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An induction motor always runs at a speed less than synchronous speed because the
rotating magnetic field which is produced in the stator will generate flux in the rotor which
will make the rotor to rotate, but due to the lagging of flux current in the rotor with
flux current in the stator, the rotor will never reach to its rotating magnetic field speed i.e.
the synchronous speed. There are basically two types of induction motor that depend
upon the input supply - single phase induction motor and three phase induction motor.
Single phase induction motor is not a self starting motor.

Working Principle of Induction Motor

We need to give double excitation to make a machine to rotate. For example if we
consider a DC motor, we will give one supply to the stator and another to the rotor through
brush arrangement. But in induction motor we give only one supply, so it is really
interesting to know that how it works. It is very simple, from the name itself we can
understand that induction process is involved. Actually when we are giving the supply to
the stator winding, flux will generate in the coil due to flow of current in the coil. Now the
rotor winding is arranged in such a way that it becomes short circuited in the rotor itself.
The flux from the stator will cut the coil in the rotor and since the rotor coils are short
circuited, according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, current will start
flowing in the coil of the rotor. When the current will flow, another flux will get generated
in the rotor. Now there will be two flux, one is stator flux and another is rotor flux and the
rotor flux will be lagging w.r.t to the stator flux. Due to this, the rotor will feel a torque which
will make the rotor to rotate in the direction of rotating magnetic flux. So the speed of the
rotor will be depending upon the ac supply and the speed can be controlled by varying
the input supply. This is the working principle of an induction motor of either type single
and three phase. .
Types Induction Motor
Single Phase Induction Motor
Split phase induction motor
Capacitor start induction motor
Capacitor start capacitor run induction motor
Shaded pole induction motor
Three Phase Induction Motor
Squirrel cage induction motor
Slip ring induction motor
We had mentioned above that single phase induction motor is not a self starting and three
phase induction motor is self starting. So what is self starting? When the machine starts
running automatically without any external force to the machine, then it is called as self
starting. For example we see that when we put on the switch the fan starts to rotate
automatically, so it is self starting. Point to be noted that fan used in home appliances is
single phase induction motor which is inherently not self starting. How? Question arises
How it works? We will discuss it now.
Why is Three Phase Induction Motor Self Starting?
In three phase system, there are three single phase line with 120 phase difference. So
the rotating magnetic field is having the same phase difference which will make the rotor
to move. If we consider three phases a, b and c, when phase a is magnetized, the rotor
will move towards the phase a winding a, in the next moment phase b will get magnetized
and it will attract the rotor and then phase c. So the rotor will continue to rotate.
Imp Points
There are several advantages of induction motor which makes this motor to have wider
application. It is having good efficiency up to 97%. But the speed of the motor varies with
the load given to the motor which is an disadvantage of this motor. The direction of
rotation of induction motor can easily be changed by changing the sequence of three
phase supply, i.e. if RYB is in forward direction, the RBY will make the motor to rotate in
reverse direction. This is in the case of three phase motor but in single phase motor, the
direction can be reversed by reversing the capacitor terminals in the winding.
Thus the three phase induction motor is:
Less armature reaction and brush sparking because of the absence of
commutators and brushes that may cause sparks.
Robust in construction.
Easier to maintain.

TIlere are two different types of induction motor rotors which can be placed inside the
stator. One is called a cage rotor, while the other is called a wound rotor.

1. A cage induction motor rotor consists ofa series of conducting bars laid into slots carved
in the face of the rotor and shorted at either end by large shorting rings.

2. A wound rotor has a complete set of three-phase windings that are mirror images of the
windings on the stator. The three phases of the rotor windings are us ually V-connected,
and the ends of the three rotor wires are tied to slip rings on the rotor's shaft. TIle rotor
windings are shorted through brushes riding on the slip rings.
Why induction motor moves less than synchorous speed
If the inductionmotor 's rotor were turning at synchronous speed, then the rotor bars wou
ld be stationaryrelative to the magnetic field and there would be no induced voltage. If eioo
were equal to 0, then there would be no rotor c urrent and no rotor magnetic fie ld.With no
rotor magnetic fi e ld, the induced torque would be zero, and the rotorwould slow down as
a result of fri ction losses. An induction motor can thus speed up to near-synchronous
speed, but it can never exactly reach synchronous speed.

IMP Points..
1. The higher the speed of an induction motor, the higher its friction, windage, and stray
losses. On the other hand, the higherthe speed of the motor (up to n,ync)' the lower
its core losses.
2. The pullout torque on the curve will be 200 to 250 percent of the rated fu ll-load torque of
the machine, and the starting torque (the torque at zero speed) will be 150 percent or so
of the fu ll-load torque. Unlike a synchronous motor,
3. the induction motor can start with a full load attached to its shaft.
4. A motor with high rotor resistance has a good starting torque but poor e ffi cie ncy at nonnal
operating conditions. On the other hand, a motor with low rotor resistance has a low starting
torque and high starting current, but its e fficiency at nonnal operating conditions is quite

I. The induced torque of the motor is. zero at synchronous speed. this fact has
been discussed previously.
2. 1he torque- speed curve is nearly linear between no load and full load. In this
range, the rotor resistance is much larger than the rotor reactance, so the rotor
current , the rotor magnetic fi eld, and the induced torque increase linearly
with increasing slip.
3. There is a maximum possible torque that cannot be exceeded. This torque,
called the pullout torque or breakdown torque, is 2 to 3 times the rated full load
torque of the motor. The next section of this chapter contains a method
for calculating pullout torque.
4. The starting torque on the motor is slightly larger than its full -load torque, so
this motor will start carrying any load that it can supply at full power.
5. Notice that the torque on the motor for a given slip varies as the square of the
applied voltage. This fact is useful in one form of induction motor speed control
that will be described later.
6. If the rotor of the induction motor is driven faster than synchronous speed,
then the direction of the induced torque in the machine reverses and the machine
becomes a generator, converting mechanical power to electric power.

Induction Motor At No load and Full Load

At No load.

1. Rotor slip is small.

2. The relative motion between the rotor and the magnetic fields is very small.

3. Rotor Frequency Is small.

4. Er Induced In rotor is small.

5. IR is small.

6. IR inphase with ER.

7. Notice that the stator current must be quite large even at no load, since it must supply most
of Bne,. (This is why induction motors have large no-load currents compared to other types
of machines.)

8. Since the rotor magnetic field is very small, the induced torque is also quite small
just large enough to overcome the motor's rotational losses
9. .
At Full load.

1. As load increases Slip Increases.

2. Rotor Speed Falls
3. Relative Motion between rotor and stator magnetic field increases.
4. ER Stronger and in turn IR Stronger..
5. BR increases.
6. Rotor Frequency and Rotor Reactance increases
7. Notice that the rotor current has increased and that the angle has increased. The
increase in BR tends to increase the torque, while the increase in angle tends to
decrease the torque (Ti is proportional to sin angle, and angle > 90). Since the first
effect is larger than the second one, the overall induced torque increases to supply
the motor's increased load.
8. As the load on the shaft is increased, the sin angle tend decreases more than the BR tend
increases. At that point, a further increase in load decreases Tind and the motor stops.This
torque is called Pull Out torque.

Characteristic curve regions

Low Slip Region

1. In the low-slip region, the motor slip increases approximately linearly with increased
2. The rotor mechanical speed decreases approximately linearly with load.
3. Rotor reactance is negligible.
4. Rotor power factor is approximately unity.
5. Rotor current increases Iinearly with slip.
6. Steady State Operation.

Moderate Slip Region

1. The rotor frequency is higher than before.
2. The rotor reactance is on the same order of magnitude as the rotor resistance
3. The rotor current no longer increases as rapidly as before.
4. power factor starts to drop.
5. The peak torque (the pullout torque) of the motor occurs at the point where, for an
incremental increase in load. the increase in the rotor current is exactly balanced by
the decrease in the rotor power factor.

High Slip Region

1. the induced torque actually decreases with increased load, since the increase in
rotor current is completely overshadowed by the decrease in rotor power factor.

Maximum torque


Old method Of Torque increasing Of Wound rotor..

Control of Motor Characteristics by Cage Rotor

if the bars of a cage rotor are placed near the surface of the rotor, they will have only a small
leakage flux and the reactance will be small in the equivalent circuit. On the other hand, if the
rotor bars are placed deeper into the rotor surface, there will be more leakage and the rotor
reactance will be larger. Because of the low rotor resistance, the pullout torque will be quite
near synchronous speed. However, since R is small, the motor's starting torque will be small,
and its starting current will be high. This type of design is called the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA) design class A.

Deep-Bar and Double-Cage Rotor Designs

It consists of a large, low-resistance set of bars buried deeply in the rotor and a small, high-
resistance set of bars set at the rotor surface. Ii is similar to the deepbar rotor, except that
the difference between low-slip and high-slip operation is

Advantage and disadvantage of this technique

Double-cage rotors have the disadvantage that they are more expensive than the
other types of cage rotors, but they are cheaper than wound-rotor designs. They allow
some of the best features possible with wound-rotor motors (high starting torque with
a low starting current and good efficiency at normal operating conditions) at a lower
cost and without the need of maintaining slip rings and brush.

Classes Of Induction Motor.

Class A

normal starting torque, a normal starting current, and low slip.

Slip Is 5%
The pullout torque is 200 to 300 percent of the full-load torque and occurs at a low slip.
The starting torque of this design is at least the rated torque for larger motors and is 200
percent or more of the rated torque for smaller motors.
The principal problem with this design class is its extremely high inrush current on starting.
Current flows at starting are typically 500 to 800 percent of the rated current.
Typical applications for these motors are driving fans, blowers, pumps, lathes, and other
machine tools.

Class B
Design class 8 motors have a nornal starting torque, a lower starting current, and low slip.
TIlis motor produces about the same starting torque as the class A motor with about 25
percent less current. TIle pullout torque is greater than or equal to 200 percent of the
rated load torque, but less than that of the class A design because of the increased rotor
reactance. Rotor slip is still relatively low (less than 5 percent) at full load. Applications
are similar to those for design A, but design B is preferred because of its lower starting-
current requirements. Design class B motors have largely replaced design class A motors
in new installations

Class c
Design class C motors have a high starting torque with low starting currents and low slip
(less than 5 percent) at full load. TIle pullout torque is slightly lower than that for class A
motors, while the starting torque is up to 250 percent of the full-load torque. TIlese
motors are built from double-cage rotors, so they are more expensive than motors in the
previous classes. They are used for high-starting-torque loads, such as loaded pumps,
compressors, and conveyors.

Class D
Design class D motors have a very high starting torque (275 percent or more of the
rated torque) and a low starting current.
Full-load slip for these motors is quite high because of the high rotor resistance. It is
typically7 to 11 percent. but may go as high as 17 percent or more.
These motors are used in appli cations requiring the acceleration of extremely high-
inertia-type loads, especiallylarge flywheels used in punch presses or shears.

classes E and F, which were called soft-start induction motors. and were used for low-
starling-torque loads in situations where starting currents were a problem.

In auto transformer the power is transferred by both conductively and
inductively. The power transferred inductively = (1-K) input power The power
transferred conductively = K input power If turn ratio K is near to 1, maximum
power is transferred through conductively and losses are less, efficiency is more

When maximum flux density is constant, the eddy current

losses are proportional to
Eddy current loss Pe Ke Bm2f2 When maximum flux density is constant, Eddy
current loss, Pe f2

In a transformer maximum flux density is not constant, the eddy

current loss varies as
the transformer oil subjects to convectional flow for cooling the transformer.
As low viscous liquid flow easily than high viscous one, transformer insulating
oil should be of low viscosity.

Speed Control Of induction Motor

Varying Synchronous speed

By Electrical Frquency
By Changing No Of Poles

Varying slip of motor

The Speed of Induction Motor is changed from Both

Stator and Rotor Side
The speed control of three phase induction motor from stator side are
further classified as :
1. V / f control or frequency control.
2. Changing the number of stator poles.
3. Controlling supply voltage.
4. Adding rheostat in the stator circuit.
The speed controls of three phase induction motor from rotor side are
further classified as:
1. Adding external resistance on rotor side.
2. Cascade control method.
3. Injecting slip frequency emf into rotor side.
Speed Control from Stator Side
1. V / f control or frequency control - Whenever three phase
supply is given to three phase induction motor rotating magnetic
field is produced which rotates at synchronous speed given by

In three phase induction motor emf is induced by induction similar

to that of transformer which is given by

Where K is the winding constant, T is the number of turns per phase

and f is frequency. Now if we change frequency synchronous speed
changes but with decrease in frequency flux will increase and this
change in value of flux causes saturation of rotor and stator cores
which will further cause increase in no load current of the motor .
So, its important to maintain flux , constant and it is only possible
if we change voltage. i.e if we decrease frequency flux increases
but at the same time if we decrease voltage flux will also decease
causing no change in flux and hence it remains constant. So, here
we are keeping the ratio of V/ f as constant. Hence its name is V/ f
method. For controlling the speed of three phase induction motor
by V/ f method we have to supply variable voltage and frequency
which is easily obtained by using converter and inverter set.
2. Controlling supply voltage: The torque produced by running
three phase induction motor is given by

In low slip region (sX)2 is very very small as compared to R2. So, it
can be neglected. So torque becomes

Since rotor resistance, R2 is constant so the equation of torque

further reduces to
We know that rotor induced emf E2 V. So, T sV2. From the
equation above it is clear that if we decrease supply voltage torque
will also decrease. But for supplying the same load, the torque must
remains the same and it is only possible if we increase the slip and
if the slip increases the motor will run at reduced speed . This
method of speed control is rarely used because small change in
speed requires large reduction in voltage, and hence
the current drawn by motor increases, which cause over heating of
induction motor.
3. Changing the number of stator poles : The stator poles can be
changed by two methods
4. Multiple stator winding method.
5. Pole amplitude modulation method (PAM)
6. Multiple stator winding method In this method of speed
control of three phase induction motor, the stator is provided by
two separate winding. These two stator windings are electrically
isolated from each other and are wound for two different pole
numbers. Using switching arrangement, at a time , supply is given
to one winding only and hence speed control is possible.
Disadvantages of this method is that the smooth speed control is
not possible . This method is more costly and less efficient as two
different stator winding are required. This method of speed control
can only be applied for squirrel cage motor.
7. Pole amplitude modulation method (PAM) In this method of
speed control of three phase induction motor the original sinusoidal
mmf wave is modulated by another sinusoidal mmf wave having
different number of poles.
Let f1() be the original mmf wave of induction motor whose speed is
to be controlled. f2() be the modulation mmf wave. P1 be the number
of poles of induction motor whose speed is to be controlled. P2 be the
number of poles of modulation wave.

After modulation resultant mmf wave

So we get, resultant mmf wave

Therefore the resultant mmf wave will have two different number of

Therefore by changing the number of poles we can easily change the

speed of three phase induction motor.
8. Adding rheostat in the stator circuit - In this method of speed
control of three phase induction motor rheostat is added in the
stator circuit due to this voltage gets dropped .In case of three
phase induction motor torque produced is given by T sV22. If we
decrease supply voltage torque will also decrease. But for supplying
the same load, the torque must remains the same and it is only
possible if we increase the slip and if the slip increase motor will
run reduced speed.
Speed Control from Rotor Side
1. Adding external resistance on rotor side - In this method of
speed control of three phase induction motor external resistance
are added on rotor side. The equation of torque for three phase
induction motor is

The three phase induction motor operates in low slip region. In low
slip region term (sX)2becomes very very small as compared to R2.
So, it can be neglected . and also E2 is constant. So the equation
of torque after simplification becomes,
Now if we increase rotor resistance, R2 torque decreases but to
supply the same load torque must remains constant. So, we
increase slip, which will further results in decrease in rotor speed.
Thus by adding additional resistance in rotor circuit we can
decrease the speed of three phase induction motor. The main
advantage of this method is that with addition of external
resistance starting torque increases but this method of speed
control of three phase induction motor also suffers from some
disadvantages :
1. The speed above the normal value is not possible.
2. Large speed change requires large value of resistance and if such
large value of resistance is added in the circuit it will cause large
copper loss and hence reduction in efficiency.
3. Presence of resistance causes more losses.
4. This method cannot be used for squirrel cage induction motor.
2. Cascade control method - In this method of speed control of
three phase induction motor, the two three phase induction motor
are connected on common shaft and hence called cascaded motor.
One motor is the called the main motor and another motor is called
the auxiliary motor. The three phase supply is given to the stator
of the main motor while the auxiliary motor is derived at a slip
frequency from the slip ring of main motor. Let N S1be the
synchronous speed of main motor. NS2 be the synchronous speed
of auxiliary motor. P1 be the number of poles of the main motor.
P2 be the number of poles of the auxiliary motor. F is the supply
frequency. F1 is the frequency of rotor induced emf of main motor.
N is the speed of set and it remains same for both the main and
auxiliary motor as both the motors are mounted on common shaft.
S1 is the slip of main motor.

The auxiliary motor is supplied with same frequency as the main

motor i.e
Speed Control of Induction Motor Using
Static Devices
The output voltage and frequency control is achieved by using the pulsewidth
modulation (PWM) techniques

Advantages of Speed Control of Induction Motor Using

Static Devices
1. Smooth variations of rotor resistance.
2. Simplicity of operation using close loop control.
3. Quick response of system.
5. .

Short Circuit

Tests On Induction Motor.

This test gives the information regarding no-load losses such as core loss, friction loss
and windage loss. Rotor copper loss at no load is very less that its value is negligible
.Small current is required to produce adequate torque. This test is also well-known as
running light test. This test is used to evaluate the resistance and impedance of the
magnetizing path of induction motor.

For Stator Resistance.

3) locked rotor TEST

A blocked rotor test is normally performed on an induction motor to
find out the leakage impedance. Apart from it, other parameters such
as torque, motor, short-circuit current at normal voltage, and many
more could be found from this test. Blocked rotor test is analogous
to the short circuit test of transformer. Here shaft of the motor is
clamped i.e. blocked so it cannot move and rotor winding is short
circuited. In slip ring motor rotor winding is short circuited through
slip rings and in cage motors, rotors bars are permanently short
circuited. The testing of the induction motor is a little bit complex as
the resultant value of leakage impedance may get affected by rotor
position, rotor frequency and by magnetic dispersion of the leakage
flux path. These effects could be minimized by conducting a block
rotor current test on squirrel-cage rotors.

INDUCTION Generator.
if an induction motor is driven at a speed greater than Nsynchronous by an external prime
mover, the direction of its inducted torque will reverse and it will act as a generator. As
the torque applied to its shaft by the prime mover increases, the amount of power
produced by the induction generator increases. there is a maximum possible induced
torque in the generator mode of operation. This torque is known as the pushover torque
of the generator. If a prime mover applies a torque greater than the pushover torque to
the shaft of an induction generator, the generator wilI overspeed.

An induction generator cannot produce reactive power. In fact, it consumes
reactive power, and an external source of reactive power must be connected to it
at all times to maintain its stator magnetic field.
an induction generator cannot control its own output voltage. Normally, the
generator's voltage is maintained by the external power system to which it is
The most serious problem with an induction generator is that its voltage varies wildly
with changes in load, especially reactive load in the case of inductive loading,the
voltage collapses very rapidly.

Because of their simplicity and small size per kilowatt of output power, induction
generators are also favored very strongly for small windmills. Many commercial windmills
are designed to operate in parall el with large power systems, supplying a fraction of the
customer's total power needs.
Strting Induction motor.
How does the voltage build up in an induction generator when it is first started? When an
induction generator first starts to turn, the residual magnetism in its field circuit produces
a smal I voltage. The smal I voltage produces a capaciti ve curre nt fl ow, which increases
the voltage, further increasing the capacitive current, and so forth until the voltage is fully
built up. If no residual flux is present in the induction generator 's rotor, then its voltage
will not build up, and it must be magnetized by momentarily running it as a motor.

Advantages of an Induction Generator

The various Advantages of an Induction Generator are as follows:-

An induction generator requires less maintenance because of its robust

construction. An ordinary cage motor is used as an induction generator as it
is cheaper in comparison.
Parallel operation is possible without hunting.
Speed variation of the prime mover is less prominent.
The induction generator is smaller in size per Kilowatt output power.
It needs less auxiliary equipment.
It does not have to be synchronised to the supply line as that of the
synchronous generator.
The induction generator has self-protection feature. In the case of the short
circuit, if a fault occurs on its terminals, the excitation fails, and the machine
stops the generation itself

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