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Coming from a cultural diverse and multiracial country, Malaysia, the major race

tends to feel like they should have the rights and power to everything. They
would discriminate migrants from other country including the minority and
accuse that these migrants are stealing their job opportunities. Growing up in
that environment, children are influenced to follow the adults way of thinking
and they grow to be the same, treating the refugees as inferior. I am also
influenced to follow that culture but not to the extent of hating immigrants.
The online course show how refugees are interpreted to the public through the
lens of the media. The media manipulates the images of refugees and
immigrants as being aggressive and look dangerous. In one of the discussion
about migration, I was asked to search the images online about migrant crisis
and migrant crisis Calais. The images that were found when I searched the first
phrase show pictures of immigrants and refugees in terrible conditions, hundreds
of them travelling on the same boat in dangerous conditions. I felt pity when I
looked at this picture and tried to understand the hardship of these people
displaced from their country. After that, I searched the second phrase and the
images show refugees rioting and confronted by the police, which have a
negative view by the media on the immigrants.
The TED talk titled Our refugee system is failing. Heres how we can fix it
changed my views about refugees. They have their rights taken by oppressive
government or war in their country and they need to be protected. These people
are desperate to keep themselves alive with their choices limited to seek asylum
in other countries but through dangerous means due to the contradiction of the
immigration policies of each country with the global responsibility to protect
refugees agreed during the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees. We
should not strip them off basic human rights like food and shelter but support
them to help to improve the development of a country where human resources
are in demand. By solving the problem confronted by the refugees, we can also
solve other problems like human smugglers.
Refugees should be treated with respect like other people because they are also
human beings and the world should really take the opportunities to help the
refugees as this will bring out positive effects to the world.

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