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Digimon World: Arena FAQ by kulaguy

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|Digimon World Arena FAQ|
Author: Kulaguy
|Table of Contents|

1. [VH] Version History

2. [IN] Introduction
3. [AI] Arena Information
4. [AL] Arena Letters
5. [PS] Prizes
6. [AD] Arena Digimon
7. [AG] Arena Glitches
8. [LI] Legal Info
9. [CI] Contact Info
10. [CS] Credits

When searching for a specific section, please use the Control+F function and
type in the shortcuts located next to the section name, including the brackets.

|[VH] Version History|
Version 1.10 (January 02, 2009): Added sections for Bits prizes
Myotismon in Arena helpers added
Time limit for battles added
Disqualification section added
Tech section added
Participation Prizes removed
Added new possible Digimon to Digimon lists
Removed Wind Cup
Added schedule
Submitted to GameFAQs for an update

Version 1.00 (November 09, 2006): FAQ began.

Still Missing
There are the things I am still missing. Otherwise, the FAQ is pretty much
*Bits prizes for a few more Cups. Check the Prizes section to see what I am
missing. If you know the info, please contact me.
*A confirmed list of which Digimon can enter which Cup. I'm mostly just
guessing on it.

|[IN] Introduction|
Well, here's a FAQ about the Arena in the game Digimon World. I hope this FAQ
helps someone out there.
|[AI] Arena Information|

The Arena is, well, an Arena obviously. It appears in the bottom screen of File
City at the bottom right corner. To get the Arena, you have to defeat Greymon
after talking to Jijimon with a Properity rate of 15. Make sure to have a
somewhat strong Digimon ready to battle him.

Arena Digimon
This is a list of Digimon that contribute to the Arena.
| Digimon |Description |
| Greymon |Creates the Arena after talking to Jijimon with a Properity |
| |Rating of 15 and then defeating Greymon. Talk to him to sign up|
| |for tournaments and also cancel them if something arises. |
| Penguinmon |Opens a Curling Rink in the left side of the Arena entrance |
| |after beating him at Freezeland. Give him a fish to play |
| |Curling against him. |
| Gekomon |Joins the Arena battles after you talk to him at Geko Swamp. |
| Megadramon |Beat him at Mt. Infinity and he stands outside the Arena and |
| |brags. Also starts appearing in the Arena battles. |
| SkullGreymon|Fights in the Arena after defeating him at Gray Lord's Manor. |

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| Airdramon |Talk to Jijimon with a Prosperity Rating of 50 and he will |
| |attack you as soon as you leave Jijimon's house. After beating |
| |him, he'll be resting up in Jijimon's house. After beating Mt. |
| |Infinity, he'll open up a fortune teller section at the bottom |
| |right corner of the Arena entrance. His fortunes seem to be |
| |random and don't really do anything. |
|MetalGreymon |Beat him at Mt. Infinity and he'll open up a nickname shop that|
| |takes up the bottom left of the Arena entrance. |
|MetalMamemon |Takes over Penguinmon's job after you beat Penguinmon with a |
| |perfect 10 in curling. |
| Myotismon |After helping him at Gray Lord's Manor, he begins competing. |

Your Digimon cannot learn any Techs during any tournament. Don't even bother.

When registering for a Cup, the letters that represent the cups will be in
either the color White, Yellow, or Red. A White letter means that your Digimon
can enter it. A Yellow letter means your Digimon can enter it BUT your Tamer
level will go down. A Red letter means you can't enter the Cup either because
your Digimon doesn't meet the requirements or it's too early to register.

To sign up for a Cup, you have to sign up by 10:00 on the day it's going to be
held. After signing up, you fight in the Arena by entering the Door next to
Greymon between 10:00 and, I assume, 20:00. Every few hours after 10:00, you
will be reminded you're entered in a Cup by the boy you're controlling. At
around 21:00 or so, he'll say something like "Oh shoot! I forgot we were
entered in a Cup" and then you can't participate in that Cup on that day since
you're too late. If a Digimon sleeps past the time you are able to enter the
Cup, then you must keep it awake for you to participate. Otherwise, you will
automatically forfeit. Cups usually last around 4 hours, even if you lose at
the first battle.

The Time Limit for each battle is 99 seconds.

There are four reasons you will be disqualified from a Cup you sign up for.
1. You talk to Greymon and withdraw from the Cup.
2. You miss the deadline, which is around 21:00 the day of the Cup.
3. Your Digimon digivolves.
4. Your Digimon dies.

There are two ways to win in an Arena battle: Draining the opponent of their HP
or making the most damage against your opponent. It is preferable to defeat
your opponent by making them lose all their HP, but if you're trying to
preserve your MP or the opponent has too much HP and you don't have a lot of
MP, try to cause the most damage. Strategize when to attack and what to attack
with. I remember one battle with my MegaSeadramon against a Mamemon. I barely,
and I mean barely defeated him. I caused 5 more damage than he did. That's it.
A measly little 5 HP made me the winner! Also, if the battle is a draw, where
you both knock each other out or cause the same amount of damage, you lose.

After an Arena battle, your Digimon is healed around 1000 HP/MP or less. That's
it. And your opponent starts fighting at full health, too. Not very fair, huh?
That's why before entering the Arena, make sure to heal your Digimon to full
health, preferably with items like Medium Recovery and Medium MP so you don't
waste time resting with Centarumon or Punimon.

Beetle Cup
The Beetle Cup is held on the 22nd of every year at Beetle Land and only Bug
Digimon can enter it. You have to sign up between 00:00 and 10:00 on the 22nd
by talking to the Tentomon behind the table. And then to fight in the Beetle
Cup, you have to enter the door next to the Tentomon you talked to earlier
between 10:00 and, I assume, 20:00. Be warned, though, that the tournament is
pretty hard. Even the Rookie Digimon can match an average Champion level. Also,
most of the time HerculesKabuterimon WILL be in the tournament and he's got
really high stats.

The Arena has a schedule for when Cups are held. It cycles through it twice a
year while the 30th day doesn't have any Cups held. The Grade Cups are held
everyday in different combinations. Thanks to ZetaJiat's FAQ for this.

1. Dino

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2. Fire
3. Version 1
4. Grappling
5. Version 2
6. Animal
7. Thunder
8. Version 3
9. Nature
10. Version 4
11. Humanoid or Wing
12. Cool
13. Version 0
14. Mech
15. Filth

|[AL] Arena Letters|
Here are the Letters used in the game to indicate which Cup is going to be
held. Oddly enough, the Wing and Thunder Cup both use W.
|Cup Name |Code|
|Grade D | D |
|Grade C | C |
|Grade B | B |
|Grade A | A |
|Grade S | S |
|Version 1| H |
|Version 2| I |
|Version 3| J |
|Version 4| K |
|Version 0| L |
|Fire | F |
|Grappple | G |
|Thunder | W |
|Nature | N |
|Cool | O |
|Metallic | M |
|Filth | T |
|Dino | Y |
|Wing | W |
|Animal | Z |
|Humanoid | X |
|[PS] Prizes|

|Arena Prizes|
This is a list of prizes for the Tournament Cups. For the Grade S first place
prize, you will recieve either a Metal Parts, Fatal Bone or Mega Hand. For the
Beetle Cup second place prize, you will get a Horn Helmet or Scissor Jaw. Also,
you will recieve a Bits prize for getting first or second place in a Cup.

If you get 3rd or 4th place by losing the 1st or 2nd battles in any Cup, you
will receive a Giant Meat as a Participation Prize.
------------ ------------------ -----------------------
| Cup Name | 1st Place Prize | 2nd Place Prize |
------------ ------------------ -----------------------
| Grade D | Double Floppy | Giant Meat x2 |
| | 2000 Bits | 500 Bits |
| Grade C | Sirlion x3 | Sirlion |
| | ??? Bits | ??? Bits |
| Grade B | Restore Floppy | Large MP Floppy |
| | 6000 Bits | 2000 Bits |
| Grade A | Flaming Mane | Restore Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
| Grade S | Metal Parts (34%)| Super Restore Floppy |
| | Fatal Bone (33%) | ??? Bits |
| | Mega Hand (33%) | |
| | 10,000 Bits | |
| Version 1 | White Fang | Super Recovery Floppy |
| | 5000 Bits | 2000 Bits |
| Version 2 | Blue Crystal | Super Recovery Floppy |
| | 5000 Bits | 2000 Bits |
| Version 3 | Iron Hoof | Super Recovery Floppy |
| | 5000 Bits | 2000 Bits |
| Version 4 | Monochrome Stone | Super Recovery Floppy |
| | 5000 Bits | 2000 Bits |

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| Version 0 | Red Ruby | Super Recovery Floppy |
| | 5000 Bits | 2000 Bits |
| Fire Cup | Fireball | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
|Grapple Cup | Spike Club | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
|Thunder Cup | Unihorn | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
| Cool Cup | North Star | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
| Nature Cup | Fertilizer | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
|Metallic Cup| Cyber Parts | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
| Filth Cup | Sunglasses | Omnipotent Floppy |
| | 8000 Bits | 3000 Bits |
| Dino Cup | Grey Claws | Abilities Disk |
| | ??? Bits | ??? Bits |
| Wing Cup | White Wings | Abilities Disk |
| | ??? Bits | ??? Bits |
| Animal Cup | Steel Drill | Abilities Disk |
| | ??? Bits | ??? Bits |
|Humanoid Cup| Black Wings | Abilities Disk |
| | ??? Bits | ??? Bits |
| Beetle Cup | Beetle Pearl | Horn Helmet (50%) |
| | 5000 Bits | Scissor Jaw (50%) |
| | | 2000 Bits |

|Curling Prizes|

This is a list of Prizes that can be won when playing curling. In order to play
against MetalMamemon, you must beat Penguinmon with a perfect 10. I'm pretty
sure the prizes are random.
Restore Floppy
Omnipotent Floppy
Giant Meat
Large Recovery Floppy
Medium MP Floppy

Silver Ball
Metal Armor
Small Spear
Super Recovery Floppy
Ominpotent Floppy

|[AD] Arena Digimon|

This is a list of the Digimon can join the restricted Cups. Note that Baby and
In-Training Digmon can NOT enter Cups. Also note that other than the Version
and Beetle Cup lists, I'm guessing on the Digimon that can enter based on the
Cup requirements and techniques the Digimon has. The Digimon with (?) next to
it means I'm not sure if they are able to enter it. The Digimon with no
question marks next to it means that I'm fairly sure they are able to enter it,
either because I have confirmed it myself, or the requirements are so obvious
that the Digimon is able to participate in it. Please correct me if I am wrong,

Grade Cups

All Digimon can enter the Grade Cups, however, entering an Ultimate into a
Rookie Grade Cup, will most likely make your tamer level decrease one level.
Version Cups

When the game mentions only certain Version Digimon can enter a Version Cup, it

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refers to the Digimon's Finishing Attack. Here is a list of Digimon you can
enter in each Version Cup.
--------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- --------------
| Version 0 | Version 1 | Version 2 | Version 3 | Version 4 |
--------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- --------------
| Penguinmon | Agumon | Gabumon | Patamon | Biyomon |
| Ninjamon | Betamon | Elecmon | Kunemon | Palmon |
| MegaSeadramon | Greymon | Kabuterimon | Unimon | Monochromon |
| H-Kabuterimon | Tyrannomon | Garurumon | Centarumon | Kokatorimon |
| Phoenixmon | Devimon | Angemon | Ogremon | Leomon |
| | Meramon | Frigimon | Bakemon | Kuwagamon |
| | Airdramon | Birdramon | Shellmon | Coelamon |
| | Seadramon | Whamon | Drimogemon | Mojyamon |
| | Numemon | Vegiemon | Sukamon | Nanimon |
| |MetalGreymon| SkullGreymon | Andromon | Megadramon |
| | Mamemon | MetalMamemon | Giromon | Piximon |
| | Monzaemon | Vademon | Etemon | Digitamamon |
Type Cups

Fire Cup: King of Blazing Digimon; Digimon of Flaming Nature

Gabumon (?)
Ogremon (?)
Airdramon (?)
Kabuterimon (?)
Ninjamon (?)
Seadramon (?)
Garurumon (?)
HerculesKabuterimon (?)

Grapple Cup: King of Combative Sport; Digimon of Combative Nature

Patamon (?)
Elecmon (?)
Greymon (?)
Meramon (?)
Monochromon (?)
Drimogemon (?)
Tyrannomon (?)
Angemon (?)
Kokatorimon (?)
Unimon (?)
Kuwagamon (?)
Garurumon (?)
Nanimon (?)
MetalGreymon (?)
Andromon (?)
SkullGreymon (?)
Giromon (?)
HerculesKabuterimon (?)

Thunder Cup: King of Atmospheric Digimon; Atmospheric Nature Digimon

Biyomon (?)
Kunemon (?)
Birdramon (?)
Devimon (?)
Leomon (?)

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Kabuterimon (?)
Kuwagamon (?)
Shellmon (?)
Andromon (?)
Giromon (?)
Phoenixmon (?)
MegaSeadramon (?)
Monzaemon (?)
Digitamamon (?)
Etemon (?)

Cool Cup: King of Cool Digimon; Digimon of an Icy Nature

Palmon (?)
Betamon (?)
Devimon (?)
Bakemon (?)
Vegiemon (?)
SkullGreymon (?)
Megadramon (?)
Digitamamon (?)

Nature Cup: King of Naturalist Digimon; Nature-oriented Digimon

Drimogemon (?)
Ogremon (?)
Ninjamon (?)
Seadramon (?)
Whamon (?)
Shellmon (?)
Coelamon (?)
Garurumon (?)
Mojyamon (?)
Vademon (?)

Metallic Cup: Extreme Android Digimon; Mechanical Nature Digimon

SkullGreymon (?)

Filth Cup: King of Filthy Digimon; Filthy Nature Digimon

Etemon (?)

Special Cups

Dino Cup: Digimon of ancient bloodline

Drimogemon (?)
Airdramon (?)
Seadramon (?)
Whamon (?)
Shellmon (?)
Coelamon (?)
MetalGreymon (?)
SkullGreymon (?)
Megadramon (?)

Wing Cup: Digimon with wings


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Animal Cup: Digimon of Beastly Bloodline

Patamon (?)
Elecmon (?)
Betamon (?)
Monochromon (?)
Ninjamon (?)
Seadramon (?)
Whamon (?)
Phoenixmon (?)
Piximon (?)
MegaSeadramon (?)

Humanoid Cup:
Agumon (?)
Gabumon (?)
Palmon (?)
Greymon (?)
Centarumon (?)
Drimogemon (?)
Bakemon (?)
Vegiemon (?)
MetalGreymon (?)
SkullGreymon (?)
Megadramon (?)
Giromon (?)
Piximon (?)
Vademon (?)

Beetle Cup

|[AG] Arena Glitches|

This is a list of glitches relating to the Arena.

Arena Glitch 1
When you get the Grade Cups Medal, highlight one of the Medals you do not have.
Now exit to the option screen by pressing Triangle twice. Highlight the Digimon
option and press X. Now press Triangle and highlight the Player option. Press
X, press right twice and press X again to arrive at the Medal screen. Now it
should give you all the info of the medal you highlighted earlier, except for
its appearance. When you move around, the info disappears and you have to do it

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Arena Glitch 2
When you're gonna enter a tournament, this glitch will happen to you often. I
shall show it in this ASCII.

| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
|C |D |D |D |D |
|L |C |C |A |C |
| B* | B**| ***| B | |
| A* | S**| ***| F | |
| M* | T**| ***| | |
The asteriks denote where the glitch occurs in this example. What this glitch
does is show a tournament(s) on the wrong day. When you try to find info on the
cup by pressing START or just try entering it, it'll make the buzzer sound. For
example, when you try to enter the A tournament on the 12th day or even try to
find info on it, the buzzer will sound. Now move over to the S on the 13th day.
When you click START, it'll show the info for the A tournament. Move on over to
where the *** are on the same row and click START on that to show the info for
the S tournament. Now then, I'll try entering the A tournament. I put my cursor
over the S because that's where the A Cup info is. I click X and it asks if I
want to enter the A tournament so I click OK. The tournament won't take place
on the 12th, though. It'll take place on the 13th. You see what's going on
here? The game itself is showing the info for Cups on the wrong day. The A and
S are supposed to be one column over, same with the M and T and the B and B
cups. That's really all this glitch does. It show a tournament date earlier
than it actually occurs.

Arena Error 1
When you beat all the Type Cups, you receive a medal which states all the Cups
you beat. It lists down Fire, Grapple, Thunder, Wind, Nature, Cool, Metallic,
and Filth. The error in this medal is that there is no Wind Cup. The localizers
may have confused it with the Wing Cup and put it in the Type Medal, instead of
the Special Medal. This also makes sense because the 7 Type Cups correspond to
the 7 types of techniques, so an 8th one wouldn't really fit.

Arena Error 2
MetalMamemon calls himself MetalGreymon for some reason.

Arena Error 3
The names HerculesKabuterimon's and MetalGreymon's Finishing Techniques are

|[LI] Legal Info|

This guide can only be found at If found anywhere

else, please contact me. This FAQ is for personal use only. Please do not take
this FAQ and claim it as your own.

|[CI] Contact Info|

To contact me, go to and edit

the page with your message.

|[CS] Credits|

The Prima Official Guide for the Prize List and Version Cup Digimon list.
hwS Dark's FAQ which helped me out in the Grade S prizes, Beetle Cup info, and
Glitch section.

VMoran's FAQ which helped me in the glitch list.

ZetaJiat's List FAQ for the Cup Schedule

Digimon World: Arena FAQ by kulaguy

Version: 1.10 | Updated: 2009-01-03 | Original File

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