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Reflection One

First of all, I will start with math lesson was about

measurements. This lesson was my first lesson I taught in Sama

School. Actually, it was my first time I taught KG1 students too.

Before I taught this lesson I asked my MST and contact with her

about the kind of activities can students solve and enjoy with it.

This lesson went better than I expected and I felt the students

interact during the class time. I planned and prepared for this

lesson before of two days. In addition, I taught this lesson in

beginning of the day so I had to come early and organize my

stuff. The only difficulty that I encountered during lesson time was

classroom management. Because they were young and active

students so it was hard to control them. In addition, this school

has combined the nursery with KG1 students so that why I felt

difficulty in managing them. On the other hand, my MSTs

feedback was overall good about my teaching and activities. She

said that the activity about the measurements was interactive

and was engaging to the students. While I have to work on my

voice and graded language should be used. Actually, I achieved

my objects for students to identify and recognize the

measurements concept and comparing between things.

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