1970s Digital Gallery Walk: Observe The Photographs From The 1970s Below and Answer The Following Questions

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1970s Digital Gallery Walk

Observe the photographs from the 1970s below and answer the following questions.

Four students died and nine others were wounded on May 4th, 1970 when members of the Ohio
National Guard opened fire on students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State University in
Ohio. In this Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, taken by Kent State photojournalism student John
Filo, Mary ann Vecchio can be seen screaming as she kneels by the body of slain student
Jeffrey Miller.

What impact do you think this event and image had on the American people and their opinion of
law enforcement, as well as of our continued intervention in Vietnam?
Hanoi Jane - In July 1972, in the midst of the Vietnam War, actress Jane Fonda visited the
North Vietnamese city of Hanoi and criticized the U.S. role in the war, leading many to call her
anti-American. In 2015, Fonda called the trip an incredible experience but expressed some
regret. It hurts me, and it will to my grave, that I made a huge, huge mistake that made a lot of
people think I was against the soldiers.

What do you think about Fonda visiting our enemy during the height of the Vietnam War? Why
do you think people were so upset about this?
During the Democratic National Convention, protesters climbed the Gen. Alexander Logan Civil
War memorial in Grant Park and placed communist Vietnamese flags atop of the statue in
protest of the Vietnam War.

What message do you think this was meant to send to the United States government? What
impact do you think
Battle of the Sexes- In a nationally televised tennis match on September 20, 1973, Bobby
Riggs, a former No. 1 tennis player, took on Billie Jean King, one of the top female tennis
players at the time. Earlier in the year, Riggs put out a challenge to all female tennis players,
saying no woman could beat him. King beat Riggs 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 and claimed a $100,000 prize.

This event happened during the Feminist Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. What impact do
you think Billie Jean Kings win had on the movement, and on the opinions of people within the
American society?
Muhammad Ali watches heavyweight champion George Foreman fall to the canvas during their
title bout in Kinshasa, Zaire, in October 174. Alis upset victory over the undefeated Foreman
won him back the titles he was stripped of in 1967 for refusing induction into the U.S. Army. [On
April 28, 1967, boxing champion Muhammad Ali refuses to be inducted into the U.S. Army and
is immediately stripped of his heavyweight title. Ali, a Muslim, cited religious reasons for his
decision to forgo military service.]

What impact do you think Muhammad Alis choice to refuse induction into the army and giving
up his heavyweight champion title had on the anti-war movement? What about on the Civil
Rights Movement? What do you think about his decision?
The changes of the Feminist Movement on the American society were so rampant that TIME
awarded its "Man of the Year" in 1975 to "American women." Their article "Great Changes, New
Chances, Tough Choices" from January 5, 1976, reads:

"They have arrived like a new immigrant wave in male America. They may be cops, judges,
military officers, telephone linemen, cab drivers, pipefitters, editors, business executives -- or
mothers and housewives, but not quite the same subordinate creatures they were before.
Across the broad range of American life, from suburban tract houses to state legislatures, from
church pulpits to Army barracks, women's lives are profoundly changing, and with them, the
traditional relationships between the sexes. ...1975 was not so much the Year of the Woman as
the Year of the Women -- an immense variety of women altering their lives, entering new fields,
functioning with a new sense of identity, integrity and confidence."

Write a reaction to the image and excerpt above. How do you think the women of the Feminist
Movement felt about this?

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