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ERICKSON, MELISSA Sent: Monday, March 06, 2017 7:27 AM To: ERICKSON, MELISSA Subject: Re: Mid Term for [Student] Hi Ms. Erickson, Thanks so much for letting us know about this. We have let [Student] know you have emailed us, We can correspond via email and you can call my cell anytime at [phone number]. | hope to make it to conferences too. If she is using her cell phone in class let me know. | can get her a calculator so that won't be necessary. I've told her she needs to contact you to discuss what she needs to do to raise her grade. Please keep us informed as to how that is going and any recommendations you may have. Mom (On Mar 2, 2017, at 5:37 PM, ERICKSON, MELISSA > wrote: Hello, | am Melissa Erickson and itis my privilege to be teaching physics to [Student] at John Marshall High ‘School this semester. At this mid-semester time, [Student] is currently getting an F in physics This is a situation that can be improved, but will require [Student] to make some changes to how they are currently approaching the class. Grades in the class are a reflection of how much your student participates in the labs, makes an effort in understanding the physics concepts and completes their assignments. Time is given to complete their work in class. If time gets away from them, they may have some rminimal homework, Cell phone use is discouraged, but as many students use their phones for calculators, itis not forbidden. You may want to discuss with your student how well they believe they are using their time in class. Do they ask me for help to clarify things when they do not understand? If you are able to come to parent-teacher conferences, | can show you their Energy Unit Packet and how much they completed. As we are about to begin a new unit, you may want to check in with your student about their daily participation and completion of work. | give a stamp often to homework that isdone on time. Usually for a lab completed by the end of class time or | will assign them to finish by start of class the next day. This past unit had 12 stamps. You can look for stamps of on-time completion for the new Unit we start this coming week | want this semester to be successful for your student. Please contact me with any concerns or questions. Owing to my schedule at school, email is the best way for me to communicate. However, arent teacher conferences are approaching soon, so we could schedule a time to meet then in person. Sincerely, Melissa Erickson

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