Using the ApplySettingsCmd Macro

1. Open a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID.
2. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
3. On the Custom Command dialog box, double-click ApplySettingsCmd.dll.

Any user can update drawings using these commands. However, check your permissions,
which are assigned in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, to find out if you can make changes
to the plant-wide symbology in Options Manager.
Once you load the current plant-wide symbology definitions into your drawing, you cannot
revert to previous definitions. However, you can always override plant-wide symbology
choices in your drawing by using drawing filters and choosing alternate symbology for items.
In Options Manager, two settings, Minimum Connector Segment and Routing Self-Avoidance,
control the behavior of pipe and signal runs when they are placed in a drawing or when an
inline component is placed on a run. You can change these settings in Options Manager, but
the new values affect only lines placed after the change. The ApplySettingsCmd.dll macro
applies the latest settings to all runs on the current drawing. You must run this macro for every
drawing individually.

Fixing Orphaned Drawing Symbols

In a drawing, if you select a symbol that is missing from the database, no properties appear in the
Properties window. When such a symbol is identified and highlighted in a drawing, it is said to be
band-aided. Orphaned symbols may not simply be deleted from a drawing; therefore the following
procedures describe how they can be highlighted and removed.

Fix Orphaned Symbols Using the OrphanGraphics Macro

This option applies to orphaned symbols in a drawing that is not in a re-create state.
1. Open the drawing.
2. Click Tools > Custom Commands.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 13

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

3. From the list of custom commands, select OrphanGraphics.dll.

As an alternative to using this command, you can band aid symbols in a drawing using a
custom validation with the BeforeDocumentClose event.
4. Close and then re-open the drawing.
The orphaned symbols are now band-aided in the drawing.
5. Create a new version of the drawing.
6. Open the drawing.
7. Force a re-creation of the drawing.
8. Display the SmartPlantPID.log file.
The log file reports on orphaned symbols by means of statements similar to the following:
OrphanGraphics has detected a problem: PipeRun with SP_ID =
FF038B6467F8429588B86A2FE38F5667 is missing from the database (A04501)
and has been band aided.
Using custom validation, you can specify whether the software only reports on missing
symbols in the SmartPlantPID.log file or whether they are reported on and band-aided. Two
functions exist for handling orphan graphics by means of validation:
ReportOrphanGraphics In the SmartPlantPID.log file, reports that symbols are
missing from the database.
BandAidOrphanGraphics In the SmartPlantPID.log file, reports that symbols are
missing from the database and have been band-aided.
9. In order to view the symbols that were band-aided and fixed, do the following:
a. Open the Version History for the drawing.
b. Compare the current drawing with the version you created.

Fix Orphaned Symbols During Drawing Re-Creation

1. Open the drawing.
2. When prompted to re-create the drawing, click Cancel.
The software does not re-create the drawing; however symbols missing in the database are
reported in the SmartPlantPID.log file.
3. Open the drawing by means of Automation.
Using Automation to open the drawing ensures that the symbols are band-aided.
Normal opening of the drawing would re-create it and remove the orphaned symbols.
4. Open the drawing manually.
5. When prompted to re-create the drawing, click OK.
The band-aided symbols are initially displayed and then removed from the drawing.
6. Display the SmartPlantPID.log file.
The log file reports on orphaned symbols by means of statements similar to the following:
OrphanGraphics has detected a problem: PipeRun with SP_ID =
FF038B6467F8429588B86A2FE38F5667 is missing from the database (A04501).
Using custom validation, you can specify whether the software only reports on orphaned
symbols in the SmartPlantPID.log file or whether they are reported on and band-aided. Two
functions exist for handling orphan graphics by means of validation:
ReportOrphanGraphics In the SmartPlantPID.log file, reports that symbols are missing
from the database.

14 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

BandAidOrphanGraphics In the SmartPlantPID.log file, reports that symbols are missing

from the database and have been band-aided.

Piping Specification Utility

The Piping Specification utility (PipeSpec) works with PDS 3D or SmartPlant 3D to validate the
piping materials class with the temperatures, pressures, and diameters assigned to the pipe run
and to search commodity codes (in all 3D product databases) and fabrication categories (in PDS
3D databases only) for piping components. The database tables and library files in the products
provide source information for the validation and search. The service limits validation and
automatic commodity code look-up can be disabled simultaneously using a switch in Options
Manager. For more information about modifying the PipeSpec settings, see Options Manager
Help. For more information about using the Piping Specification utility with SmartPlant 3D, refer
to the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide for details about installing SmartPlant 3D
Piping Specification Remote Access Client.
In Data Dictionary Manager, the ValidateNomDiam.ForeignCalc program ID, which is assigned
to the Nominal Diameter property, starts the Piping Specification utility and triggers the
commodity code and fabrication category look-ups when a nominal diameter is changed. For
more information about assigning program IDs, see Data Dictionary Manager Help.

PDS 3D Files Used for PipeSpec

pd schema pdtable_102 table
ra schema pdtable_201 and pdtable_202 tables
library files us_pjstb.l, us_pjstb.l.r, and us_pjstb.l.t (The library file locations are listed in
.dll files PipeSpec.dll, pdpjs.dll, pdpjsx.dll, and ValidateServiceLimits.dll
The Piping Specification utility allows separate logon for the ra and pd schemas in the PDS 3D

To use the Piping Specification Utility with SmartPlant 3D, you must install the SmartPlant 3D
Piping Specification Remote Access Client, which is available on the SmartPlant P&ID product
CD under Prerequisite Software.
The software performs the look-up on fabrication category for PDS 3D PipeSpec only;
fabrication category is not supported for SmartPlant 3D.
All of the displayed text strings are maintained as Visual Basic resources in the
PipeSpec.dll. These strings can be translated or modified as required using a resource file
When performing piping materials class validations, commodity code lookup, or validation of
nominal diameter for SmartPlant 3D, the Piping Specification utility assigns the revision
number from the SmartPlant 3D piping materials class to the Pipe Spec Revision property.
Error messages are placed in the PipeSpecError.log file in the directory assigned to the TEMP
environment variable. Error messages help you identify the cause of failure when the utility
does not complete the tasks as expected. For example, if minimum requirements are not met
for the look-up, the missing properties are listed in the log file.
The ServiceLimits.log file contains any errors encountered during the Service Limit
Validation process, which runs as part of the Piping Specification utility.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 15

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

Enter Required ProgIDs

1. Click Start > SPEM > Data Dictionary Manager.
2. Click the Database Tables button.
3. Click each database table listed in the following table.
Database Table Property Calculation ID Validation ID

Case Pressure PipeSpec.Commodity

Process CodeValidator
Case Temperature PipeSpec.Commodity
Process CodeValidator
Inline NominalDiameter ValidateNomDiam.For
Component eignCalc
Inline CommodityCode PipeSpec.Commodity
Component CodeValidator
Pipe Run PipingMaterialsClass PipeSpec.PMCFinder PipeSpec.Commodity
*Pipe Run NominalDiameter PipeSpec.NPDFinder ValidateNomDiam.For
*Pipe Run SP_PipeSpecRevision PipeSpec.Commodity
*Piping OptionCode PipeSpec.OptionCode PipeSpec.Commodity
Component Finder CodeValidator

The Calculation IDs for the Nominal Diameter and SP_PipeSpecRevision

properties in the Pipe Run table and the Option Code property in the Piping Component table
(items marked with an (*) asterisk) are available only when the pipe specification source is
SmartPlant 3D. These validations are not available when the piping specification source is
4. Double-click each property to display the Modify Property dialog box (see example below).

16 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

5. Type the necessary information in the given fields as shown in the above table; then click OK
to save and close.
6. Repeat the steps 3 - 5 above to update each database table.

Configure Piping Specification Settings

1. In SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, click Settings.
2. To enable continuous service limit validation and automatic commodity code lookup, do the
In the Enable piping specification validation field, select Yes.
In the Use piping specification field, select the PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D option,
depending on the type of 3D database to which you are connected.

If the Use piping specification setting is PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D and the Enable
piping specification validation setting is No, continuous service limits validation and
automatic commodity code lookup are not available. However, the user can still
manually select the Calc buttons to activate the Commodity Code Lookup dialog
box or the Piping Materials Class selection dialog box. The Calc buttons are enabled for
the Piping Materials Class and Commodity Code properties by assigning Calculation
IDs in Data Dictionary Manager. For details on calculation and validation, see the
SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide topic, Enter Required ProgIDs (on page 16).
If the Use piping specification setting is No, continuous service limits validation and
automatic commodity code lookup are not available. Also, the Calc buttons for the Piping
Materials Class and Commodity Code properties are not functional.
The Short Value entries in the Piping Component Type select list in Data Dictionary
Manager are populated from the contents of the
PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (located in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID
Workstation\Program folder) according to the Use piping specification setting as
PDS3D The Short Value column is populated with data from the second column of
the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (AABBCC code).
SmartPlant 3D The Short Value column is populated with data from the third
column of the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file.
No The data in the Short Value column is not updated and remains what it was
When changing the Use piping specification setting from No to PDS3D or SmartPlant
3D, validation occurs only for items modified after the change.
3. Do one of the following:
If connecting to a SmartPlant 3D database, fill in the database information in the
SmartPlant 3D Plant Name and SmartPlant 3D Server Name fields, and then skip the
rest of this procedure.
If connecting to a PDS 3D database, proceed with the remaining steps of this procedure.
4. Select the database type from the PDS Database Type list. Supported database types are
MSSQL and Oracle.
5. Type the database name in the PDS Database Name field.
The database name is not required for Oracle databases. The default value of a blank
space, not a null, must be assigned for Oracle databases.
6. Type a value in the PDS Database Server/Alias field.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 17

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

This entry defines the server name for a Microsoft SQL Server database or the Alias
name on the client machine for an Oracle database.
7. Type the user name and password of the ra schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS
Approved Reference Database Schema Name and PDS Approved Reference Database
Schema Password respectively.
8. Type the user name and password of the pd schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS Project
Control Database Schema Name and PDS Project Control Database Schema Password
9. In the Max-Temperature Unit in PDS3D list, select the unit of measurement used in PDS 3D
for the maximum temperature limit for piping components.

Performing Service Limits Validation

The Piping Specification utility verifies that the temperatures and pressures assigned to a pipe run
comply with the service limits associated with the selected Piping Materials Class. In continuous
validation mode, which is activated by assigned settings in Options Manager, this verification
occurs each time you modify either the Piping Materials Class or a temperature-pressure pair in
the process case data of the pipe run. The Service Limits validation requires at least one complete
temperature-pressure pair from among design, alternate design, operating, and alternate
operating cases. If any temperature-pressure pair violates the service limits of the selected Piping
Materials Class, a warning displays the appropriate pair. This warning appears in the design
software by appending an error string to the name of the Piping Materials Class.

Performing Commodity Code and Fabrication Category Look

The Piping Specification utility looks up the Commodity Code and Fabrication Category
properties of inline piping components. In the continuous validation mode, this look-up occurs
each time the Piping Materials Class or any of the four case Max temperatures (Design,
Alternate Design, Operating, and Alternating Operating) are modified on the pipe
run. Validation also occurs each time the Option Code or Nominal Diameter of the component
is modified. If the modification occurs on a property of a piping component, then the look-up is
restricted to that particular component, but if the modification occurs on a property of a pipe run,
then the look-up encompasses every piping component on that run.
The minimum requirements to cause a look-up are that the piping components must be in a pipe
run, that the PMC of the pipe run must be populated and comply with service limits, and that the
nominal diameter of the piping component must be specified. If the PMC is assigned but does not
comply with the service limits, then the Commodity Code property displays an error message.
The PipeSpec utility uses process case temperatures of the run during the commodity code
look-up only if the code for that component has a maximum temperature limit value in the 3D
database. For example, in PDS 3D, a value of -9999 for maximum temperature in pdtable_202
indicates a null value and the process case temperatures on that pipe run are ignored for the
look-up. If a maximum temperature exists for that component, then the look-up insures this value
is larger than all of the process case temperatures assigned to that pipe run in which the piping
component resides.

The software performs the look-up on fabrication category for PDS 3D PipeSpec only;
fabrication category is not supported for SmartPlant 3D.
The units for the PDS 3D maximum temperature are those specified in Options Manager.

18 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

If any temperature values for the pipe run are unspecified, then a value of zero Deg-K is
assumed for each of the unspecified temperatures. If multiple records are obtained in the
look-up, then the utility returns a commodity code only if all of the records have the same code
value. If not, an error is recorded in the error-log file with the appropriate message.
The Fabrication Category property of inline piping components is a select-listed property in
SmartPlant P&ID. A relationship between the fabrication category and the commodity name
can be defined in the PDS 3D database. The Commodity Name is a unique name for every
symbol. In PDS 3D, this unique name is the AABBCC Code property. SmartPlant symbols
are assigned the same AABBCC Code properties in Catalog Manager.
Similarly, the Option Code property is a select list of text values in SmartPlant P&ID, while it is
a set of code numbers or indices in PDS 3D. Short Value for the Option Code select list
contains the PDS 3D indices corresponding to the appropriate Option Code text in
SmartPlant P&ID. The PipeSpec utility uses the entries in the Short Value box of the Option
Code list to obtain the Option Code used in the PDS 3D database tables.
Error messages are placed in the PipeSpecError.log file in the directory assigned to the TEMP
environment variable. Error messages help you identify the cause of failure when the utility
does not complete the tasks as expected. For example, if minimum requirements are not met
for the look-up, the missing properties are listed in the log file.

Update Zero Length Pipe Run Connectors Utility

This utility updates the property sp_connectorszerolength, which was added to the t_piperun table
in Version 2007. This property is used to indicate a zero length pipe run when placing adjacent
inline items such as a reducer and a valve. If you upgraded from an earlier version and have
already run the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility, this property is updated
automatically and you should not need to perform any further action. However, if you did not
perform the upgrade, or if you encounter problems with filtering or publishing zero length pipe
runs, you can update the property independently by performing the procedure below. This utility
finds all zero length pipe runs and assigns a value of True to this property for those pipe
runs. After running the utility, you can filter out zero length pipe runs for viewing in the EDE and
reports, and you can also exclude them from published data.
This utility is delivered as a macro to the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder. Use the
following procedure to update the sp_connectorszerolength property.
1. Open a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID.
2. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
3. On the Custom Command dialog box, double-click UpdtPiperunConnZeroLen.dll.

Service P&IDs Utility

The Service P&IDs utility processes all graphic connections, on all the selected drawings of the
active plant, and verifies all relationship indicators in the graphic file and in the database. At the
end of the process the Service P&IDs utility displays the results of the verification and produces a
log file if required. The verification results can then be used to select and repair those P&IDs that
are problematic, using the Repair Relationship Indicators utility (RepairRelIndCmd.dll).
The Service P&IDs utility only verifies the graphic connections in drawings of the active
plant. To verify the graphic connections of different plant you must change the active plant in
SmartPlant P&ID.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 19

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

Open the Service P&IDs Utility from SmartPlant P&ID

1. Open a SmartPlant P&ID drawing and click Tools > Custom Commands to open the
Custom Command dialog box.
2. Browse to the SmartPlant P&ID workstation program directory and select
3. Click Open to start the utility.
4. To open the Service P&IDs utility when SmartPlant P&ID is closed do the following:
5. Locate SmartPlant > P&ID Workstation > Program > ServicePidsExe.exe.
6. Double-click the ServicePidsExe.exe file to open the Service P&IDs utility.

7. Click Show Drawings to display a list of all the P&IDs associated with the active plant.
8. Select the Check Boxes next to the P&IDs that you want to verify.
Click Select All to select all the drawings of the active plant.

9. Click Report to start the verification process. The results of the verification are displayed in
the Status column of the Service Pids dialog box.

20 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

10. Click View Logfile to view the results of the verification. The log file can be saved as a text
file and printed.
11. Click Close to close the utility.

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 21

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities

22 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide


Log Files
The following table lists the most common log files generated by SmartPlant P&ID.

Name Location Related Functionality

AssemblyFileName_CreAsm.log Temp directory Assembly creation
AssemblyFileName_PlaAsm.log Temp directory Assembly placement
Archive.log Archive file path Recovery
Retrieve.log defined in Options
BuildDB.log Generated when the Site and
Plant databases are created
in Oracle
CheckFilePathsFor_PlantName.log Temp directory Generated by the
CheckSymbolsFor_PlantName.log Temp directory Generated by the
CheckSymbolsCmd.dll utility
DBCleanup.txt Temp directory Orphaned records deleted
from the plant database
using the Delete Orphan
Model Item Utility are written
to this file.
GetSmart.log Temp directory Migrating a SmartSketch
P&ID into SmartPlant P&ID
PIDAutomation.log Temp directory Using the PIDAutomation
type library (PIDAuto.dll)
PipeSpecError.log Temp directory Piping Specification utility
Publish.log Temp directory PlantName is the name of
PlantName.log the plant in which the Get
Latest Version was invoked.
RADApplication.log Desktop Generated when you run
SmartPlant Engineering
Recreate- DrawingName.log Temp directory Re-creating drawings
RnR-RelIndicators.log Temp directory Repair Relationship
Indicators Utility
SmartPlantCatalogManager.log Desktop Generated when you run
Catalog Manager

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 23

Log Files

Name Location Related Functionality

SmartPlantPID.log Temp directory Overall system log file
SpaBackups.log Temp directory Created when you back up a
site and/or plant for the first
time. Information from
subsequent backups is
appended to this file.
SyncSharedItems.log Temp directory Indicates status of
synchronized shared items
(off-page connectors, plant
item groups) that cross
Workshare site boundaries.
SPDelOrpModItems.log Temp directory Delete Orphan Model Item
ServiceLimits.log Temp directory Piping Specification utility
SymbolSource.log Temp directory Change Symbol Source
UpgradeV4_plant name.log Plant path Upgrade Utility
V4RefDataUpgrade.log Catalog Explorer Root Upgrade Reference Data
path (Options Manager)
V4UpgradePIDs.log Temp directory Upgrade P&IDs (Drawing
Various Workshare- related log files Archive file path Generated during Workshare
defined in Options activities

24 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide


Check Item Paths Utility 5 Sample Check Symbol Log File 6
Check Symbols in a Plant 5 Service P&IDs Utility 19
Check Symbols Utility 5 SmartPlant P&ID Utilities 5
Clean Data (Delete Orphan Model Items) 7
Clean Data Utility (DelOrpModItems.dll) 7 U
Configure Piping Specification Settings 17
Update Labels Utility 12
Update Line Styles Using the
D ApplySettingsCmd Macro 13
Display Tabs Conversion Utility 9 Update Zero Length Pipe Run Connectors
Duplicate Item Tag Report Utility 10 Utility 19
Updating Symbology 13
E Use the Update Symbology Command 13
Enter Required ProgIDs 16

Fix Orphaned Symbols During Drawing
Re-Creation 14
Fix Orphaned Symbols Using the
OrphanGraphics Macro 13
Fixing Orphaned Drawing Symbols 13

Item Tag Validation Utilities 11

Local Model Item Lookup Table Utility 11
Log Files 23

Open the Service P&IDs Utility from
SmartPlant P&ID 20

Performing Commodity Code and
Fabrication Category Look Up 18
Performing Service Limits Validation 18
Piping Specification Utility 15

Repair Relationship Indicators Utility 12

SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide 25

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