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1. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of used to (affirmative, negative or
- Brandon: You see that house on the corner? My dad ______________________ live
there with his parents.
- Millie: Really? Its huge! ________________ your family ________________ be rich?
- Brandon: I suppose so. My grandparents ______________________ run a department
- Millie: _____________ there __________________ be a department store in this
- Brandon: Yes. But it closed twenty years ago.
- Millie: Why did it close?
- Brandon: I dont know. My grandparents _______________________ talk about it
very much.

2. Choose the correct ending, a, b or both.

1 I love carrots now, but when I was a child, I
a. didnt use to like them.
b. wouldnt like them.
2 When I was at primary school
a. I would get up at seven oclock every morning.
b. I used to get up at seven oclock every morning.
3 I sometimes got angry with my brother because
a. he would interrupt my phone calls.
b. he use to interrupt my phone calls.
4 For five years in the 1990s, we
a. lived in France.
b. used to live in France.
5 When Joe was a small boy
a. he never used to wear glasses.
b. he didnt use to wear glasses.
6 When we lived in London
a. we didnt have a dog.
b. we wouldnt have a dog.
7 My older brother
a. used to interested in planes and trains.
b. would be interested in planes and trains.
8 My uncle
a. would work all his life in a factory in Manchester.
b. worked all his life in a factory in Manchester.
3. Replace used to with would in these sentences, where possible.
1 My grandfather didnt use to go out without a hat.
2 We used to live in Washington, D.C.
3 I used to go to the sweet shop every afternoon.
4 Our dog used to be scared of cats.
5 We didnt use to talk to our parents about school.
6 When Harriet was young, she used to go dancing every night.

4. Some of these sentences are incorrect. Correct them.

1 Dan use to work in a bank.
2 Im not used to wear glasses, but I do now.
3 Did you use to have long hair?
4 My dad would have a beautiful old sports car.
5 Sally used to be a teacher for ten years.
6 Joe used to smoke. He would smoke 30 a day.

5. Complete the sentences with would, used to or the past simple. Sometimes more
than one answer is possible.
1 My dad ______________________ (have) a credit card. He ___________________
(use) it for buying expensive things. But two years ago he __________________ (get)
rid of it. The credit card company ______________________ (charge) a very high rate
of interest and he _____________________ (end) up deep in debt.
2 My grandad ___________________ (be) a factory worker. He __________________
(have to) work long hours and he ____________________ (not earn) very much
money. But he _____________________ (do) the lottery every week and eventually he
_____________________ (win) enough money to buy a car.

6. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use no
more than five words including the words in brackets.
1 It was typical of Sue to interrupt all the time! (would)
Sue ________________________________ all the time!
2 I was in the habit of spending all my pocket money. (used)
I __________________________________ all my pocket money.
3 In the 90s my dad always drove to work. (would)
In the 90s my dad _______________________________ work.
4 In the past was your hair much longer? (use)
________________________________ much longer hair?
5 There wasnt a bank at the end of the street. (didnt)
There __________________________ a bank at the end of the street.

7. Choose the correct answers.

1 I practise the guitar every day, but I didnt use to / wouldnt / used to.
2 Jack hates eggs, but he would like / used to like / didnt like them.
3 When Elsie was young, she would go to / used to go to / went to ballet lessons twice a
week for ten years.
4 My neighbour would be / used to be / d be Adeles piano teacher.
5 I love Mr Bean now, but I wouldnt find / didnt use to find / didnt find him funny in
the past.


1. What do you say in these situations? Use Im (not) used to .

1 You live alone. You dont mind this. You have always lived alone.
FRIEND: Do you get lonely sometimes?
YOU: No, I _____________________________________________
2 You sleep on the floor. You dont mind this. You have always slept on the floor.
FRIEND: Wouldnt you prefer to sleep in a bed?
YOU: No, I_____________________________________________
3 You have to work long hours in your job. This is not a problem for you. You have
always worked long hours.
FRIEND: You have to work long hours in your job, dont you?
YOU: Yes, but I dont mind that. I ____________________________________
4 You usually go to bed early. Last night you went to bed very late and as a result you are
very tired this morning.
FRIEND: You look tired this morning.
YOU: Yes, I __________________________________________________

2. Read the situations and complete the sentences using get/got used to.
1 Some friends of yours have just moved into an apartment on a busy street. It is very
noisy. Theyll have to _________________________________________
2 The children at school got a new teacher. She was different from the teacher before
her, but this wasnt a problem for the children. They soon _______________________
3 Sue moved from a big house to a much smaller one. She found it strange at first. She
had to ___________________________________ in a much smaller house.
4 Some people you know from Britain are going to live in your country. What will they
have to get used to?
Theyll have to __________________________________________________________

3. Look at the following situations and complete the sentences using be used to / get
used to.
1 Jack has to drive two hours to his work every morning. Many years ago, when he first
had to do this, it was difficult for him. But not its OK.
When Jack started working in this job, he ___________________________ driving two
hours to work every morning, but after some time he _______________________ it.
Now its no problem for him. He _________________________ driving two hours
every morning.
2 Julia is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first she found it hard and
didnt like it.
She __________________________ working nights and it took her a few months to
_______________________ it. Now, after a year, its OK for her. She ______________
working nights.
4. Complete the sentences using only one word each time.
1 Lisa had to get used to _____________________ on the left.
2 Dan used to ____________________ a lot of coffee. Now he prefers tea.
3 I feel very full after that meal. Im not used to ______________________ so much.
4 I wouldnt like to share an office. I ______________ used to having my own office.
5 I used to __________________ a car, but I sold it a few months ago.
6 When we were children, we used to ________________ swimming very often.
7 There used to _________________ a school here, but it was knocked down a few
years ago.
8 Im the boss here! Im not used to ___________________ told what to do.
9 We used to ___________________ in a village. We moved to London a few years ago
and had to get used to _____________________ in a big city.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1 When I was young, I used to / was used to play the piano.
2 Henrik comes from Sweden, so he isnt used to / isnt getting used to hot weather.
3 Our new teachers accent is hard to understand, but we are used to / are getting used
to it.
4 It was after midnight, but I wasnt tired. I was used to / got used to late nights.
5 Itll take time, but Im sure you will be used to / will get used to wearing glasses.

6. Complete the sentences with used to, be used to or get used to, affirmative or
1 You can say whatever you want. I _____________________ criticism.
2 Children ________________________ play outside more than they do today.
3 My feet hurt. I ________________________ these new shoes.
4 My new flatmate is a bit strange. I hope I can _________________________ her.
5 My brother __________________________ like vegetables, but now he loves them.
6 There was a lot of noise from the street, but we ______________________ it after a

7. Complete the passage with the correct form of used to, be used to or get used to.
There may be more than correct answer.


Years ago, I ___________________ enjoy watching sitcoms and dramas on TV. Every season,
TV studios ____________________ produce new programmes with funny families, clever
detectives and even creatures from other planets. Now, I still cant ___________________ the
fact that most programmes are reality shows. I ____________________ seeing professional
actors on the screen, not ordinary people! I suppose that eventually I ____________________
it, but I still think TV ___________________ be better than it is now.

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