La Nanotecnología. El Surgimiento de Las Máquinas de Creación by K. Eric Drexler

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La nanotecnologa.

El surgimiento de las
mquinas de creacin by K. Eric Drexler

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Original Title: La nanotecnologa. El surgimiento de las mquinas de creacin

Autor: K. Eric Drexler
Rating: 4.4 of 5 stars (193) counts
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Published: 1993 / by Gedisa
Language: Spanish

Los principales investigadores y expertos en tecnologa avanzada estn de acuerdo en que la
nanotecnologa constituir la autntica revolucin de este siglo. Adems de propiciar -en estrecha
colaboracin con la pujante ingeniera gentica- avances mdicos que podran calificarse de
definitivos (incluido el hasta ahora utpico triunfo sobre el envejecimiento y la muerte), la
nanotecnologa dar, en un futuro inmediato, un impulso espectacular a la conquista del espacio y
a la informtica, sobre todo a su rama ms audaz y controvertida: la llamada inteligencia artificial.
(En este sentido, no es casual que este libro venga avalado por un prlogo de Marvin Minsky, uno
de los grandes pioneros de la IA.)

About Author:

K. Eric Drexler, Ph.D., is a researcher and author whose work focuses on advanced
nanotechnologies and directions for current research. His 1981 paper in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences established fundamental principles of molecular design, protein
engineering, and productive nanosystems. Drexlers research in this field has been the basis for
numerous journal articles and for books including Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of
Nanotechnology (written for a general audience) and Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery,
Manufacturing, and Computation (a quantitative, physics-based analysis). He recently served as
Chief Technical Consultant to the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, a project of
the Battelle Memorial Institute and its participating US National Laboratories. He is currently
working in a collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund to explore nanotechnology-based solutions
to global problems such as energy and climate change.
Drexler was awarded a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Molecular
Nanotechnology (the first degree of its kind; his dissertation was a draft of Nanosystems). Dr.
Drexler is currently (2012) an academic visitor at Oxford University. He consults and speaks on
how current research can be directed more effectively toward high-payoff objectives, and
addresses the implications of emerging technologies for our future, including their use to solve,
rather than delay, large-scale problems such as global warming.
Other Editions:

- La nanotecnologia

Books By Author:

- Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology

- Radical Abundance: How a Revolution in Nanotechnology Will Change

- Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation

- Engines of Creation 2.0: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology

- Unbounding The Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution

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Mar 13, 2014

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