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Robert Lane From Laue Wicker Sent: ‘Wednesday, November 12, 2014 2:32 PM To: Donna Noriega ce ‘Alex Peccval Subject: FINAL REPORT 115-21. Amber Wilson Importance: High Follow Up Fag: Follow up Flag Statue Flagged FY! See below report on PI ASI was asked to complete. If you have any questions, please let me know, | ‘Thanks! Laurte EEA investigations Manager as ur Von Muah ond Wats oral aeons ‘ur eco prosat protc and inp the Bah wate of ado nd cmmuntint in Artond (ur Values anoration Calero Aaty tint Exess We Dl {S| was asked to investigate allegations that Resdetial Program Specialist Amber Wilson was having an inappropriate personal or romantic relationship with Reside the resident atthe Avizona Community Protection and Treatment Center (ACFTO), Arizona State Hospital (ASH), ACPTE Administration receved information that ACPTC staff beieved Ms, \Wison was cling Into the facity, asking to speak with the resident, While the woman calling in dd nt identi herself as Amber Wilson, some unit staff fet strongly thatthe voice ofthe woman caling was that of Ms. Wilson. ACPTC staff ‘aso observed that Ms. Wison would, a the end of overtime shifts, occasionally ext the faclty ia an unusual route ‘causing staf to suspect that Ms. Wison was attempting to make contact withthe resident who was walting near her cit route, ACPTC staf als renotes that Ms. Wilson and the resident communicate with other with hard signals wile the resident stards tthe ayroom window and Ms. Wilson walks by escorting residents fom the Mesquite Uns. “= Mark Jimenez Resentat Program Specialist. ‘+ Dela Shupe, Residential Program Specialist ‘+ Shaun Anderson, Residential Program Specialist ‘+ Aaron Michal, Residential Program Specialist ‘© Brian Stil, Residential Program Specialist ‘© Rengie Dunn, Residential Program Specialist lance Lara, Resident! Program Specialit ‘+ Randall Hoover, Assistant Chief Operating Ofcer ‘© Amber Wilson, Residential Program Specialist, {St concludes that = There fanot suffient evidence to conclude that Ms Wilsons the Female calling in to talk tothe resident. While some staff are very confident its Ms. Wison, other staff are not a sure, and no evidence can be found te support itis Ms. wilson, ‘There is evidence to conclude that Ms, Wilsons intentionally having inappropriate contact withthe resident as she leaves the failty atthe end of her shift, ‘© Video evidence leads ASto conclude that Ms. Wison purposcly intends to have contact with the reenter Se aes y= Ecc ccc (RNS 12: esc0nie tnowtocgo of the routes normaly token By staf as ey fen the facity, andthe route takan by Ms, Wilson is more tine consuming and rarely, fever, used, Ms Won was asked four testo explain the reason she took the unusual route out ofthe fait. At no time did Ms, Wilson say she went ths route in order to make a purchase from the vending machine, (st leap son contacted the ASH Assistant Chief Operating Officer Randall Hoover, porting ere the resident its waiting for Ms, Wilson, needed Mend be opened and alow the resident to have physical contact (© ideo evidence, on four separate occasions, shows the resident waiting immediately next tothe winrel can easily see and converse with Ms. Wilson as she goes fram hot wo Fit hystel contact but alow for the passing ofcontaband or nates. There's, hwever,no evidence that this occurred, ‘Ms, vison admitted to AS! that se does communicate with the resident via hand signals. Ms. Wilson esr these communieations as greetings between them. Shesaid the resident was greeting her and she \vas saying back 9 him, "Hi, how are you too?" Interviews: Marcimenes Mitimener wasinteriewed and asked about firsthand knowledge of Ms. ison an the resident having a personal felatonsip. He si that he has answored the unit phone anda female asked to speak with the resident. He noted “ten he asked whe tho person was she fold him she was the siden’ sister. Mr Jimenez sid he recognizod the ‘women's vice endis 100% certain that Kis. Wilton. Heals, “know her voice.” Mr-Jimenez sate that other resident nthe unit ow that Ms. Wson and he resident are invoked in areltionship and tease the resident about the relaionstip, and have pulledlfiaside and toleithere was a personal relationship between the two. He sald the other residents refer to Ws, Wison as"Flona” He noted residents have tld him that other residents at 25 60 between forte resident and Mi Wilson because she not allowed to werk iiere the residents assigned, Mr, mene: further descibedhiststhandcbsewatons, stating wo or twee weeks pror, ofthe resident purposely siting na chairasacent to where Ms ison walks as she leaves workatter workng overtime in ACPTC Della Shope [Me.Shupe was interviewed and asked what she knew about Ms Wilson andthe resident having relationship. Ms Shupe ssid she has observed thatthe days Ms, Wilson works, the resident stands atthe unit window to watch as Ms ‘Wison walksby, taking residents to breakfast ar lunch. Ms. Shupe stated she has also saen the resident signing or ‘making hand signals toward where Ms Wilson was sting but did not see her responding o si aise observed thatthe resident maee a pata telllother, who ves howrcver te package ns adoessed IMM ws Proeni ares ‘he added that on ane occasion the unit phone rang and 2 woman asked! to speak with the resident, saying she was the residents sister, but Me Shupe thought sounded like Ms. Wilson. When asked, Ms. Shupe sald that she would bet $1,000 the voice she heard was Ms, Wilson Ms, Shupe shared that she was rind with Ms. Wilson on Facebook where Ms, Wilson went bythe name of Amber ose. Ms. Shue sad that “months ago” the resident was raceving mal from an Amber Rose. Ms. Shupe sald tht she hha not seen Ms, Wilson saying anything about the resident on Facebook ts hupestted ate enolate dng tnd ai Ml ny Se iste eed the resident about he andftel! her thr she wes send olomer giFendand'sheved In Arizona, Ms. Shupe Si the resident snow very nef abot whalays to her ad does not engage her in convesstons as much 2 ised to, Ms, Shupe noted that nthe past she end Mis. Wilson spoke often, but in tho ast three months Ms. Wilson has been "very" cool toword her, She seid the change isnt a resul of any incidents or fasues between the two, Ms, Shupe sa that Inthe pas she had heard rumors that someting was going on between Ms Wilson and the resident and she dd not believe it however, now she felt there was something going on. Shaun Anderson Mr, Anderson was asked fhe heard Ms. Wison’svoice onthe phone calling in asking to talk to the resident. Concerning the woman cling forthe resident, he noted she sounded familar, but he would not be comfortable saying it was definitely Ms. Wilson. He noted thins have happened which hav led him to believe Ms, Wilson isthe one whois calling in aeking to tak tothe resent Mr, Anderson steed that he has aen the reslggt atthe dayroor window communicating vs hand gna, but could not se wholiluas signaling to. He has see outside standing at the comer ofthe fence making hand signals toward th ut could not see who was aver there, although he could hear Ms. Wilson's laughter coming from that aren Mr. Anderson was asked f he believed Ms, Wilson and the resident are having an inappropriate relationship. Mr Anderson said, “I think there ae some boundary issues, yeah. AS far asthe extent oft, | don't know.” Mr. Anderson sald that he has overheard residents joking about Ms. Wilson, referring ta her as Fone," character from ‘the movie, *Shrak” ‘Aston Micha Mr. Mice! was interviewed and asked what he knew about relationship between the resent and Ms. Wilson. He sald that he has heard secondhand tht they were havinga personalrelationship. When asked i he had personally heard the voice af @ woman phonic in asking to talk to the resident, Mr. Michael sa he had and thot" sounded tke het" Asked i he believed twas Ms. Wilson, Me Michael said yes. Asked how sure he was it was Ms, Wilson calling in to ta to the resident. Mr, Michee sal he was 90% sure. Mr. Michael aid that he only Reard the womans vole one time. Asked if he was surprised when he heard the woman's voice oa te phone, Mr. Michael eid he was “shocked.” [Mi Miche! was asked ithe had averheard residents talking about the resident and Ms. Wilson having a relationship and he said no, Mr. Still was asked whathe kreve about Ms, Wilson and the resident. Ho said that he had heard secondhand from ACPTC residents sayrg “hat set” Asked what he knew firsthand, Mr. Sil sid he heard the voie ofa woman ‘calling ta talk ta the resident and he recognized the volce; however, Mt. Stil sid he could nat be sure it wos Mis ‘Wilson. Mr, tial he was 70% sure it was Ms. Wilson's voice. Mi Stil sid that among the residents it was common ‘knowledge thatthe resident and Ms. Wilson were ina relationship. Reggie Dunn ‘Mr. Dunn was asked what he knew fisthand about Ms. Wilson andthe esklent. Mr. Duns sad he took a phone call ‘rom a woman wanting to talk tothe resident and It sounded lke Ms. Wilson, and that before he put the eal Urough to ‘the resident, he told his supervisor that ft scurded ike Ms. Wilson. When he came back to the cal the woman had hungup. When asked, Mr. Dunn seid," bebeve it was her that calle” “sounded Jus ike her” and I believe twas hee" Mr, Dunn state tha atleast twice he has seen Ms. Wison and the resident communicating with eachother by hand slanals when the resident was bythe window an¢ she was walking by outside escorting other residents \Whan ached about sazing Ms, Wilkon leaving the unit at the end af her hit and walking by the resident on her way out, "Me, Dunn said that he has eeen the resident sting inthe chal by the rate but has not seen or hear Ms. Wilson ca tare IMs. Lara was asked what she knew fisthand about arelationshipbetween Ms, Wison and the resident. Ms. Lara sid that al she knew was hearsay, except that when she worked on te unt female called asking forte resident, and on ‘wo other acasions, called asking for another resident. Ms. Lara doesnot thnk the female callings Ms. Wilson, but is the wife ofthe other resident. Ms Lara suspicious that this female ls seting up three-way calor the resent and another person, Miz ara fels tha the other resident acts as @ lookout for the resident and has observed that they are always tether, Ms. Lara was asked if she has overhead residents talking about Ms. Wikon and the resident and she sald that she has heard some mention of the resident signaling to Ms. Wison through the window. ‘when asked what she believed about Ms. Wizon and the resident, fs Lara commented that the resident focuses on heavyset white girs. She further noted that Ms, Wison talks al the time abouther personal if to othe staf, nd residents often ae able to overhear her comments. Ms, Lara said she has not personaly seen Ms, Wison and the resident volved in an inappropriate relatonshyp. Randall Hover ie Hooves advised ASI that on October 1, 2014 Ms. Wilson contacted him about the need to repair he gate occ for the it. Hoover sald that he was puzzled why Ms. Wison would note this gate ‘because he knows that ‘Me Hoover sid that he aid net place high priority on the gate lock rpalesince itis Amber Wion is, Wilon was asked if she is communicating withthe resident via hand signals ns she walks bythe unit and the Fesident fsat the unit window. she confmed that tis was tue, noting the resident is just saying “hello” and “how are "you" and lam saying Hi, how are you, toa2” She further commented that“ have : but won't pay 3Htention tollere lam not here olintertainent purposes” Tar sony thafillocs & on mebut am here forthe residents nottohave relatonsips wih the residents” "Realy ida'teven seal dont row what the Ms, Wilson was asked ifshe i ealing and asking to tak tothe resident, Ms ison responded saying, “That's bullshit? and denied caing into talk tothe resident, Ms, Wikon sald, "if somebody wants my je, they can haveit. Theres other jobs here” His about when she leaves work after working overtime and going throveh the a Me. Won said that she hae dome that vie. ASI old Ms. Wilson that vdeo revew showed ‘hat she hag done thizat least four times ad Ms Wilson sai, “I don’t care what the video shoves.” Ms. Wilson was asked to explain why she wont thieroute, Me Wilken ozpondd, "what do you want my answer to be..2" And "You're trying to ake me say something | don't need to say" end went on to deny having a relationship with the resident. Ms. ‘wilson stated that she did not care what Mark Jimenez, Blanca Lar, Shaun Anderson and Erie Davis think of her. (ASI notes that these staff names were not previously discussed with ms. wisn. Ms. Wilson was again asked to explain why she teok the route thro gh thc Wilson said, "What about my route?” Ard "Igo how | go” and "I will go stalght fom now on.” Ms, Wikon sald," am not hiding anything” and "iknow my boundaris, kno my limits.” After 2 shor beslin the inteviewer Me Wilson left an ten retuned, Ms, Wilson was asked if when waking ‘rough the she spake tothe reskient She sald that onetime she said "Hi" tothe resident andlfresponded with a "HP snd “hovrare you." Another ime the resident sai, "How’sitpoing2” Sho said,“ can't just ay fuck you, you know whet mean? I mean that would be therapautic. Really" Sho described her contact ab guick interaction, 'Ms, Wilson was askee she has told her supervisor thatthe resident continues to speak to her and she sal she did not bt voids the resident, Ms, Wikon sid she dé not see what was wrong with saying hl ko residents "Ms. Wikon continued to deny having 2 relationship withthe resident. "Ms. Wikon then said, "That's the State for you. 1knew eventually the female staff was gong to be cutout one by fone.” When asked if she felt this investigation was related to gender, Ms. Wilson sad, "kindof do, yeah” but dd nat tlaborate further about her gender being an sue. Ms, Won sad, "You're teling me that have relationship with omebody, | don't, You're telling me just because the eamorat ras whst thoy sae. Really? And you want to think what you want ta think based on other staf’s comments and other resident's comment. Ok You go ahead and keep thinking that instead of asking oer residents thet | workwith and other staff that| work with.” Ms, Wilson said, "'don't get LY Ms, Wilson also commented that she dl not ike the st. \When again asedforan explanation of why she went hog thls. ison sid thee was tlonaton tat she woulé“jstcome trough andgo” Ms. Wisov aa dened purposely going thi rote to mate Etat wth the fescent Mt Won say, “You do'thavetbeve me. know wat Go. Tm nooo sire abot ‘etaallyu aldo” When asked wit she meant by hs Ms ison sai, “Thee you go aling me more questions hat Yeudort ned to be ashing” Ms ison then wert onto encourage Sf rele the video record or te rote she Totes when she lemves work. Sh sid he takes that route oft nt ust when the residents there Video Evidence ‘Video evidence, on four separate occasions, shows the resident walting immediately next to the| incon easily see and converse with Ms. Wilson as she goe I 2: wou rt phys cornet tu alow ore at of EEE a Ro evHfencetvllableto show this has occurred. The couRe Ms Wison taokfrom the (REE: 250 35 s2conds to walk as timed by AS. ‘The video record shows the following dates and times: + Oa October 1, 2014 Ms. Wikon entered thef £1855742 and then can been seen ert A 8:58:92, The resident esting We jowever, Mr. Jimenez isin the area off nd (on, Ms Wilson took about 50 seconds to traverse the estan. + nOctaber3, 2014 Ws, Wison entered thet 28:54:23 and then canbe seen entering he WB ecor 2 2856:31 Ms Ws took about 2 minutesand 10 seconds ta traverse the tance, When she Opens the dort IMME she appears to be oking or seating back toward he location where the resgentwas located, Bung Ivstine, the resdentstod vp oni ect and went up next to the gate, ooking toward where Ms, Win was on octaber 6, 2014 Ms. Wilson entered helt 190221 and then canbe seen entering re at 19:04:09, Ms Wilson took about sends fo traverse the distance, While erring — Ttappears Ms, ikon striefylaoking or talking toward the resent as tng next to gate + OnOctober 10,2014 Mis, Wikon entered thst 28:27.25 and then can be seen entering th Jot 18:38:26. Me. villcon took about 1 minut to traverse the distance. While entering the it appears i Wilson k, for about 12 zacands, ooking or talking back toward where the resident is siti “The resident can be seen sittin down but lesning toward the gee during thistime frame. + onoctover 24, 2014 Ms. Wilson exted the falty by goin int the I 1:00. Shedd not ex Soing through hE The resident was not in he is the tine ‘Due tothe video record being overariten, ASI was unable to reviw video for hand signals between Mis, Wilson and the resident. AS ci find an October 24,2014 video ofthe resident standing atthe window of the EB =y00m doing hand signals to sameane, butt could aot be determined who it was, This Pi closed pending further information, Robert Lane From: David Bourgeous Sent: Monday, une 09, 2014 227 PM To: Donna Noriega Bruce . MeMeran; Laurie Wicker es David Bourgeous Subject: FW: PUL14-16 Wilson | was asked to review an allegation that Recreational Program Specialist 1 Amber Wilson was having an inappropriate persona relationship wth Reser I This nformation came trom Reside Io tt Darren Tutek | spoke with ACC unt managers survellance staff and other tasted unit staff and glned some insight conering the resents ivohed. General, EE aso reputation of tying to gain attention fom female staf and not being trustworthy. Resident{I has a reputation of not being truthful with staff. (on une 4, 2014 | interviewed Ms Wison, She was advised that ACPTC administration recelved Information that she \was having an improper relationship with Resider Ms, Wilson said that she was shocked that anyone Would think she was having a relationship and absolutely denied any improper relationship withthe resent. \When asad, Ms. ison ad she was asiged to Mesqute Unt and the resident was housed nM Se sad thet she might be fated to or worked overtime aE once 2 wee oro, but her contact with he reddent was Tied. 1. Wson reports working overtime on her scheduled days ff and wil do dale shits she can \When asked if he could reason why this accusation was belng made about her, Ms. Wilson didnot know. She said that PS Mark simenez and RPS Della Shupe have wamed her thatthe resident was focused on he. She said that she has taken steps to avoid unnecessary contact with the resident, but has continue to do her work as needed and that would include working withthe resident as she would any other resident. She said the resident’ behavior around her was that he would walk by the “bubble” a ot, ask her to asi with things or play cards. Ms, Wilson sad,“ take into consideration what staff have sald and that's why | watch my boundaries" {asked if the resident has asked her for favors ort bring in food, OVDs, musicor dothing and Ms, Wilson sad frm, no" to each ofthese things. During the interview Ms. Wiison was upset and tearful expressing concer about what other staff might think of her because ofthis sue. She suid she fl ke people would be looking at er like she has done something wrong and,“ have never done something wrong, When asked about her background, Ms Wilson said sh hile she works. There ino other support fom family orth Her financial crcumstances are very tight and some staff at work know about her situation and have helped her with smallloans or gifts of money. She reports not having a ‘hone orinternet because she cannot afford it. She said she does’t smoke of drink ad allofher money goes to | Ms, wizonceparts having attended Phoenix College, receiving certificates in Family Support and Adolescent Studies, he said she has an Assocate Degree in Family Resources. She has done volunteer work with homeless youth | asked if ony escent has spprazched her with knowledge of her personal elrcumstances and she sald no. {sole wih ACEC actor Bice Meltorran, keeping him updated with what was laring snd conled that iter ‘elder I BRB ob ate surces cf adonalinfrmation oncerirg snvestgnion From my perspective, there sno evidence to support the resident's allegation that Ms, Wison is involved in 2 Inappropriate relationship with an ACPTC resident.

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