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The Obesity Prevention Group

Contact: Marina Ragonese-Barnes

(999) 999-9999
For Immediate Release

Fund Obesity Prevention Now!

Illinois needs to fund obesity research and prevention now. The Illinois General Assembly has
failed to act for long enough. In 2004, the general assembly passed the Obesity Study and
Prevention Fund Act which acknowledged that obesity is a serious medical problem and created
the Obesity Study and Prevention Fund. Yet, that fund remained unfunded until it was ultimately
repealed in 2014.

Equally noted during the 2010 Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) initiative hearing
was the dire state of Illinois budget and the inability to appropriate funds to address the obesity
epidemic. Due to insufficient state funds, the money that is available is spent on areas deemed
to have more immediate consequences and results. Yet, this is a short-term fix that ignores the
long-term effects and costs of delaying action when it comes to obesity. In Illinois alone, obesity
and obesity related medical costs come out to $6.3 billion a year.

Amending the proposed Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Act (Senate Bill 0009) is a practical
approach to draw the much-needed funding to address obesity while acknowledging the budget
crisis in Illinois. As it stands, the bill is estimated to raise $560 million a year. If just 10% of that
is allocated to obesity research and prevention initiatives, that would raise $56 million a year.
Earmarking 10% of the revenue for obesity research and prevention initiatives guarantees that
there will be some annual funding for addressing obesity in Illinois while still allowing 90% of
the revenue to go towards other budgetary needs.

As the Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity recently said a Sugary drink tax can help improve
health, but it is not the full solution. Fundamental change driven by effective health and
prevention programs must be a part of the package.

Do not allow the Illinois General Assembly to delay any longer. Take action by calling or writing
to your senator today to support amending SB 0009 to Fund Obesity Prevention Now!

For educational purposes, only

Prepared for HPA 432

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