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NT 2005 TEST CODE 404

Repubtric of Tninidad amd Tobago

Mimistry of Educatiom


School Code

Student Name:


Directions for the Test

This test is divided into EIGHT sections with a total of 33 items.

For each section of the test, there will be a different set of directions.

Make sure you understand the directions before you start to work.

Iteacl EACH item CAREFULLY before answering it.

Write ALL your answers in the spaces provided in this test booklet.

Answer ALL items.

Work carefully but do NOT spend too much time on any one item.


D iv is i o n of E du catio n al Resear c h! an d Ev al a atio n




Section 1 - Spelling

lm each of the following sentences, fill in the blank try adding a prefix fnom the box
to the word in brackets.

Exarnptre: The unhappy boy visited the Principal. (happy)

1. The answer she gave was . (correct)

Z Tl-re parent became with the crying child. (Patient)

Michelle ate her lunch with hands. (washed)

4. Patricia's handwriting is . (legible)

'[ here is one spelling error in each of ttre following sentences' Underline the error

anrl w'rite the correct spelling of the word on the given line'

Correct sPelting

5. The rabbits were hoping across the green grass'

Please write your adress on the envelope'

7. .loging is a good form of physical exercise'

As he accepted the prize, Ali seemed sirprised'

N'f/2005 Std 3 - I-anguage Arts GO ON TO TIIE NEXT PAGE



Section 2 - Vocabulary

Give the meaning of the underlined words, as thev are used in the sentences.
You may write one word or a phrase as an answer.

g. Although she is only five years old, Rita plays the steelpan Skillfully.

skillfully means

10. A huge wave submerqed us, while we were bathing at Maracas Bay.

submerged means

1 l. The minute specks of dust cannot be seen with our naked eyes. We need a


minute means

12. The students were conversing with each other in soft voices.

converslng ffleans

13. A new school will be erected on the empty lot of land'

erected means

FIT/2005 Std 3 Language Arts GO ON TO TFIE NEXT PAGE

Section 3 - Compnehension

TIte list below provides six directions for visiting Nature Centre Cave. fi.ead all ttre
cflinectioxrs and answer the questions that follow. Use complete sentences,
grammar and spelling.


Directions for Conducting Tours

1. Meet your group at the main entrance to the cave.

2. Greet your group. Tell them that the cave is the habitat of the Oilbirds. which
live in the deep forest or on the rugged sea coast.

3. Before you enter, ask visitors not to touch anything in the cave and to keep
an eye on all children.

4. Advise the group that rhey are not to go into areas marked "i\o ENTRY',
because those areas are dangerous. r

5. Ensure that members of your group enter in and stay in single file.

6. Take your group to the cave where the Oilbirds can be found. Point out the
mounds on which they nest and feed. Explain that Oilbirds send out a series of
clicks that enable them to rlove around in total darkress.

NT/2005 Std 3 - Language Arts GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE


14. Where should the group meet?

15. Based on the passage, what do you think the word 'habitat' (direction 2) means?

16. Give two reasons why you think visitors were asked '... not to touch anything
in the cave and to keep an eye on all children' (direction 3) ?


(i i)

17 . In direction 5, why do you think visitors were asked to '...stay in single file'?

I B. For whom will this list of directions be important?


NT/2005 Std 3 -


The page trelow rn'as taken from a book. Study the page and answer the questions
t&rat foEIow. Use complete sentences, correct grarnmar and spelling"

alligators, 27 gills, 31
babies, human, 18,44 goslings,23125
bearsr 6 hamstersr 44
beavers, 14 - 17 hatching from eggs, 37, 3E
bees, 14 hens,33,37
birds, 22 - 25, 33 - 38 hippopotamuses, X2
born, how babies are,40 - 45 horses, l0
butterflies, 32 human babies, tr8, 44
caterpillars, 32 human parents, 19
chickens, 33,37 hummingbirds,34

19. \\t-rat infonnation will be found on page 36?

20. What name is given to the part of the book from which the page was taken?

Zl. Based on the page listing above, what do you think would be a suitable title for

this book.

IN'f/2005 Std 3 - Language Arts GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE


NT/2005 Std 3 - Language Arts GO Oh[ TO TEIE I\EXT PAGE

Sectionl 6 - Farts of Speech

On the line provided, write the part of speech (adjective, verb, adverb, preposition or
gn"onoun) of the word in bold.

Fart of Speech
23. Daddy brought a birthday gift for me.

24. Ariel waited anxiously for her brother.

25. Jamie gave a weak answer to the question.

26. Emrna took a book from the cupboard.

27. The PTA meeting began at seven o' clock.

Sectrore 7 - Sentence Structure

Choose the word from the brackets that tlest completes eacla sentence. Write the
wond on the line provided.

28. Alice and her baby brother bicycles.

(own, owns)

79. My coach, Mr. Anton, the successful athletes.

(praised, praise)

30. Where are the toys? Most already been taken.

(has, have)

31. Last weekend, George the entire lenglh of the pool.

(swirm, swarn)

32. The baby into mother's bed and snuggled under the covers.
(cneeped, crept)

lqT/2005 Std 3 - Language Arts GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE

- -r . i-+


Section 8 - Creative Writing

l-1. Your sclrool reccntly held its Sports Day.

Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about all the different activities that
tool< place on that day and how you felt.

R.emember to use complete sentences, capital letters and proper punctuation

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INT/20$5 Std 3 - Language Arts If you tinish before time, please check over your lr'ork'

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