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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
First Periodical Test in MAPEH 9
Choose the best answer from the options below. Write only the letter on your answer sheets.
1. Which best describes a community health program?
a. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community through
organized and sustained community efforts.
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
c. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
d. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community
2. Which does not describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that meets everyones basic needs
c. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
d. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities.
3. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?
a. Less disease, less health care costs
b. Active community involvement
c. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
d. More community projects for community development
4. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction
a. Soil Erosion b. Oil Spill c. Illegal Mining d. Deforestation
5. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth?
a. Soil Erosion b. Oil Spill c. Illegal Mining d. Deforestation
6. What environmental problem does this picture depict?
a. Water pollution b. Deforestation c. Improper waste disposal d. Flashfloods
7. Which is not an effect of Climate Change?
a. Dead trees from oil spillage b. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods
c. More health related illness and disease d. Economic losses
8. Which of the following environmental problems causes Climate Change?
a. Oil Spill b. Pollution c. Deforestation d. Flashfloods
9. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health promotes community health?
a. Maternal Health b. Child Health Care
c. Primary Health Care d. Control of Communicable Diseases
10.Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
a. To attain luxury of life b. To keep the safety of the community
c. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle

1. It is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.
A. First Aid B. Sports Science
C. Sports Psychology D. Sports Youth
2. Which of the following is not an objective of first aid?
A. to alleviate suffering B. to prevent added injury C. to
prolong life D. to cure illness
3. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?
A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Iron D. Protein
4. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports
officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what's the best drink to
A. Energy Drinks B. Soft drinks C. Sports Drink D. Water
5. The energy required to maintain your body at rest.
A. basal metabolic rate B. thermic effect of food
C. thermic effect of physical activity D. none of these
6. This can only be achieved by increasing exercise and decreasing calorie intake.
A. weight gain B. weight loss
C. weight management D. muscle gain
7. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
A. Genetics B. Environment C. Sedentary Lifestyle D. All of the above
8. What is the state of energy balance if you consume more energy than you expend?
A. positive B. neutral
C. negative D. none of these
9. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
A. Save money during sports competition
B. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
C. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities.
D. All of the above
10. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
A. Fairness B. Unjust C. Punctuality D. All of the above


1. The period when the Christian Church highly influenced culture and political affairs in Europe was
A. Medieval Period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Period
2. A throughcomposed vocal music composition written and expressed in a poetic text.
A. Troubadour Music B. Mass C. Madrigal
3. There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the only section of Mass with Greek
A. Kyrie B. Gloria C. Agnus Dei
4. Baroque music is known for its grandiose and elaborate ornamentation. Which of the following
Baroque Music forms was developed through imitative counterpoint.
A. Concerto Grosso B. Fugue C. Oratorio
5. Refers to the extended musical setting of sacred music.
A. Fugue B. Chorale C. Oratorio

II. Identify the composer of each selection. (5 pts)

6. Le jue De Robin et de Marion
7. Four Seasons
8. Pope Marcellus Mass
9. Fire, Fire, My Hear
10. Tocatta and Fugue in D minor

III. Enumerate as asked.

11-12. Vocal Music of Renaissance
13-17. Five sections of Mass
18-20. Music Genres of Baroque Music


I. Identify what era is describe in each of the following numbers. Write only the letter of your choice.
a. Pre-historic b. Egyptian c. Greek d. Romanesque
1. Paintings are found inside the caves.
2. Sculptures that are tense and stiff and the bodies were hidden within enfolding robes but after 3
centuries, it finally evolved all the points of human anatomy and proportion.
3. Famous architecture is a pyramid.
4. Famous architecture is temple.
5. Architecture which perfected domes which created a new style in global architecture.

II. Enumerate as asked.

6-7. Most Common Method of Greek Painting
8-10. Types of Megaliths
11-13. Architectural styles/orders
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Unit Test in MAPEH 9

A. Music
I. Write your answers on the space provided before each number.

_________________________1. What is the period that is called the Age of Reason?

_________________________2. What term denotes conformity with the principles and characteristics of ancient Greece
and Roman literature and art which were formal, elegant, simple, freed and dignified?

_________________________3. What section of sonata allegro form is the first part that introduces the theme?

_________________________4. It literally means a harmonious sounding together and is defined as a classical music for
the whole orchestra, generally in four movements.

_________________________5. It came from the word sonare which means to make a sound.

_________________________6. A drama set to music where singers and musicians perform in theatrical setting.

_________________________7. One famous composition made by Franz Joseph Haydn.

II. Identify the composer described in each number. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_________________________8. A child prodigy and the most amazing genius in musical history, but due to his
mismanaged finances he lived in poverty, died young and was buried in an unknown grave.
_________________________9. He is born to a family of musicians and studied music at an early age and he was the
composer who bridged the late Classical Era and the Early Romantic Era.
_________________________10. His life is described as a rags to riches story for he was hired by rich patrons and
eventually became a musical director for a rich family and he was named Father of Symphony.

III. Enumerate as asked.

Name the Five Vocal and Instrumental Music during the Classical Period.






B. Arts
I. Name the artists that made the following artworks.

______________________________1. Pieta
______________________________2. Mona Lisa

______________________________3. The Transfiguration

______________________________4. David

______________________________5. Conversion of St. Paul

______________________________6. Ecstacy of St. Teresa

______________________________7. Portrait of Helene Fourment

______________________________8. Self-portrait in Old Age

______________________________9. The Maids of Honour

II. Name the artist that is best described in each of the following:

______________________________10. He was considered to be The Greatest Living Artist in his lifetime.

______________________________11. The Ultimate Renaissance Man

______________________________12. He is known for his work in bas-relief.

______________________________13. He was last in the list of The Dazzling Universal Geniuses

______________________________14. Generally considered as one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European


______________________________15. One of the finest masters of composition and one of the most important painters of

the Spanish Golden Age.

C. Physical Education
I. Choose the best answer from the options below. Write only the letter on your answer sheets.

1. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other people in a certain
formal or semi-formal occasion?
a. ballroom dances b. dancesport
c. festival dances d. social dances
2. Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and modern standard dances. Which of the following
is an example of modern standard dances?
a. cha-cha-cha b. jive
c. rumba d. waltz
3. Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in modern standard dances?
a. black/white shirt b. black/white long sleeves
c. black/white sweat shirt d. coat and tie
4. Which of the following best describes social dances?
a. Social dances are for pairs only.
b. Social dances can be competed.
c. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness.
d. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to social function.
5. Which dance is freer in nature and are primarily intended to widen ones social horizon, for recreation; and fitness?
a. ballroom dances b. dancesport
c. festival dances d. social dances
6. It is a social dance which allow group of performers to change partners periodically while dancing to allow chance to
get to know other members of the performing groups.
a. dance mixers b. dancesport
c. festival dances d. social dances
7. In the FITT principle, which is the most important among the four?
a. frequency b. intensity
c. time d. type of activity
II. Identify the origin of the given Latin American Dances and Modern Standard Dances.

_______________________8. Cha-cha-cha

_______________________9. Merengue

_______________________10. Samba

_______________________11. Slow Waltz

_______________________12. Paso Doble

_______________________13. Tango

_______________________14. Swing

_______________________15. Viennese Waltz

D. Health
I. Identify the correct terms being defined in each number.

___________________________1. Any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological,
emotional, and behavioral effects on a person.

___________________________2. Drugs commonly used by users.

___________________________3. A cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity in

which the use of drug takes on a high priority thereby creating a strong desire to take the substance.
___________________________4. The use of substance incoherent or inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or frequency
of use.
___________________________5. The use of a substance for non-medicinal purposes.

___________________________6. The condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substances to the body thus
requiring an even larger amount of the substance to experience the same physiological and mental effect experienced
when taking the smaller dosage.
___________________________7. Drugs that slows down the central nervous system.

___________________________8. Drugs that speeds up the central nervous system.

___________________________9. Drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness.

___________________________10. Drugs which distorts reality and facts.

D. Health
I. Choose the best answer from the options below. Write only the letter on your answer sheets.

1. Who among the Grade 9 students are good first aider?

Student A who tells his brother the severity of the injury
Student B who comforts his classmate while treating his fracture
Student C who stays calm while treating his wound on the finger
Student D who performs the proper procedure in giving first aid to poisoning
a. Students A and B only
b. Students B and C only
c. Students A, B, and C only
d. Students B, C and D only
2. Why is it important to follow proper techniques and procedures in giving first aid?
a. It may lead to further harm
b. It can replace a nurse or doctor
c. It can alleviate pain, prolong and/or save lives
d. It gives initial treatment to an injured person
3. To whom can you apply your knowledge and skills in first aid?
a. oneself b. family c. community d. all of the above
4. What happens when we live a safe life?
a. We can help others. c. We can have a happy life
b. We can give first aid. d. We can solve environmental problems
5. Injuries happen at any time. What should we do to prevent unintentional injuries?
a. We must reduce the risk of accidents
b. We must practice safety measures at all times
c. We must equip ourselves with proper knowledge and skills in first aid
d. all of the above

II. Match the definition or description in Column A to its corresponding word in Column B.

a. b.

6. An immediate care given to an injured person a. gentle

before a physician arrives b. sprain

7. One of the objectives of first aid c. wound

8. A characteristic of a good first aider d. dressing

9. The first step in assessing an emergency situation e. puncture

10. Done for an unconscious victim f. save life

11. A piece of sterile cloth used to cover a wound g. bandage

12. Used to stop bleeding and immobilize fracture h. first aid

13. A break in the continuity of the tissue of the body i. respectful

14. A kind of open wound j. blanket drag

15. Used to transport an unconscious victim k. primary survey of the victim

l. secondary survey of the victim

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Second Quarterly Exams in ENGLISH 9

I. Identify the level of formality which is appropriate in the given situation. Write only the letter on
your answer sheets.

a. frozen b. formal

c. consultative d. casual

e. intimate

1. Meeting high school friends during a reunion.

2. Delivering a welcome speech to honored guests.
3. A wife meeting her long awaited husband.
4. A gardener explaining the accident to his employer.
5. Delivering wedding vows.
6. Siblings congratulating each other for a job well done.
7. Teacher discussing the lesson.
8. A police relating the legal rights to an arrested person.
9. Talking to a co-businessmen in a meeting.
10. Reporter casting his reports.

IV. Identify the adverbs in each of the following sentences. Write only the letter of your choice.

11. The friendly store owner worked quickly.

A. owner B. friendly C. worker D. store E. quickly
12. In the following sentence, what are the adverbs? The very large ball fell quickly.
A. ball B. very C. quickly
D. "large" and "quickly" E. "very" and "quickly"
13. James was an unlikely canidate for this very selective college.
A. James B. unlikely C. selective
D. very E. "unlikely" and "very"
14. Suddenly, James found his quiet, boring life had changed.
A. quiet B. boring C. suddenly
D. life E. changed
15. The size of the car's wheels made it almost unsellable.
A. unsellable B. wheels C. almost
D. car's E. "almost" and "unsellable"

V. Identify the type of adverb underlined in each of the following sentences. Write only the letter of

your choice.

a. adverb of time b. adverb of place c. adverb of manner

16. One of my children wrote to me today.

17. So, you're coming back next week?

18. They found the key under her bed.

29. The campers scattered litter everywhere carelessly.

30. She carelessly handover the bag to her brother.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Ikalawang Markahang Pagsusulit sa Edukasyong Pagpapakatao 9

I. Panuto: Isulat ang Tama kung ang pangungusap ay tama at Mali naman kung ang sinasaad ay

1. Tayo ay mananatiling buhay sa pamamagitan ng pag-aalay ng buhay sa paglilingkod sa kapwa.

2. Kasama sa paglingap ang pag-ibig at pagmamahal na bukal sa puso.
3. Nag-alay ng buhay ang iyong mga magulang nang ikaw ay isilang.
4. Ang bawat anak ay tapat mag-alay rin ng sariling buhay para sa ikaliligaya ng mga magulang.
5. Alalahanin natin na tayo ay binuhay ng Diyos para sa ating sarili lamang.
6. Ang mga karunungan ipinunla ng mga guro sa pag-alay nila ng oras sa pagtuturo sa atin ay
palatandaan ng pagiging makasarili nila.
7. Ang pag-uukol ng dalangin para sa mga taong nagging bahagi n gating paglaki ay isa ring
paghahandog ng buhay para sa kanila.
8. Ang buhay na ipinagkaloob sa atin ng Diyos ay para rin sa ating kapwa.
9. Magkakaroon lamang ng kabuluhan an gating buhay kung tayo ay yayaman at magkakamal ng
maraming salapi.
10.Nararapat nating tulungan ang lahat ng nangangailangan, kilala man natin sila o hindi.
11.Naliligo ka dapat araw-araw.
12.Nagdadala ka ng suklay, salamin at pulbos sa paaralan.
13.Lagi kang nananalamin.
14.Maayos at masinop ka sa lahat ng iyong gamit.
15.Nagiging maingat ka na sa iyong kilos at gawi.
16.Mausisa ka na lalo na kung tungkol sa maayos na pangangatawan ang pinag-usapan.
17.Mapili ka sa kulay ng mga damit na isinusuot mo.
18.Umiiwas ka na sa paglalaro lalo na ng piko, sipa at patintiro.
19.Marami kang dahilan kapag inuutusan ka sa tindahan.
20.Nag-iisip ka muna bago sumagot sa mga nagtatanong sayo.
21.Ikaw na ang bumibili ng mga personal mong gamit.
22.Hindi ka kaagad nagsasalita kung may nag-uusap sa harap mo.
23.May kamalayan ka na sa mga nangyayari sa paligid mo.
24.Natututo ka nang umunawa sa kahinaan ng iyong kapwa.
25.Marunong ka nang tumanggap ng puna mula sa ibang tao.
26.NAgpapakita ka nan g pagmamalasakit sa inyong kabuhayan.
27.Padalus-dalos ka na sa pagpapasyon.
28.Mahilig ka nang dumalo sa kasiyahan.
29.Sumasangguni ka na sa mga nakatatanda sa iyo kapag nagkakaroon ka ng problema.
30.Tumutulong ka sa mga gawaing bahay kahit hindi ka inuutusan.

II. Bigyan ng repleksyon.

Kung ikaw ay naglilingkod para sa iyong kapwa, gawin mo itong kasinghusay at kasingtapat na para
bang ginagawa mo para sa iyong sarili.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Ikalawang Markahang Pagsusulit sa Edukasyong Pagpapakatao 8

I. Panuto. Basahin at unawaing mabuti ang bawat tanong. Isulat ang titik ng wastong

1. Alin sa mga pahayag ang isa sa mga indikasyon na ang likas na panlipunang nilalang?
a. Ang tao ay may kakayahang tugunan ang kanyang sariling pangangailangan.
b. Ang tao ay may inklinasyon na maging mapag-isa.
c. ANg tao ay may kakayahang lumikha ng masasaya at makabuluhang alaala.
d. Ang tao ay may kakayahang maipahayag ang kanyang pangangailangan.
2. Ang marapat na pakikitungo sa kapwa ay
a. Nakabatay sa estado ng tao sa lipunan
b. Nakasalalay sa kalagayang pang ekonomiya
c. Pagtrato sa kanya na may paggalang at dignidad
d. Pagkakaroon ng inklinasyon na maging mapag-isa.
3. Maipakikita ang makabuluhang pakikipagkapwa sa pamamagitan ng sumusunod maliban
a. Kakayahan ng taong umunawa
b. Pagmamalasakit sa kapakanan ng may kapansanan
c. Espesyal na pagkagiliw sa nakaangkat sa lipunan
d. Pagtulong at pakikiramay sa kapwa
4. Ang pagkakaroon ng ibat-ibang samahan sa lipunan ay inaasahang magtataguyod ng
__________ bilang paglilingkod sa kapwa at sa kabutihang panlahat.
a. Hanapbuhay
b. Libangan
c. Pagtutulungan
d. Kultura
5. Aling aspekto ng pagkatao ang higit na napauunlad sa pamamagitan ng paghahanapbuhay?
a. panlipunan
b. pangkabuhayan
c. political
6. Nalilinang ang tao ang kaniyang __________ sa pamamagitan ng kaniyang pakikiisa at
pakikibahagi sa mga samahan.
a. kusa at pamamagitan
b. sipag at tiyaga
c. talino at kakayahan
d. tungkulin at karapatan
7. Nagiging kahinaan ng mga Pilipino ang pakikipagkapwa dahil sa ____________.
a. kakayahan nilang umunawa sa damdamin ng iba
b. kakayahan nilang makiramdam
c. kanilang pagtanaw ng utang na loob
d. kanilang pagiging emosyonal sa pakikisangkot
8. Ano ang nakahahadlang sa makabuluhang pakikipag-ugnayan sa kapwa?
a. kakayahan ng taong makibahagi sa mga gawaing panlipunan
b. kakayahang tugunan ang pangangailangan ng kapwa
c. pagkilala sa sarili na mas matalino siya kaysa ibang tao
d. pakikitungo sa iba sa paraang gusto mo rin
9. Ang sumusunod na pahayag at totoo tungkol sa diyalogo maliban sa
a. Naipapakita ang kakayahang makipagdiyalogo sa pamamagitan ng wika
b. Umiiral ang diyalogo sa sariling pagsasaliksik ng kasanayan
c. Nagkakaroon ng pagkakataon ang taong makipag-ugnayan sa kapwa
d. Naipahayag ng tao sa kanyang kapwa ang tunay na pagkalinga

10. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ang nagpapakita ng mabuting pakikipag-ugnayan

sa kapwa?
a. Bakit ba nahuli ka na naman?
b. Pilit kong inuunawa kung bakit ka nahuli pero sana umalis ka ng bahay nang mas maaga
c. Sana sa susunod hindi ka na nahuli sa usapan natin
d. Tatlumpong minuto na akong maghihintay sayo
11. Ang dapat magdesisyon ukol sa dami ng anak ay ang
a. pamahalaan
b. simbahan
c. mag-asawa
12. Ang problema ng lubhang malaking populasyon ay
a. problema ng mahirap
b. suliranin ng lahat
c. problema ng lahat
13. Ang pag-aanak ay dapat
a. hayaan dahil ito ay bahagi ng kalikasan ng tao
b. kontrolin ayon sa tamang paraan
c. pigilan sa pamamagitang aborsyon kung kinakailangan
14. Ang problema sa sobrang laki ng populasyon ay
a. nakakabahala
b. mahirap bigyan ng solosyon
c. hindi dapat masyadong pansinin
15. Ang kaugnayan suliranin ng lubhang laki ng populasyon ay
a. nararanasan
b. hindo ko naranasan
c. hindi ko napapansin

II. Isulat ang Tama kung ang pangungusap ay tama at Mali kung ang pangungusap ay mali.

1. Ang pamilya ay ang una at mahalagang bahagi ng lipunan.

2. Kailangan may batas na protektahan ang pamilya

3. Hindi importante ang pamilya

4. Ang ina ay ulo ng tahanan

5. Ang pamilya ay itinuturing na pinakamaliit na institusyon sa lipunan

6. May disiplina ang bawat myembro ng pamilya upang makamit ang mga mithiin

7. Dapat protektahan ang pamilya upang hindi makaranas ng karahasan

8. Hindi makaapekto sa lipunan ang ibat-ibang ugali sa bawat myembro ng pamilya

9. Ang pamilya ay sandigan ng lahat

10.Ang tao ay nangangailangan ng kapwa tao.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Third Periodical Test in ENGLISH 9

I. Identify the type of prose described in each number. Write only the letter of your choice.

a. Nonfictional c. Narrative e. Discursive

b. Fictional d. descriptive f. Didactic

1. The most common type of prose found in novels and stories and the typed identified as any sort of
writing that tells a story or develops a plot.
2. A type of prose which main function is to describe, to give accurately, or intriguingly as possible a
deep impression of a character, place or situation.
3. A type of prose that offers the writers thoughts on a particular topic providing general observations
from his own and perhaps humorous or unusual perspective and it is a more subtle means of
4. A type of prose that attempts to influence the readers thinking or behavior in a specific manner as
the writer seeks to persuade the reader into thinking in a certain way.
5. A type of prose that is mainly based on fact although it may contain fictional elements in certain
cases examples are biographies and essays.

II. Identify the elements of prose described in each number. Write only the letter of your

a. Character c. Setting e. Mood

b. b. Plot d. Theme f. Point of view

6. The people or animals in the story. A story often describes the interaction of this element, including
the relationships and the changes they undergo.
7. It is when and when the story takes place.
8. The happening in the story or the sequence of events.
9. The element that relates to the person telling the story.
10.It is the message or the lesson of the story.

III. Identify the poetic forms described in each number. Write only the letter of your choice.

a. Ballad c. Limerick e. Free Verse

b. Haiku d. Sonnet

11. A poetic form that tends to be complicated and elegant. William Shakespeare is the most well-known
writer for this poetic form.
12.A story told in verse, has usually four lines and there is often repetitive refrain.
13.A short poem with seventeen syllables, usually written in three lines with five syllables in the first
line, seven in the second, and five in the third. The origin of this poetic form is Japanese.
14.A five-line poem, usually meant to be funny.
15.A much modern poetry that does not obviously rhyme and doesnt have a set meter.

IV. Identify the elements of poetry described in each number. Write only the letter of your

a. Voice c. Sound e. Figures of speech

b. Stanzas d. Rhythm

16. This element of poetry is also called figurative language.

17.The kind of beat or meter the poem has
18.The speaking persona and how he/she is speaking in the poem.
19.The element which refers to the group within a poem. It is similar to a paragraph.
20.It is the beat or the meter the poem has.
V. Read the following questions and write only the letter of your choice.
21.What is the term used to refer to a 2 vowel sound in one syllable?
a. monophthongs b. diphthongs c. phonetics d. none of these
22. What element of poetry includes not only rhyme, but also many other patterns.
a. voice b. stanza c. sound d. rhythm
23. What term refers to the leading character or principal figure in a prose?
a. Protagonist b. Antagonist c. main character d. none of these
24. A literary plot consist of three parts. Which of the following term refers to the beginning of the plot?
a. Exposition b. Body c. Conclusion d. Middle
25. One of the uses of the setting is as a shaper of events. What is the most likely story if the setting is
the hospital?
a. Story about sailors c. Story about doctors and sick people
b. b. Story about miners d. Story about students and teachers
26. Her eyes twinkle like the stars in the night. This is an example of a figurative language. What type
of figurative language does this statement belongs to.
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Personification
27. In a narrative type of prose, which of the following is the speaking persona?
a. Conversation b. The author c. Narrator d. None of these
28. Which of the following sound pattern is described as the lines repeated in the same way, that repeat
regularly in the poem.
a. Refrain b. Repetition c. Alliteration d. Assonance
29. Depending on what kind of poem youre writing, each line can have anywhere from one to many
stressed beats. If the poem has three beats, what is the meter for that poem?
a. Trimeter b. Tetrameterc. Pentameter d. Dimeter
30. Which of the following prose is an example of nonfictional prose?
a. Novels b. Short Stories c. Tales d. Biographies

VI. Identify the type of periodical described in each number according to the contents, target
audience, writers and discipline. Write only the letter of your choice.

a. Scholarly Journals b. Popular Magazines c. Trade Journals

31. Reports original research or experimentation.

32. Cover news, current events, hobbies or special interests.
33. Discuss practical information and concerns in a particular industry.
34. Targeted audience is the scholarly researcher, faculty and students.
35. Targets the general public and available to a broad audience.

VII. Give the phonetic transcription and the phonological pattern of each of the given words.

36. pay

37. five

38. home

39. now

40. near

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Third Periodical Test in MAPEH 9

Identify the artists during the Romantic period described in each numbers. Write only the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet.
a. Niccolo Paganini b. Frederic Chopin c. Franz Liszt
d. Robert Schumann e. Hector Berlioz f. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

1. He became the most famous violin virtuoso in the world.

2. He was known as the Poet of the Piano.
3. He was known as the virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest musician during the romantic era.
4. One of the famous Romantic composers that beautifully combined music and words.
5. One of his musical compositions is a five movement symphony called Symphonie Fantastique.

Read the questions carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which period is also known as Age of Reason and the Age of enlightenment?
a. Romantic Period b. Neoclassical Period c. Renaissance Period
2. Which of the following painter is considered to be the pre-eminent painter in the neo-classical era?
a. Jacques-Luis David b. Jean-August-Dominique Ingres c. Antonio Canova
3. What type of neoclassical architecture is the building design when it is based on an ancient temple?
a. Temple Style b. Classical Block Style c. Palladian Style
4. It is a movement in which the artists of Neoclassical period sought to break new ground in the expression
of emotion.
a. Neoclassicism b. Romanticism c. none of these
5. Who is the artist who practices neoclassicism and romanticism here in the Philippines who was named
National Artist for the Visual Arts and is hailed as the Father of the Philippine Arts?
a. Napoleon Abueva b. Juan Luna c. Guillermo Tolentino

Identify the term or phrase which does not belong to the group. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Drug
a. chemicals b. addicting c. dangerous d. healthy
2. Drug dependence
a. addiction b. drug abuse c. self-control d. habit-forming
3. Drug misuse
a. prescribed drugs b. overdose c. drug abuse d. over the counter drugs
4. Ways drug of abuse enter the body
a. nasal b. optic c. oral d. transdermal
5. Types of drugs
a. marijuana b. stimulants c. narcotics d. depressants

Physical Education
Read the questions carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following festivals is done in Cebu to honor Seor Sto. Nio in the month of January?
a. Sinulog Festival b. Dinagyang Festival c. Kinabayo Festival
2. Which of the following preparatory movements is the basis of all locomotor movements?
a. walk b. step c. run
3. It is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint.
a. release b. collapse c. flexion
4. Which element of movements in space refers to the scope of movement execution?
a. rhythm b. range c. focus
5. It is a cultural dance performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people
sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a patron saint or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest.
a. festival dances b. social dance c. folk dance
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Fourth Periodical Test in MAPEH 9

Write only the letter of your choice.

1. The German composer who developed lieder.
a. Franz Liszt b. Franz Haydn c. Johann Goethe d. Franz Schubert
2. Richard Wagner made use of this musical sequences in most of his operas.
a. Oratorio b. Aria c. Lieder d. Leitmotifs
3. French composer who became famous for his opera Carmen.
a. Georges Bizet b. Giuseppe Verdi c. Giacomo Puccini d. Richard Wagner
4. What is the highest male voice?
a. Baritone b. Bass c. Tenor d. Soprano
5. What is the lowest female voice and the most unique among female?
a. Contralto b. Dramatic c. Soprano d. Lyric
6. A name which is associated with opera with Oberto as his first and his final opera ends with
All the Worlds a Joke.
a. Guiseppe Verdi b. Giacomo Puccini c. Georges Bizet d. Richard Wagner
7. The book that the composer and librettist put together, it has all the musical notes, words and
ideas to help the performers tell the story.
a. Libretto b. Score c. Aria d. Recitative
8. What do you call the text of an opera?
a. Aria b. Recitative c. Libretto d. Score
9. An air or solo singing part sung by a principal character.
a. Score b. Recitative c. Aria d. Libretto
10. It is a story told by the composers through music while using the words of the librettist.
a. Drama b. Movie c. Opera d. Narrative
Enumerate as asked:
1-3. Types of voices for male singers.
4-5.Give 2 types of voices for female singers.

1. It is the buildings where performance takes place.
a. Theatron b. Parodos c. Skene d. Theater
2. The following are the three well-known Greek tragedy playwright EXCEPT one.
a. Sophocles b. Dionysus c. Euripides d. Aeschylus
3. Which type of drama deals with tragic events and have an unhappy ending, especially the
downfall of the main character?
a. Tragedy b. Comedy c. Romantic Comedy d. Satyr play
4. The type of drama that was derived from imitation and is always humorous.
a. Satyr play b. Romantic comedy c. Tragedy d. comedy
5. What do you call the featured character in the Satyr Play that are half man/half goat?
a. Cyclops b. Goat c. Satyr d. none of these
6. Who was considered one of the greatest and best known French writers?
a. William Shakespeare b. Pierre Cornielle c. Victor Marie Hugo
7. He was often called the Father of French Tragedy
a. William Shakespeare b. Pierre Cornielle c. Victor Marie Hugo
II. Enumerate as asked:
8-10. 3 Main elements of theater

III. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

a. Greek Theater b. Roman Theater c. Medieval Theater
d. Renaissance Theater e. Baroque Theater f. Neoclassical Theater
g. Romantic Theater

11. Melodrama and operas became popular

12. Established just two types of plays tragedy and comedy
13. Marked by the use of technology in current broadways and commercial plays
14. Some innovations on the stage that took place was the development of the proscenium and
backdrops for scenery
15. Theater performances were not allowed throughout Europe. Then, churches began to stage
their own theater performances with biblical stories eventually some play were brought outside the
church due to their portrayal of the devil and hell.

Physical Education

1. It is the way you live your life in an everyday basis and these are the patterns of behavior on how
you typically live.
a. active recreation b. recreation c. lifestyle d. health
2. One of the factor that affects weight that are inherited from parents.
a. environmental factors b. weight c. lifestyle d. genes
3. Another factor that affects weight that includes behavior and lifestyle choices.
a. environmental factors b. weight c. lifestyle d. genes
4. What will be the end result if theres more calories consumed than the calories expended?
a. weight loss b. weight gain c. weight management d. none of these
5. The following are the skills required for playing the game badminton EXCEPT one:
a. service b. blocking c. stroke d. footwork
6. Who suggested the name volleyball due to the volleying characteristic of the game?
a. William J. Morgan b. Alfred Halstead c. Elwood Brown d. Alberto Perez
7. How many point do you need to win a set in playing volleyball?
a. 21 b. 23 c. 25 d. 27
8. It is another indoor alternative recreation for those who enjoy the beat of rhythm and movement.
a. sports b. hiking c. games d. dance/zumba
9. Who accidentally discovered zumba?
a. William J. Morgan b. Alfred Halstead c. Elwood Brown d. Alberto Perez
10. It is going on an extended walk for the purpose and exercise.
a. sports b. hiking c. games d. dance
II. Enumerate as asked:
11-12. Materials needed to play the game badminton
13-15. Skills needed to play the game volleyball

1. It is the intentional taking of ones life?

a. suicide b. para suicide c. domestic violence d. terrorism
2. Which of the following indicates that someone is being stalked?
a. when someone is name-calling you and teasing you.
b. when someone is constantly talking about suicide or death
c. when someone is very jealous and wont let the relationship to end
d. when someone is trying to know your schedule and shows up at places you go to
3. It is an unwanted behavior, aggressive behavior and that behavior is repeated or can be
a. stalking b. domestic violence c. bullying d. molestation
4. It is the act of using force or threats to force people to hand over their money or properties, on
a. gang b. molestation c. verbal abuse d. kidnapping
5. Forcefully taking away of a person against his/her will.
a. gang b. molestation c. verbal abuse d. kidnapping
6. Why do some victims of sexual abuse remain quiet and dont report the incident?
a. The victim might not know that help is available or s/he does not know who to talk to.
b. The victim might be told that what is happening is normal and doesnt realize that it is a
form of abuse.
c. The victim might be afraid of what will happen to him/her if s/he tells someone, especially
if the abuser has threatened him/her.
d. All of the above.
7. Which of the following is not an intentional injury?
a. vehicular accidents
b. fraternity hazing
c. suicide attempts
d. suicide bombings
8. Which of the following does not describe a verbal abuse?
a. Words that are manipulative and controlling
b. Words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self-confidence
c. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistakes
d. Words that are hurtful and usually attack the nature and abilities of the person.
9. What form of violence is used for political goals which include putting the public or great
number of people in fear?
a. terrorism
b. bullying
c. kidnapping
d. suicide
10. Why does domestic violence happen?
a. the abuser is trying to control the victim
b. the abuser is in a stressful relationship
c. the couple dont have much money and this causes stress in the relationship
d. all of the above.

II. TRUE or FALSE. Write true if the statement is true and false if otherwise.
11. Bullying is common in schools.
12. Rape can only happen to females.
13. Accidents are considered intentional injuries.
14. Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from violence.
15. Nothing can stop a person if s/he is determined to commit suicide.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Fourth Periodical Test in English 9

A. Identify the type of conditionals used in each of the sentences. Write only the letter of
your choice.

a. Present Real Conditional b. Present Unreal Conditional

1. If I go to a friends house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers.
2. I read if there is nothing on TV.
3. If I owned a car, I would drive to work. But I dont own a car.
4. I would read more if I didnt watch so much tv.
5. She would travel around the world if she had more money. But she doesnt have much money.

B. Write CORRECT if the sentence is grammatically correct and WRONG if it is not.

6. If he were French, he would live in Paris.

7. If she were rich, she would buy a yacht.
8. I would buy that computer if it were cheaper.
9. I would buy that computer when it were cheaper.
10. If I had more time, I would could exercise after work.
11. If she had time, she might go to the party.
12. If I went to Egypt, I would can learn Arabic.
13. If I invited you, you really should go.
14. If you want to go, you would may go.
15. If I went to Egypt, I could learn Arabic.

C. Interpret the lines of the poem The Telephone and answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of your choice.

16. My happiness depends on an electric appliance.

And I do not mind it giving so much credit.
In these lines, what electric appliance does the speaker mean?
a. computer b. telephone c. ipod

17. With life in this city being what it is

Each person separated from friends
By a tangle of subways and buses
What is the implied reason for disconnected friends?
a. because they are very busy
b. because friends are hard to find
c. because they are far away from each other

18. Without it I was like a bear in a cave

Drowsing through a shadowy winter
It rings and spring has come to life
To what did the speaker compare mas situation before the advent of the telephone?
a. a bear in a cave b. shadowy winter c. spring

19. What literary device is used in the earlier lines?

a. metaphor and simile b. hyperbole and personification c. apostrophe
20. I stretch and amble out into the sunshine
Hungry again as I pick up the receiver
For the human voice and the good news of friends
What does the speaker hunger for?
a. sunshine b. receiver c. human voice

D. 21-25. Arrange the events according to their occurrence in the play. Write only the letter
of your choice.

a. She accidentally overheard a conversation between two mean planning a murder.

b. Desperate to prevent the crime, she began a series of calls- to the operator, to the police, and
c. Mrs. Stevenson is an invalid confined to her bed and her only lifeline was the telephone.
d. One night, while she was waiting for her husband to return home, she picked up the phone and
called his office.
e. Her conversation with Sgt. Duffy made her realize the description of the crime scene and victim.

E. Write the gerund then identify the use in each sentence.

26. Helping a friend is an automatic yes in your book.

27. Helping others with a favor is dangerous and should be avoided.
28. Although simple, it is similar to the rules that prevent people from bumping into others in the
29. You can boil this down as the difference of needing vs. wanting help.
30. You cant stand still watching others in need, but at the same time, you cant assist everyone to
your own detriment.
31. Wont people see you as a jerk in refusing to help them?
32. I enjoyed the feeling I got when I help others.
33. Jessa had overcome the pain after suffering much heartache.
34. His talent, dancing, is also a good exercise.
35. I remember taking this photo when we were in the beach.

F. Put a check mark if you agree with the statement; X if you disagree.
36. Theater is the same as theatre.
37. Drama is different from play.
38. A script is a written conversation in a play.
39. A change in time is one scene in a play.
40. A one-act play is synonymous to a single act play.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Third Periodical Test in English 9

I. 1-5. Arrange the events according to their occurrence in the play. Write only
the letter of your choice.

a. She accidentally overheard a conversation between two mean planning a murder.

b. Desperate to prevent the crime, she began a series of calls- to the operator, to the
police, and others.
c. Mrs. Stevenson is an invalid confined to her bed and her only lifeline was the
d. One night, while she was waiting for her husband to return home, she picked up
the phone and called his office.
e. Her conversation with Sgt. Duffy made her realize the description of the crime
scene and victim.

II. Write the gerund then identify the use in each sentence.

6. Helping a friend is an automatic yes in your book.

7. Helping others with a favor is dangerous and should be avoided.
8. Although simple, it is similar to the rules that prevent people from bumping into
others in the streets.
9. You can boil this down as the difference of needing vs. wanting help.
10. You cant stand still watching others in need, but at the same time, you cant
assist everyone to your own detriment.

III. Identify the type of stage described in each number. Write only the letter of
the correct answer.
a. thrust stage b. in-the-round stage c. traverse stage
d. proscenium stage

11. A stage where the audience sits on one side only.

12. The stage is positioned at the center of the audience.
13. A stage where the audiences sits on two sides.
14. The oldest known fixed type of staging in the world.

IV. Write the gerund then identify the use in each sentence.

15. Helping a friend is an automatic yes in your book.

16. Helping others with a favor is dangerous and should be avoided.
17. Although simple, it is similar to the rules that prevent people from bumping into
others in the streets.
18. You can boil this down as the difference of needing vs. wanting help.
19. You cant stand still watching others in need, but at the same time, you cant
assist everyone to your own detriment.
20. Wont people see you as a jerk in refusing to help them?

V. Identify the participle in the sentences.

21. The boiling water on the stove is hot.
22. She is wearing a soiled, dirty uniform.
23. The crying baby had a wet diaper.
24. He held out his bitten finger.
25. The captured rebel died after a few days.

VI. Identify the infinitives in the sentence and identify its use in the sentence.
26. To win the game is his greatest dream.
27. At one time he tried to swim in the ocean.
28. She was asked to make needed forms.
29. His greatest fear is to see ghosts.
30. His favorite hobby, to play basketball, was the reason why he is injured.

VII. Match column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the correct
31. a direct comparison between two things a. metaphor
32. a comparison between things using like, or as. b. simile
33. an exaggeration to make a point c. hyperbole
34. the repetition of ending sounds of words d. rhyme
35. a simple repeating of words within a sentence e. repetition
or a poetical lines


1. A sterile cloth used to cover wounds to prevent infection. (SINGDERS)

2. They are used to apply pressure to bleeding. (NABGADES)

3. It is a break in the continuity of a tissue in the body. (DUWON)

4. It is an injury to the ligaments of a bone due to accidental tearing/ overstretching. (SPARINS)

5. It is an injury to the muscles which is a result of improper use of muscle. (TRINSAS)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Fourth Periodical Test in English 9

I. All ly words are not created equal! Some people see an ly ending on a word and think that its an
adverb. Thats because many adverbs do end in ly. But be careful. An ly ending can also be found on some
adjectives. How do you tell the difference? An adverb often describes a verb, while an adjective often
describes a noun.

Read each sentence. Focus on the underlined words. Decide whether it is an adverb or an adjective. Write
the appropriate term on your answer sheets.

Example: No one wanted to live by the smelly landfill. ---------------------------------------------adjective

1. They ran quickly to their seats.

2. The people in the small town were friendly.
3. The boat sailed peacefully down the river.
4. The elderly man could not walk very far.
5. I like curly hair better than straight hair.
6. The soldiers fought bravely against the enemy.
7. The sun was shining brightly in the deep blue sky.
8. They visited their grandparents frequently in the summer.
9. We walked cautiously down the side of the road in the rain.
10. The winter weather was chilly.
11. The breeze blew gently through the tall trees.
12. She whispered softly in his ear, I love you.
13. The children enjoyed singing the silly songs.
14. They hiked tirelessly up the rugged mountain.
15. He smiled at the lovely woman as she walked by.
16. We happily joined the party when we finished working.
17. They sadly lowered their heads after the funeral.
18. Jennifer smiled shyly at the students in her new class.
19. We were upset when the man looked at us strangely.
20. My baby sister held her cuddly teddy bear while she slept.

II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal. Write the correct term in your answer
1. When Tom was 16, he was a fast runner. He (can/could) run 200 metres in 22 seconds.
2. I'm afraid I (cant/couldnt) come to your party next Saturday.
3. I was feeling terribly sick yesterday. I (cant/couldnt) eat anything.
4. "You look exhausted." "Yes, I (cant/couldnt) sleep last night.
5. This is a very precious book. You (mustnt/cant) lose it.
6. He will be having lessons for another two hours. We (must/can) visit him now.
7. You (cant/mustnt) wash those carrots. They've already been washed.
8. We (must/mustnt) hurry. We've got plenty of time.
9. My boss told me that I (have to, must) work overtime this week.
10. I (must, have to) get my hair cut before the dance.
11. She (has to, must) pay monthly rent to live in her apartment.
12. Teds dad said that he (must, has to) clean his room before he can play.
13. I (have to, must) buy those pretty red shoes.
14. The runner (has to, must) win the race to get a gold medal.
15. The police officer said that I (must, have to) go to jail.
16. I (could, can) help you with your homework now.
17. Five years ago, I (cannot, couldnt) play the piano.
18. When I grow up, I (may, might) become an engineer.
19. There is a small chance that we (may, might) go to the beach this weekend.
20. There is a good change that we (might, may) have to postpone the meeting.
4) Billy and I (may, might) cook dinner tonight.

5) The airplane (might, may) crash.

6) You never know, I (may, might) become president one day.

7) (May, Might) I have a piece of bread please?

8) It (might, may) snow tonight, but I doubt it.

9) If Jane studied harder, she (might, may) have gotten a better grade on the test.

10) I (might, may) not be coming to your party tonight. I told my mother that I wouldstay home and make
cookies with her already. Im sorry.

1. Tom left before the end of the meeting. He __________ go home early.

a) must b) had to c) both

2. It's later than we thought. We ________ go now.

a) must b) have to c) both

3. In China many children ________ wear uniforms when they go to school.

a) must b) have to c) both

4. When you come to Shanghai again, you ________ come and see us.

a) must b) have to c) both

5. Yesterday Paul became ill suddenly. We _________ to call the doctor.

a) must b) had to c) both

6. You really _________ work harder if you want to succeed in this job.

a) must b) have to c) both

7. I'm afraid I can't make it to the party tomorrow. I _______ work late.

a) must b) have to c) both

8. I am sorry I couldn't make it to the party yesterday. I _______ work late.

a) must b) had to c) both

9. Tony dislikes his new job. He _______ work at the weekends.

a) must b) has to c) both

10. David wears glasses. He ___________ wear glasses since he was very young.
a) must b) had to c) both

I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using appropriate modals.

a) __________ you please tell me the direction to the hotel?

b) You __________ pay in cash. They do not accept credit cards.

c) I __________ come home from the office today.

d) __________ I help you?

e) You __________ clean your room.

f) We ________ keep the lights and fans switched off when they are not in use.

g) We __________ improve the existing education system.

h) __________ you have a wonderful day!

i) I __________ go to see the movie. The reviews are good.

j) I __________ definitely be at the airport to receive you.

k) She __________ take her meals regularly.

l) You __________ reach home before eleven, she said.

m) __________ we go for a walk?

n) The soldiers in the Army __________ wear a uniform.

o) There is one more point I __________ refer to.

p) You have worked hard. You __________ pass.

q) It is very cloudy. It __________ rain.

r) You __________ be properly dressed when you come to office.

s) __________ you like to come to the party tomorrow?

t) People __________ not tell lies.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Tapilon, Daanbantayan, Cebu

Removal Exam for 9 MUSIC

TEST I. Identify the period wherein the mentioned event took place.

1. Christian church highly influenced culture and political affairs in Europe.

2. Also known as the middle ages or the dark ages.
3. Considered as the golden age of Rome and Greece.
4. The invention of printing took place.
5. The Golden age of a capella chorale music.
6. The period which highlighted grandiose and elaborate ornamentation.
7. New instrumental techniques and changes in musical notation were developed.
8. The period which literally means pearl of irregular shape.
9. The period which means rebirth, revival and rediscovery.
10. The period which started with the fall of the Roman Empire.

TEST II. Identify the composers of the mentioned music.

1. Four Seasons
2. Pope Marcellus Mass
3. Fire, Fire, My Heart
4. The Messiah
5. Le Jue et de Robin

TEST III. Identify the composers described in each number.

1. Known as Adam the Hunchback

2. Greatest master of Roman Catholic Church Music in his time
3. The most famous composer of secular music in his time
4. He was committed to sacred music and has a keen interest in satisfying the
desires of church leaders in the 16th century
5. His most important and long term position was as a cantor at St. Thomas church
6. Known as the Red Priest
7. He lost his eyesight in 1753

TEST IV. Enumerate as asked and differentiate each.

1-2. Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period

3-7. Five Sections of Mass
8-12. Music Genres of Baroque Music

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