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Student Name: Nicole Lopez

Date: April 23, 2017

Artifact Description: Create spreadsheets and graphs with given information on excel.

What you learned: I already know how to do the basic stuff on excel so this assignment was

fairly easy. It just helped me to review excel since I had not used it in a while. I did not have a

problem with anything and I finished it really fast since I already knew how to do everything.

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed: The

standard addressed in this assignment was number 1: Facilitate and inspire student learning and

creativity. This standard was used because if a teacher makes their students do this assignment

they are using their knowledge that they have in excel to teach the students how to use excel.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This project can be used in many subjects. The

subjects that it can mostly be used in would be math and science since it makes it easier to make

charts, graphs, do equations, etc. It can also be used in a nutrition class like to get the sum of

nutrients like how we did in the third spreadsheet. This project would be great for the older

grades since they know how to use a computer more properly and they wont struggle as much as

the younger grades.

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