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17Correct Answers
42.5%Correct Answers

1. Deciding how to differentiate ourselves from our competitive alternatives is the objective
Service Design.

Service Strategy.

Demand Management.

Capacity Management.


This is one of the objectives of Service Strategy.

2. The four parameters of the Warranty in Service Value are:

Availability, Continuity, Capacity and Security.

Availability, Capacity, Continuity and Maintainability.

ROI, VOI, Improvement and Improvements.

Capacity, Security, Servicability and Security.


Warranty is based on Availability, Continuity, Capacity and Security.

3. Service Package is the combination of:

Core Service Package, Supporting Service Package and Service Asset Package.

Service Asset and Service Value.

Core Service Package, Supporting Service package and Enabling Service Package.

All of the above


Service Package will contain the outcome desired, enhancing value and the utility and warranty
of the core.
4. PBA and UP are a part of:
Finance Management.

Demand Management.

Business Management.

Service Portfolio Management.


These are the two main activities of Demand Management.

5. Pipeline services, Active services and Retired services are the components of:
Service Portfolio Management.

Service Catalogue Management.

Business Management.

Demand Management.


SPM consists of all the services which are active, pipeline and retired

6. Finance Management Activities include:

Accounting,Budgeting,Chargeback and Demand Modelling.

Accounting, Buyback and Clearance.

Accounting, Budgeting and Chargeback.

None of the above.


Finance Management Activities, by definition, consist of Accounting, Budgeting, and


7. Who is responsible for communication and interaction with customers?

Service Level Manager

Service Owner
Business Relationship Manager

Process Owner


It is the responsibility of the Business Relationship Manager to act as a single point of contact for
these activities.

8. Service which is needed in order to deliver the core service is called:

Enhancing Service.

Enabling Service.

Both the above

Neither a nor b


Enabling service is required by any service provider to provide core service.

9. An SDP is produced for:

New service and Retiring Service only.

New Service and for a major change in service only.

New Service only.

New Service, Major Change in a service and Retiring Service.


By definition, an SDP is produced for New Service, Major Change in a service and Retiring

10. Catalogue Management which has information about the business and its relationship
with business units and processes is called:
Service Catalogue Management.

Technical Service Catalogue.

Service Portfolio Management.

Business Service Catalogue.


Catalogue Management which has information about the business and its relationship with
business units and processes is called Business Service Catalogue.

11. The agreement between the internal departments of an organization, which helps the
Service Provider to deliver the service, is called a(n):
Underpinning Contract.

Service Level Agreement.

Operational Level Agreement.

Service Level Requirement.


The agreement between the internal departments of an organization, which helps the service
provider to deliver the service, is called an Operational Level Agreement.

12. Which is the content to be avoided when drafting an SLA?

Service Performance

Security Measures

Legal terms

Mutual Responsibilities


Legal terms should always be avoided when drafting an SLA.

13. In a process, RACI is the model used for identifying the following:
Roles and Responsibilities

Process Knowledge

Domain Knowledge

All of the above

RACI is used for defining and understanding the roles and responsibilities.

14. The performance of the supplier is managed by which process?

Service Level Management

Business relationship Management

Supplier Management

All of the above


Supplier Management's main objective is to measure the performance and take a decision on the
contract renewal.

15. Service Capacity, Business Capacity and Component Capacity are the components of:
Capacity Management.

Availability Management.

Service Continuity Management.

Supplier Management.


Service Capacity, Business Capacity and Component Capacity are components of Capacity

16. A measure of how quickly and effectively a component can be restored to normal
condition is:



All of the above


Maintainability is a measure of how quickly and effectively a component can be restored to

normal condition.
17. The Business Critical elements of a business process supported by an IT service is
Business Relationship Management.

Business Continuity Management.

Business Impact Analysis.

Vital Business Functions.


The business critical elements of the business process supported by an IT Service are known as
Vital Business Functions or VBFs; if IT focuses on the wrong aspects of the business functions,
it is wasting critical resources by designing the wrong solutions for the wrong reasons, thereby
diminishing the value of the service for the customer.

18. Right access to the right files to the right people at the right time is the objective of:
Availability Management.

Information Security Management.

Service Asset and Configuration Management.

All of the above


This the process which takes care of security management.

19. Creation of the Service Design Package is the main objective of:
Design Coordination.

Knowledge Management.

Business Relationship Manager.

None of the above


Creation of the Service Design Package is the main objective of Design Coordination.

20. Pre-authorized changes with documented procedure are called:

Service Transition

Standard Change.

Emergency Change.

Change Model.


Standard changes are the changes which have low cost and low risk and can be handled as
Service Request.

21. Change Management scope does not include:

modifications of a CI.

deleting a CI.

changes in Service Catalogue.

strategic change of an organization.


Strategic change is not handled by Change Management.

22. _____ is used as reference point for the future builds, releases and changes

Configuration Report

Configuration Management

All the above


Baseline is the snapshot taken at the given time for future reference.

23. The storage place for all software CDs, codes, and licenses is called:
Configuration Management Database.

Service Asset Database.

Service Knowledge Management System.

Definitive Media Library.


All S/W related items are stored in the Definitive Media Library.

24. Release Policy should contain:

a Unique Identification Number.

roles and responsibilities.

frequency of the releases.

All the above


A release policy should contain all these requirements.

25. ________ ensures right information is delivered to the appropriate person at the right
Knowledge Management

Policy Document

Business relationship Management

None of the above


Knowledge management ensures that the right information is delivered to the right person at the
right time.

26. ____ is the type of the event where a manual or an automated interference is required.



Manual Events

A Warning event may seek an automated or a manual response.

27. When might a Known Error be raised?

When an RCA has been identified

When the RCA is not identified but a workaround has been provided

When an Incident is resolved on the First Call

None of the above


KE can be raised when a workaround is provided.

28. A Major Incident should have:

separate procedure.

shorter time scales.

high level of urgency.

All of the above


All the options have a high impact on business.

29. Which of these people and process can raise problems?

Incident Management

Suppliers and Developers

Proactive Problem Management

All of the above


Any one of these factors can raise problems.

30. Service Desk which supports specific types of requests or incidents is called:
Local Service Desk.

Supporting Service Desk.

Specialised Service Desk.

Virtual Service Desk.


The Specialized Service Desk is dedicated to its domain of expertise.

31. Custodian of technical knowledge and expertise relating to managing the IT infra is the
role of:
IT Security Management.

Service Desk.

Technical Management.

Operations Management.


They are responsible for everything related to technical knowledge.

32. Application Management is responsible for the applications which are:

Built in-house.

Bought Outside.

Both of the above

None of the above


Application management is responsible for all the applications used by the organization.

33. Operations Control activities do not include:

Console Management.

Job Scheduling.
Back Up and Restore.

Physical IT Environment.


Facilities Management is responsible for Physical IT Environment.

34. All the improvement initiatives are recorded in:

CSI Register.



All of the above


All the improvement initiatives are stored in CSI for tracking and future reference.

35. CSF and Kpi are the metrics for:




All of the above


A process is measured by CSF and KPI.

36. Branding value is the type of:

Return on Investment.

Value on Investment.

All of the above

None of the above

The answer is value on investment since branding is a non-monetary benefit.

37. Plan-Do-Check-Act is also called as:

Deming Cycle.

KANO Model.

Pareto Analysis.

None of the above


By definition, The Deming cycle is also known as Plan-Do-Check-Act.

38. Defining what will be measured is compared to the ____ step in Plan Do Check Act.





Defining what will be measured is a planning activity.

39. What should be accessed to know where we stand now in the 7-step process?

Measurable Targets

SKMS integration with other process

All the above


Baseline assessments will be performed to know the current state.

40. The three types of metrics are:

Process, Technical and Service Metrics.
Process, Business and Technology Metrics.

Technology, Business and Service Metrics.

Technology, Process and Service Metrics.


The three types are Technology, Process and Service Metrics.

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