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Name: _Audrey Johnson___________________ Topic: ____Anatomy of a flower_______

Standards of Learning Plan Format Virginia Teachers for

Dissecting Flowers and learning process of photosynthesis.


Standard(s) of -Understand the parts of a flower and their functions.

Learning -Can explain the process of photosynthesis.

Key Vocabulary/ Stigma: traps pollen

Concepts pistil: tubular structure with stigma connecting to ovary.
Anther: sacs containing pollen
Petals: colorful, attracts pollinators
Sepals: protect flower before it opens

Materials Lilies

Introduction Introduced with picture of Lilly. Call students randomly picking names on
(Hook) sticks. Ask individual student to point to a part of a flower(petal, sepals,
stamen, stigma, pistil)

Instructional 1. Separated groups of around 5 students.

Activities/Strate 2. Each group provided with 2 lilies and great variety of different of
gies flowers.
3. With students, pull individual flower petals off a lily, followed by sepals,
stamen, and pistil.
4. Tape correct parts of flower on labeled table.
5. Discuss parts and functions in each group, and ask questions.
6. Write functions for each part on table for sepals, petals, stamen, and
7. Switch projector to photosynthesis paper.
8. Discuss process of photosynthesis and draw a labeled diagram.
9. Write short summary of photosynthesis.

Accommodation Search pictures of a variety of different lily parts. Explain and record each
s, function and part of flower with students.
If necessary

Closure Activity Clean flower debris and organize classroom with students. Discuss flower
Name: _Audrey Johnson___________________ Topic: ____Anatomy of a flower_______
Standards of Learning Plan Format Virginia Teachers for

Dissecting Flowers and learning process of photosynthesis.

parts and photosynthesis.

Follow-Up/ Students keep notes and flower parts in binder


REFLECTION The overall lesson was review for the students about the flower parts and
(TO BE COMPLETED functions. The students were confident with the parts visually and were
engaged with working with the flowers
Hands-on. However, the variety of flowers had a different anatomy than the
lilies and seemed to confuse the students. But the students understood how
the anatomy of the flowers are convenient for the function of each part. As far
as the photosynthesis portion of the lesson, the students drew a classic and
clear diagram of how photosynthesis works. The students asked great
questions to understand the inputs and outputs of the process.

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