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School Library

Collaboration Planning 10.2.15 KM

Teacher(s): Mrs. Menges (Library) and Seora Martinez (Spanish) Unit: Spanish Countries Research

Grade Level: 5th Plan Date: 9/8/2015 Time Frame: Approximately 6 weeks at 40 minutes per week
per class

Unit Overview and Description: Students will use online research skills to locate information on an
assigned Spanish-Speaking country. Students will use information and images found online and in print
resources to create a Microsoft Publisher poster to present to their class.

Culminating Learning Product: A poster to be presented during class, with a works-cited list.

AASL Standards: Content Standards:

1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular
subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in From COMAR
own life. 13A. Culture:
1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
Students demonstrate
1.1.3 Develop and refine a range of questions to frame the search for new knowledge and
understanding. understanding of
1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information
and pursuing inquiry. another peoples
1.2.5 Demonstrate adaptability by changing the inquiry focus, questions, way of life
resources, or strategies when necessary to achieve success. the underlying
1.3.1 Respect copyright/ intellectual property rights of creators and beliefs and values
producers. that guide and shape
1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using their lives.
Students demonstrate
1.3.4 Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community.
knowledge and
1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and understanding of the
progress, and adapt as necessary. relationship between the
1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide products, symbols, beliefs,
own inquiry process. and values of the target
1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses. culture.
1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.
2.1.2 Organize knowledge so that it is useful.
2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to
express learning.
3.1.1 Conclude an inquiry based research process by sharing new
understandings and reflecting on the learning.
3.1.3 Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new
understandings effectively.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display
knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and
3.2.1 Demonstrate leadership and confidence by presenting ideas to
others in both formal and informal situations.
3.2.3 Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others.
3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product.
4.1.5 Connect ideas to own interests and previous knowledge and
Objectives/Learning Outcomes: Essential Questions:
Students will fully understand How does a Boolean search work?
using Boolean searches Why would a country have two (or more)
the importance of keywords/phrases different spellings?
creating material in Microsoft Publisher How can citing sources during research help
the importance of using citations: digital you?
citizenship and convenience of continued How do pictures/illustrations aid in
research understanding?
Hoe does layout of a poster influence clarity?
Are all Spanish-speaking countries the same?

Teacher will: Librarian will:

Introduce the topic of study: Spanish-Speaking Introduce online research skills and
countries tools
Teach greetings from around the world Provide computer and library time
Clarify cultural similarities and differences Help students reflect on search success
Fact-check student-gathered information for and difficulties to re-search
accuracy Model and scaffold the inquiry model
Introduce and discuss popular Spanish foods in Provide feedback for student research,
America both online and in the library
Grade the final presentation and poster Score a rough-draft of student posters
prior to completion

Materials: Resources: Unit Assessments:

Computer KidRex Diagnostic or Pre-assessment:
Internet OPAC Brainstorming
11 x 17 inch paper Inspiration Entrance tickets
Microsoft Publisher Reference Poster draft
Projector Screen books Summative
Poster Template Exemplar Poster
Poster Presentation of poster
Project Calendar
Outline of Learning Actions
T-Teacher and L-Librarian
Day 1 L: Introduction of online searches and search criteria; introduction to Microsoft
Entrance ticket: What is a keyword and how are keywords used?
Objective: understand basics for Boolean searches and Microsoft Publisher.
Students will locate the Lower School Student Drive, open their class template,
and save as under their own name. Students will brainstorm search criteria and
keywords, and review the exemplar and rubric.
T: Discuss importance of culture, and the relationship that language plays on
culture. Discuss similarities and differences between US and England as a bridge
to discuss various Spanish-speaking countries. Establish student interest and
country preference from the established list. Based on student interest, assign
countries for research. Introduce the rubric and project goals.
Day 2 L: Objective: use Boolean searches and Microsoft Publisher (refresh
brainstorming list).
Entrance ticket: How do you exclude a word or phrase from a Boolean search?
Students will locate 2+ sources of information and copy/paste these website
URLs onto their template.
T: Review greetings and habits of various Spanish-speaking countries. Discuss
habits for eating together, tipping, and travel etiquette.
Day 3 L: Assess student progress.
Entrance ticket: Name your country in English and in Spanish. Write one fact
that you have learned and one that you need to find.
Objective: reflect on search success or difficulty. Review Keywords and phrases;
add to brainstorm list (projected from SLMs computer). Review importance of
URL citations: reference to return to research.
T: Review Spanish search terms and vocabulary. Objective: identify English and
Spanish spellings of countries and popular foods. Brainstorm popular foods that
we have in America, that have Spanish names; begin to research origins.

Day 4 L: Searching in earnest.

Entrance Ticket: How do citations help your research?
Objective: use print and digital resources to complete at least half of the required
items. Review synonyms for online searches. Direct students to appropriate print
resources: reference, encyclopedias.
T: Continue discussion of foods and origins. Begin discussion of Spanish
cultural similarities and differences to include clothing and music.
Day 5 L: Brainstorm importance of illustrations and how they help us; importance to
visual learners.
Entrance Ticket: List two ways to finish or improve your poster.
Objective: arrange information to express learning and share information. Find
and select appropriate images to illustrate information. Finish information
gathering with online and print resources.
T: Fact-check using rough drafts, comparing student-gathered information with
textbook information. Review online source validity.

Day 6 L: Peer-review and final edits.

Entrance ticket: What is the most surprising fact that you learned about your
Objective: finalize poster and review rubric. In partners, take turns presenting
posters. Both partners should use the rubric to assess their partners presentation
and poster. Students then make final revisions and save as a PDF to indicate that
their poster is ready for final production.
T: Students present posters in class.

Higher-level As quicker students finish with phases of their assignment, they will be
assigned to mentor lower-level students on search criteria and aide in
poster layout.
Lower-level Scaffolding for technologically less proficient students will continue
throughout the project.
All students will receive regular feedback, and entrance tickets that
display a lack of understanding will be addressed during the same class
Kinesthetic Although this project incorporates most learning styles, kinesthetic
Learners learners are not specifically addressed as thoroughly. Students who need
to move more will be encouraged to use print and digital resources, so
that they are doing more and moving more throughout the class
periods. These students can also be encouraged to act out their greeting
for their presentation, beyond simply speaking the words.

Librarian and Co-Teacher(s) Reflection of Collaborative Process and Planning:

The greatest challenge of this collaborative unit was timing and a general inability
to meet in person. Because Spanish and Library are both scheduled specials for Lower
School Students, we wind up having almost no planning periods that align. Combined
with the fact that this project was only made into a collaborative unit about five days
before implementation, our time together to plan was limited to say the least. For next
year, we have decided to schedule two lunch meetings to combat our time constraints.
The greatest accomplishment of this collaborative unit has been the combination
of our strengths as educators, to limit or eradicate weaknesses. Senora Martinez is a
native Spanish speaker, and her written English is not polished. I was able to help in this
regard, and I wrote correspondence to parents on behalf of us both. I do not speak ANY
Spanish, so Senora Martinez provided me with lists of pronunciation for several common
words and countries that I would need in order to sound respectable and set a good
example for our students. We also managed to communicate well about student progress,
and I am proud of both Senora Martinez and my own flexibility: we had originally
planned only four classes for this unit, but our students have benefitted from the
increased time that we are allowing them.
I have applied several concepts from my Instructional Collaboration course in the
planning of this unit. First, I applied knowledge about different teaching and learning
styles. I believe that by acknowledging the type of teacher that Senora Martinez is, our
planning went much more smoothly than it might have otherwise gone. As a fairly
abstract random person, she was happy to hand the project over to me almost completely,
but working together to truly collaborate has proven beneficial to us both.
In considering student learning types, Senora Martinez and I ensured that we
included as many types of learners as possible in each lesson. Since we are working on
organizing material on the end-product poster, our Logical/Mathematical students are
included (Brewer). By allowing students to format their submissions with colors as they
prefer, the Visual/Spatial learners are included; because speaking is involved in planning
the end presentation, our Verbal/Linguistic learners are actively involved. Intrapersonal
learners are actively involved by incorporation of thinking strategies for searches, and
independent work. For Interpersonal learners, group reflection will ensure that they are
fully engaged. The only learning styles that are not specifically engaged are
Musical/Rhythmic learners and the Naturalist learners. I believe that the information
learned in this class have greatly helped me in creating this unit plan.
Works Cited

Brewer, Sally. "Tapping into Multiple Intelligences to Teach Information Literacy

Skills." School Library Media Activites Monthly 21.9 (2005): 19. ProQuest
Education Journals. Web. 4 Oct. 2015.

Fontichiaro, Kristin. 21st-Century Learning in School Libraries. Denver: ABC-CLIO,

2009. Print.

Gregorc, Anthony. Mind Styles. State University of New York at Cortland, n.d. Web.
16 September 2015.

Knowles, M. Application of Adult Learning Theory. McGraw Hill, 1996. PDF File.
Espaol 5 la cultura
School year 2015-2016
5th Grade Spanish Project

Hispanic Heritage Report

Due date: October 15
Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions
Respect copyright/intellectual property rights of creators and
Organize information and knowledge in a useful manner
Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings
Demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of Hispanic countries and

Students will research, create, and present projects about Hispanic culture.

Mxico La Argentina
Honduras Paraguay
El Salvador Ecuador
Guatemala El Per
Chile Bolivia
Costa Rica
Puerto Rico
La Republica
Research should include
The flag
A map
The capital
Cultural details (i.e. music, traditional clothing, important landmarks, spices,
common pets)
The currency
The food (With your parents help, please bring a sample of the food of your
country on the day of the presentation) (optional)
Any interesting fact to share with the class

Computers with internet access and Microsoft Publisher
11 x 17 inch ledger paper

Internet, books, friends, and/or parents from your selected country

1. Select a country.
2. Conduct online research.
3. Type up the facts you will need to present.
4. Keep a file with all of the information you gather, including photos, drawings,
and your typed information.
5. Organize the information on your poster.
6. Create your presentation in Microsoft Publisher
Using a ledger-size, 11 x 17 inch template
Arrange your typed information, photos, maps and drawings on the
document and decide on the best format.
7. Write a script for yourself. What will you say when you make your
presentation? (the presentation will be 5 minutes or less)
8. Practice your presentation at home.
9. Present to the class.
Assessment of the project:
In small groups, students will use the following rubric to review rough-drafts of
each group-members poster and project.
The teacher will use the following rubric to assess the final project.

CATEGORY 25 points 20 points 15 points

Presentation 10 points 8 points 6 points
Includes all of the following: Includes at least 5 of Includes less than
1. Greeting the 7 pieces of three of the required
2. Flag required information elements
3. Map
4. Capital
5. Culture (music and
traditional dress)
6. Currency
7. Food
Illustrations 5 points 4 points 3 points
Includes all of the following Includes at least 3 of Does not include any of
illustrations: the 5 pieces of the illustrations
1. Flag required information
2. Map
3. Capital
4. Culture
5. Food
Speaks Clearly 5 points 4 points 3 points
Speaks clearly and distinctly at Speaks clearly and Cannot be understood
all times and properly pronounces distinctly, but or mispronounces
all words. mispronounces some several words.

Preparedness 5 points 4 points 3 points

Student is completely prepared Student seems mostly The student is
and has obviously rehearsed. prepared but might not somewhat prepared,
have rehearsed. but it is clear that
rehearsal was lacking.

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