Nataliesicard Gatsbyselfassessment

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Natalie Sicard

Expository Writing
Ms. Johnson
May 5, 3017

The Great Gatsby Essay Self-Assessment

Literary Analysis Research Paper

1. Write a brief summary describing the main point of your essay.

My essay was about the novel, The Great Gatsby being a satire about gender roles in the
1920s. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Jordan Baker, Daisy and Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby to
discuss and exaggerate gender roles in the real time period.

2. Is your thesis strong? Why or why not?

I think my thesis is strong because I have plenty of information from both The Great
Gatsby and the actual time period to back it up.

3. What is the most well-developed part of your essay? Explain why its so fantastic.
I think my body paragraphs specifically discussing the female gender roles are the
strongest part of my essay. I feel this way because I enjoy the way I portray both Jordan and
Daisy with the use of evidence from the book. I also have felt very passionate about gender roles
in the past and I have a lot of knowledge about this time period (1920s) so I thought the voice I
used throughout these specific paragraphs was strong and got my point across.

4. How do you transition and tie your ideas together?

I always tie my points together by referring back to my thesis; The Great Gatsby is a
satire for gender roles. My essay transitions smoothly because my essay is pretty well-formatted
and organized.

5. Why should the reader believe what you have to say? What makes you reliable?
The reader should believe what I have to say because I have read and analyzed the The
Great Gatsby and learned about the 1920s time period. I also site all of my sources so the reader
can tell that the information I have presented is legit. In addition to all of this, I keep my opinion
and attitude out of the essay so the information is presented impartially.

6. How does your conclusion tie up your main ideas? How does it leave the reader thinking?
My conclusion restates all of the main points I make throughout my essay and refers back
to my introduction. I leave the reader thinking about gender roles and how they are still
something that is occurring in the current world.

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