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Project 2 - Peer Review

How well does the writing answer the assignment prompt?

Very well, Ali mainly used the interviewed person perspective and reported it in a smooth and coherent voice.

Does the writer follow the role of a reporter?

Yes, he rarely used I and always referred to the interviewee by his name or by he pronoun.

Does the profile portray a specific perspective of community?

Yes, by citing the interviewee and the secondary sources to portray a specific perspective of community.

Does the writing focus on a specific community?

Yes, The Kuwaiti community
Research: (0-7)
Is information from research & interviews effectively integrated? Does research enhance the individuals perspective of their
Yes, yes it adds a certain kind of flavor to it that acts to strengthen the facts.

Does primary and secondary research provide helpful information and unique insight into the community?

Yes, it helps confirms facts and is often done after intensive research. So most information found is unique due to the hardwork done
by the researchers.

Does the information enhance the writing?

Yes, It adds a level of understanding and proficiency and makes the writing solid and removes doubt from the readers

Context: (0-7)
Is there sufficient contextual information for this audience to understand the individuals community?
Yes, most information is provided in the beginning of the Profile and Essay.

Are the profile and community essay clearly related?

Yes, they are since they both describe the same community

Does the writing provide helpful, relevant context for readers to understand this community?

Yes, this is shown in the beginning of the profile and the essay

Is there a unique, clear connection between the community essay and the profile?

Yes, the profile simply describes while the essay details.

Organization: (0-7)
Is information focused and organized?
Yeah, the focuses are very clear and are supported by the quotes from the profile and secondary sources

Are the community essay and profile focused and developed in a logical, purposeful, and engaging way?

Somewhat, The essay is not engaging as the essay.

Is the organization suitable for the rhetorical situation?

Yeah, it doesnt oppose it.

Are there clear connections between all ideas?

Yeah, that is shown in clear sentences

Conventions: (0-7)
Do the profile and community essay follow genre conventions?
They follow what was specified in D2L so they follow the genre

Is writing revised to be clear and precise?

Yes, there is not much confusion in words and sentences used

Are the conventions (point of view, formality, and layout/design) consistent and appropriate for the genre?
Yes, they are the same as the conventions I followed

Is writing clear, cohesive, concise, and precise as a result of thorough proofreading?

Somewhat, it could be more concise and precise

Citations: (0-7)
Is all information accurately cited?
Not very, but they were cited
Are all in-text citations present and formatted in correct MLA format where needed?
Yes, they followed what I saw

Is a Works Cited page present with all entries formatted correctly?

Yes but not all correct.

Total Points: /42

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