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Student Name:

What was your favourite animal from the Digi book?

Why was this animal your favourite?

Draw a picture of your favourite animal from the Digi book and label its
body parts and describe how they benefit the animal.

What makes this animal different to other animals?

Did you learn any new information about this animal that you didnt
know before the Digi book?
Do some independent research on your chosen animal. You can partner
up with a buddy that has the same animal as you. You are to
1. The animals habitat
2. What food the animal eats.
3. 3 interesting facts about your chosen animal.

You and your bubby are going to share your information with the class.
Ask your teacher for the A4 paper at the front of the classroom and
create a poster with all the interesting information you have gathered
on your animal. Make sure you include a picture of your animal.

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