Creating An Oral Test in Itslearning

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Creating an Oral Test in ItsLearning

To create an oral test in ItsLearning, follow the steps below:

1. Login into ItsLearning and then choose the Oral Test Training course.

*Please note that normally you would choose

your course to create the Oral Test.

2. Click the Add button below the Oral Test Training Folder.

3. Scroll down to Test.

Creating an Oral Test in ItsLearning

4. Type Sample Oral Test in the Title.

5. Next, select deadline and assessment. If you choose score for assessment
ItsLearning will score the test for you. However, you will need to enter this
into Skyward since a link is not yet established.

6. Next choose Mandatory (Yes) and Active (Yes), then click Save.

7. The following message will appear:

8. Click on Show Test.

Creating an Oral Test in ItsLearning

9. Once Deactivate is selected, questions may be added to the test.

10.Next, click on Questions.

11.To add a question, click the Add button and then select the type of question
to be added.
Creating an Oral Test in ItsLearning

12.The following screen appears, when multiple choice is selected. Enter the
question in box 1, then enter answer choices in boxes 2-4. You can also
copy and paste from Word and PDF files.

13.After entering the questions and the answer choices, click the correct button
for the correct answer choice.

14.To create the audio file, click the speaker button.

15.Name the recording, then click the arrow below the name.

a. Click the red button to record the

question and answer choices.

b. When recording is finished click the

square button.
Creating an Oral Test in ItsLearning

16.Assign a point value to the question.

17.Click the Save button to add the question.

18.Continue steps 10-16, to add more questions.

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