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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Timothy Miller – father of Darren Miller will have surgery on his knee on Friday.  Please pray
for God to touch and heal him.

Pastoral Staff, Lay Staff, Faith Forward Team Members, Stillmeadow & York City Church Families:

“At this my heart pounds and leaps from its place.  Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to
the rumbling that comes from his mouth.  He unleashes the lightning beneath the whole
heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth.  After that comes the sound of his roar; he
thunders with his majestic voice.  When his voice resounds he holds nothing back.  God’s voice
thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. . . listen to this,
Job: stop and consider God’s wonders . . . God comes in awesome majesty.” (Job 37:1-5, 14,
22b) We serve a mighty God . . . a God who controls the elements, whose voice spoke life
itself into existence, and whose whisper summons us to “Be still.”
       This week has been bittersweet as we continue to move faith forward.  As we packed up
the tangible items at York City Campus to prepare for our move to the temporary location at
700 E. Market Street, we found ourselves being still . . .the teen room, whose walls have
housed many memories . . .now empty.  The Kids Klub room usually full of energy and
laughter, now deafeningly quiet.  The sanctuary and hospitality area where praise, worship,
fellowship, repentance, forgiveness, love and tears flow freely – full of boxes marked for
storage or moving, only a remnant of what was.  The sweet? – realizing that this “emptiness”
marks yet a new chapter in the lives of the York City Campus and of the Stillmeadow Church of
the Nazarene, collectively.
       We want to pause to thank all of those who assisted in the process of moving (and please,
forgive us if we miss anyone!!): Pastor Abiel & Lynn, Pastor Terry & Gloria  and all of the
volunteer staff of YCC; Pastor Kent, Pastor Wayne, Pastor Josh, Sam Miller, & the Mission Week
2010 Teens from the main campus; George & Crystal Boring, Glenn Luckenbaugh, Herb Miller,
members of the YC congregation, and YUSM teens.  Without all the hands and feet, the process
would have been daunting.
       We are reminded again that the building is simply the instrument used by God.  And, so,
as has been our practice in our areas of ministry, and in our home; we prayed . . . that God will
bless all of those who walk through its doors, that His presence would be evident, and that His
arms of protection would be in this place.
       Sunday, July 18 marked the first Sunday worshipping in our temporary location.  The
transition, thanks to everyone’s hard work & God’s blessings, was beautiful.  Though the set-up
and facilities are different, we are reminded that the church is NOT a building.  The
congregation adapted well to this new chapter (including a change in worship time), and there
was a sense of excitement evident througout the morning.  This is yet another step in the
process of moving in faith forward.  The unknowns remain . . .unknown.  the CHANGELESS,
ETERNAL God that we serve . . . changeless & eternal.
Thank you for continuing to be an integral part of these transitions, the “book” continues to be
written, and with each page turn, a sense of wonder and anticipation, because God writes the
BEST stories!!    
                                            With our love & gratitude, Jade and Chastity Frederick

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