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I. Five sentences have been removed from the following passage. Choose from the sentences (A-F) the
one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which do not need to use. (1px5=5 points)

Gwen Crowley likes to borrow clothes from other people. She also buys clothes from celebrities such as
Cher in order to sell them in her second- hand clothes shop, Star Wares , in Los Angeles.
Cher tends to get rid of a lot of her things each year and we just go over with a truck and pick them up.
Ive met her a few times , although Ive never been wearing any of her clothes at the time. (1)I love
Chers style. I have her shoes, her jewellery, and even some of her furniture. Many of my customers
dont wear the clothes they buy and just keep them as souvenirs. (2)
I also had a denim shirt which I bought from Mel Gibson. I wore it all the time , even when I was
decorating the house. (3)I really liked that shirt and it was great fun telling people which famous
person owned it before.
Although my husband doesnt share my passion , he was delighted when I bought him Cary Grants
silver cigarette case for his 40th birthday. (4).Its wonderful to have a part of someone that you
admire, that you can actually hold, look at and wear. At the moment Ive got my eye on a very special
costume from my favourite TV programme. (5) Its not the sort of thing you can wear to the shops,
but it would certainly attract attention at a fancy dress party!

A. If it was something I really liked, though, I would buy it, no matter how much it cost.
B. I got paint on it and all sorts of other stains , but it broke my heart when I finally had to
throw it away.
C. Its in a cloth bag and has the actors name inscribed on the front.
D. However, I like to enjoy my clothes and I alwayd wear Chers things until theyre worn
E. Its Dr McCoys original tunic from the Star Trek series.
F. Im not sure how shed react if she saw me in one of her old sweaters or skirts.

II. Use the word given to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Do not change the word given . ( 10 points)

1. Unless she starts doing some work, shes going to fail the exam.( if) / Shes going to fail the
examdoing some work.
2. They have built a science lab for our school. (been)/ A science lab.for our school.
3. Dont try to call me up! Paul said to me. (told)/ him up.
4. I made a mistake by not reporting the incident to the police. (have)/ Ithe incident to the police.
5. Cant you do any better than that? (best)/ Is can do?
6. Most students usually wake up early before an exam. ( used)/ Most students are..before an exam.
7. Well done! You raised the most money, said Angela to us. (congratulated)/ Angelathe
most money.
8. You will never forget that you saw this play tonight. ( remember)/ You..this play tonight.
9. Anna got married six months ago. ( since)/ Its Anna got married.
10. Why havent you told us the truth? his parents asked. (know)/ His parents wanted to..the truth.

III. Fill in ONE suitable word in each blank. There is one example (0). (10 points)

Its a fact that 0- nowadays many young people become involved (1)crime. (2)work alone and
others sre members of gangs. The (3)for this are unclear. Some (4)society is to blame, others
believe that the change in family life is at fault.
One boy who (5)broken into numerous houses and robbed the owners of (6).possessions was
arrested recently for his crimes and held at the police station. He (7).appear in court shortly and, if he
is found guilty, he will be sentenced to time in jail. His parents are worried about the effect jail will have
on him. Perhaps they should have been (8).interested while he was growing (9). And then, he might
(10).be in this situation now.

IV. For questions 1- 15, read the text below and decide which word A,B,C or D best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (15 points)

Every year, the village of Pettineo (0) A.its unique arts festival. For a few days each summer, artists
from all over Europe (1).at this village near the north coast of Sicily to (2)the creative atmosphere.
(3)their stay, the artists get together with the local people to paint a one- kilometre long picture that
runs the (4)of the high street. (5)the painting is done, each visiting artist joins a local family for a
big lunch and, (6)the meal, the family receives the (7)of the painting that the artist has painted. As a
result, (8)few villagers are rich, almost every home has at (9)... one painting by a well- known
European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly (10)into homes to see these paintings.
The festival was the idea of Antonio Presti, a local businessman who (11)it up several years ago.
Since then , Pettineo has (12)a sort of domestic art museum in (13)any visitor can ring a doorbell,
go into a house and (14)a painting. In addition to this exhibition (15)paintings in peoples homes,
for those who have time to spare, there is an opportunity to wander through the display of huge
sculptures in the village square.

0 A celebrates B shows C honours D demonstrates

1 A group B crowd C gather D combine
2 A amuse B enjoy C entertain D delight
3 A During B In C While D At
4 A size B measure C length D area
5 A Just B Once C Soon D Only
6 A in addition to B in place of C in common withD in exchange for
7 A partition B section C division D region
8 A though B despite C since D even
9 A less B last C least D most
10 A persuaded B invited C requested D attracted
11 A set B put C got D had
12 A become B advanced C grown D increased
13 A what B where C whom D which
14 A wonder B stare C admire D respect
15 A at B on C of D in
V. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is corect, put a tick ( ). If it has a word
that should not be there, write this word on the line, as in the examples. (10 points)

Are you one of those who jump at any occasion to visit the shops? 0
Are you an unredeemed bargain hunter who ever walks through the 00 ever
markets armed aut with your trusty credit card? Shopping can be
the best way to begin or end a difficult day. And by this we dont mean
just hitting against the stores, emptying your wallet. We also mean
to browsing through a good bookshop for something that will take you
to destinations , buying a gadget spotted in a window that is just
the own thing to brighten up your desk, choosing a small treat for yourself
or a gift for a friend , deciding on to something from Gucci or Armani.
Shopping can be lots of things, a combination of those moments
after that give you a lift : visiting the shops, having coffee with a friend,
opening the bag at home, experiencing the pleasure of that special purchase.

VI. Read the text and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the numbered gaps. The
words are given in the order in which you need to use them. There is an example at the beginning.
( 1px10=10 points)

(0) FASHION; (1) SCULPT; (2) WELL; (3) CONSIDER; (4) DECIDE; (5) POSSIBLE; (6)

Modern art has become rather (0) the North- East of England, and large metallic (1)
.are now fairly commonplace in the region. The (2)known of these is the 200-ton steel figure, Angel
of the North, erected in Gateshead at the (3).cost of 800,000 pounds. Many local people were
horrified at the (4)to spend such a large sum on a 65- foot metal structure. Nevertheless, the Angel is
(5)one of the most frequently viewd artworks in the world, seen (6).by almost 100,000 passing
motorists. A number of (7).in Hartlepool were similarly upset when they were greeted one day by the
(8)of 15 giant, metal balls on a traffic roudabout in the town centre. They described the payment of
70,000 pounds for the spheres as (9)and felt the money could have been spent on something more
directly (10).to the local population.



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