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RULE 6 The court shall direct the plaintiff or adverse

STRATEGIC LAWSUIT AGAINST PUBLIC party to file an opposition showing the suit is
PARTICIPATION not a SLAPP, attaching evidence in support
thereof, within a non-extendible period of
Section 1. Strategic lawsuit against five (5) days from receipt of notice that an
public participation (SLAPP). answer has been filed.
A legal action filed to harass, vex, exert
undue pressure or stifle any legal recourse The defense of a SLAPP shall be set for
that any person, institution or the hearing by the court after issuance of the
government has taken or may take in the order to file an opposition within 15 days
enforcement of environmental laws, from filing of the comment or the lapse of
protection of the environment or assertion of the period.
environmental rights shall be treated as a
SLAPP and shall be governed by these Countering a SLAPP suit
Rules. A SLAPP suit is a harassment suit and
the insult against consti rights is the very
SLAPP as a suit to stifle enforcement reason why no pending legal action
of environmental laws is required to counter a SLAPP suit. A
SLAPP suit may occur in the following
- Recognizes the formidable scenarios:
challenges may be mounted against
those who seek to enforce 1. X files a complaint in an
environmental laws, or to assert environmental case against A)
environment rights. These legal violator of environmental laws)
challenges may be preemptive in an A retaliates by filing a
character and may be done in order complaint for damages against X
to chill the latter. 2. X is a witness in a pending
environment case against A and
- This section identifies the legal the latter retaliates by filing a
action that constitutes a SLAPP. The complaint for damages or libel
consti rights to freedom of speech, against X
expression and assembly (in 3. X is an environmental advocate
certain cases, the right to petition the who rallies for the protection of
government for redress of environmental rights and a
grievances) in relation to the right complaint for damages is filed
to a balanced and healthful against A
ecology are affected by SLAPP.
Since a motion to dismiss is a prohibited
Section 2. SLAPP as a defense; how pleading
alleged - SLAPP as an affirmative defense
In a SLAPP filed against a person involved should be raised in the answer
in the enforcement of environmental laws, along with other defenses that may
protection of the environment, or assertion be raised in the case alleged to be a
of environmental rights, the defendant may SLAPP
file an answer interposing as a defense that
the case is a SLAPP and shall be supported Section 3. Summary hearing.
by documents, affidavits, papers and other The hearing on the defense of a SLAPP
evidence; and, by way of counterclaim, pray shall be summary in nature.
for damages, attorneys fees and costs of - The parties must submit all available
suit. evidence in support of their
respective positions.
- The party seeking the dismissal of the case. The action shall proceed in
the case must prove by accordance with the Rules of Court.
substantial evidence that his act
for the enforcement of environmental Priority given the resolution of a
law is a legitimate action for the SLAPP defense
protection, preservation and - While SLAPP defense is raised in an
rehabilitation of the environment. answer along w/ other defenses, the
- The party filing the action assailed court is required to prioritize the
as a SLAPP shall prove by hearing and resolution of a SLAPP
preponderance of evidence that defense.
the action is not a SLAPP and is a - The prioritization in hearing a
valid claim. SLAPP defense is another mode of
expediting the proceedings
Summary Hearing
- The hearing for the defense of a Effect of the courts resolution
SLAPP is summary to expedite the - The dismissal of a SLAPP suit
proceedings. constitutes res judicata
- Party seeking dismissal of case - The denial of a SLAPP defense
alleged to be SLAPP allows the action to proceed in
o Defense: Substantial accordance with the Rules of Court
evidence amount of - Since the evidence adduced in the
relevant evidence which a hearing of a SLAPP defense
reasonable mind might remains on record, the plaintiff is
accept as adequate to justify not required to offer again the
a conclusion evidence already adduced
- If court finds a SLAPP defense valid
plaintiff required to prove
1. Case is not SLAPP
2. Case is meritorious
o Prove by: Preponderance of
Evidence more convincing
to the court as worthy of
belief than that which is
offered in opposition thereto

Section 4. Resolution of the defense of a

The affirmative defense of a SLAPP shall
be resolved within 30 days after the
summary hearing. If the court dismisses the
action, the court may award damages,
attorneys fees and costs of suit under a
counterclaim if such has been filed. The
dismissal shall be with prejudice.

If the court rejects the defense of a

SLAPP, the evidence adduced during the
summary hearing shall be treated as
evidence of the parties on the merits of
- the writ of kalikasan is designed to
accord a stronger protection for
environmental rights
PART III - Aim: to provide a speedy and
SPECIAL CIVIL ACTIONS effective resolution of a case
involving the violation of ones
RULE 7 constitutional right to a healthful and
WRIT OF KALIKASAN balanced ecology
4) The writ is categorized as a special civil
Section 1. Nature of the writ. action and was conceptualized as an
The writ is a remedy available to: extraordinary remedy
a) a natural or juridical person, - Aim: To provide judicial relief from
b) entity authorized by law, threatened or actual violations of the
c) peoples organization, consti right to healthful ecology of a
d) non-governmental organization, or magnitude or degree of damage that
e) any public interest group accredited transcends political and territorial
by or registered with any boundaries.
government agency, - Intention:
1. To provide a stronger
on behalf of persons whose constitutional defense for environmental
right to a balanced and healthful ecology rights thru judicial efforts
is violated or threatened with violation by where institutional
an unlawful act or omission of a public arrangements of
official or employee, or private individual or enforcement, implementation
entity, involving environmental damage of and legislation have fallen
such magnitude as to prejudice the life, short
health or property of inhabitants in two or 2. To address the potentially
more cities or provinces. exponential nature of large-
scale ecological threats
Nature of the writ of kalikasan
Under Sec. 1 Rule 7 the following requisites
1) It is an extraordinary remedy which may to avail of this remedy:
be issued depending on the magnitude 1) There is an actual/threatened violation
of the environmental damage of consti right to a balance and healthful
- Environmental damage must be ecology
of such magnitude as to prejudice 2) The actual or threatened violation arises
life, health, or property of inhabitants from an unlawful act or omission of a
in 2 or more cities or provinces or public official or employee, or private
that which transcends political and individual or entity
territorial boundaries 3) The actual or threatened violation
2) Seeks to address the potentially involves or will lead to an environmental
exponential nature of large-scale damage of such magnitude as to
ecological threats. prejudice life, health or property of
- Similar to the writs of habeas inhabitants in 2 or more cities/provinces
corpus, amparo and habeas data, If the petitioner successfully proves the
the writ of kalikasan was recast as a foregoing requisites court shall render
different and unique legal device judgement granting the privilege of write of
drawing as models available writs in kalikasan. Otherwise denied.
the country
3) Distinct from other available remedies in Who may file the petition
the ordinary rules of court
- Those who may file for this remedy th y
must represent the inhabitants e f
prejudiced by the environmental ab o
damage subject of the writ.
- The requirement of accreditation us r
of a group or organization is for the e m
purpose of verifying its existence. of
o The accreditation is a di o
mechanism to prevent fly by sc f
night groups from abusing
ret a
the writ.
io b
Differences between a Rule 65 n u
certiorari petition and Rule 7 to s
kalikasan petition be e
gr o
Rul Rul
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- On ue RTC File
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Peri 60 Not described by an assumed
od day subj appellation;
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Sec. 2 (b) petition may be filed even
noti limiti where the name and personal
ce ng circumstances of respondent are
of timel unknown and uncertain provided that he
judg ines may be described by an assumed
nt or c) The environmental law, rule or
deni regulation violated or threatened to
al of be violated, the act or omission
moti complained of, and the
environmental damage of such
magnitude as to prejudice the life,
for health or property of inhabitants in
reco two or more cities or provinces.
erati Factual allegations
on - The petitioner must specify the
particular environmental law, rule or
to regulation that is being
file violated/threatened to be violated.
Dis Not Avai o Necessary in order that the
cov avail lable court may immediately
ery able determine whether the
mea petition is an environmental
case that should be given
es - No requirement that cities or
provinces must be contiguous to one
Subject matter which ordinarily cannot another. It is only necessary that the
properly be subject of a certiorari inhabitants of the cities/provinces
petition can be the subject of a suffer or is threatened to suffer
kalikasan petition damage.
o This magnitude standard is
the reason for filing the
Section 2. Contents of the petition. petition for this kind of writ
The verified petition shall contain the may be filed only with SC
following: and CA.

a) The personal circumstances of the d) All relevant and material evidence

petitioner consisting of the affidavits of
b) The name and personal witnesses, documentary evidence,
circumstances of the respondent or scientific or other expert studies, and
if the name and personal if possible, object evidence;
circumstances are unknown and
Unlike in ordinary civil actions where contain a certificate of non-forum
only the ultimate facts are required to be shopping
alleged in the complaint, Sec 2 (d)
requires that all relevant & material Section 3. Where to file.
evidence such as The petition shall be filed with the Supreme
1. affidavit of witnesses, Court or with any of the stations of the Court
2. documentary evidence, of Appeals.
3. scientific or expert studies Venue:
4. and if possible, object evidence 1) Magnitude of environmental damage
is reason for limiting where the write
- Must not only be alleged but may be filed SUPREME COURT
attached to the petition. or CA
o Because jurisdiction is
Purpose: To convince the court to issue w/in national in scope
3 days from date of filing, the writ of 2) Magnitude of the damage or threat
kalikasan and require respondent to file a affects the inhabitants of less than 2
verified return. cities or provinces RTC
o Has territorial jurisdiction
e) The certification of petitioner under over the case where the
oath that: petitioner may ask for the
1) petitioner has not issuance of the appropriate
commenced any action or environmental protection
filed any claim involving the order (EPO) or avail of the
same issues in any court, petition for the writ of
tribunal or quasi-judicial continuing mandamus
agency, and no such other
action or claim is pending Section 4. No docket fees.
therein; The petitioner shall be exempt from the
2) if there is such other pending payment of docket fees.
action or claim, a complete
statement of its present Petitioner exempted to encourage
status; public participation in the suit
3) if petitioner should learn that - While similar to the rule on filing fees
the same or similar action or for civil and criminal cases under the
claim has been filed or is rules the exemption from payment
pending, petitioner shall of docket fees is a necessary
report to the court that fact consequence of the fact that no
within 5 days therefrom; award of damages to private
individuals can be made under the
f) The reliefs prayed for which may writ.
include a prayer for the issuance of - In comparison to civil or criminal
a TEPO. cases under the Rules filing fees
Verification need not be paid at the time of filing
The petition must be verified which but the same shall be imputed from
means that the affiant must attest that the award of damages that may be
he has read the pleading and that the given to the complainant in the
allegations are true of his/her knowledge judgement
as provided for in Sec. 4 Rule 7 of ROC.
Rule 7 requires that the petition should Section 5. Issuance of the writ.
Within 3 days from the date of filing of the inhabitants in two or more cities or
petition, if the petition is sufficient in form provinces.
and substance, the court shall give an
order: All defenses not raised in the return shall be
a) issuing the writ; deemed waived.
b) requiring the respondent to file a
verified return as provided in Section The return shall include affidavits of
8 of this Rule. witnesses, documentary evidence, scientific
The clerk of court shall forthwith issue the or other expert studies, and if possible,
writ under the seal of the court including the object evidence, in support of the defense of
issuance of a cease and desist order and the respondent.
other temporary reliefs effective until
further order. A general denial of allegations in the petition
shall be considered as an admission
Section 6. How the writ is served. thereof.
The writ shall be served upon the
respondent by a court officer or any person Filing of return
deputized by the court, who shall retain a - Respondents verified return must be
copy on which to make a return of service. filed w/in a non-extendible period of
In case the writ cannot be served 10 days from the service of the writ
personally, the rule on substituted service Shall contain the following:
shall apply. 1. All defenses which shows that
a) the respondent did not violate/
Section 7. Penalty for refusing to issue threaten to violate/ allow the
or serve the writ. violation of any environmental law,
A clerk of court who unduly delays or rule or regulation or
refuses to issue the writ of kalikasan after its b) commit any act resulting to
allowance or a court officer or deputized environmental damage of such
person who unduly delays or refuses to magnitude that transcends political
serve the same shall be punished by the and territorial boundaries
court for contempt without prejudice to - Otherwise defenses not raised are
other civil, criminal or administrative actions. deemed waived

Service of the writ 2. Affidavits of witnesses, documentary

- The writ shall then be served on the evidence, scientific or other expert
respondent personally or thru studies, and if possible, object
substituted service if the former evidence supporting the respondents
cannot apply defense

Section 8. Return of respondent; Respondents failure to include a specific

contents. denial of the allegations in the petition -
Within a non-extendible period of 10 days considered as an admission thereof.
after service of the writ, the respondent shall
file a verified return which shall contain all Respondents failure to file a verified
defenses to show that respondent did not return will not result in his being declared in
violate or threaten to violate, or allow the default, nor bar the court from proceeding to
violation of any environmental law, rule or hear the petition ex parte.
regulation or commit any act resulting to
environmental damage of such magnitude Section 9. Prohibited pleadings and
as to prejudice the life, health or property of motions
The following pleadings and motions are
prohibited: The period of hearing, including preliminary
conference, to 60 days
(a) Motion to dismiss; - Should be given the same priority as
(b) Motion for extension of time to file return; petitions for the writ of habeas
(c) Motion for postponement; corpus, amparo and habeas data
(d) Motion for a bill of particulars; - The court is allowed to entertain
(e) Counterclaim or cross-claim; verified motions for ocular inspection
(f) Third-party complaint; and for the production or inspection
(g) Reply; and of documents or things - from the
(h) Motion to declare respondent in default. date of the filing of the petition
and w/in the 60-day period
The enumerated are prohibited to
expedite the hearing of the petition. Rules allow any of the parties to avail of
A motion for intervention not these discovery measures to establish the
prohibited pleading since the magnitude magnitude of the violation or threat thereto,
of the environmental damage entails a or to show the absence or exact degree of
large number of parties that may avail of magnitude of the dame or threat
the writ of kalikasan.
Section 12. Discovery Measures.
Section 10. Effect of failure to file return. A party may file a verified motion for the
following reliefs:
In case the respondent fails to file a return,
the court shall proceed to hear the petition a) Ocular Inspection; order
ex parte. The motion must show that an
ocular inspection order is
Section 11. Hearing. necessary to establish the
Upon receipt of the return of the magnitude of the violation or the
respondent, the court may call a preliminary threat as to prejudice the life, health
conference to simplify the issues, determine or property of inhabitants in two or
the possibility of obtaining stipulations or more cities or provinces. It shall
admissions from the parties, and set the state in detail the place or places to
petition for hearing. be inspected. It shall be supported
by affidavits of witnesses having
The hearing including the preliminary personal knowledge of the violation
conference shall not extend beyond 60 days or threatened violation of
and shall be given the same priority as environmental law.
petitions for the writs of habeas corpus,
amparo and habeas data. After hearing, the court may order
any person in possession or
Preliminary conference and hearing control of a designated land or
- The environmental damage subject other property to permit entry for
of the writ may involve issues that the purpose of inspecting or
are of complex character therefore, photographing the property or any
hearing is not summary relevant object or operation thereon.
- The abbreviated time required
insures that the proceedings are The order shall specify the person or
expedited persons authorized to make the
- Preliminary conference takes inspection and the date, time, place
place of trial and manner of making the
inspection and may prescribe other
conditions to protect the Does not require the movant to specify
constitutional rights of all parties. in detail the documents or things to be
Motion for ocular inspection must state - Motion must show that a
that the same is necessary to establish : production order is necessary to
a. the magnitude of the violation or establish the magnitude of the
the threat thereof violation or threats to prejudice the
b. place/places to be inspected life, health or property of inhabitants
c. duly supported by affidavits of in 2 or more cities or provinces
witnesses having personal - Must specify the person authorized
knowledge of such facts to make the production as well as
If motion is substantiated court may the date, time, place and manner of
order any person in possession or making the inspection or production.
control of a designated land/ other
property to permit entry for the Rules provide courts w/ means and
purpose of inspecting/photographing methods to obtain sufficient
the property or any relevant information to protect right to health
object/operation thereon. and balanced ecology

b) Production or inspection of The Rules of Procedure for Environmental

documents or things; order The Cases liberally provide courts w/ means and
motion must show that a production methods to obtain sufficient info in order to
order is necessary to establish the adequately protect/safeguard the right to
magnitude of the violation or the healthful and balanced ecology (Paje vs
threat as to prejudice the life, health Casino)
or property of inhabitants in two or
more cities or provinces. - Sec. 6 (1) Rule 3 when failure to
settle, the judge shall determine the
After hearing, the court may order necessity of engaging the services
any person in possession, custody of a qualified expert as a friend of
or control of any designated the court (amicus curiae)
documents, papers, books, - Sec. 12 Rule 7 party may avail of
accounts, letters, photographs, discovery measures (ocular
objects or tangible things, or objects inspection & production/ inspection
in digitized or electronic form, which of documents/things.
constitute or contain evidence - The writ would effectively serve
relevant to the petition or the return, as a remedy for the enforcement of
to produce and permit their the right to information about the
inspection, copying or photographing environment.
by or on behalf of the movant. - The scope of fact-finding power
could be:
The production order shall specify 1. Anything related to issuance,
the person or persons authorized to grant of govt permit issued or
make the production and the date, information controlled by the
time, place and manner of making govt/ private entity
the inspection or production and 2. Information contained in
may prescribe other conditions to documents such as ECC and
protect the constitutional rights of all other govt records
parties. - The writ may also be employed to
compel the production of
information, subject to consti laws resulting in environmental
limitations. destruction or damage;
b) Directing the respondent public
Section 13. Contempt. official, government agency, private
The court may after hearing punish the person or entity to protect,
respondent who refuses or unduly delays preserve, rehabilitate or restore
the filing of a return, or who makes a false the environment;
return, or any person who disobeys or c) Directing the respondent public
resists a lawful process or order of the court official, government agency, private
for indirect contempt under Rule 71 of the person or entity to monitor strict
Rules of Court. compliance with the decision and
orders of the court;
Contempt proceedings d) Directing the respondent public
- Indirect contempt the respondent official, government agency, or
is given an opportunity to file a private person or entity to make
comment on the charge and to be periodic reports on the execution
heard by himself or counsel of the final judgment; and
- Treated as criminal in nature even e) Such other reliefs which relate to
when acts complained of are the right of the people to a
incidents of civil actions. balanced and healthful ecology or
to the protection, preservation,
Section 14. Submission of case for rehabilitation or restoration of the
decision; filing of memoranda. environment, except the award of
After hearing, the court shall issue an order damages to individual petitioners.
submitting the case for decision. The court
may require the filing of memoranda and if Period to render judgement
possible, in its electronic form, within a non- - Period: 60 days from date the
extendible period of thirty (30) days from the petition is submitted for decision to
date the petition is submitted for decision. render judgement w/ or w/o
Submission of memoranda in - If parties/court require them to file
electronic form memoranda the court has only the
- Memoranda may be filed in remaining days from the date of
electronic form to hasten the filing of last memorandum or last day
resolution of the petition of filing the same, but not exceed 60
days counted from the submission of
Section 15. Judgment. the case for decision w/in which to
Within 60 days from the time the petition is render judgement
submitted for decision, the court shall
render judgment granting or denying the Reliefs
privilege of the writ of kalikasan. - IF court finds the petition meritorious
shall grant the privilege of the writ
The reliefs that may be granted under the of kalikasan
writ are the following: - Due to great number of inhabitants
that may be involved in the petition
a) Directing respondent to for writ of kalikasan:
permanently cease and desist Sec. 15 prohibits the award of
from committing acts or personal damages as this would
neglecting the performance of a require the reception of evidence
duty in violation of environmental
which would delay the immediate jurisdiction by the Court over
resolution of the petition persons of said respondents.
o This is why Sec. 17 allows Further, while Rules allows recovery of
petitioner to file separate damages including collection of admin
civil, criminal or admin action fines under RA10067 the action
against respondent should be filed in a separate civil suit or
deemed instituted w/ crim action not in
a writ of kalikasan petition
Reliefs not covered by a writ of Ruling on the application or non-
kalikasan application of the criminal jurisdiction
(Paje vs Casino) provisions of the VFA to US personnel
- The Casino group claims that the who may be found responsible for the
ECC was issued in violation of grounding of the USS Guardian
1. DENR Rules on the issuance BEYOND the province of petition for writ
and amendment of an ECC of kalikasan
DAO 2003-30 and Revised WON Visiting Forces Agreement is a
Procedural Manual for DAO valid and binding agreement Writ of
2003-30 Kalikasan under the Rules is NOT the
2. Sec. 59 of the IPRA law proper remedy to assail constitutionality
3. Sec. 26 & 27 of the LGC of its provisions
4. LDA entered into between
SBMA and RP Energy First writ of kalikasan
violated Sec. 59 of IPRA Law - The 1st writ of kalikasan w/ a TEPO
- These allegations cannot come was issued by SC thru CJ Corona
within coverage of Writ of Kalikasan on Nov 19, 2010 in the case of West
bec. no causal link or reasonable Tower Condo vs First PH Industrial
connection was shown bet. The Corporation (FPIC)
defects or irregularities in the - The court ordered FPIC to:
issuance of the ECC and actual or a) Cease and desist from operating
threatened violation of the consti the leaking pipeline until further
right to balanced and healthful orders from the Court
ecology of the magnitude b) Check the structural integrity of
contemplated in the Rules. the whole span of 117 km
pipeline while implementing
(Arigo vs Swift) sufficient measures to prevent
- Petitioner sought directive from the and avert any untoward incidents
Court for the institution of civil, that may result from any leak of
admin and criminal suits for acts the pipeline
committed in violation of envi laws c) Make a report thereon w/in 60
and regulations in connection w/ the days from receipt thereof
grounding of the USS Guardian on
the South Shoal of Tubbataha Riefs - The TEPO was based on petition by
a UNESCO World Heritage Site residents of West Tower Condo and
- Court declared that since US Brgy. Bangkal in Makati City who
respondents were sued in their claimed to have suffered health and
official capacity as commanding envi hazards from leaking FPICs oil
officers of the US Navy and pipeline that runs from Batangas to
satisfaction of a judgement would Pandacan oil depot in Manila
require the appropriation of funds by o Petitioners alleged that
the US government, the principle of continuous use of the
State Immunity bars the exercise of
pipeline not only hazard experts on the CFB
health and property but also technology or on envi
affect rights of the matters and they even
generations yet unborn to admitted on cross-exam that
live in a balanced and they are not competent to
healthful ecology. testify on the envi impact of
o Violation of Clean Water Act, the project
Clean Air Act and PH o Wanting in their testimonies
Environmental Code. is their technical knowledge
of the project design/
Writ will not lie where alleged implementation or some
environmental damage is not other aspects of the project
substantiated - Court noted that RP Energy
(Paje vs Casino) controverted in detail the allegations
- Court denied the petition for a writ of of the Casino Group on the 4 areas
kalikasan on ground that Casino of envi damage that will allegedly
group (respondents) failed to occur upon the construction and
substatntiate their claims that the operation of the power plant.
construction and operation of the
coal-fired thermal power plant in Section 16. Appeal.
Subic Bay to supply reliable and Within 15 days from the date of notice of the
affordable power to Subic Bay adverse judgment or denial of motion for
Industrial Park (SBIP) will cause envi reconsideration, any party may appeal to
damage of the magnitude the Supreme Court under Rule 45 of the
contemplated under writ of Rules of Court. The appeal may raise
kalikasan. questions of fact.
- Casino group claimed that the
construction and operation of the By means of a petition for review on
power plant will certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules
a) Thermal pollution of coastal of Court (ROC)
waters The petition may include an
b) Air pollution due to dust and application for a writ of preliminary
combustion gases injunction or other provisional
c) Water pollution from toxic remedies.
coal combustion waste Allows appeal to raise questions of
d) Acid deposition in aquatic fact- by way of exception to Rule 45
and terrestrial ecosystems of the ROC precisely bec. of the
which whill adversely affect inherent nature of environmental
residents of Bataan, cases wherein question fof fact
Zambales Subic, Morong, would inevitable arise.
Hermosa and Olongapo
o Court was Section 17. Institution of separate
unconvinced actions.
The filing of a petition for the issuance of the
- HELD: Casino group failed to carry writ of kalikasan shall not preclude the filing
the onus of proving the alleged of separate civil, criminal or administrative
significant negative envi impacts of actions.
the project.
o The witnesses presented by
the Casino group are not

Section 1. Petition for continuing

When any agency or instrumentality of the
government or officer thereof unlawfully
neglects the performance of an act which
the law specifically enjoins as a duty
resulting from an office, trust or station in
connection with the enforcement or violation
of an environmental law rule or regulation or
a right therein, or unlawfully excludes
another from the use or enjoyment of such
right and there is no other plain, speedy and
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
law, the person aggrieved thereby may file a
verified petition in the proper court, alleging
the facts with certainty, attaching thereto
supporting evidence, specifying that the
petition concerns an environmental law, rule
or regulation, and praying that judgment be
rendered commanding the respondent to do
an act or series of acts until the judgment is
fully satisfied, and to pay damages
sustained by the petitioner by reason of the
malicious neglect to perform the duties of
the respondent, under the law, rules or
regulations. The petition shall also contain a
sworn certification of non-forum shopping.

Functions of mandamus
- Mandamus is employed to compel
the performance when refused of a
ministerial duty this being its chief
use and not a discretionary duty.
- Distinguished from injunction a The court in which the petition is filed may
preventive remedy; Mandamus to issue such orders to expedite the
set in motion and to compel action proceedings, and it may also grant a TEPO
- Mandamus lies to command the for the preservation of the rights of the
doing of what ought to be done and parties pending such proceedings.
not to undo what has been done
Section 6.Proceedings after comment is
Writ of continuing mandamus filed
- Commands the respondent to do an After the comment is filed or the time for the
act or series of acts until the filing thereof has expired, the court may
judgement is fully satisfied hear the case which shall be summary in
- It is a special civil action to compel nature or require the parties to submit
the performance of an act memoranda. The petition shall be resolved
specifically enjoined by law without delay within sixty (60) days from the
- Permits court to retain jurisdiction date of the submission of the petition for
after judgement in order to ensure resolution.
the successful implementation of Section 7. Judgment.
reliefs mandated under courts If warranted, the court shall grant the
decision privilege of the writ of continuing mandamus
o Court may compel the requiring respondent to perform an act or
submission of compliance series of acts until the judgment is fully
reports from the respondent satisfied and to grant such other reliefs as
govt agencies as well as may be warranted resulting from the
avail of other means to wrongful or illegal acts of the respondent.
monitor compliance The court shall require the respondent to
- Final relief in environmental civil submit periodic reports detailing the
cases and in writ of kalikasan progress and execution of the judgment,
and the court may, by itself or through a
Section 2. Where to file the petition. commissioner or the appropriate
The petition shall be filed with the Regional government agency, evaluate and monitor
Trial Court exercising jurisdiction over the compliance. The petitioner may submit its
territory where the actionable neglect or comments or observations on the execution
omission occurred or with the Court of of the judgment.
Appeals or the Supreme Court.
(MMDA vs Concerned Residents of
Section 3. No docket fees. Manila Bay)
The petitioner shall be exempt from the - A group of concerned citizens filed a
payment of docket fees. complaint against several govt
agencies, among them: MMDA for
Section 4. Order to comment. the cleanup, rehabilitation and
If the petition is sufficient in form and protection of the Manila Bay.
substance, the court shall issue the writ and - Court affirmed the judgement of the
require the respondent to comment on the RTC ordering MMDA and other govt
petition within ten (10) days from receipt of agencies jointly and solidarily to
a copy thereof. Such order shall be served clean up and rehab Manila Bay and
on the respondents in such manner as the restore its waters to SB classification
court may direct, together with a copy of the to make it fit for swimming, skin-
petition and any annexes thereto. diving and other forms of contact
Section 5. Expediting proceedings; - Decision became final in Jan 2009
TEPO. for the meantime court created the
Manila Bay Advisory Committee to
receive and evaluate the quarterly Upon full satisfaction of the judgment, a final
progressive reports on the activities return of the writ shall be made to the court
undertaken by the agencies & by the respondent. If the court finds that the
monitor the execution phase of the judgment has been fully implemented, the
decision this orders are in the satisfaction of judgment shall be entered in
nature of Continuing Mandamus the court docket.
- Ruling: Final judgement includes
not only what appears upon its face
to have been so adjudged but also
matters actually and necessarily
included therein or necessart
o Submission of periodic
reports is sanctioned by Sec.
7 & 8 of Rule 8 of RPEC

(Vineet Narain vs Union of India and

M.C. Mehta vs Union of India)
- Vineet case: Highly positioned public
officials receiving money from
terrorist groups.
o Petitioners filed a petition for
writ of mandamus to compel
Central Bureau of
Investigation and other govt
agencies to investigate.
o SC of India issued a writ of
continuing mandamus in
order to monitor CBIs
compliance with its order to
investigate the offenses and
ensure investigation is done
w/ impartiality and objectivity
- MC Case: sought closure of
tanneries tro prevent pollution of
Ganges River
(T.N. Godavarman vs Union of India &
- SC of India issued a writ of
continuing mandamus in order to
monitor compliance w/ order to
preserve and rehabilitate an Indian

Section 8. Return of the writ.

The periodic reports submitted by the
respondent detailing compliance with the
judgment shall be contained in partial
returns of the writ.
Subject Matter a) Unlawful neglect in the Against an unlawful act or
perforamance of an act which the omission of a public official or
law specifically enjoins as a duty employee or private individual
resulting from the office, trust or or entity involving
station in connection w/ environmental damage of
enforcement or violation of an such magnitude as to
environmental law rule or prejudice life, health or
regulation or a right therein property of inhabitants in 2 or
b) Unlawful exclusion of another more cities or provinces.
from the use or enjoyment of such
right The magnitude of the envi
c) No other plain, speedy and damage is a condition sine
adequate remedy in the ordinary qua non in a petition for writ of
course of law kalikasan and must be
specified in the verified
Who may file One who is personally aggrieved by Broad range of persons such
the unlawful act/omission as
a) natural or juridical
b) entity authorized by
c) peoples organization
d) any public interest
group accredited or
registered w/ any
govt agency
on behalf of persons
whose right to a balanced
and healthful ecology is
violated or threatened to
be violated
Respondent Only government or its officers May be private individual or
Exemption from docket fees Exempted Exempted
Venue a) RTC exercising jurisdciction over Only filed in SC or any of the
the territory where the actionable stations of the CA in Manila,
neglect or omission occurred Cebu or Cagayan de Oro City
b) CA
c) SC
Discovery Measures No discovery measures Incorporates the procedural
environmental right to acces
information thr u the use of
discovery measures such as
ocular inspection and
production order
Damages for personal injury Allows the payment of damages for Does not allow payment of
the malicious neglect of the damages consistent w/ the
performance of the legal duty of the public-interest character of the
respondent petition. A party who avails of
this petition may file another
suit for the recovery of
damages since it allows for
the institution of separate
Once an information is filed in court, any
PART IV disposition of the case as its dismissal/
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE conviction/ acquittal of the accused rests in
the sound discretion of the court.
PROSECUTION OF OFFENSES Section 3. Special prosecutor.
In criminal cases, where there is no private
Section 1. Who may file. offended party, a counsel whose services
are offered by any person or organization
1. Any offended party, may be allowed by the court as special
2. Peace officer or prosecutor, with the consent of and subject
3. Any public officer charged with the to the control and supervision of the public
enforcement of an environmental prosecutor.
Intervention of a special prosecutor
may file a complaint before the proper
officer in accordance with the Rules of Aim: Encourage public participation in
Court. criminal litigation by permitting the
appearance of a special prosecutor.
Section 2. Filing of the information.
This provision recognizes the possibility of
An information, charging a person w/ a intervention from a special prosecutor even
violation of an environmental law and in the absence of a private offended party.
subscribed by the prosecutor, shall be filed The special prosecutor complements the
with the court. public prosecutor in advancing public
interest in environmental cases.
The filing of information initiates the Sec 3 - applies to those instances of
criminal action victimless offenses where there is no
private offended party who has a direct or
The preliminary investigation conducted by material interest to prosecute a criminal
the fiscal for the purpose of determining action. Most environmental cases involve
whether a prima facie case exists violations of environmental law (ex.
warranting the prosecution of the accused dynamite fishing/ illegal logging)
is terminated upon the filing of the
information in the proper court. These situations are likened to public
interest environmental litigation prevalent in
The filing of said information sets in motion foreign jurisdictions where it is usually a
the criminal action against the accused in concerned peoples organization, non-
court. governmental organization or citizens
ground that pushes and pursues the
criminal action
collection or possession shall be liable, & if
Offenses under the Revised Forestry such officers are aliens, they shall, in
Code addition to the penalty, be deported w/o
(PD 705 Sec. 68) further proceedings on the part of the
(As amended by PD 1159 and E0 277) Commission on Immigration and
2 acts violated: Deportation.
1) Cutting, Gathering and/or collecting
Timber, or Other Forest Products The court shall further order the
without License. confiscation in favor of the government of
the timber or any forest products cut,
Any person who shall cut, gather, gathered, collected, removed, or possessed
collect, removed timber or other forest as well as the machinery, equipment,
products from any forest land, or timber implements and tools illegally used in the
from alienable or disposable public land, area where the timber or forest products are
or from private land, without any found.
DENR AO No. 59, Series of 1993 -
DEFENSE: specifies the documents required
Legality of the acts of cutting, for the transport of timber and other
gathering, collecting or removing forest products.
timber or other forest products by
presenting the authorization issued Sec. 3 of DENR AO No. 59
by the DENR materially requires that the transport
of lumber be accompanied by a
2) Possess timber or other forest certificate of lumber origin duly
products without the legal issued by DENR-CENRO
documents as required under
existing forest laws and regulations PD 705 is a special penal statute that
punishes acts essentially malum
DEFENSE: prohibitum
- Immaterial whether the cutting,
gathering, collecting, and In offenses considered as mala prohibita or
removal of the forest products is when the doing of an act is prohibited by a
legal or not. special law, such as that committed under
- Mere possession of forest PD 705 the commission of the prohibited
products w/o the proper act is the crime itself.
documents consummates the - It is sufficient that the offender
crime. 1. has the intent to perpetrate the
- WON the lumber comes from a act prohibited by the special law,
legal source is immaterial 2. that it is done knowingly and
because EO2077 considers the consciously.
mere possession of timber or
other forest products w/o the In the 2nd offense WON the lumber
proper legal documents as comes from a legal source is immaterial
malum prohibitum. because the Revised Forestry Code is a
special law which considers the mere
shall be punished with the penalties under possession of timber/ other forest products
Art.309 and 310 of the RPC(Qualified Theft) w/o proper documentation as malum
That in the case of partnerships, prohibitum.
associations, or corporations, the
officers who ordered the cutting, gathering,
PD 705 is a special penal statute that a) Poaching in Philippine Waters
punishes acts essentially malum prohibitum. b) Fishing Through Explosives,
As such, prosecutions under its provisions, Noxious or Poisonous Substance,
claims of good faith are by no means and/or Electricity.
reliable as defenses because the offense c) Use of Fine Mesh Net
is complete and criminal liability attaches d) Use of active gear in municipal
one the prohibited acts are committed. waters and other fishery
Violation of Sec. 68 of PD 705 is management areas
punished as QUALIFIED THEFT e) Ban on Coral Exploitation and
Violation of Sec.68 of PD 705, as amended, f) Conversion of Mangroves
is punished as qualified theft. The law g) Fishing in Overfished Area and
treats cutting, gathering, collecting and During Closed Season.
possessing timber or other forest products h) Fishing in Fishery Reserves, Refuge
w/o license as an offense as grave and and Sanctuaries
equivalent to the felony of qualified theft.
- Sec. 68 refers to Art. 309 and 310 of Under Sec. 124 of the Fisheries Code the
the RPC for the penalties to be following are authorized to enforce the
imposed on violators Code and other fishery laws, rules and
(RA 7942) 1. Law enforcement officers of the
Illegally sourced minerals or mineral 2. Philippine Navy,
products those which are mined, 3. Philippine Coast Guard,
extracted, removed and/or disposed of w/o 4. Philippine National Police (PNP),
authority or permit under existing mining 5. PNP-Maritime Command,
laws, rules and regulation. 6. law enforcement officers of the
The transport of all minerals/ mineral 7. Other government enforcement
products and by-products, including gold agencies,
bullions w/o the corresponding permit 8. Other competent government
documents (e.g. ore transport permits) shall officials and employees,
be considered prima facie evidence of 9. Punong barangays and officers
illegal mining and as basis for the filing 10. Members of fisherfolk associations
of a complaint for theft of minerals who have undergone training on law
enforcement may be designated in
The Regional Office concerned, permittee, writing by the Department as deputy
contractor, permit holder and/or other duly fish wardens
deputized personnel shall file the
complaint w/ the proper court for
violation of Sec. 103 of the Act (Theft of OFFENSES UNDER THE WATER CODE
Minerals) (PD 1067)


CODE Chapter 8 of the Water Code of the
(RA 8550) Philippines enumerates acts punishable
thereunder which includes:
Chapter 6 Prohibitions and
Penalties a) Appropriation of subterranean or
Some Prohibitions: ground water for domestic use by an
overlying landowner without and Resident Manager for Mining
registration required by the Council. Operation of Marcopper in Marinduque.
b) Failure to comply with any of the Marcopper built concrete plug at the
terms or conditions in a water permit tunnels discharging tons of tailing into
or a water rights grant. Boac and Makalupnit rivers.
c) Unauthorized use of water for a
purpose other than that for which a DOJ then filed separate charges against
right or permit was granted. the petitioners in MTC Marinduque for
d) Failure to provide adequate facilities violation of
to prevent or control diseases when 1. Art.19 the Water Code of the
required by the Council in the Philippines (PD 1067)
construction of any work for the 2. Sec.8 of National Pollution Control
storage, diversion, distribution and Decree (PD 984)
utilization of water. 3. Sec. 108 of the Philippine Mining Act
e) Drilling of a well without permission of 2005 (RA 7942)
of the Council. 4. Art. 365 of the RPC for reckless
f) Illegal taking or diversion of water in imprudence resulting in damage to
an open canal, aqueduct or property.
g) Appropriation of water without a Petitioners moved to quash the
water permit, unless such person is information saying that the
expressly exempted from securing a 1. information was duplicitous for it
permit by the provisions of this charges more than one offense
Code. for a single act,
h) Unauthorized obstruction of an 2. that Loney and Reid were not yet
irrigation canal. officers when this incident took
i) Establishment of a cemetery or a place
waste disposal area near a source of 3. that the informations contain
water supply or reservoir for allegations which constitute legal
domestic municipal use without excuse or justification.
permission. MTC:
j) Dumping mine tailings and 1. Partially granted the quashing of the
sediments into rivers or waterways informations for violation of PD 1067
without permission. and PD 984 but maintained violation
of RA 7942 and RPC.
PROSECUTION FOR MULTIPLE 2. MTC then issued a consolidated
VIOLATIONS order in so far as the offense against
RPC. With such, petitioners filed a
petition for certiorari with RTC-
Under Sec. 3(e), Rule 117 of the 1985 Marinduque assailing the
Rules of Criminal Procedure, duplicity of Consolidated Order.
offenses in a single information is a ground
to quash the Information. The rules prohibit RTC:
the filing of such Information to avoid 1. Granted appeal but denied the
confusing the accused in preparing his petition for certiorari.
defense. 2. Consolidated Order was affirmed
and ordered the reinstatement of the
(Loney vs People) information pertaining to the violation
FACTS: of PD 1967 and PD 984.
Loney, Reid and Hernandez are the
President, CEO and Senior Manager
Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari with precaution on its part to prevent the
the CA alleging grave abuse of discretion damage to property
reiterating the defense that the informations
were made out from a single act RA 7942 (Philippine Mining Act) the
additional fact that must be established is
CA: affirmed RTC the willful violation and gross neglect on
the part of the accused to abide by the
ISSUE: Whether all the charges filed terms and conditions of the ECC,
against petitioners except one should be particularly Marcopper should ensure the
quashed for duplicity of charges and only containment of run-off and silt materials
the charge for Reckless Imprudence from reaching the Mogpog and Boac
Resulting in Damage to Property should Rivers.
stand. - If there was no violation or neglect and
accused satisfactorily proved that
SC: No duplicity. Duplicity of charges Marcopper should ensure the
means a single complaint or information containment of run-off and silt materials
charges more than on offense. The filing of not liable
several charges is proper. A single act or - It does not follow that they cannot be
incident might offend two or more entirely prosecuted under the Water Code, Anti-
distinct and unrelated provisions of law thus Pollution Law and RPC bec of the
justifying the prosecution for more than one violation of the ECC is not an essential
offense. The only limit is double jeopardy. element of these laws

The Court ruled that petitioners erroneously Art. 365 of the RPC additional element
invoked duplicity of charges as a ground to is the lack of necessary or adequate
quash the information. A comparative precaution, negligence, recklessness and
analysis of the 4 laws, there is 1 essential imprudence on the part of the accused to
element not required of the others, thus: prevent damage to property. This element
is not required under the previous laws.
PD 1067 (Water Code) additional element
to be established is the dumping of mine
tailings into the Makulapnit River and the
entire Boac River System
- The gravamen of the offense here is
the absence of the proper permit to
dump said mine tailings.
- One can be validly prosecuted for
violating the Water Code even in the
absence of actual pollution or even if
complied with ECC or even if took
necessary precautions to prevent
damage to the property

PD 984 (Anti-Pollution Law) additional

fact that must be proved is the existence
of actual pollution.
- The gravamen is the pollution itself
- In the absence of any pollution, the
accused must be exonerated under this
law although there was unauthorized
dumping of mine tailings or lack of
3. institutes the civil action prior to the
criminal action.

Unless the civil action has been instituted

prior to the criminal action, the reservation
of the right to institute separately the
civil action shall be made during

GR: Civil action is deemed instituted

with the criminal action

Rule on the award of damages

In case civil liability is imposed or
damages are awarded
- the filing and other legal fees shall be
imposed on said award in accordance
with Rule 141 of the Rules of Court
- the fees shall constitute a first lien on
the judgment award.
The damages awarded in cases where
there is no private offended party, less the
filing fees, shall accrue to the funds of the
agency charged with the implementation
of the environmental law violated. The
award shall be used for the restoration and
rehabilitation of the environment adversely

Institution of actions
- This provision different from the
traditional rule on institution of civil
actions under Rule 111 of the Rules on
Crim Pro provides for applicable rule
RULE 10 on the disposition of damages where
PROSECUTION OF CIVIL ACTIONS there is no private offended party
- Codifies the essence of the restorative
Section 1. Institution of criminal and civil justice when it requires that the award
actions. shall be given to the concerned govt
When a criminal action is instituted, the agency.
civil action for the recovery of civil liability
arising from the offense charged, shall be
deemed instituted with the criminal action
unless the complainant
1. waives the civil action,
2. reserves the right to institute it

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