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Questable Idea where magic is literally drawn

Highly creative minds are able to tap into magical energy through a combination of specialized
runes and their own willpower in a practice called "Managrafik". Those who are able to use
either one but not the other are considered exceptional, even among magic users.

Scribes (formerly Grafists or Grafikers, changed due to making more fucking sense) generally
draw one or more of these Runes into a drawn circle, upon a desired surface. These runes
correspond to an element to be manipulated. Note that the elements are not limited to classical
Platonic or Chinese elemental systems. Accents which specify function, including force,
protection, sealing, and so on, can be denoted as diacritical signs above the Rune(s) in
question. Symbols can also be drawn upon the circle to specify targets and areas of effect.

Though it is common practice among Scribes to prepare these Grafiks beforehand, it is

a dangerous practice as the energy coded in the Grafiks dissipate over time until they are
activated by the Scribe. The rate of dissipation can be stymied by using better materials to draw
the Grafiks upon. Despite this disadvantage, pre-drawn Grafiks are useful when a Scribe is
traveling into uncharted territory, where the materials there are unknown as well.

For those wanting to maximize the power and efficiency of a Grafik, it is best to freshly draw
it on the desired surface, then immediately release its power. Different Runes have different
effects depending on the surface in which they are drawn, so observe them carefully to better
learn how they all work. For instance, a [FIRE] Rune drawn upon a metallic surface, then
immediately released can cause it to melt into slag, whereas an [EARTH] rune drawn upon the
same surface can cause it to harden to the point of brittleness.

The system would run on AP. Every component of a Grafik aside from the medium on which it
is drawn costs AP. AP is regenerated every turn. Multiple runes can go onto one Grafik for a
composite effect. Also, the further right one goes on the diagram of examples, the more difficult
and complex (meaning higher AP cost) the component of Grafik is.

First and foremost, this section is in relation to running a quest with this mechanic on an image
board like /tg/. This could work in a live session or over Skype where players can sketch all the
Grafiks they want, but given certain limitations of an image board, such as image limits and
auto-saging after a certain number of posts, some ideas need to be adapted for it.

Still no clue on the setting, but some are leaning towards a Weimar/Victorian feel for the setting.
Very FMA-flavored, so further discussion required before finalizing that.

The core mechanic of Managrafik, the combination of drawn components to activate magical
effects, is run by the consumption of Action Points (AP; may call this something else once a
setting is established for the purposes of player immersion.) There are four components to a

The Rune is an element in which will be activated when the Grafik is activated. Usually,
only one Rune is used at a time, but if a character has enough AP, multiple Runes can
be used to create complex effects. In this instance, each Rune is activated in order from
left to right, then top to bottom. (costs AP)

The Accent is a functional modifier attached to the top of a Rune in a Grafik. While it
is entirely possible to create a Grafik without Accents and still get the desired effect
(example: placing a [FIRE] Rune on a gasoline container will likely make it explode upon
activation,) Accents specify exactly the type of effect which will be done with the element
on which it is placed. Only one Accent can be placed upon a Rune in a Grafik. (costs

The Symbol is the diagram on which Runes and Accents are inscribed, and acts as a
targeting mechanism for the Grafik. Though the default Symbol is simply a circle (which
doesnt specifically target anything but costs no AP,) other designs can be placed onto
the circle to denote specific targets. Only one Symbol can be used per Grafik. (costs AP,
except for a plain circle)

Finally, the Medium is the material on which the Grafik is drawn. Though the Runes
element powers the Grafik, the Medium on which it is drawn plays into the effect which
will be produced. Though a [FIRE] Grafik will certainly ignite a gasoline container, it will
also help melt through a chunk of ice, or even heat up a persons internal temperature
when applied properly. (does not cost AP)

Action Points
As we just learned, Runes, Accents, and Symbols other than a plain circle cost AP to use. As in
any other game dealing with limited power resources such as this, it is important for a character
to embrace AP economy to succeed. During the game, the character will only be allowed to
have a certain number of AP at any given time. AP in Managrafik is regenerative over time,
but only little by little, though the rate of AP regeneration would likely increase throughout the
course of a game.

Drawing Grafiks
Like any other quest on /tg/, a quest based on Managrafik would likely take place in turns
alternating between the Game Master and the players who collectively play the featured
character. Due to the limitations of an image board however, it would be difficult if the quest
made the players submit a drawing of the Grafik the character wants to use for every single turn
that Grafiks are involved. The image limit would be reached quickly if the quest became popular
and a new thread would have to be made much earlier than planned. (And besides, who would
actually want not just quest threads in general, but a specific quest thread spamming the board,

Two changes in the drawing rule should be observed to ensure that a thread doesnt hit the
image limit much too early. The first change involves drawing a new Grafik for the first time:
discuss what Grafik will be used in terms of its components and its AP cost. When a consensus
seems to be reached, a player may submit a drawing of the Grafik to the board. The second
change involves previously drawn Grafiks: simply write it out. It would make sense that a Scribe
would keep a list of known Grafiks in a journal or the like for later reference.

Activating Grafiks
Most of the work in using a Grafik is actually drawing one. The process of drawing one imprints
much of the Scribe unto the Grafik itself, its as if his or her power is drawn directly into the
components (thus costing AP). Actually activating a Grafik is much easier than drawing it,
requiring only a mental cue by the user to trigger the effects.

Custom Components and Grafiks

It is entirely encouraged that players try to create new components and new Grafiks altogether,
especially for more niche and utilitarian purposes. Trying to slow down the enemy chasing you
from behind? Maybe a composite [MUD] Rune based on the [EARTH] and [WATER] Runes
used on dry earth can make a sudden bout of quicksand for pursuers behind you. Need to
protect an important document against would-be thieves? Perhaps a composite <TRAP> Accent
based on the <LOCK> and <TRIGGER> Accents can send the thieves running away from
your treasure. In cases like this, the new component would only cost one (1) more AP than the
highest-costing component of the mixture.

Optional Rule: Duress

Another possible rule has been suggested in the first thread at /tg/: Duress Rolls. As noted
earlier, some Scribes prepare their Grafiks in advance, but many wish to get more power out of
a freshly-drawn Grafik on the spot. However, we have to be honest here: most times someone
would want to get the most power out of a Grafik is during combat. As such, it would make
sense that a character under duress would have to keep their cool while drawing a Grafik, as
to make sure they dont make an error in what they draw and end up an entirely (and possibly
tragic) effect than what they intended. In these cases, a simple roll of a d100 will be called upon,
the target number dependent on both the complexity of the Grafik involved as well as the duress
the character would likely be under.

Optional Rule: Bodily Grafiks

It is possible to draw Grafiks upon a living thing, but everything involved with a bodily Grafik is
much more difficult than those drawn upon an inorganic Medium. For most Scribes willing to do
so, it usually takes all they can give in order to draw the Grafik onto the body in the first place.
And as luck would have it, activating a bodily Grafik would sap the life energy of the body on
which it is drawn, as the Scribe is usually unable to put his or her power into it (due to the power
used to drawing it on the body in the first place).

Over time, the bodily Grafik would erode the bearers life energy until there is nothing left,
most likely an agonizing fate indeed. Of course, theres also a heightened chance of failure of
backfiring upon the bearer. It may cost more AP for the bearer to use the Grafik at times. At
others, the entire limb/body part the Grafik is on may be at serious risk. Given these difficulties
in using bodily Grafiks, it is best for player characters to not use them.

Character Progression
For the sake of a quest and its need for simplicity, I am eschewing many of the usual stats from
Managrafik. The following stats are relevant for this mechanic:
Health: duh
AP: For drawing Grafiks
AP Regen: Gained AP at the end of each turn.

Throughout the course of a game, the character will inevitably level up. During leveling up, the
character will have the chance to get an upgrade. Other than Maximum Health, Maximum AP,
and AP Regen, the following can be upgraded:
New Rune
New Accent
New Symbol

The upgrades would likely be set up in either a skill tree or skill grid arrangement. In the skill
tree, the character would be required to already have the previous upgrade activated in the tree
before getting the next upgrade in the tree. It would also likely be divided in six trees, one for
each type of upgrade (Max Health, Max AP, AP Regen, Runes, Accents, and Symbols) In the
skill grid, the character would only be able to get an upgrade that is located next to an upgrade
that has already been received. This would allow for a little more of a free-form character
progression, but may lead to unorthodox character setups (possibly skipping a whole series of
Runes to get to a more powerful series of Runes via an adjacent set of other upgrades being
taken up first.)

Current Runes
Novice Apprentice Adept Expert Master

Current Accents
Novice Accents Apprentice Accents
<FORCE>: Destructive effect <VOID>: Nullify an elements effect
<PROTECT>: Protection from element <RESTORE>: Healing effect
<DETECT>: Detect element <TRIGGER>: Element triggers effect

Adept Accents Expert Accents

<RETURN>: Reflect effect back to caster <SEAL>: Restrict an elements usage
<MINIMIZE>: Weaken effect over time <MAXIMIZE>: Unleash full power at once
<LOCK>: Locks an items use, elem opens

Master Accents
<CONSUME>: Absorb effects power

Current Symbols
Novice Symbols Apprentice Symbols
{EXERT}: Effect in direction of symbol {SPREAD}: AoE from Grafik
{ENTER}: Effect upon Grafik itself {WAIT}: Delay effect after activation
{EXPAND}: AoE in cone from Grafik

Adept Symbols Expert Symbols

{EXTEND}: AoE in a line from Grafik {FOCUS}: Specifically targeted effect
{DIVERGE}: Effect splits in dirs. of sym. {CONVERGE}: Effects of mul. Gfk. together

Master Symbols
{EXPLODE}: Specifically AoE from target

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