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Katie Menges

Instructor Cynthia Keller

RSM 541: School Library Action Research

16 April 2017

Problem Statement

Classroom teachers and the library media specialist are working toward the common purpose of

educating students but are not working as a cohesive unit; faculty members often only have time

and resources to plan their own lessons, even when lessons could benefit by crossing subject

areas. Research will focus on creating an atmosphere where faculty collaboration with the library

media specialist is higher, with the desired outcome of increasing student engagement and

academic success through skill retention.

Research Questions

How might scheduling changes make time for teacher collaboration, that teachers will be

inclined to use for collaboration?

How will student skill retention be affected by collaboration?

How will student engagement be affected by collaboration?

behavioral engagement: students come to class prepared.

emotional engagement: students feel happy to be in class.

cognitive engagement: students want to learn as much as possible in class.

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