Central Khartoum - 15thARCSMGE

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Proceedings of the 15th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 551

C. Quadros and S.W. Jacobsz (Eds.)

IOS Press, 2011
2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Subsurface Conditions in Central

Eisa A. Mohameda and Ahmed M. Elshariefb
University of Juba, Sudan
BRRI, University of Khartoum, Sudan

Abstract. Khartoum city lies between the Blue Nile and White Nile at the
confluence of the two rivers. The city is nowadays experiencing huge development
projects. Several structures of all types are currently under construction e.g. towers,
bridges and underground structures. The understanding of the subsurface
conditions is fundamental for good planning and design of these structures. Central
Khartoum is dominated by thick layer of Miocene-Quaternary sediments
geologically recognized as Upper Gezira Formation, underlain with sandstone
(Lower Omdurman Formation). Geotechnical data from several service reports
carried out in Central Khartoum were collected and analyzed. Variations in
layering and geotechnical properties of the Upper Gezira Formation were
statistically examined. It has been found that the Gezira Formation is constituted of
an upper thin crust of hard silty sandy clay of medium to high plasticity overlying
deposits of silt, silty sand and poorly graded sand. Contours are given for the depth
of the upper clay crust, depth of the Nubian Sandstone Formation and depth of the
water table. Important geotechnical factors governing and controlling the design of
different foundation systems on the encountered soils were highlighted. These
factors include presence of pockets and/or areas dominated by potentially
expansive soils and loose silty sands.

Key words. Nubian Sandstone, Khartoum, Gezira Formation


The recent upsurge in the economic environment in Sudan joined with growing
willingness to finance the construction activities places more demand on the
engineering and building construction community. Greater Khartoum, with population
more than 6 million, is the largest and the most important city in the Sudan.
Accordingly great development and expansion in construction has taken place in
Khartoum. This large urban development has occurred over a considerable area in three
cities (Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman) separated by three Niles, namely
the Blue, White and River Niles. The geology and geomorphology of the cities are
greatly influenced by the Niles. Thick alluvial deposits, mainly deposited by the Niles,
lie conformably on Nubian Sandstone Formation (NSF) in Khartoum and parts of
Khartoum North and Omdurman. The alluvial deposits are known for their

552 E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum

heterogeneity caused by their random nature of deposition. The challenge of founding

buildings on the soils of greater Khartoum is always there. In this study geotechnical
data has been collected from service reports carried out in Khartoum city for better
understanding of geotechnical factors which influence the selection and design of
foundations of light to heavy buildings in Khartoum. The study focuses on the area
bounded to the north, east and west by the White and Blue Niles and to the south by
latitude 1714000 m (15 30 15) N. The area at the confluence of the two Niles is
particularly covered in more details in this study.

1. General Geology

The Albian- Cenomanion age sedimentary bedrock of Khartoum area, referred to as

"Lower Omdurman formation is mainly covered with Miocene-Quaternary age,
alluvial subsoil layers known as Upper Gezira Formation. The thickness of the
alluvial subsoil layers varies within the limits, 10 to 30m.The major geological units in
the study area can be distinguished in the following chronological order from bottom to
top (Figure 1): basement complex, lower Omdurman formation, Wad Medani and older
formations, lower Gezira formation, upper Gezira formation and superficial deposits
([1],[2] and [3]).

More comprehensive hydrogeological studies in Khartoum area has shown that the
depth to the static water level ranges from few meters to more than 100m ([4] and [5]).
The aquifer system is developed mainly in the Nubian Sandstone Formation and
partly in the Gezira Formation. It is recharged almost exclusively from the Nile Rivers,
and divided into upper and lower aquifer zones.

Figure 1General geological map of Khartoum

E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum 553

Figure .1b Sketch block diagram of northern part of Khartoum basin[5]

2. Data Collection and Analysis

Data from over hundreds of foundation investigation boreholes, representative of

different sites, drilled in the region were utilized in the present study. The borehole
depths range between 5 to 50m. They include mainly: location, depth, soil groups and
soil parameters - liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), plasticity index (PI), natural
moisture content, bulk density (BD), dry density (DD), standard penetration test N-
value, shear strength parameters (cohesion C and angle of internal friction ), the
percentage passing #200 sieve ( 0.075 mm), the ground water level (GWL) and depth
to rock.

The spatial distribution of these boreholes was random and was dictated mainly by
the availability of the data. To locate the investigated borehole sites, digital map of the
Khartoum City was used as a base map. Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to
read the East-North (EN) co-ordinates of the sites studied and their approximate

Observed borehole stratigraphy has been drawn and then generalized profile was
selected for each site as a representative log. The following generalized trend of
stratification and setting (starting from the ground surface downward) can be inferred
from boreholes:
An upper crust of very stiff to hard silty clay of low to high plasticity (CL/CH)
is identified in most of the boreholes. It extends down to about 10m from

554 E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum

ground surface in some boreholes. The clay fraction is dominated with

montmorillonite clay mineral [6]. The highly plastic clay is stiff to very stiff
and highly desiccated. The liquid limit varies from 50% to 159%, the
plasticity index from 19% to 119% and the natural moisture content is
generally close to the plastic limit at the crust[7]. The highly plastic clay has
high to very high tendency for swelling. The low plastic clay (CL) is of
moderate to high potential for swelling. It was encountered at the ground
surface in some boreholes and extends down to a depth of 15 m. This soil too
is desiccated and generally very stiff to hard. A contour for clay depth is given
in Figure 2.
The low to medium plastic silt (ML) with rarely intermittent highly plastic
clayey silt (MH) is identified below the highly to low plastic clays and extends
to a depth of 16 m below the ground surface in some areas. It contains seams
of silty sands or sands, and is generally medium stiff to hard. The SPT-N
values measured in this zone varied between 4 to greater than 50 blows per
foot .
Silty sand or clayey sand with few gravels are encountered beneath the clayey
silt/silty clay stratum. The sand generally consists of silty sand, clayey sand
and poorly graded sand (SC, SM, and SP) and extends down to a depth of 30
m from ground surface and generally starts as medium dense and becomes
dense to very dense with depth. Some loose sands are also identified, but well-
graded sands are non-existent in the boreholes investigated. The measured
SPT-N values vary between 8 to greater than 50 blows / foot.
The Nubian Sandstone (the lower Omdurman formation) is encountered below
the sand deposits in most of the boreholes at depths generally ranging from
10m to 30m below the ground surface (Figure 3). The formation is quite
variable in terms of type and strength (or quality). It is generally dominated by
Sandstone with frequent interbedded layers of Mudstone occurrences. The
lower Omdurman formation starts as highly weathered in some boreholes and
becomes slightly to moderately weathered with depth.
The ground water table is strongly dependent on the water levels in the Blue
and White Niles and varies during the different seasons of the year; it ranges
from 3m near the White Nile to 14 m at the southern border of the study area
(Figure 4).
It can be clearly observed from the data collected and displayed that the encountered
formations generally grade from fine material to coarse material with depth. Contour
line maps for clay depth; depth to Nubian sandstone formation, and groundwater level
were developed using Surfer Program (Version 1994) (Figures 2, 3 and 4). The clay
depth has a general trend of decrease southwards whereas the depth to rock increases as
one moves far from the White Nile and the water table depth increases southwards.

E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum 555

Figure 2: Clay depth contour

Figure 3: Nubian sandstone formation depth contour

556 E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum

Figure 4: Ground water depth contour

3. Foundation Alternatives

Several types of structures such as residential and commercial buildings, towers,

bridges, warehouses and industrial plants have been constructed in greater Khartoum
during the last two decades. The buildings range in height from single story residential
houses or offices to multi-story buildings rising to more than 30 floors. They were
founded on strip, pad, raft and pile foundations depending on the geotechnical and
structural factors governing each project. The geotechnical factors which govern the
choice of a suitable foundation alternative in Khartoum city are 

The upper clay crust covers almost all of the study area except a small area
south east of Khartoum airport, where the upper soil is clayey sand (SC). It is
interesting to note that the extremely highly plastic clay (LL > 100) was
encountered below 3.0 m depth in the area covered by SC and extends down
to depth 7.0 m. The upper clay crust is mostly of high plasticity (CH) and
extends down to about 10.0 m depth in some areas (Figure 2). It is highly
desiccated and potentially expansive. Reports of damages to buildings caused
by the upheaval of foundations have been reported for strip and pad
foundations of light buildings founded on the CH, CL and even SC soils.
Wherever the clay crust is shallow (less than 3.0 m depth) foundations for
light buildings may be located on the stable soil right below the plastic clay.
Short bored concrete piles are the best and safest alternative for light

E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum 557

structures where the clay is deep (more than depth 4.5 m). Suspended slabs
are also adopted, wherever possible, to guard against floor movements.
The SM/SP or SC formation occasionally found below the upper crust is
medium dense and is partly above and partly below the water table. It
becomes denser and coarser with lesser amount of fines with depth. It is
considered as good support for raft foundation especially when basement
floor(s) is considered. Dewatering problems may be envisaged for raft
foundation option where the building is close to the Niles and double
basement is needed.
The dense to very dense poorly graded sand SP usually encountered below the
medium dense SM/SP and above the Nubian Sandstone is good base support
(end bearing stratum) for piles. Bored concrete piles are often adopted when
column loads are heavy. They are either extended to rest on the very dense SP
or extended to socket in the Nubian Sandstone formation when very heavy
column or pier loads are to be supported (e.g. high rise buildings and bridges
across the Niles).
Challenges faced when constructing raft foundation are dewatering when the
structure is located near the Nile(s) and support of the sides if excavations are
Side collapse and boiling of sand inside the boreholes are problems facing pile
contractors when construction of bored concrete piles is close to the Blue Nile
in central Khartoum. Driven piles could be adopted if driving is carried out
from levels below the upper hard clay crust. Failures to drive precast concrete
piles from ground surface through the upper clay crust were realized.
The soils which are considered as problematic in the study area are the
potentially expansive upper clay crust (CH/CL) and the probably liquefiable
loose to medium dense saturated fine silty sand found close to the Blue Nile in
Khartoum center.


The alluvial deposits in Khartoum area generally, start as clay near the ground surface
and grade into silt and sand with depth. They lie conformably on the well known
Nubian sandstone Formation. This paper gives summary of the analysis made on data
collected from over 70 geotechnical service reports carried out in Khartoum. Contour
maps were prepared for the depth of the upper clay crust, the depth to the Nubian
Sandstone formation and the depth to bedrock. The maps show that the upper clay zone
extends to a maximum depth of 10.0 m and is generally underlain by medium dense
SM/SC becoming coarser and denser with depth down to the Nubian Sandstone
Formation. The factors controlling or affecting the choice of foundation alternatives for
structures in the study area have been outlined.

558 E.A. Mohamed and A.M. Elsharief / Subsurface Conditions in Central Khartoum


[1] S. E. Ali, The effects of intrinsic Properties of Expansive Soils on their swelling and shrinkage
behavior, M. Sc. Thesis, Building and Road Research Institute, University of Khartoum, Sudan, 2003
[2] I.M. El Boushi and Y, Abdelsalam, Stratigraphy and Groundwater Geology of the Gezira Plain,
Central Sudan, in Williams and Adamson (Eds.), 1982, A Land between Two Niles, Rotterdam,
Balkema, pp 246
[3] E. A. Farah, Groundwater Geology of the Northern Part of the Khartoum Basin -Central Sudan,
M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geology, University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1994
[4] E.A. Mohamed , Khartoum City Subsoil Analysis, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering ,
University of Khartoum, Sudan, 2001
[5] M.K. Omer, The Geology of the Nubian Sandstone Formation in Sudan, Geol. and Min. Resources
Department, Sudan , 1983, pp 225
[6] E.M. Saeed, Hydrology of Khartoum Province and Northern Gezira Area, Geological Minerals
Resources Department, Bulletin 29, 1976
[7] A.G. Whiteman, The Geology of the Sudan Republic. Claredon Press, Oxford, Britain, 1971.

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