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Running head: Teaching Preschool Children a Second Language

How Do Teachers Teach Preschool Aged Children a Second Language

Marissa A. Jock
SUNY Canton
Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language


The purpose of this study was to investigate the ways teachers can teach a preschool aged child

another language. To answer the question how do teachers teach preschool aged children the

researcher found resources that provided information on how teachers can go about teaching the

child a second language. The result of the study showed that there are many ways to teach a child

another language.
Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language


In the early years of a childs life the children are primed to learn new things, such as a

second language. One source stated that children form their main learning pathways in their

brain during the first few years of their life ( Vos, 2017). When teaching a child another

language parents and teachers need to know how to go about it and the benefits of this

instruction. Learning a second language benefits academic progress. When a child learns a

second language they are enhancing their understanding of the structure of language and

vocabulary (NEA Research, 2007). Learning another language can benefit the child and adults

teaching it in many ways. Such as having the child listen to a television show, music, and

learning a few words in a second language will give your child a foundation (Cohen, 2001).

Research Questions

The purpose of this study was to identify how teachers are able to teach preschool aged

children a second language. For instance, how do they learn another language? How do teachers

incorporate the second language in their environment to help the child? This study searched for a

resource that provided examples of how teachers have taught a child another language in their

classroom. What are tips that a teacher can use to help the child learn this second language?
Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language

How do they learn another language?

Children learn by using their senses. They learn by listening, imitating, seeing and

practicing (Vos, 2017). There are a few stages a child will go through when learning a foreign

language (Dunn, 2016). Stage 1 is the Silent Period, the child is listening to words being spoken

around them and looking and communicating through facial gestures. Stage 2 is Beginning to

Talk, after you give the child time they will then begin to say simple words or make short

phrases. This phase is where the child has memorized the words or phrases spoken and imitating

the pronunciation heard. Throughout this stage the children begin to pick up more vocabulary.

The final step is Building Up Language, this stage is where the children have memorized one

certain word and begin to put other words together with it. An example is, cat; a big black cat.

A main thing when a child is learning another language it needs to be fun! Children are more

interested in learning when having fun. Having fun is important because we have 4 brains in one.

They are the reptile, emotional, thinking and the little brain. The reptile brain is also called the

brainstem, this controls many of the bodys involuntary functions (Vos, 2017). The emotional

brain is where memories are stored. Learning is easier if its fun and has an emotional

attachment. The little brain is what controls the bodys balance. It is also a smaller replication

of the whole brain. This part of the brain is also the only part where the neurons are grown (Vos,

2017). Each of the 4 brains contribute to how a child learns new things.
Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language

How do teachers incorporate the second language in their environment to help the


A source stated that in order to help a child learn another language they need to feel

secure in their environment (Donn, 2016). Use the entire room as a learning tool (Dryden & Vos,

1997). When teaching a new language to a child, the more you talk in the new language the more

the child will learn (J & E, 2012). When speaking the language make sure you are actually

saying the correct pronunciation. A teacher can use resources such as books and videos. When a

child is using a computer in the classroom that is a perfect time to introduce the sounds and

words of the language (Hwang Lynch, 2010). When teaching a child sounds to the new language

reinforce it with more pictures with a picture to go along (Dryden, Rose, Vos, 1997).

What are tips that a teacher can use to help the child learn this second language?

A technique that a teacher can use while teaching a child another language is enthusiasm,

children are enthusiastic learners (J & E., 2012). Their curiosity will get them interested in

learning more. Keep your goals small, having high expectations will set you up for

disappointment and may even hurt the childs learning process from feeling the stress put on

him/her. One thing you can do is put labels on objects around the classroom in the foreign

language and their native language. A source stated when interacting children during activities

incorporate the language they are learning (Dryden & Rose, 1995). Make it fun and exciting for
Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language

the children. The more fun it is, the more the child will want to continue (Jensen, 1994; Dryden

& Vos, 1997; Dryden & Rose, 1995).


The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers teach a preschool aged child a

second language. I found resources that gave me the above information were proving that it is

possible for a child to learn a second language. Teachers can incorporate the new language by

transforming the room into a constant learning center. They can label everything in the

classroom with their native language and the one they will be learning. When teaching a child a

new language it needs to be fun and exciting for them or they will lose interest and not want to

learn. Another way teachers can teach the child the language is by relating it to things they are

interested in. For example, relate vocabulary to the objects that seem to interest them the most. I

believe that children learn best through hands on experiences. Therefore, I believe that teachers

should incorporate the new language during the childrens free play time. Such as when children

are using the computer or in the dramatic play area. For the computer aspect the teacher can have

the games in two languages to help expand their knowledge on the language and relate it to their

native language. As for the dramatic play area, provide props from the culture where the new
Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language

language originates from. Therefore, there are many ways a teacher can teach a preschool aged

child a second language.

Teaching Preschool Aged Children a Second Language

Cohen, I. (2017, February 01). Bilingual Babes: Teach Your Child A Second Language.
Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

Dunn, O. (2016, July 18). How young children learn English as another language.
Retrieved March 27, 2017, from

J., & E. (2012, October 27). Tips for Teaching Your Child to Speak a Foreign Language.
Retrieved April 10, 2017, from

NEA Research. The Benefits of Second Language Study - (2007,

December). Retrieved February 23, 2017, from

Vos Ed. D., J. (n.d.). Earlychildhood NEWS - Article Reading Center. Retrieved
February 23, 2017, from

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