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1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

This week we had the pleasure to traveling to India to enjoy their form of cinema. During

class, we discussed Bollywood. Bollywood is the Hindi-language movie industry based in

Mumbai, formally known as Bombay. This type of cinema is interesting because it is similar to

musicals and Broadway productions. These films have high anticipating storylines infused with

elaborate musical performances. Employing musical performances helps to accentuate points of

romance or move the film along. It is obvious that actors lip sync lines to a song in a film.

However, it was brought to our attention that sometimes the actors in the films are not the ones

who recorded the songs in the studio. Sometimes the actors dont even know the actual lyrics to a

song. This was somewhat noticeable in the film we watched, Bombay, by director Mani Ratnam.
2) Find a related article and summarize the content. (on the film, director, studio, actor/actress,
artistic content, etc.) You can use the library or the internet. Cite the article and copy the link to
your journal entry. Summarize in your own words the related article but do not plagiarize any
content. Make sure your link is a true hyperlink that will connect to the article you are

Religion: Lack of or Different Faiths

This article goes over the importance of religion and how it is an influential part of family

life. Religious practices have been found to better or place couples at higher risk for divorce.

Interfaith, or religious heterogamy, is one of the big risk factors where the spouses come from

different religious backgrounds. Researchers have found that the rate of interfaith marriages has

continued to increase over the years. This is a result of religion losing social and cultural

significance in society, and expanded knowledge. The risk of divorce remains significantly high

for these types of couples due to the unique challenges they face.
Some of the challenges that these couples face stem from irreconcilable religious

values, beliefs, and practices. There are significant differences over issues regarding family life

such as partner roles, parenting, and child education. Religious traditions and rituals like

Ramadan, Lent, and Sabbath may also put a strain on the couple because these are very

significant that can become nonnegotiable for a partner leaving no room for compromise. Other

challenges include social support and connection with others. Social networks are important for

everyone in their daily lives, and sometimes religions provide this function for people. This

support can be withheld from family, friends, and congregants who disapprove of the interfaith

marriage. This can lead to a disconnect or dissonance with relationships.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class. How did the article support or change the way
you thought about the film, director, content, etc.?

This article supports the film because it relates to the content of the film. The main

characters, Shekhar and Shaila, come from two different religious backgrounds. The pair end up

falling in love and must fight to be with one another. Both of their fathers are important figures

and very well known in their religious communities. Shekhar comes from Hinduism and Shaila
practices Muslim faith. Throughout the film we see the many challenges they face mentioned in

the article. During the time of the movie, interfaith couples were not accepted, sometimes they

werent even considered an actual thing.

First, the couple introduces the idea of their interfaith relationship to their families. Shaila

goes some time hiding that she is seeing a man her father did not approve of. Once the news is

out, both families have a hard time accepting the fact. The parents threaten to disown the

children because they did not raise their children this way. Shailas neighbors even hear the

news and act very distant from her. When the couple decide to leave their familys homes, they

lose most of their social support. In their new home, it takes a bit for the surrounding people to

come around to the idea but in the end, they are receptive.

When the couple has children, the topic of religion is brought up. However, what is

interesting to note is that they both agree to co-parent in the religious aspect. The children will

grow up learning practices, traditions and rituals from both their Hindu father and Muslim

mother. There is a point in time of the film where religion for the children is not even the main

concern. The main concern is making sure they have everything they need and are doing well.

Towards the end of the film, everyone comes together. The parents come back to see their

children and grandchildren. They have come to the realization that no matter what, they are still

their children who they love with all their heart. Their children and now grandchildren are all

they have. Shekhar and Shaila coming together prove that love and religion can coexist.
4) Write a critical analysis of the film, including your personal opinion, formed as a result

of the screening, class discussions, text material and the article. I am less interested in whether

you liked or disliked a film, (although that can be part of this) than I am in your understanding

of its place in film history or the contributions of the director.

I think this film was interesting for many reasons. It was cool to see how Bollywood

movies are filmed with specific scenes going from very dramatic to full musical performances.

The visuals in this movie brought everything together. I think the way the director brought

attention to the revolution happening in India through a romantic couple and issues regarding
family was important. The revolution was trying to determine which religion was the

superpower, but no one was paying attention to how families were affected. Loved ones were

being killed, children were being separated, and people did not know if their house was going to

be burned while sleeping.

This movie touched base on the importance of acceptance and tolerance. We live in a

world with multiple and various ideologies, beliefs, customs, and attitudes. Instead of

challenging one another we should be embracing one another. We should become more educated

and see life in in a different perspective. Just because someone does not live life we plan on, does

not mean they are living wrong. The film sends this message to viewers. Bombay depicts for us

how simple misunderstandings and ignorance can lead to an unnecessary war.

Lister, Z. (2013). Religion: lack of or different faiths. In R. E. Emery (Ed.), Cultural

sociology of divorce: An encyclopedia (Vol. 3, pp. 1030-1031). Thousand Oaks, CA:

SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781452274447.n373

Plagiarism Checklist

1) ( X ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2) ( X ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other
classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.

3) ( X ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those
words, or used indentation and citation within the text.

4) ( X ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in
the bibliography in the text of the paper.

5) ( X ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6) ( X ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be

stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the

7) ( X ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks

interpretation or originality.

8) ( X ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent
about the research and ideas used in my paper.

Name: Jailene Burgos__________________ Date:


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