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Ben Ding

World Lit

Water Scarcity Synthesis Essay

Mother earth, the only known planet to host life happens to be our home. Its surface also
happens to be 71% water. Humans require quite a bit of water in their daily lives, either for drinking,
washing, or farming. However, the amount of water that is actually fresh is only 2.5% of the worlds
water. While most of the world has easy access to water, less developed countries frequently
struggle, or dont try at all, to provide water for their citizens. Furthermore, farming uses quite a bit of
water, sometimes causing droughts. But if we all move to save water, the effects can be mitigated.

The World Wildlife Fund, or WWF, is a non-profit organization that aims to spread awareness
and help support various global issues. Its article on water scarcity highlights the various global
causes and effects of water scarcity. It states the causes of water scarcity are linked to agriculture
and overpopulation. It focuses heavily on protecting wildlife, and the ecosystems that house them.

Likewise, the Water Project foundation also strives to raise awareness for water scarcity. It
informs the reader on the causes and effects of water scarcity, and also advertises their cause.
However, unlike the World Wildlife Fund the Water Project focuses more on the social impacts of
water scarcity. It outlines the effects of poverty, hunger and diseases.

Both articles support the prevention of water scarcity, and the causes and effects. However,
the WWF focuses more on the ecological and wildlife impacts while the Water Project Foundation
focuses solely on human impact. Both support a reasonable cause and can be used for research.
Furthermore, none of the information provided contradicts one another, allowing for both to be used
without conflict.

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