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To: Professor McDonald

From: Autumn Smith

Date: April 10,2017

Subject: Project Assessment Memo

While we were completing our public service, the primary problem we encountered was putting
information together so that it would be easy for the audience to understand our colorism topic
and the effect of it in the black community. We did not have trouble deciding what information
to put in the public service announcement because all the facts were valid and resourceful. The
topic is very common in our community so it makes it appeal to the audience. The audience
takes a big part in the public service because they are majority African Americans which is the
targeted audience. The way we selected the issue was by focusing on realistic problems in the
black community, and colorism is something everyone in the group could relate to because we
are all minorities that have encountered this type of discrimination. We had questions concerning
colorism within the black community and why some peoples opinions differed from others on
the topic.

The most challenging part of the project was finding legitimate information about colorism
without the opinions of others. Through extensive research, we found ways to stop the
progression of colorism and by raising awareness, we were able to erase the stereotypical
connotations that come with skin color. We used pathos to connect with the audience's emotional
thoughts on the topic such as, interviewing young African Americans women and men on their
self-confidence and if they ever felt indifferent because of the color of their skin. We used logos
by using surveys to see statistically how big the problem of colorism has become overtime.
There are a lot of celebrities and brands that help chime in to end colorism but the ones we
specifically talked about were BET, Black Girls Rock, and the launch of Kelly Rowlands
makeup brand for darker skinned girls. We gave information on how many people are trying to
end colorism and how the audience could end colorism as well.

The most effective aspect of the PSA in terms of design was the photographers and how we as
African Americans address the problem. We made our point through popular social media
thoughts and famous photographers. We used slogans and popular hashtags to help contribute to
the idea. We designed the project so that the audience will be very attractive to it and will not get
bored throughout the presentation.

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