Brian Ghilliotti: Three Rivers Community College: Business Plan Development Class: Presentation

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Election Security Solutions

Business Plan Presentation

Brian Ghilliotti
Product Overview
Election monitoring security services at all levels, to include
local, county, state, or national.

Services can range from observation and reporting,

preventative measures, or direct response, depending on the
nature of the contract.
Any jurisdiction holding an election that wants independent
monitoring services.
Especially when there are election integrity concerns based on
the prior election history of the jurisdiction in question.
Primary customers are those who have lost faith in the
integrity in the election process, to the extent that they no
longer participate in elections anymore.
Secondary customers are political leaders who are concerned
about perception of dishonesty and illegitimacy in the election
Mission Statement
To provide election monitoring and security, ranging from observing
and reporting incidents of fraud, ballet contamination, intimidation,
voter suppression, or electronic dysfunction of voting equipment.

Funding will be provided by local, state, and federal election

commissions financed with public taxes.

Services will be requested on a lowest bidder wins the contract basis.

Not enough to cover the lowest bid contract offer? The difference will
be made by equally dividing the difference between the parties
involved in the campaign.
Mission Statement
Smaller parties, defined by how many seats they hold in either
the Congress or Senate, may be exempt from financing budget
deficits related to election security operations.

This prevents established parties from sabotaging this effort by

deliberately underfunding budgets used to finance monitoring

It also prevents larger, more established parties from abusing

this system by financially straining smaller political parties.
Mission Statement
Any party within a political jurisdiction can call for election
monitory security services.

This provision is designed to help small parties build

momentum against establishment parties.

Ultimate goal is being as impartial as possible, establishing a

reputation of public trust, so that political parties will feel
pressure to use these services to make their election processes
Mission Statement
What is a small party?

Consists of representation at less than 20% in Congress, since it

costs an average of $1.3 million (by 2016 statistics, when the last
Congressional races were held) to win a seat in the Congress. (1)

Consists of representation at less than 10% in the Senate, since it

costs an average of $14.6 million (by 2016 statistics, when the
last Congressional races were held) to win a seat in the Senate.
Election Any party in Local Election Local Election Local Election
race can call Committee receives Committee receives Committee grants
for election requests & alerts private bids, and selects private contract to winning
monitoring security firms interested security firm that has private security firms
in placing bids for lowest offer/bid for the winning bid offer, gives
security monitoring contract. Contract will one half of contract
contract. be made completely payment up front. Other
pubic. half given once security
monitoring operation is
These funds will be If there is not enough Smaller parties will be
procured from taxpayer set aside with the local exempt
contributions set aside election committee for this from sharing these The private security firm
by Legislative Authority election difference will deploy its assets toward
for these purposes. monitoring process to costs. The definition of a preventing a fraudulent
proceed, then the difference small party is based on election, under the terms
needed to cover the expense how many seats in the stipulated under the
of the election monitoring Congress of Senate this contract. Private security
operation will be evenly split party has. This is to prevent firm may or may not sub-
between the larger parties abusing this process as a contract to other specialist
involved in the race. means of bankrupting services (such as IT) to
smaller parties. facilitate its operations, as
Security firm will train needed.
security officers to record
all incidents, which will be
Private security firm
compiled by an analyst cell
Security firm will If election is considered unfair by does not get involved
into a general summary that
receive security firm, results will be in this process, as it is
will be submitted to the
second half of payment reviewed by an election review now a Pubic issue.
Local Election Committee.
from Local Election body, perhaps consisting of They will only get
This report will be use to
Committee. members of the Local Election involved if it is decided
determine if, from the
Committee and the County, that another election is
security firm's perspective,
State, or Federal Judiciaries to needed. In this case,
if the election was fair.
determine what should happen another election
next. security alert will be
issued to private
security firms in
Principal Officers
CEO Voting site security managers
CIO Election Security Monitoring
CFO Officers
Regional Managers Training Staff / Recruitment
Contract Negotiators IT Security Specialists
Lawyers Public Relations Specialists
Accountants Human Resources Specialists
Voting site security managers
Legal Structure
We will start off as an LLC, but as we grow, we may evolve into
a corporation to increase liability protection.
MARKET RESEARCH: Status of Industry
Private security industry, which is considered a mature
Resistant to the effects of economic recession, as private and
public institutions will always have some assets to protect.
During economic expansion, institutions will expand their
investments in capital goods and facilities, creating security
In economic stress social pressures leading to potential crime
or unrest, creating security concerns.
MARKET RESEARCH: Status of Industry
Many public institutions are relying on private security services
to relieve heavy costs associated with enforcement benefits.

We are attempting to fill in a specific niche of the security

industry that we feel has not been adequately addressed,
which is election security and monitoring

To our knowledge, no other security firm has attempted to

provide this service.
Our customers are largely members of the public who
concerned about the integrity, and perhaps safety, of our
election process.
These issues received considerable attention during the 2016
presidential election.
Also, political leaders who are concerned about the negative
perceptions of the modern election process.
They concerned also about the public perception of politicians
in general, which trends toward poor integrity and dishonesty,
which supports a tendency to manipulate the election process.
This group of honest politicians would welcome the
development of some sort of control mechanism over the
election process.

Not aware of any private security firm that is already providing

election security services, or in the process of developing these
We encourage competition, as part of the process we envision
requires competitive bid based contracts amongst various
security firms to the local election regulatory bodies.
This will keep costs low.
Our other competitor are political leaders who are skeptical or
dont want to see a control mechanism established for the
election process.
Competitive Advantage

If this proposed business process is successful, we will be the

first company to engineer this service.
Regulations (General)
State and federal laws regulating private security training and
State and federal regulations regulating firearm eligibility.
Local, state, and federal regulations controlling election
Local, state, and federal citizenship laws.
Regulations (General)
For IT based services, industry licensing qualification
If we subcontract to IT firms to cover the cyber monitoring
aspects of the election process, then all general local, state,
and federal regulations governing the negotiation of contracts.
Regulations (Security Firms)
We seek security officers who do not live in the same political
jurisdictions that will be undergoing an election security
monitoring operation.
We seek security officers who do not have known affiliations
with political extremist groups.
We seek security officers who are fully naturalized US citizens.
Regulations (Election Committees)
Local Election Committees should ensure that private security firms
have not made political campaign contributions to political parties
or received political kick backs from political parties or leaders.
All contracts governing an election security monitoring operation
firm must be made 100% available to the public.
This creates a disincentive for a private security firm to
deliberately call an election dishonest in hopes of securing another
Another security firm can offer a contract bid for a recount process
at a lower price.
Regulations (Election Committees)
This time, costs will be equally shared by the political parties
in dispute, directly, and will not be provided from Election
Committee funds.
Product and Services (Detailed)
Election monitoring at local, state, and federal elections, when
called for by any party involved in the electoral process in
Level of security will be determined by contract.
We will act as a deterrence against potential election
tampering and intimidation.
Observe and report suspicious voting equipment failure,
suppression tactics, and other forms of election manipulation.
After election, incidents will be compiled and collectively
analyzed in a final report.
Product and Services
If the final report suggests that the election was fraudulent, it
will be evaluated by a Committee representing the Election
Commission and a delegation from the appropriate level of the
They will determine if a new election or a partial revote will
be needed.
If any of these are needed, new competitive contract requests
to private security firms will be announced.
Product and Services
In cases where there is a threat to voter safety, we will observe and
immediately report such incidents to local law enforcement agencies.
If the election monitoring security contract calls for lethal or non-
lethal weapons, we would prefer non-lethal weapons.
Use of lethal weapons in crowded situations, such as voting events,
could make the situation worse.
When there is suspicious activity at a polling station, we will address
the local authority of the voting facility to see if they correct it.
We will carefully record how the local authority handled the
Product and Services
In cases of voting equipment failure, we will address the problem to
the local IT support authorities responsible for the internet security of
the voting facility.
We WILL NOT attempt to fix the malfunctioning voting equipment
ourselves, as this could be seen as influencing the election outcome.
This also applies to any IT security firm that has been sub-contracted
to monitor voting related IT systems.
IT firms will observe and report suspicious cyber activity, not fix
internet breakdowns.
These breakdowns, and how they were handled, will be carefully
observed and reported.
Full Business Plan Report

What to consider when making a contract bid?
Want our employees to take their duties seriously, willing to offer
employees involved in an election security operation $14.00 an
If contract bid is accepted, we must be prepared to use some of
these funds to sub-contract to IT firms who will act as cyber
Costs related to training required for the election monitoring
Costs related to background checks for potential hires.
Costs for uniforms, equipment, and gear employees will need.
We will rely on workmans compensation for potential injuries an
employee may receive while performing their monitoring duties.
What to consider when making a contract bid?

Would like to provide full time employees with robust health

insurance plans to help with potential medical recovery costs.
Resources for lawsuits against the firm related to lethal
incidents associated with employees performing their duties.
Costs generated from compiling a final report discussing and
summarizing the various incidents that were observed during
the election monitoring process.
Can be sub-contracted to a carefully vetted research group,
ensuring there is no potential for bias.
What to consider when making a contract bid?

Will most likely decide to conduct this assessment in house,

requiring higher compensation for the employees involved.
A political leader, whom we deem as dishonest during an
election process, may attempt to sue the firm for libel in
Must be prepared to fund litigation in response to these false
Kim, Soo Rim. The price of winning just got higher, especially in the Senate. November 9, 2016. Last accessed: May 3, 2017.

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