Speaking Topics Sum1

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Unit 1

1. Do you think its better to be optimistic, pessimistic, or

somewhere in the middle? Explain
2. Churchill said The pessimist sees difficulty in every
opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every
difficulty. What do you think of this quote? Do you agree?
3. Suggest ways to enjoy life more.

Unit 2

1. What is the role of music in your life?

2. What are the benefits of music? (in 4 ways: emotional,
intellectual, physical, social)

Unit 3

1. Describe your spending habits. How do you plan to use

your money? (short-term financial goals, long-term
financial goals).
2. What are the reasons for charitable giving? Name one
organization that you would donate money to.
3. Do famous or wealthy people have a responsibility to give
back or to share what they have with others?

Unit 4
1. What do you think of the expression Beauty is in the eye
of the beholder?
2. Why do tastes change over time from culture to culture?
3. What things do people do today to make themselves more
attractive? (you may want to check P.45)
4. Do you think life is easier for people who are attractive?
5. Do you think people should just accept the way they look
or try to change their appearances?
6. In an ideal world, what should ones self-esteem be based

Unit 5

1. Where would you prefer to live in the country, the city, or

the suburbs? Why
2. How should people behave in public places? Do you think
its important to speak up when people behave
inconsiderately in public?
3. How important is it for a person to be active in his or her
community? Explain.

Unit 6

1. Do you think that an animal can be a good companion?

Why or why not?
2. How are we treating animals these days? Is there any
animal treatment that you disagree?
3. Why do you think some animals become endangered?
What are some threats to the survival of animals in the
4. Are species worth saving even if they arent popular or of
any known value to people?

Unit 7

1. Are you a smart shopper? Do you comparison shop or buy

the first thing you see? Do you like haggle over prices?
2. Do you think people are too influenced by advertising?
3. Should people only spend money on things they need and
never on things they dont need? Is it ok to buy on impulse
sometimes? Is it ok to splurge once in a while?

Unit 8

1. In what ways is your generation most different from your

parents generation? What do you like best or respect most
about your parents generation?
2. What contributions do you think your generation will make
to the next generation? How do you think the next
generation will differ from yours?
3. Describe the ideal situation for elder care.

Unit 9

1. What are some historys mysteries?

2. What are some historys hoaxes?
3. Why do you think the media get fooled by sensational
hoaxes? Why do they seem to publish these stories so
4. Do you think hoaxes should be considered a crime, or are
they harmless? Why?

Unit 10

1. Explain the benefits of leisure activities

2. In what ways does technology add to or interfere with your
leisure time? What can you do to keep work or study
balanced with leisure time in your life?
3. Why does one person develop into a risk-taker and another
into a risk-avoider?
4. Do you think risk-taking is a healthy type of behavior?
Where do you think the best place to be on the risk-taking
continuum is? Why?

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