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INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR JUDETEAN BRASOV Brobiide-vaxifcars a cunogtin(lor de limba engleri pentru ‘admiterea tt casa # X-a cu program bilingy si intensiv de predare Tiunie 2011 SUBIECTUL 1-10 punete ‘Read the ext elow and think ofthe word which bes fs each space. Use only ane word in each space. Mrs. Spears, an office cleaner (1)... Chicago, arived at work one cold, winter morning The temperate was very {ow and it was (2)... to snow. Hurrying to go inside and get warm, she was suprised (3). ae something las snd al ouside the office door. She [ooked (4... and was shocked io discover It wes a eat Soze to (3)... rowel (gave me areal ght!” Mrs. Spears realized the eat was (6)... but urable to move so she wrapped fur () ber coat, When the afice workers came ltr, they to put thei cots around the eat Eventually trad to move and opened his eyes. They took i (8)... the offce, pu i near a beter, and (8) hm some Ware eit te daa "Now ilives in (10). office and has a new name, “Lucky” SUBIECTUL 11 10 punete ‘Choose the bes alternative to complete the following sentences Ld ‘TV when the telephone rang. 8 watched "bas useing care walehing, 2. Tom Looked at me Without wren anything, aay >. saving cwssy "No, she’s on holiday.” bls Sue working? Does Sue working? 4 Would you ik. chicken? aay bone © some S.cand _your pen, please? a borow blend cet, 5 think San Francisco 5... eeiting sae New York. BAScas Beas SO 6 ade than 7. He will meet you the sation at seven oklock next Bin front of front of 8. The manager ofthe conipeny was pleased the high demand forthe mew produst of bamongc. wih 5. The “Par of the house was blown of by the romado higher" b taller upper 10, Being ene m artogaot person Diane rarely shows any consideration fr others aso bb such cs even SUBIECTUL 11-10 puncte Read the text and decide whether the sentences Below are true or false. Ifa sentence is rue write (re); itis not true write F (fatse) It vas already late when we set oot for the nex own, which according tothe map was about fitesn miles say on the ober side of te hls. There we felt sure that we would find «bed forthe night Darkness fell son aie we let ‘the village, but luckily we met no one as we drove swify along the nazrow winding road that led tothe hls, As oe

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