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A 20 question multiple choice test was given to a group of students.

The possible responses are a, b, c, or

d. The maximum size of the class is 35. However, less than 35 students may have taken the test.

An input file has been created that contains the following:

1st line: The answer key consists of 20 lower case letters that represent the correct answers to the exam.
There will be no blank spaces between the letters. Example: abcdabcdabcdabcdabcd

2nd line - last line: Each line will start with an ID# (int), followed by the first and last names of a student
(names will be separated by at least one blank space). The names may be in a mixture of upper and
lower case letters. The names will be followed by at least 1 blank space and then that student's
responses to the test questions will be provided. There will not be any blank spaces between the
responses, but they may be in a mixture of upper and lower case letters. An upper case letter should be
considered correct if it matches the lower case equivalent in the key.

Example: 63 biLL jOnEs aBcdAbCDabDcabDDABCD

NOTE: The key will consist of exactly 20 characters. However, the student responses may consist of
more or less than 20 characters. Assume that the first 20 characters in a student response correspond to
the 20 test questions. In other words, if a student only provides 15 answers, then the last 5 questions are
wrong. If a student provides 25 answers, the last 5 responses should be ignored.

A second input file contains several integers that are supposed to be the ID#s for some of the students in
the class.

Design a C++ program that will

interactively prompt for and read the name of the first input file (with key and student data) and use a
filestream variable to represent the file

read the data from the input file and store the student information (ID#s, names, test answers) into an
array of structs, counting the students as the data is read

reformat the names into a more conventional form

use the key to grade the exams and store each student's score in the array

interactively prompt for and read the name of an output file

write the following to the specified output file (separate each section with a blank line to improve

a report that displays the names of the students (alphabetically by last name) along with their ID#s and
test scores (see formatting specifications and samples below)

a report that displays the class standings with ID#s and test scores (in descending order) (see formatting
specifications and samples below)
-the standings report should include

-the number of students who took the test with a label (maximum class size is 35) the class average (2
digits to right of decimal)

-the median (middle value or average of middle values if there are an even number of students, 2 digits to
right of decimal)

interactively prompt for and read the name of the second input file

-write an appropriate message to indicate the start of the second input file processing

-write the test key to the output file (with label)

-read each integer, if it matches an ID# in the student array, write the student's name, test score, and test
answers (you may reformat the test answers if you wish) with labels to the output file

-if the integer does not match an ID# in the array, write an error message that includes the invalid ID# to
the output file

Grading a Test : Each of the questions on the test is worth 5 points. The test score is the # of correct
responses multiplied by the point value of a question.


The first input file will not be empty. Each line in the file will be terminated by a linefeed ('\n'). It will be
formatted as described above.

The second input file will not be empty. Each integer will be separated by whitespace. The last line in the
file will be terminated by a linefeed ('\n').

ID#s will be between 1 and 99.

The length of a name (first or last) will be 10 characters or less, for formatting purposes.

Requirements :

The program MUST make use of functions (at least 5 meaningful functions in addition to main).


The program MUST PASS PARAMETERS to communicate values. No global variables are allowed.

No goto statements may be used.

Program must make use of filestream variables to represent the input and output files. Each input file may
only be read one time.
When prompting for file names, the required order is: 1st input file, output file, 2nd input file.

Failure to adhere to the 6 previous requirements will result in up to a 60% deduction of assignment's point

Average and median (if even number of students) should be displayed with 2 digits to right of decimal.

For first report, right justify ID#s and test scores. Left justify names. Display names: last,first.

For second report (class standings), right justify ID#s and scores.

Program must include preprocessor directives for all header files used.

Program must use a static array (do not use a variable for the size of the array).

Test your program adequately!


When the program compiles and runs correctly, add the following documentation (comments) to your
source file (.cpp file).

At the start of the program file,

Be specific. Describe the content of any input files. List the expected output of the program. Be specific.
(If the input values are supposed to be displayed, include them in the output list.) Struct declaration - each
member (field) must be adequately described with a comment. When a named constant and/or major
variable is declared, provide a meaningful description of what it represents in the program. For each
function, clearly state what will be passed into the function and what will be passed out or returned by the
function. Document important local variables.

Sample terminal session:

[rrrrr@bobby keys]$ more first4five


23 boNNie jOnEs ABCDabcdABCDabcdABCD

71 amy sMITH dcbaABCDabcdABCdabCaBBBB



19 jENNIFER schWarTz aabbcccdabcdabcdabcd

56 lArrY blaCk ABCDABCDABCDABCDaBcbbbbbbbb

[rrrrr@bobby keys]$ more second4five

56 13 10



[rrrrr@bobby keys]$ g++ assign05.cpp

[rrrrr@bobby keys]$ ./a.out

Enter name of first input file


Enter the name of the output file


Enter name of 2nd input file


[rrrrr@bobby keys]$ more fiveout


Adams,Matthew 10 15

Black,Larry 56 95

Jones,Bonnie 23 100

Martinson,Barbara 31 90

Schwartz,Jennifer 19 75

Smith,Amy 71 75



23 100

56 95

31 90
19 75

71 75

10 15

# of Students: 6

Class Average: 75.00

Median Score: 82.50


Test key: abcdabcdabcdabcdabcd

ID#: 56

Name: Larry Black

Test score: 95

Test responses: abcdabcdabcdabcdabcbbbbbbbb

13 is not a valid student ID#

ID#: 10

Name: Matthew Adams

Test score: 15

Test responses: aaaaaaaaaaaa

ID#: 19

Name: Jennifer Schwartz

Test score: 75

Test responses: aabbcccdabcdabcdabcd

-5 is not a valid student ID#

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