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102 Elleby

Zaire Elleby

March 17th, 2017

ENG 102

Dr. Wynne

Literature Review: Colorism

Colorism, as defined by the dictionary, is prejudice or discrimination against individuals

with a dark skin tone. While this does have a very similar definition to racism, its slightly

different. Racism is [prejudice attitudes and discriminatory acts against people based on their

racial status. Colorism has been prevalent in African American communities since we as a

people were brought over to North America. But the question is why? In order to fully

understand the impact and the reasoning for the effect of colorism, some questions must be


1. What is the origin of colorism?

2. How much has it affected the African American community?

3. In what part of the community is colorism present?

The following review on literature will deliberate and dissect the origins of colorism in the

African American community, where in the community it is present, the extent to how much it

affects the African American community and the steps that are needed to be done in order to

eradicate it.
ENGLISH 102 Elleby

What is the origin of colorism?

In order to discuss how badly colorism has effected African Americans, one must know

its origins and originators. During the slavery period in America, white slave owners often bore

children together, thus making the child mixed. However due to the laws at the time, any trace of

African American (one drop rule), meant you were African American. However, because white

slave owners mated with their black slaves, the child would often be born a lighter skin tone. The

slave owners also often allowed extra rights and privileges. They believed them to be much

smarter and much more capable. The lighter skin tone, as believed by the slave owners, allowed

the children to be more in touch of their white ancestry which allowed them to receive some

form of education and sometimes, granted freedom. Years after slavery was abolished, studies

show that similar advantages were given to blacks whose appearance was closer to white, such

as first consideration for certain schools and jobs. (Webb).

How much has it affected the African American community?

As discussed in the previous paragraph, lighter skin children during slavery were given

privileges darker skinned children were not able to have. For example, at one point during the

civil rights movement children began to dislike their dark skin in favor of a lighter skin tone thus

seen in the brown doll test. In the 1940s, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark designed and

conducted a series of experiments known colloquially as the doll tests to study the

psychological effects of segregation on African-American children. The physiatrists presented

two dolls to children, a Caucasian doll and a dark skinned doll, and asked the children which one

they believed was pretty. After concluding their research, the physiatrists noticed that a majority
ENGLISH 102 Elleby

of the children picked the Caucasian doll as pretty and the dark skinned doll as ugly and

sometimes scary. These privileges have continued to be seen in society today: Conversely

people of color with lighter skin, because of their proximity to a white skin tone, are more likely

to be viewed in a positive light (innocent, desirable, capable and so on). (NikkiLou). In some

cases, white people relate better to lighter skin African Americans. Why is this? Possibly due to

the lighter skin relating to white skin, or sometimes white people view lighter skin individuals as

less bodacious, aggressive and angry. As shameful as it is, society has exhibited that this is true

in many cases. Social media, from twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc., how sadly shown this to be

true. As sad as it can be, one still has to understand where colorism effects society in order to

truly grasp how terrible it is.

In what part of the community is colorism present?

Colorism is present everywhere, from everyday communities to even Hollywood. This

includes the Brown Paper Bag Test. The test, while disgusting, was quite simple. In his 1996

book titled The Future of the Race, Harvard historian Henry Louis Gated Jr. described how he

was introduced to the test. Some of the brothers who came from New Orleans held a bag party.

As a classmate explained it to me, a bag party was a New Orleans custom wherein a brown paper

bag was stuck on the door. Anyone darker than the bag was denied entrance. That was one

cultural legacy that would be put to rest in a hurry-we all made sure of that. But in a manner of

speaking, it was replaced by an opposite test whereby those who were deemed "not black

enough' ideologically were to be shunned. I was not sure this was an improvement." In social

gatherings within communities, this was common to keep a gathering more light and white by

having only lighter people admitted entry. As bad as it is on a community, colorism also exists in

places as big as Hollywood. In certain cases, certain actors and actresses are cast for certain roles
ENGLISH 102 Elleby

portraying African Americans. For example, a movie starring an escaped convict would most

likely be portrayed by a brown skinned to darker skinned performer while a woman acting as a

wealthy businesswoman would be played as a woman with a lighter skin tone. Its things like

this that perfectly show just how bad colorism can be and why it must be eradicated


Colorism, while not known by many, has had an extreme impact on the African American

community. From the brown doll test to the brown paper bag test, its effect on the African

American community has done so much hurt and wrong. As time goes along, while more

methods to colorism will sadly arise, so too will the individuals who will work their hardest to

try and cease colorism. While the work may be difficult and some may think impossible,

colorism will die. Ceasing colorism will only make African Americans believe they are truly

wonderful, regardless what people may say, think or believe. Colorism is disgraceful, but it will

eventually meet it comeuppance.

ENGLISH 102 Elleby


Webb, Sarah L. "Colorism: Roots and Routes." Colorism Healing. N.p., 01 June 2016. Web. 17

Mar. 2017.

"NAACP Legal Defense Fund : Defend, Educate, Empower." Brown at 60: The Doll Test |

NAACP LDF. NAACP, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

NikkiLou. "Light-skinned Privilege: Its Real AND Its Complicated." Mixedracefeministblog.

N.p., 30 Jan. 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

Beck, Essence. "Colorism And Its Impact On Society." Odyssey. N.p., 26 Apr. 2016. Web. 17

Mar. 2017.

Pilgrim, David. " Question of the Month." Jim Crow Museum: Question of the Month. Ferris

State University, 2014. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

ENGLISH 102 Elleby

Gates, Henry Louis, and Cornel Ronald West. The Future of the Race. New York: Vintage,

1997. Print.

"African Americans Still Victims of Colorism -." Racism Review. N.p., 13 Nov. 2011. Web. 17

Mar. 2017.

Burton, L. M., Bonilla-Silva, E., Ray, V., Buckelew, R. and Hordge Freeman, E. (2010), Critical

Race Theories, Colorism, and the Decades Research on Families of Color. Journal of Marriage

and Family, 72: 440459.

First Look: Dark Girls Documentary Film Video [Video file]. Retrieved from


21 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

ENGLISH 102 Elleby

Rubric for Literature Review/Research Report*


Research Very well Well Questions Questions are No

Questions: developed developed seem undeveloped discernible
Quality and and focused and somewhat and focus is research
answerability questions generally undeveloped too broad questions.
that focused and focus and/or too
effectively questions may be too narrow. They
enter the that broad or do not
40 pts. discourse effectively narrow. Bias effectively
community. enter the may be enter the
All questions discourse discernible in discourse and
are strong community. no more than cannot carry
enough to Most one the project.
carry the questions question. Bias is
entire project are strong discernible in
forward and enough to more than
are move project one question.
unbiased. forward
and/or are

Relevance of Information Information Information Information Informatio

Information from from from from research n is
: Does it research research research generally does irrelevant
answer the clearly and generally sometimes r not relate to to either
research thoroughly relates to elates to the research stated or
question(s)? relates to the research stated question(s). It unstated
stated question(s). research is under- research
research It is question(s). developed; no ques-
question(s). somewhat It is under- details and/or tion(s).
It is well- developed developed; a examples are
developed and provides few details given.
30 pts. and includes sufficient and/or
several supporting examples are
specific details and/or given.
supporting examples. Support is
details general.
ENGLISH 102 Elleby


Presenta- Research is Research is Research is Research does Research is

tion of used used used not effectively missing
Research: skillfully to effectively to somewhat answer the and/or does
Woven, fair answer answer effectively research not answer
use research research and may not questions, is research
questions, questions, is always not introduced questions.
30 pts. introduced introduced answer the and/or not Only one
and skillfully and woven research woven into perspective
woven with with the questions, be writers own presented.
the writers writers own introduced words. Sources, if
own words. words and/or be Only one present, are
It is Representa- woven into perspective is used
represented tion is mostly the writers presented. inaccurate-
accurately accurate and own words. Representa- ly. Quotes
and demon- Representa- tion may be overtake
demonstrates strates more tion is inaccurate. the writers
a variety of than one somewhat Quotes may language,
perspectives. perspective. accurate. overtake the are not
Only one writers introduced,
perspective language or woven,
may be may be and/or are
presented. floating. floating.

Primary Discussion of Discussion of Discussion of Minimal Primary

Research primary primary the primary attention to research is
research is research is research is the discussion missing
exceptional. good. adequate. of primary from the
Purpose, Purpose, Explanation research. document.
methodology methodology of purpose, Explanation
35 pts. and results and results methodology of purpose,
presented. are generally and results methodology
Primary explained. has some and/or results
research is Primary weaknesses. is missing or
clearly tied to research is Primary simply
other sources generally tied research may mentioned.
and one or to the not always Primary
ENGLISH 102 Elleby

more research discussion of be tied to research is not

questions. other sources discussion of tied to other
and one or other sources sources and/or
more and research research
research questions. questions.

Required Has required Has required Short 1 Short 2 or No sources

number, number of number of source and/or more sources used.
good sources. sources. variety is and/or
quality, and Sources taken Generally somewhat variety is
variety of from a wide taken from a limited. Most limited
sources variety of variety of of good and/or most
media. All media. quality. of poor or
15 pts. sources are of Quality of questionable
excellent most is quality.
quality strong and
appropriate to relevant to
the topic. the topic.
Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic
image Discussion
image(s) is of Discussion
image(s) is of Discussion
image(s) is of Studentis not
image Primaryis
n of primary primary
appropriate to primary
appropriate primary
minimally makes a
appropriate to research
missing. is
research research is research
to is
research research is
appropriate minimal
the research missing
data exceptional.
question, well good.
question, adequate.
to the attempt to
question from the
placed/well Purpose,
generally Explanation
research discusshas no
and/or document.
sized and methodology
well placed of purpose,
question, size primary
35 pts. and results
thoroughly , andwell
and results methodology
and research.
Size and
10 pts. presented.
and are generally
sized but is , and results
placement Explanationare
effectively explained.
sufficiently has some
somewhat of purpose,
explained. Primary
and weaknesses.
inappropriate methodology
results must research
somewhat Primary
and/or it is and results are
be tied to a results are
effectively research
adequately very weak or
specific generally
explained.tied results may
explained. missing.
research to the not always Results are
question(s) discussion of be tied to the not tied to
and the other sources discussion of discussion of
discussion of and the other sources other sources
other sources. research and the or the
question(s). research research
question(s). question(s).
ENGLISH 102 Elleby

Writing Demonstrate Demon- Demon- Demonstrates Writing is

Fluency: s skillful strates good strates limited not fluent.
Academic writing writing adequate writing
voice, third fluency, fluency, writing fluency,
person, exhibits no or exhibits fluency, exhibits
present/past few grammar minor exhibiting a numerous
tense, clarity and grammar and fair number grammar and
mechanical mechanical of grammar mechanical
errors. errors. and errors.
Academic Academic mechanical Academic
voice, third voice, third errors. Aca- voice, third
person, tense person, tense demic voice, person, and
25 pts. are are mostly third person, tense are
consistent. consistent. and tense are inconsistent.
Writing is Writing is somewhat Writing is
clear. clear. consistent. unclear.
could be

General Meets MLA Meets MLA One or more Many major No

MLA format formats for in- formats for major in-text in-text evidence of
and text citations in-text citation citation or MLA
assignment and reference citations and and/or reference format and/
guidelines page reference reference page unaccept-
requirements/ page page requirements able length
page layout requirements requirements missing or
and citation Most not met - incorrect/
15 pts. format criteria assignment assignment many
found in guidelines guidelines guideline or
assignment met. A few evidence format
guidelines. minor format formatting errors.
Acceptable errors. errors/ Length is
length for Length is either too
topic/ either too short or too
assignment short or too long.

*Rubrics are subject to minor changes. Students will be notified if changes occur.

Total 153.8/200 = 77

You write well, and you have integrated your secondary research well to develop content.
However, you did not include a graphic or primary research, and you appear to be struggling
ENGLISH 102 Elleby

with MLA. The Writing Center can help you with the latter, as can our PowerPoint on in-text
citations. Moreover, if you had included the two missing elements, you would have done a much
better job.
Dr. Wynne

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