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Jay Chavez #101756498

Professor Vincent Basso

ENGL 113-002


(Repurposed from Memoir)

Name: Gregorio

Last names: Chavez Baca

Age: 45

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Born: Janos, Chihuahua/Mexico

Gregorio Chavez Baca one of the main characters in the Memoir I have presented to you in past

assignments, he is a hardworking Mexican Family Provider who was born and raised in the town

of Janos, Chihuahua in Mexico. Mr. Chavez lived most of his life in Mexico, although he had

been living as an undocumented immigrant in the United States, his homeland remains in

Mexico, and he is very proud to mention it every time, being a true Mexicano.

The small town of Janos, Chihuahua has a population of around 30 to 40 thousand inhabitants,

the town has a rich history dating back to the first conquers of the Spaniards and of native who

lived there. The town has very few parts to go to and visit, most of the structures are made of

adobe and wood, and there are no major commercial stores, only local owned stores. But, as Mr.

Chavez says it, there is no other place I would love to live in.
Mr. Chavez is the third son and brother of a family of 9, including his parents, Gregorio Goyo

Chavez and Maria de la luz. And even though many of the hardships he and many of his family

members experienced when he was at a very young age, they still managed to live a decent life, a

more simple and slow life. Mr. Chavez mentions that his childhood is gold and that he would

never change it for anything, not for all the money in the world, nor give up anything he has

worked so hard for all his life.

Life in Mexico back in the 1970s 1980s was difficult, Mr. Chavez talks about how he never

had what the new generations have at their age, technology back in his hometown was very poor.

He recalls the times he has gone to a neighbors house to see T.V, the only person with a T.V in

the whole neighborhood, also doing his school work with a kerosene lamp by his side. Although

technological advances werent big, he enjoyed wondering around outside without fear, playing

with his friends, and having a better childhood than any children these days.

At the age of 17, Mr. Chavez moved out of his parents house, searching a better life, and risking

it all to come to the United States. He dropped out of school the second year of high school, and

although he dropped out, he manages to do better math than anyone. After dropping out of high

school he came to the United States, with no money and only a big heart willing to work to

provide for him and for his family back home.

He moved all around, from Texas to New Mexico and Arizona, he was a hardworking man, and

clearly still is. He worked mainly in construction, where he learned many of the things he knows

today, and being his main job when he was in the states. He also mentioned he worked at the

only McDonalds that is located at Los Alamos site, which was interesting, he talked about how

restricted it was, and clearly difficult to move around without being watched.
At the age of 25 he met Karla Renteria, the person who he would spend the rest of his life with.

They got together and moved indefinitely to the United States together. After that, he worked

only as a construction worker and had his own company, under his own name, doing many major

projects for people in Arizona. by age 27 he had already one son and by the age of 35 he had his

second son.

By the time before his second son was born, Mr. Chavez decided to move back to Mexico and

continue his life with his family back in his homeland, raise his sons and life the peaceful life he

had before. Remembering what he had told his son, still has a reminder of what he did: We are

going to move back to Mexico Mijo, I have to take care of some issues I have back where I lived

and where your mother lived, everything is going to be ok youll see, we must get you out of

school in a couple of weeks, we wont be leaving until your brother is born he said to his son

back then. I still remember the day we came back to my hometown, it was very difficult, but

there was no other choice he said with a deep and sorrow voice.

Mr. Chavez has been through many obstacles, and has had many difficulties throughout his

whole lifespan. But today, he lives happily with his wife and his kids in Mexico, working as a

fulltime cattle rancher and sometimes a part time constructor. I will never be ashamed of what I

have done, I will always look back and smile. I had it rough, but those are sacrifices you have to

do to be able to move on, it made me a better person, a better husband and father.

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