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Reconstruction: Critical Thinking Questions

Discuss questions with your group members

Be prepared to present your answer to the class
Opposing views are okay!

First Set: Pre-reading

1. How do you think African-Americans were treated after the Civil War ended?

2. Do you believe the Freedmens Bureau did enough to help African-Americans?

3. Were there any laws put in place to ensure African Americans were

4. What laws would you put in place to protect African Americans? And Why?

Second Set: Post-reading

1. After reading the primary sources, explain how African-Americans were

treated after the Civil War? What do you believe caused this treatment?

2. After reading the primary sources, how did the Freedmens Bureau protect
African-Americans? Do you think the Bureau did enough?

3. After reading the experiences of African-Americans, how was the 13 th, 14th,
and 15th Amendment important to protecting African Americans?

4. Do you believe the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment was enough to protect
African Americans?

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