Sport Aviation Mai-1975

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(Photo by Lee Fray)

w, ITH THE COMING of spring . . . can the challenges of Oshkosh be far behind? I'm sure that
with the onset of warmer weather you share with me the desire to get outside again, do some flying
and prepare for our annual convention. This month, however, I would like to discuss some matters that
hit closer to home for us at EAA Headquarters for me, my staff and your EAA Board of Directors.
The last few months have been most interesting and challenging for me as president of EAA . . .
quite a contrast to the early days of the organization. I have long recognized that when EAA grew
to a level of national importance in the aviation world, our critics would suddenly multiply in number.
It seems to be the nature of things that while one or an organization is struggling to succeed,
folks are kind and show a willingness to be helpful. But when it appears some success is being achieved,
a few of the very people who helped you get there start looking upon you as a "fat cat", as "too big."
Those of you who have experienced similar irony in your professions, know the truth . . . the bigger
the organization, the bigger the problems.
As many of you know, we have spent the past twenty-three years dedicated to the cause of designing,
building and flying for fun. The aims and goals of the organization, as far as I am concerned, are the
same as when we started in January of 1953. My own thoughts relative to the needs of the movement
have not changed since the days of working in my garage building up a clipped wing Taylorcraft. That
was 1948. I feel I have learned a great deal from the members of the Experimental Aircraft Asso-
ciation and the many people in government and industry with whom I have had the privilege of
working. The guidance of the EAA Board of Directors and the EAA Air Museum Foundations Board
of Trustees has been immeasurable.
With the growth of our organization, we have attracted aviation enthusiasts of widely diverse
interests. Each has a different view of aviation and what it means to him. Each, consequently, has a
different opinion as to what EAA should do for him. Trying to respond to such diversity, to be all
things to all people, is a challenge, to say the least.
I would like to share with the members some of the requests, the advice and criticism we receive
at Headquarters. It is my intention to present this material simply to show the many directions in
which we are constantly pulled, and not to make light of or be critical of anyone.
1. We receive a great deal of mail from EAA members asking what we are doing about such things
as user's fees, ELTs, control towers and air space restrictions. These letters are numerous and require
a great deal of time and research on the part of our very small staff. We, nevertheless, attempt to
answer each and every request.
2. Many letters are received relative to our annual Convention ranging from requesting special
authorization to have private automobiles on the flight line to free admittance for various individuals
and/or groups, as well as pilots, aircraft owners.
3. Many comments are received relative to the campsite at Oshkosh, pertaining to fees, the
establishment of electrical outlets, the need for more showers, better lighting, evening programs for
teenagers, elimination of cats and dogs or, from others, special facilities for pets the need for
more shade trees, building of such things as a hospital, and other such conveniences.
4. Criticism of the EAA Air Museum Foundation for making drawings available of the EAA Bi-
plane, the Acro Sport and the Pober Pixie in competition with other designers in the country. They feel
(Continued on Page 84)
Official Publication of the Experimental Aircraft Association International Inc.
An International Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Aviation Education SPORT AVIATION ASSOCIATION
MAY 1975 VOL. 24 NO. 5
Copyright " 1975 by the Experimental Aircraft Assn.. Inc. All rights reserved.

Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny .......................... 2
Letters To The Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Hot Line From Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Project Crossroads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The First Plans Built Scale SE-5A Flies . . . by Jack Mickey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Impossible Dream . . . by Bill Adams ............................... 15 Page 37
Gyroplane Performance Calculations and Trends . . .
. . . by Martin Hollmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Non-Pilots of EAA . . . Especially for You! . . . by Jayne A. Schiek ........ 25
What Our Members Are Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Air Racing Workshop . . . by Don Berliner .............................. 28
Push-Pull Tube Uniball Supports . . . by Richard and David Thuss ....... 29
Exhaust Systems . . . by James M. Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Ultimate Monocoupe . . . by Jack Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Page 43
Plastics For Aircraft Homebuilding . . . by Val Wright.................... 40
Wag-Aero Cuby . . . The Rebirth of a Legend . . . by Jack Cox ........... 41
The Saga of Sopwith Pup N5182 . . . by K. C. D. St. Cyr/en, M.B.E. ....... 48
The Designee Corner . . . by Antoni Bingelis ............................ 60
Which "AN" Bolt Dash Number? . . . by Luther P. Sunderland ........... 63
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Museum - Headquarters Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Washington Report . . . by David Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Page 48

Paul H. Poberezny Jack Cox

ON THE COVER . . . John McCulloch s "Little
Publisher Editor-in-Chief Butch."
(Photo by Beverly Hyde)
Ray Scholler Bonnie Soucy Bernice Scholler
Assistant Editor Advertising Manager Publication Layout



Aviation Museum hours of operation are 8:30 to 5:00 on Monday

through Friday Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 Sundays
and Holidays 11:00 to 5:00. It is closed on New Years, Easier,
Thanksgiving and Christmas.



SPORT AVIATION is owned exclusively by the Experimental Aircraft Assn , tnc and is published monthly at Hales Corners Wis Second C'ass Postage
paid at Random Lake. Wis 53075 and at Hales Corners. Wis 53130 Membership rates are $15.00 ($2000 alter February 1. 1975) per 12 month period
of which $10 00 is for the subscription to SPORT AVIATION Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES
Please allow at least two months for delivery of SPORT AVIATION to Foreign and APO addresses via surface mail EAA STATEMENT OF POLICY
The Experimental Aircraft Association. Inc. cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of the material presented by the authors opinions and ideas
The individual reader must evaluate this material for himself and use it as he sees fit Every effort is made to present material of wide interest that will
be of help to the majority. ADVERTISING EAA does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising We invite constructive
criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measure can be taken.

Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Experimental Aircraft Assn., P. O. Box 229, Hales Corners, Wls. 53130












E. E. HILBERT. 8102 LEECH RD., UNION, ILL. 60180 M, C, ' K E L L Y ' VIETS, RR 1. BOX 151. STILWELL. KS. 66085





10137 FOREST HOME AVE., APT. 105 805 SO. ELM P. O. BOX 2464


McHENRY, ILL. 60050 NO. GRANDY, CONN. 06060 LYONS. WISC. 53148



4 MAY 1975
Dear Paul: Based on the discussions I heard, one area
Letters To The Editor It was with great interest I read Mr Paul
Walton's letter in the February 1975 issue of
that we m the Illinois Division of Aeronautics
may be able to help would be to help the air
SPORT AVIATION show sponsors by giving guidelines to all
Dear Paul, Jack and associates: It is certainly too bad he feels the magazine operators and airport managers in Illinois
I noticed an item in the "Western Flyer", is his only benefit from the EAA Apparently he regarding the developing of an air show pro-
2nd issue. Feb 1975, datehned Hales Corners is not covering the magazine completely as I gram and the process of the contacts necessary
and titled Tailwind in EAA Museum now. It can recall the accidents claiming three lives for that program If you have any such course
goes on to say that the Tailwind original being explained quite well in SPORT AVIATION of action, or if a copy is available through the
prototype N5747N which was designed 22 years As one who received his license in October IAC. would you please forward a copy to me
ago was the first airplane certified under 1946 and spent 1948 to 1964 in midget race with the privilege of using it for that type of
Federal Government Regulations for Amateur cars. I can attest to the fact that cars are no informational service. I will see that it is
Builts to carry passengers more fun I logged more hospital time than placed in the hands of those persons who
Now, I hesitate to steal Steve Wittman's flying time during those 18 years and regret would most likely be sponsoring aviation
thunder, but as Charlie Chan would have said. I didn't discover EAA until 1965. activities
'Correction, please." For your information. I Mr Walton has forgotten the EAA is a non- Sincerely,
built a Pietenpol Air Camper with a French profit organization and certainly costs have Burrill E Coppernoll
Salmson engine before the War and I had the tripled in the last 20 years Lacquer thinner Flight Safety Coordinator
very last Oregon State Aircraft License, number has gone from $52.75 for a 55 gal. drum in Illinois Department of
23 on it in 1941 June of 1973 to the current rate of $132 00 for Transportation
In either Sept or Oct. 1946. I am not sure a 55 gal. drum, and in just 1Vz years And Springfield. III. 62705
which, the CAA made a rules change providing how about food!!
for Experimental Certification of Amateur Incidentally my painter, who is not a member, Dear Mr Poberezny:
Built aircraft for private flying provided they applied a little EAA knowhow to a problem he I found the January edition of SPORT AVIA-
passed a satisfactory visual inspection by a had in his home recently. He had some leaks TION to be nostalgic for several reasons The
CAA maintenance inspector in his shower onto the bathroom floor He ob- first was. of course, the very beautiful home-
On April 24, 1947 Inspector Charlie Sleeves tained 2 estimates for $60000 and $300.00 built on the cover Next was the Gee Bee
of the Portland GADO inspected and "licensed" and upon my urging, fixed it himself for a photograph on page 29
my Air Camper and informed me at the time cost of $8 00. I guess some trades are money The fence in the background is where I
that it was the first one in the U.S to be so hungry spent many hours watching activity at this,
certified. On about the first of Sept 1947, I I notice Mr Walton didn't buy "Flying" maga- the Springfield Airport
again met Charlie at the airport and after zine until their recent offer, limited, of $499 When I was very young my grandfather used
another inspection and look at the log books, for a year's subscription. It is certainly too bad to drive me there on Saturday or Sunday to
he issued another airworthiness certificate he feels another $041.6666 cents a month watch the pilots taking people for rides in the
which permitted carrying a passenger (not for is too much for an EAA member If ever a Wacos and later Piper Cubs
hire) The first license was good for only six person has missed the message and intent of As I grew older I would bicycle there and
months At the time of relicensmg I had over the EAA he certainly has 'Nuff said visit Airman Tech School to observe rebuilding
10 hours on it and that was all that was re- My best to all of you of airplanes.
quired then Gray Harmon (EAA 23305 Lifetime) I never saw the Gee Bee's as I was only 1
I did carry passengers in it during 1947 and 14944 San Ardo Dr year old then but that fence at that airport is
again in 1949 At the time of original licensing La Mirada. Calif. 90638 where it all began for me
I lived at Salem; the fall of 1947 I moved to I remember two beautiful airplanes on dis-
Springfield At the time Inspector Harold Lane Dear Paul: play at the Eastern States Exposition in West
relicensed it in November 1948. the license Thank you for asking this department to Springfield. Mass in the late thirties. They
was then good for one year participate in your Aerobatic/Air Race Con- were the MAC-1 and MAC-2. I believe they
It was last flown in October 1949 I then serence on January 28 and 29 I found it very were racing planes constructed in Springfield
disassembled it and took it home and later, due interesting and educational. also
to a legal piece of business, lost the parts The Again I want to compliment you on the The last time I was in Springfield in 1973
last I heard the engine was in Florida There is museum which is absolutely spotless. the name Granville Brothers was still legible
a picture of my puddle jumper on page 23 of Keep up the good work! on the old hangar
the EAA reprint of the 1932 Modern Mechanic's Sincerely yours. The rest of the airport is now a shopping
Flying Manual This picture was taken during George Holey center and only those fond memories remain.
May of 1949 on the old Springfield Airport. Deputy Commissioner Sincerely,
If information I received from several sources State of Minnesota Ray B Smith EAA 91112
years ago is correct, there were 4 of us who Department of Aeronautics 1265 So Maple 305
flew home made airplanes with Federal Licenses St Paul. Minn 55107 Ann Arbor. Mich, 48103
in 1947 I was the first. George Bogardus of
Dear Paul: Dear Paul:
Troutdale. Oregon was second, and inciden-
Enclosed is my donation towards "Project In the March issue of SPORT AVIATION you
tally, it was entirely due to George's efforts
Crossroads." If your financial goal is not met published a letter from a fellow in South Africa
that CAA was persuaded to make the historical
please feel free to solicit an additional donation who was seeking Luscombe parts. I have
rules change which started all this. Arthur
from myself I would be more than happy to answered that letter and given him three pos-
Becker of Brockton. New York was the third
donate again if the need so desires. sible sources for the parts I also volunteered
and Ernie Fillinger of Lancaster. California,
Being temporarily assigned to Saudi Arabia any other help that might be needed on this
fourth Becker and Fillinger are both deceased
inhibits my abilities to actively work with end.
Bogardus's airplane is a wire braced low
EAA, however. Sport Aviation. Sport Aerobatics I am the "Parts File" of the Luscombe Asso-
wing, single place with 65 Cont. Becker's was
and Trade-A-Plane are all great substitutes. ciation. I try to maintain a file on used parts
a 40 Cont. parasol and Fillinger's was a Prest
Wishing yourself and EAA all the best. owned by individuals which are for sale Any
Baby Pursuit, parasol, with a 3 cyl Lawrence
I still hope that sometime I will make it to Sincerely yours one in need of parts can write me for a quick
the Convention Stan Price. Capt USAF reply usually quick anyway and know if
Sincerely. PSO Box 42 we have any of the needed parts on file.
Russ Stewart EAA 2924 APO New York 09616 The Luscombe Association has no real func-
370 S 42nd St. tion except that we do have a fly-in each year
Springfield, Ore 97477 Dear Mr. Poberezny: in June at Blakesburg. Iowa. June 21 and 22
It was a privilege for me to attend the recent this year. We usually have a weekend of very
Dear Paul: coordinating program between flying personnel poor and wet weather We are hoping to have
Thank you for your personal letter regarding and the Federal Aviation Administration better luck this year. In any case the people
"Project Crossroads With your leadership. I representatives It is gratifying to feel that at Antique Airfield could not treat us better
feel confident that my donation will be wisely general aviation does have the opportunity to than they do and we always have a good time
and efficiently used on my favonte air museum have a voice in formulating future FARS there If you care to attend please feel free
the EAA Museum Certainly the EAA is fulfilling a great need in to do so. We usually get about 25 Luscombes
It may also interest you to know that I have sponsoring this report, not only with the sole in attendance even with the bad weather
willed everything in my estate that has to do interest of EAA members alone, but for all Also feel free to give out my name and
with aviation to the EAA Air Museum Founda- areas of general aviation to be heard It has address in answer to any inquiries about Lus-
tion long been my contention that those claiming combe parts or other information We also
It was a privilege to be able to participate to represent general aviation have only given publish a newsletter a couple times a year
in such a fine program. their opinion of what general aviation is think- on no regular schedule and we have a $3.00
Sincerely, ing and what will supply his needs without year membership fee which we try to collect.
Bill Stern actually giving him/her the opportunity to Thank you. Richard Lawrence
9490 S.W 1116 St. speak out as individuals. Keep up the good 1787 Russell
Miami. Fla. 33176 work! Lincoln Park. Mich. 48146
This month's back cover painting is by artist Ralph B. Bob Ladd of the EAA Air Museum staff is in charge
Steele (EAA 66037), 5514 Spring Park Drive, Evansville, of the volunteer work program that has been so instru-
Indiana 47711. A number tf his beautiful works grace mental in preparing museum displays in past years.
the walls of the EAA Air Museum, including the Waco During March just over 100 hours of volunteer work was
UPF-7 featured here. The original is a 32" x 24" painting accomplished by Dave Nelson of Racine, Wisconsin; Bob
done in acrylics. Ladd, Milwaukee; Cliff Gould, Milwaukee; Bob Smith,
Ralph sets the scene for his painting thusly: "It's late Franklin, Wisconsin; Jim Stulac, Racine, Wisconsin;
winter, the Waco has reposed alone and inert in its han- Dario Brisighella, Oak Creek, Wisconsin; Chuck Scheff-
gar since the first cold weekends last fall. Rolled from ner, New Berlin, Wisconsin; Ken Lane of Elm Grove,
the dark winter den into the late winter sun, its pilot Wisconsin and Tom Ruplin of Milwaukee. This volunteer
couldn't refuse a local hop even in the chill of a waning program is a two-way street - the volunteer has the oppor-
winter's day. The rolling hills of Southern Indiana echo tunity to learn, free of charge, aircraft construction skills
to the staccato bark of the Continental as the graceful under the one-to-one tutelage of experienced museum
UPF-7 pulls into circling flight over a landmark of another personnel, and the museum benefits from their efforts.
bygone era. Snow is still on the land, but the sight and Far more work is turned out each month than could ever
sound of an open cockpit biplane moving across the be accomplished by the museum's small full-time staff.
cold blue sky is an early harbinger that the long winter Anyone wishing to participate in the program should
is ending and summer flying is soon to follow. contact: Bob Ladd, EAA Air Museum, telephone 414-
The beauty and functionalism of the biplane is 425-4860.
captured here in one of the fine examples from the golden
age of general aviation, the Waco UPF-7. The symmetry JOINT EAA-AIAA EXPERIMENTAL
of the uplifted wing and curve of meandering stream AIRCRAFT SYMPOSIUM
counter-point each element to communicate the slow,
easy flight of the graceful Waco." The State of Washington Chapters of the Experimental
Aircraft Association, Inc. and the Pacific Northwest
Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and
"GREATS OF AVIATION DAY" AT OSHKOSH '75 Astronautics are sponsoring an experimental aircraft
symposium in Seattle, Washington June 28. The sym-
Something new will be added as a part of the program posium will bring aircraft designers and builders
for this year's EAA Fly-In Convention in Oshkosh, Wis- together to exchange ideas, experience, and technology.
consin a "Greats of Aviation Day." It will be held on Twenty papers will be presented in parallel and joint
Thursday, July 31, with approximately 40 of the people sessions. Subjects will vary from high technology air
who contributed to the development of aviation in the foil sections, to new homebuilt aircraft, to innovative
days prior to World War II in attendance. new design concepts and to restoration of antique air-
The complete list of attendees has not been firmed up craft. Such well known experimental aircraft personalities
as of this writing but will include famous pilots, designers, as Jim Bede, Pete Bowers, Burt Rutan and Molt Taylor
mechanics, publishers, and others who helped to make will present papers in person or be represented. In addi-
aviation great in its adolescent years. We will publish tion to technical paper presentations, a concurrent series
a complete list of the attendees in an upcoming issue of of flight films will be shown and a static display of
SPORT AVIATION. experimental aircraft will be tied down adjacent to the
As a part of the program, a forum will be held in auditorium on Boeing Field.
Forums Pavilion 1 from 12:30 to 2:15 that day in addition Pre-registration is requested to assist in symposium
to a special evening program that night devoted to these planning. Pre-registration information and further
famous individuals. symposium details can be obtained by requesting a
It's something you sure won't want to miss and will symposium brochure. Write to "Symposium", 120 Mt.
make Oshkosh '75 the greatest ever! Olympus Drive, S.W., Issaquah, Washington 98027. Pre-
registration is three dollars. An additional nine dollars
at registration bring all symposium privileges, including
CANADIAN EAA CONVENTION lunch and a copy of the proceedings. If pre-registration
The annual EAA of Canada Sport Aviation Convention is not accomplished, the total symposium fee is fifteen
will be held at Orillia, Ontario on Saturday and Sunday, dollars.
July 18 and 19, 1975. For further details contact EAAC Proceedings income will be donated to the EAA Air
Headquarters, 16 Acre Heights Cr., Scarborough, Ontario, Museum Foundation and the Pacific Northwest Aviation
Canada M1H 2N9. Historical Foundation.
6 MAY 1975
BUTTERFIELD RESIGNATION The FCC recommends that purchasers of airborne
As widely predicted, Alexander Butterfield resigned receivers make sure that the set has been designed in
as FAA Administrator on March 31, 1975. Although he accordance with Radio Technical Commission for Aero-
reluctantly but indelibly carved his niche in history as nautics' paper DO-157 which contains recommendations
the man who revealed the existence of the Nixon tapes, concerning receiver rejection of unwanted signals.
Alexander Butterfield was also, from the EAA standpoint,
a good Administrator. During his short tenure with FAA, NEW CHART PRICES
he led delegations to the 1973 and 1974 EAA Conven- The Government Printing Office and the National
tions at Oshkosh and came to Hales Corners on several Ocean Survey have just announced that Sectional charts
occasions to participate in Listening Sessions and sport and WACs will be increased in price from the present
aviation related conferences. Further, he made it a top $1.15 to $1.85. TCAs go from $1.00 to $1.85 and the
level policy to invite EAA participation in FAA meetings Wall Planning Chart goes from $2.30 to $4.00. Looks
and conferences in Washington and other points across like the government is trying its best to get out of the
the nation on an equal basis with other users of the business, eh?
country's airspace. He made himself totally acessible to
the EAA leadership at any time a problem arose that CAMPER RENTALS
needed immediate top level attention. The Appleton Area Chamber of Commerce has pro-
All this . . . despite the fact that by his own admission, vided EAA Headquarters with a list of addresses of firms
Mr. Butterfield knew virtually nothing of sport/general in the Oshkosh/Appleton/Neenah area from which EAA
aviation when he assumed office. In retrospect, it is Convention goers can rent campers during Oshkosh '75.
difficult to imagine an administrator making a more They are: A to Z Rental Center, 301 Main St., Neenah,
determined effort to understand the problems of those Wis. 54956, 414/722-6141. Pete's Camping Center, 810
diverse factions of the aviation world he tried to serve. Ducharme St., Kaukauna, Wis. 54130, 414/766-3123.
Everyone in aviation and, we suspect, the majority of Quinnette's In Morrison, Rt. 2, Greenleaf, Wis. 54126,
the general public realize that Alex Butterfield has re- 414/864-2412. Rolling Wheels, Inc., 2340 North Lake St.,
signed his post due to the exigencies of the political Neenah, Wis. 54956 (Motor Homes Only), 414/739-4339.
situation that have existed in Washington for the past
few years . . . and the nation is worse off for it.
EAA Headquarters will, of course, attempt to estab- SWEEPSTAKES PRIZE ADDITION
lish the same level of cooperation with whomever is Tom Poberezny, EAA Executive Vice President, has
named as the new Adminstrator. Meanwhile, we wish been informed by the Pennzoil Company that five cases
Alexander Butterfield the very best in his future endeavors. of oil are being donated to add to the prizes to be awarded
in the EAA Air Museum Sweepstakes (see March SPORT
AVIATION for Sweepstakes details).
Allan Landolt was sworn in as Assistant Administrator CLASSIC PRE-REGISTRATION
for General Aviation on Wednesday, March 26. This is As in past years, notice is hereby given of the need
a popular appointment as Mr. Landolt has wide support in
for pre-registration of Classic aircraft in order to park
the general aviation community. He comes to Washington
from the Illinois Department of Aeronautics of which in the Antique-Classic display area. EAA defines Classic
he was the Director. aircraft as factory-built aircraft of any nation constructed
not less than 20 and not more than 30 years ago. Pre-
registration is necessary due to the large number of
ATLANTA TCA EXPANSION aircraft in this age category.
To pre-register your Classic, write Gar W. Williams,
The FAA has adopted new boundaries for the Terminal Jr., 9 S. 135 Aero Dr., Rt. 1, Naperville, 111. 60540,
Control Area at Atlanta. These changes are important giving him your complete mailing address, airplane type
because they very well may forecast future modifications and N-number. Include a stamped, self-addressed enve-
of all other TCAs. The Atlanta TCA has had another lope with your request. Due to the limited space available,
circular layer of airspace added to the top of the existing owners of "show" quality aircraft ONLY are requested
"wedding cake." It comprises a circular section 35 miles to pre-register for Classic parking.
in radius and extends upward from 8,000 to 12,500 ft. Owners of Antique and Classic aircraft are advised
MSL. This new circular section, known as Area E, sits that a new EAA campground is being constructed just
on top of the old TCA which had a radius of 20 miles west of the Antique-Classic parking area at Oshkosh
and extended up to 8,000 ft. The new configuration just across the street, in fact and a new access road
will be tested for a year and if proven successful, no doubt and gate connecting the two areas will be provided.
will be adopted for all other TCA's to give positive control Therefore, no camping will be allowed in the aircraft
for all jets operating from the surface of major terminals p a r k i n g / d i s p l a y areas. Owners have the option of
to cruising altitudes. camping across the street in the new campground or
parking their aircraft in the aircraft camping area on
the north side of the field. Valid criticism from show
INTERMODULATION PRODUCTS aircraft owners has prompted this move cited are
The Federal Communication Commission has a notice instances of campfires under airplane wings, use of gaso-
in the Federal Register this week calling attention to line lanterns, etc, that could result in the loss of
interference in air/ground VHF communications caused valuable aircraft and, possibly, lives.
by intermodulation products. These are spurious signals
picked up by VHF receivers that can be caused by two
powerful FM and/or AM stations that create intermodula- NEW FAA CONTROL TOWER
tion products in certain geographical areas, radiating
signals produced by two dissimilar metals touching each The latest control tower to be commissioned by FAA
other and design characteristics of certain solid state is located at Lebanon, New Hampshire . . . population
aircraft receivers. 9,725.
AVIEN AVGAS GUIDE is a classic example of governmental meddling in the
A series of pocketsize booklets is now available listing economy creating more problems than it solves. By
almost all U.S. airports (alphabetically, by states) with singling out boating, snowmobiling and non-commercial
the availability and price of 80 and 100 octane aviation flying for ruinous taxation, H.R. 5005 runs completely
gasoline. A notation is also made to indicate if a counter to one of the most significant trends in today's
restaurant is located on the airport and restaurants economy . . . the rising importance of recreation as an
located within 14 mile, or if a courtesy car is available. industry.
Called Avien's Avgas Guide, the booklets are printed in It comes as a shock to most Americans to learn that,
three editions, Central, Eastern and Western. Each is according to U.S. Interior Department figures, in 1974
published four times a year. Subscription rates are $10.00 we spent more money on recreation than on national
per year for one edition, $15.00 for two editions and defense expenditures . . . $105 billion, in fact. This is
$20.00 for all three. Write Avien Co., P.O. Box 12088, more than the total income of the nation's farmers or
Wichita, Kansas 67212. the profits of the nation's corporations.
It surprises citizens to learn that some 4 million U.S.
THE WASHINGTON SCENE jobs are now recreation based . . . that's an estimated
Hearings are being held in Washington on the re- 1 in every 20 jobs. And the trend is growing. About 40
newal of the Airport Development Aid Program (ADAP) million Americans receive three week vacations and the
which expires June 30, 1975. The Ford Administration four day work week is proliferating. There's nothing
initially made it known that it would propose to Congress unexpected in all this, however. Economists and political
the renewal of ADAP with certain additions such as $5 scientists have been predicting for decades that the
and $10 "departure fees" at airports with FAA towers U.S. would eventually move to an economy based more
and offering radar service, plus the use of trust fund on service industries and less on arms production and
monies for day to day operation of the FAA. This created heavy industry. In simple terms, what we are seeing, in
an instant furor, however, causing the Administration part, is a flooding of the work force by persons employed
to back off somewhat, dropping the "departure" fees in in the space-related industry in its glory days in the 60s
favor of raising the present 7c per gallon federal aviation and a winding down of the nation's war machinery as
gasoline tax to 15c. a result of our pull out in Indo-China. Where will these
In early April the House Public Works and Transpor- people work? Certainly not in the auto plants or the
tation Committee Subcommittee on Aviation held hearings homebuilding trades. Most will have to be absorbed into
on ADAP renewal. David Scott testifed in behalf of EAA, new and growing industries . . . such as recreation.
pointing out that present and proposed new taxes are It becomes painfully obvious that Representative Ull-
inequitable because they make "no distinction . . . between man's bill would be a devastating blow to the economy
aircraft that are used for recreational purposes and that in general by virtue of its crushing effect on the recrea-
do not use the (airway) system from aircraft that are tion industry. Sport aviation is a part of the nation's
used for business and commercial purposes and therefore recreation a very small part but would suffer along
generate income for their owners and operators." with everyone else.
David will also testify before the Senate Committee We are not saying, of course, that fuel conservation
on Commerce when ADAP is up for discussion there. He should be ignored, but, rather, that we think Rep. Ull-
was most cordially received by the House Committee man's tax schedule is too extreme. It makes little sense
members and was asked a number of questions that to conserve energy on one hand while in doing so creating
showed interest in and knowledge of EAA and sport further economic chaos in other areas. A more moderate
aviation activities. One of the questions concerned path to achieving conservation of gasoline is necessary
contributions to aviation made by the hombuilding one that treats all users equitably and threatens the very
movement. David cited the Wittman landing gears, the existence of none.
conversion of automobile engines for aircraft use and Recreation may be a luxury . . . but it is one the U.S.
Burt Rutan's work in developing a stall/spin-proof economy can no longer afford to do without.
airplane. As usual, get out those pens and write your Senators
Action on ADAP is expected before the June 30 and Congressmen asking that they oppose the provisions
deadline. of H.R. 5005 that would tax motorized recreation out
On another front, Representative Al U l l m a n of of existence. The addresses are:
Oregon, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Com- For Senators: Honorable (Senator's Name)
mittee, has introduced a bill entitled the "Energy Senate Office Building
Conservation and Conversion Act of 1975 (H.R. 5005)." Washington, D.C. 20510
This is a far-ranging energy conservation plan for the For Representatives: Honorable (Rep.'s Name)
nation that, among other things, would attempt to restrict House Office Building
the use of gasoline by all non-commercial users in Washington, D.C. 20515
automobiles, boats, snowmobiles and airplanes. Any And while you are at it, talk to your neighbors and
other use of gasoline obtained at a gasoline station (for friends who operate boats, snowmobiles, motorcycles, etc.
motorcycles, lawn mowers, garden tractors, chain saws, this will effect them every bit as much as it will us.
etc.) would come under the rules imposed on "auto- Ten to one they have never heard of H.R. 5005.
motive" fuel use.
U l l m a n proposes an energy tax according to the
From 1-1-76 through 3-31-77 7c per gallon Dr. Marion Wagnon, EAA 816, is requesting his fellow
From 4-1-77 through 3-31-78 15c per gallon physicians attending the 1975 EAA Fly-In at Oshkosh,
From 4-1-78 through 3-31-79 22c per gallon Wis. to register with him for emergency service on any
From 4-1-79 through 3-31-80 30c per gallon of the days July 29 through August 4.
After 3-31-80 37c per gallon A schedule will be prepared to afford the doctor
Further, a 20^ tax on new general aviation aircraft as much freedom as possible, probably being on call
and accessories is included in the bill. only a half day during the entire Fly-In. He will be pro-
EAA Headquarters believes that this bill, while a well- vided with a telephone pager and a golf cart to provide
meant attempt to conserve our nation's energy resources, mobility.
8 MAY 1975
It is not the intention to provide a "free clinic" but
rather emergency care for the thousands of members
and guests attending.
Doctors available for this service should contact
Dr. M. C. Wagnon, 4335 SE 15, Del City, Oklahoma
73115. Complete details will be sent.

When you move to a new residence, please write EAA
as soon as you know your new mailing address so as to
avoid missing an issue of SPORT AVIATION. Keep in
mind that SPORT AVIATION is NOT forwardable. (Photo by Molt Taylor)
When you notify EAA of your change of address, Molt Taylor's Limbach VW powered Mini-IMF.
please include your EAA number as this will greatly
speed up the processing of your records. Some members
seem to have the impression that if they notify their
local post office of their change of address, the post
office, in turn, somehow contacts all mailers. It doesn't
work that way . . . honest! You must write each and
every person, magazine, company, etc. you correspond
with or have subscriptions with INDIVIDUALLY in-
forming them of your change of address.


The past week has brought all sorts of reports of new
homebuilts making their initial flights. Items:
Molt Taylor's Mini-IMF flew for the first time on
March 27 and was so successful that over 20 flights were
made that day! Molt was ecstatic over the plane's (Photo Courtesy Emmett Tally III)
handling. He says the inverted V tail works perfectly The Tally-Birdman TL-1.
and his new NASA air foil is a real wonder. We will have
the full story with lots of pictures next month. with Dynel and epoxy on the other. Nevertheless, Wicks
Jerry Kibler (EAA 70640) of Los Angeles has built a is contacting all their past customers advising them of the
stretched BD-5 powered by a Honda Civic auto engine. contents of Appendix B and asking that builders coat the
The first flight was on April 14. More details next month. inside of their turtle decks with epoxy. Further, Wicks is,
Skyjacker II (see February 1975 SPORT AVIATION, effective immediately, changing their polyurethane
page 28), Ralph Sawyer's all wing, low aspect ratio foam inventory over from the common green insulation
design flew on March 15, 1975 at Mojave, California. foam to a brown flame retardant foam. This brown foam
Control response was excellent in all axes so a 200 has a kindling temperature of 1150 degrees as opposed to
Lycoming and a constant speed prop are being installed 600 degrees for the green foam.
to replace the Lycoming GPU used in initial tests. Pictures Wicks Organ officials are to be commended for this
and details to follow. action.
In Florida, Emmett Tally III (EAA 58965) of Daytona
Beach is flying a super ultra light design called the
Tally-Birdman TL-1 that weighs just 100 pounds. It is
powered by a 15 horsepower engine and has a 30 foot OPPORTUNITY FOR IMMORTALITY
wingspan. Emmett has promised us a story for SPORT . . . well, maybe not for immortality but for the life of
AVIATION. the recipient of the benefits of a donation. No greater
appreciation could any person have than to find a comfort
station when nature is trying its best to embarrass him.
Remember standing in line at the little buildings made
popular by Humorist Chic Sales? When EAA got the
PLASTIC FOAM BULLETIN proposal for the rental and servicing of these units for
the 1975 Oshkosh, Wis. Fly-In all humor was gone
Wicks Organ Company of Highland, Illinois has $35,000.00!
contacted EAA Headquarters with the news that they After considerable discussion of this delicate subject,
have received information from the Society of Plastics Ray Stits, a trustee of the EAA Air Museum Foundation,
Engineers, Inc., 656 W. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, Conn. suggested that an opportunity be given to interested
06830 that affects builders of aircraft that incorporate people to purchase a unit at the cost of $240 for a brand
rigid plastic foam in their structure. The Society's new one. The donor will have his or her name inscribed
Appendix B warns that a fire hazard exists with the use for posterity on the door of the building.
of some fully exposed foams. Their recommendation is His suggestion was immediately taken up by members
that all exposed surfaces be coated with a layer of epoxy of the board and since the meeting 24 units have been
resin. purchased by board members and other dedicated EAA
Wicks Organ officials say that in the case of the members. A check in the above amount made out
KR-1 and KR-2, the only exposed area of foam is the to the EAA Air Museum Foundation is tax deductible.
underside of the turtle deck. The remainder of the foam Steve Wittman said, "Now I have an airport and a
on the aircraft is glued to wood on one side and is sealed building named after me!"
^^^H Alois M. Stech Steve Steinmetz John S. Schifferer
Friend, NE Rockford. IL Escondido, CA
PROJECT -tfBpqb CROSSROADS ^^1 Tammy Doane Thomas Stenmo Arthur R. Sessi
f^^jm^U'- ' ^ .^^^^^^^^^. ~"^B ^^H Avon Park, FL Hatton, ND Waltham, MA
James E. feeny Robert P. Stephens Egon Sorensen
Corapolis, PA Glencoe, IL Clinton, CT
Project Crossroads has now reached a total of Sanders V. Hudson, Jr. D. K. Stevens William Southwick
$101,483.75. Following is a list, in order of receipt, of Black Mountain, NC St. Joseph, MO Shelter Island Heights, NY
donors whose gifts were received between February 20 Roger M. Jarmon David L Strand Philip M. Stephenson
Peoria, IL Madison, Wl Winter Park, FL
and March 23, 1975. Donationsreceived prior to this David H. larson Owen Bigham Harold R. Stevenson
period were listed in earlier issues of SPORT AVIATION. Portland, Or Yorktown, IN Sea Cliff, NY
Clyde L. Marrinan, Jr. Charles R. Pederson William A. Still
Sandy, UT Austin, MN Chattanooga, TN
Joel K. Caulton Gerald H. Hamer Wilbur Smith Robert A. Metzgar Don Stits
West Trenton, NJ Peru, IL Bloomington, IL San Jose, CA Dale C. Sizer Riverside, CA
Ethel M. Dzik George L. Parsons Roger Davenport Stanley R. wroddick Minneapolis, MN Charles E. Swain
Milwaukee, Wl Sheridan, WY Hubertus, Wl Burbank, CA Charles S. Smith Beaver Dam, Wl
Ron Nickerson James E. Reeder, Jr. Donald D. Mott Maurice A. Scheirer Rockmart, GA Airtex Products
Omaha, NE Sioux City, IA Las Vegas, NV Allentown, PA Raymond A. Smith A. T. Street
J. L. Rheaume J. E. Riley John R. McGuire Russell M. Schuetze Milwaukee, Wl Fallsington, PA
Montreal, Quebec Comox, B.C. Reno, NV Waukesha, Wl Claude 0. Specht Donald B. Eide
CANADA CANADA James B. Narrin Jerry Schweitzer Woodruff, Wl Shakopee, MN
Sterling Roberton David R. Rogers Grand Blanc, Ml Bedford, IA P. H. Spencer Roger 0. Pierson
Ft. Luptun, CO Key Largo, FL Frank L Reed, Jr. Nick 0. Seraphinoff Sun Valley, CA Minneapolis, MN
Joe Rogers Joseph J. Ross No. Wilbraham, MA Warren, Ml Edgar A. Spruce, Jr. Joseph Radoci
Rogersville, TN Mt. Prospect, IL Robert E. Schopp John Shykula Nome, AK Baltimore, MD
David C. Sager Michael J. Rush Rochester, MN Calgary, Alberta L H. Stamp Harold J. Schwend
Thousand Oaks, CA Hampton, NH Keith Smith CANADA Moline. IL Overland Park, KS
Greg Schoenherr Robert P. Ryan Anchorage, AK Don Simmons Richard Stark Richard F. Stiles
Oak Park, Ml Dayton, OH Lester H. Smith, Jr. St. John's, Newfoundland Seattle, WA Morrisville, VT
Don W. Shackelford Artur W. Schmeling Nashville, TN CANADA John B. Steele William H. Stokes
Marlow, OK Sylmar, CA Walter C. Sorensen, Jr. Don P. Simons Merrillville, IN Midland, Ml
W. A. Shelton W. G. Schneider Bellevue, WA Youngstown, OH Bill Stern Richard L Stone
Gardena, CA Hulmeville, PA Howard Stacey Robert D. Small Miami, FL Upper Montclair, NJ
Fred N. Schroyer Charles M. Schwertz Racine, Wl Sunnyvale, CA Bob Stolte E. 0. Street, Jr.
Statesboro, GA San Antonio, TX James 0. Farrow George S. Smith Mt. Shasta. CA Sylmar, CA
Edward Simmons John R. Scoville Millersville, MD Dayton, OH EAA CHAPTER 27 Michael J. Strok
Wayne, NJ Rochester, NY James Green James J. Southern Milford, CT Edgewater, MD
Richard L Smart John C. Seeland Brodhead, Wl Beaumont, TX Donald McGough William G. Stromblad
Harper Woods, Ml Placentia, CA James A. Hoak In Memory of: Downers Grove, IL Oak Harbor, WA
Albert H. Smith, Jr. Alien R. Semb Stockbridge, GA Francis A. Spisak Robert B. Peebler Thomas L Strong
Waukegan, IL Fairfax. VA Leo A. Kuehl Warren, OH Portland, OR Gettysburg, PA
Richard C. Welch Loyal M. Siegel Clarkfield, MN David Springman Robert B. Pittelkow Ed Sunila
Grand Prairie, TX Green Bay, Wl Albert E. Meader Tomah, Wl Coral Springs, FL Brooklyn, NY
Paul DiMascio Fred G. Sindlinger Palos Verdes Estates, CA H. J. Staal George Richter Bernard J. Surette
Boyertown, PA Puyallup, WA Norm Park Grane Rapids, Ml Kensington, CT Damacus, MD
Paul E. Josif Gerald Skelding Juneau, AK Olin C. Stanfield Robert J. Rickard Neal R. Sutherland
Akron, OH Milwaukee, Wl Donald Rice, Jr. Omaha, NE Linden, wwl Birmingttiam, Ml
Erbing H. Mahoney Dwight Skelton Madelia, MN Nick Stanich J. B. Sabal Bret J. Sutton
Seattle, WA Watsonville, CA William A. Riddell Brunswick, OH Pittsburgh, PA Albion, Ml
Davis Meltzer C. G. Smith Pensacola, FL Glynn L. Stanley Maurice G. Scheider Robert C. Swenson
Royersford, PA Neches, TX Don Rietzke Chucota, FL Bel Air, MD Alexandria, MN
A. W. Pannell James U. Smith, Jr. Aitkin. MN Leo F. Stoll Milo Schindler Nobu Tanabe
Guthrie, OK Louisville, KY Charles Schumacher Cudahy, WIQ Rapid City, SD Burnsville, MN
Larry V. Rider Lewis A. Smith Wayzata, MN Norbert T. Okoniewski Terrel L. Stern Maurice Tannehill
Colorado Springs, CO Stockton, CA George D. Shaver Utica, Ml Staples, MN New York, NY
John R. Riemer Wallace K. Snead Glenarm, MD John Pennington Lynn Stevenson Kenneth Tanner
Plantation, FL Sterling, IL William F. Simpson Weiser, ID Rockford, IL Port Byron, NY
Santiago F. Rodriguez Philip A. Spade AL Josephine Richardson Lawrence W. Stewart William H. Tarbox
Santa Ana, CA Gwinn, Ml Truman Smith Decatur, IN Alburquerque, NM Clarendon Hills, IL
Daniel L. Rush A. Stark Wolkoff Ponca City, OK John R. Roberts Keith A. Storm EAA CHAPTER 30
Stevensville, MD Shawnee Mission, KS Stanton Hobby Shop, Inc. Littleton, CO Springfield, Ml Watertown. Wl
Edward Saylor Ray Koogler Chicago, IL Thomas J. Roch D. Kirk Stretton P. Richard Coughlin
Polk, NE Lyndhurst, OH Stew Lyon Addison, IL Galesburg, Ml Syracuse, NY
Ken Schinzing D. W. Richards Atlanta, GA Richard A. Rogers Lynn E. Strub Frank P. Morgan
Naperville, IL Little Rock, AR Kent J. Mickelson Dayton. OH Mayville, Wl Whitesburg, GA
Warren Schuhknecht Emil Rozdeba Ogden, UT Raymond T. Rose Eugene J. Strzyzewski Walter Richardson
Benton Harbor, Ml Wynyard, Sask. M. D. McCoy Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Milwaukee. Wl Bellaire, TX
B. J. Schultz CANADA Columbus, OH Walt Russell Charles Stuart I. W. Sauer
Glenolden, PA R. E. Schenck Franklin Rush BOONE, CO Goodells, Ml Santa Ana, CA
Edward Seversen Portland, IN Lancaster, CA Rob Scogin Roy K. Stuart Harry J. Scholey
Scandinavia, Wl Lawrence Schuessler John Senko College Park, GA Angola, IN Scarboro, Ontario
Robert J. Shaw Milwaukee, Wl Lomita, CA Walter Seely Vernon Sudbeck CANADA
Peachtree City, GA Francis R. Schwartz Stanley E. Shulman Tigaro, OR Hartington, NE Walter R. Sereth
Eugene Shenly San Francisco, CA Suffern, NY Robert L Severson Louis Sullenberger Los Angles, CA
Columbia, SC Bill Shepherd Raymond Shutts Elk Grove Village, IL DeLand, FL John G. Shipman
Roger R. Sindt New Orleans, LA Bartonville, IL Lee Sewell Arthur J. Bujnowski Duncan, OK
Rochester. MN Jimmie J. Shewmaker Joseph F. Sikora Rapford, NC Huntington, NY George Slomian
Charles J. Slottje Bedford, TX Antigo, Wl wtom Sibbald Oren & June Cooley Rockford, IL
Rantoul, IL Dent C. Shoup William J. Singletary Pacific Grove, CA Amarillo, TX Lawrence Snow
A. G. Smart Emlenton, PA Blacksburg, VA James Skinner Edwin H. Daniels Boylston, MA
Espanola, NM Marvin L Simpson, Jr. P. S. Skidmore Grand Ridge, IL Darien, Wl Ernest W. Snyder
Dick Smart Chester, VA Stockbridge, GA Donald E. Smith Michael Morabito Las Vegas, NV
Verden, OK Michael Slutzky Bernard L. Smith Huntsville, AL Morristown, PA Lester C. Speck
Robert F. Smith Hunter, NY Lansing, Ml Robert B. Smith Alien L. Miller Comanche, TX
Woodland, IL Ebward E. Smith Ronald E. Sorenson Balboa Island, CA El Paso, TX Robert K. Stahlberger
Louis W. Burke Jackson, MS Scottsdale, AZ Johann Sonner Don Parks Tenafly, NJ
R. Pleasant, NJ 1. F. Smith John H. Spencer Chapel Hill, NC Houston, TX Donald M. Stone
EAA CHAPTER 30 West Chicago, IL Oakland, MD Robert W. Stahl Larry Remillard Los Angeles, CA
Phoenix, AZ L 0. Smith Gordon Springborg Ft. Wayne. IN Shell Lake, Wl Robert Straight
John M. Estevez Arlington. Heights, IL Lansing, Ml E. F. Stanlev Raymon Ross, Jr. Anchorage, AK
White Plains, MD Stanley K. Smith Jack Springer Lisle, IL Birmingham, AL William Strand
James H. Hall Reading, PA Sandusky, OH Bill Statler James P. Rybarczyk Chicago, IL
Rockford. IL Robert E. Stanton Northridge, CA Lansing, IL Peter Taber
Westland, Ml Revere, MA
10 MAY 1975
Dennis M. Tack Ryan B. Seals Jeanne B. Piper Harold Penwell Hank K. Shaw EAA CHAPTER 178
Tustm, CA Ocean Springs. MS Ft. Myers, FL Hermosa Beach. CA Santa Barbara. CA Hopkins. MN
P. A. Taipale David W. Shoup Al Richardson Henry S. Proescher, Jr. James Soltis Arthur H. Griffiths
Bellevue, WA Caseville. Ml Gales Ferry, CT Norfolk, VA Seattle. WA Annandale. VA
Steve Takas Lawrence D. Smith Richard W. Schmid! J. D. Roeder Donald Steever Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Hager
San Antonio, TX Fountain Valley. CA Appleton, Wl Congress. AZ Millville. NJ Bennmgton, VT
Charles V. Taylor Robert Sodman. Jr. John B. Schncker Robert L Scott Dick Strong Roy McDaniel
Pamona, CA Lansmg. Ml Prior Lake. MN Saddle River. NJ Sunnyvale. CA Polo. IL
Joe D. Taylor James Strickland Noton F. Smithson Aubrey Shelton J. F. Sundermeyer Daniel W. Scott
Oak Forest. IL Arlington, TX Virginia Beach. VA Columbia. TN Toledo. OH South Bend. IN
Francis J. Tebo James M. Sullivan Douglas Spears Ronald D. Snell H. C. "Red" Thorman Wm. M. Slater
Argonne, IL Gallbrook, CA Vero Beach. FL Fairfax. IA Piano. TX Wilmington, DE
Donald H Teske Paul Switzer Phineas Sprague Jim Stanton Robert L Trinque Robert W. Tannenhill
Manitowoc, Wl Diablo, CA Proutx Neck. ME Canastota, NY Duxbury. MA Fountain Valley, CA
Ernest J. White Edward P. Szurek Robert N. Strong George W. Strotlter H. C. True James D. Thomas
No. Dartmouth, MA Minneapolis. MN Arlington, TX Churchton. MD Cincinnati. OH Cleveland Heights, OH
Al Mam James H. Thomas Leslie Swanson Donald A. Swan. Jr. Joseph J. Vilcek Stanley D. Thomas
Sioux Falls, SD Edmonds. WA Dunlap, II San Leandra. CA Chicago. IL San Antonio, TX
C. M. Phillips Charles C. Thompson Richard Swenson Wm. M. Sweeney E. J. Sampson Benjamin W. Tompkms
Corona, CA Ft. Devens, MA Milwaukee. Wl Halifax. MA Concord. MA Greenfield. IN
Carl Ritter Errol Thompson John D. Taylor Fred J. Thompson Ralf D. Schaaf Byron E. Trent
Muscatme, IA Washington. DC Sunnyvate. CA APO San Francisco. CA Tacoma, WA So. Dayton, R
Bob N. Scholl James D. Thompson R. J. Teliczan, Sr. Gary K. Thompson J. A. Shields Oscar Turja
Lane, KS Browns Mills. NJ Mascoutah, IL Chattaroy, WV Jackson, NJ Lively. Ontario
M. E. Simpson Barrett Tillman A. J. Testa Richard B. Toepper John L Stored CANADA
Tempe, AZ Athena. OR Long Beach. CA Pt. Ludlow, WA Camp Hill, PA Morris L. Turner
Sidney J. Stiber Arthur E. Traub Edgar E. Thomas. Jr. John G. Toothman Edward Swearingen Felton, DE
Shelter Island, NV So. Elgin, IL San Diego. CA Kmgmont, WV Park Forest. IL V. A Ulen
Erwin E. Stockwell Craig W. Vetter B. K. Thompson Bob Trew Donald E. Swift Morristown, MN
Orange, MA Ranfoul. IL Cleveland, OH Garden Grove. CA Stafford Springs. CT Carl C. VanderLinden
Adam B. Strausner Ctiarles A. Christensen W. Duffy Thompson George E. Tucker Stanley Tonkin New Sarpy, LA
Middletown. MD Redford. TWP, Ml Lakeland, FL Lexmgton Park. MD Naperville. IL Kirk J. Vanderziel
Richard B. Strawn Bernard Kriesel Thomas Thomson Harold W. Tucker W. C. Tunderman Hanford. CA
Fruitland, ID Trempealeau, Wl Iron Mountain, Ml George AFB, CA Tampa. FL L Kent VanMeter
Ronald J. Stromberg Arnold W. Lathrop W. V. Thorm EAA CHAPTER 313 Jack A. VanPaepeghem St. Paul, MN
Woodland Hills, CA Fulton. NY West Bend, Wl Wakarusa. KS Meridan. ID Owen VanPietersom
Russ Swanson Ed Lugo John W. Thorp Gideon J. Hagood Donald R Voland Menomonee Falls, Wl
Cheney, WA Rio Piedieas Sun Valley. CA Newport News. VA Mequon. Wl Gary & Sarah Vostry
Edgar W. Symons PUERTO RICO Michael A. litre Charles R. Kimball H. V. Vulganott Canoga Park. CA
Sheridan. WY Donald E. Morton Arlington Heights. IL So. Charleston, OH Williams. IA Van Earl Waggoner
Bernard R. Sypmewski Denver. CO John C. Townsend Joseph Koneck Donald C. Wagner Dubuque. IA
West Palm Beach, FL Northwest Flyer, Inc. Enid, OK Chicora. PA Tulsa, OK Paul Wahl
Charles M. Tenney, Jr. Tacoma. WA Ernest L. Trent Donald N. Qualkinbush James R. Wagner Teaneck. NJ
Boston. MA Stanley M. Owen Somerset. PA Silver Spring, MD Foster City, CA Melvm R. Williams
Frank H. Theis Franklin Square, NY George Ulnckson J. E. Schmcker Tom C. Waldrop SINGAPORE
Milwaukee, Wl Wm. J. Peacock Ishpeming, Ml Mediapolis, IA Grapevine, TX
Duncan M. Toll Springfield. VA
Greenwich, CT
D. L. Freeman
Manassas. VA
Robert S. Kratzer
Allentown, PA
Sam ShimoveU
Bellbrook. OH
Joe Sonk
Southfield. Ml
Paul Sowles
Pleasantville, PA
Richard Spivey
Loris. SC
Leon Strock, Jr.
Columbia, SC
E. C. Tallman
Verona, NY
Louis H. Taulman
Needles, CA
Charles A. Taylor, Sr.
Grand Blanc, Ml
Richard C. Thorp
SJiamokin. PA
Charles W. Thompson
Bnstol, Wl
Thomas L. Thunnell
Minneapolis, MN
David S. Thurston
Libertyville, IL
Ed Too)
Madison, Wl
Wes Todd
Oconomowoc, Wl
Milton Tomaske
Lake Geneva. Wl
Larry Trexler
Ithaca. Ml
Louis A. Brown
Raytown, MO
Bill Mason
Mill Valley. CA
George Purifoy
Gibsoma, PA
James S. Ricklefs
San Carlos, CA
Russell A. Salton
Williamson, WV
Bruce H. Schroeder (Photo by Lee Fray)
Milwaukie, OR
Projects awaiting restoration.
Which way to Oshkosh?

A, .FTER SEEING THE front cover of SPORT AVIA-

The First TION featuring Gogi Gogillot's scale SE-5A, I knew what
my next and sixth homebuilt project would be an SE-5A
in four-fifths scale and realistic enough to tickle anyone's
fancy especially mine. I've long been a World War I nut.
Off went $50.00 (now $60.00) for a set of Gogillot's

Plans Built plans and I might mention that it is the best set of draw-
ings I've seen yet. They are very clear, very precise and
very easy to read. I started building the day after I re-
ceived the plans and one and one half years later was

Scale SE-5A ready (oh, yeah?) to fly. We wheeled her out to the
airport and then the problems started. Final engine
installation was the big problem along with brakes,
crossed magneto wires and rigging the wings. So many

Flies of the little problems that only a homebuilder can appre-

ciate. There is no way I can thank my many friends from
the area and our Chapter 54 in St. Paul for the help and
advice and the work that they so generously offered me
through the next six months in getting ready for the first
The weight and balance turned into a nightmare for
Jack Hickey, EAA 38234 me and Gus Limbach, who was to test fly the airplane,
596 Van Buren as we kept getting a rearward CG figure. The actual
St. Paul, Minn. 55103 weight check indicated we were 8" too far aft from the
indicated center of gravity point on the plans. Finally,
Gus and I called Gogi in Richmond, B.C., Canada. We
explained our predicament to Gogi and he said he would
check it out. Gogi called back the next day and said there
was a typing error in the manual. The manual said the
CG was 1%" ahead of the leading edge of the lower wing.
12 MAY 1975
He then said to look for a CG of about 10'/2 to 13" behind was taxiing her faster and faster and I was becoming
the leading edge. Gus still wasn't satisfied with this figure really nervous. My heart would jump as high as the
because in checking it out with the M.A.C., this seemed wheels as he bounced over the rough spots on the grass
to be a very rearward CG location. It calculated that with part of the airport and I was really getting a thrill out
a full load of fuel, our CG was about 28^ of the mean chord, of this airplane ready to be airborne. Gus taxied back
and with an empty tank, at 31'/2^ of the mean chord. and indicated he wanted to try a run down that runway
We apparently, however, were within the limits of the because he was having trouble getting the tail up in the
original two flying airplanes, so we did feel that since air, even with full forward stick, and he couldn't determine
those airplanes were able to fly safely in Vancouver and whether it was the mechanical weight of the wheels being
to Oshkosh and back that we should be able to fly my too far forward or whether it was the rearward center of
little airplane. gravity problem we had calculated. As he started down
Anyway, the day finally arrived when Bill Stewart the runway, the engine spluttered and was obviously not
of the Minneapolis GADO office, arrived and proceeded putting forth full power as it kept cutting out. All of a
to have me remove all the fairings, inspection plates and sudden, the airplane went steeply into the air for possibly
cowlings. He inspected the airplane like I've never seen 20 to 30 feet and it came down hard on the wheels
anyone inspect before with a few recommendations bounced once and settled in. We all started to run over
(18 of them). Although none were of a serious nature, to check and see what happened, however, Gus turned
they were time consuming and he finally issued a permit around and went back up the runway again to give it
for a test flight down the runway. You can bet your last another try. The next time, it came down the runway,
dime that Bill was satisfied and that made me feel better. very gently lifted a few feet into the air and settled back
Bill Stewart and the Minneapolis GADO office have my to the runway very nicely and I was the proudest man in
deepest respect for the work they do. After Gus and half the state of Minnesota. We ran up to Gus and seeing
the members of the St. Paul Chapter 54 (over 80% of that the wheels and axle had taken a new angle as a result
our Chapter have projects either completed or in the of the first very hard landing, we decided to stop the rest
works) gave the airplane a pre-flight and a final once-over, of the taxi tests until we could check it over more closely.
we took it out for taxi tests. The static run-up seemed to Gus was amazed to see the bent axle because the good
check all right, although the brakes seemed to be a little shock absorbing system did not indicate to him in the
shy. When Gus tried to see how the airplane would slow cockpit that landing had been that hard.
down from a good rolling speed, he pushed too hard on A similar situation arose at Oshkosh when a very
the left brake pedal and the motorcycle cable broke under experienced pilot dropped it in a little too hard and he had
his heavy foot. Taxi tests on the grass also indicated that to be told the next day that the axle had bent as a result.
under acceleration, the engine would tend to cut out. The I decided then, that as soon as I could, I was going to put
fuel tank is not high enough above the carburetor to
(Photo by Ted Koston)
give us sufficient head and it was agreed that I would put Mission accomplished!! Jack Mickey's Irish SE-5A at
a fuel pump on her before the actual test flight came. Gus Oshkosh 74.

a heavier axle on than the plans called for. Gus told me grill. We tightened up and improved the baffling
that he had pulled the power off after the airplane was around the engine cut holes in the side of the cowling
going down the runway with the engine sputtering and but we didn't cure the problem until we had a 6" deep
giving no signs of going to lift off. His natural reaction louver to the lower bottom of the cowl to provide a
was to pull the stick back from the full forward position greater area of exit for the air.
he was holding, for the roll-out, and as soon as he did Gus ran it through a series of stalls (and scared me to
this, the airplane suddenly took to the air. At this point, death when I saw him doing what I thought were very
he was about out of airspeed and out of horsepower and steep wingovers in the airplane) and generally proved
there was not enough elevator action to get the nose that the airplane had no unusual characteristics at all.
down quickly which is why she just dropped in. We set He did not try to spin it with the rearward CG condition
about putting on a fuel pump and readjusting the hori- but reported that with the new horizontal stabilizer
zontal stabilizers. We put V4" of spacers to lift the leading position, there was adequate control at the stall to get
edge of the horizontal stabilizer and dropped the trailing the nose down immediately. We then began with some
edge Vs". We hooked up the fuel pump and were ready other pilots, to start to put time on it because we wanted
to run more tests. Bill Stewart wanted to be there for the to go to Oshkosh.
real flight and we were embarrassed to find that we All 50 hours were run-off in two weeks with the
couldn't get the fuel pump working properly. Bill agreed help of Roger Westerberg, Julie Steichen, Glenn Gouse-
that as long as he could see the airplane fly a few feet in man and Len Couder. I was sick that I was not able to fly
the air satisfactorily and under control down the runway, it myself but I feel very fortunate to have such good
he would give us permission to continue the work we had friends who are willing to help me get this airplane to
to do and to fly it over the weekend. This we were able Oshkosh. It was Saturday night at the beginning of the
to do with no incidents and we got the papers signed for Convention at 6:00 p.m. when Bill Stewart of the Minne-
testing. apolis GADO office came in on his day off to give a final
With the fuel pump operating properly, Gus set out to check and to issue an airworthiness certificate. At last,
run a couple of circles around the field and then fly it we were able to fly to Oshkosh on Sunday morning to
about 10 miles away to another airport at Lake Elmo show off my pretty Irish airplane.
where I had a hangar. When he lifted off, he seemed to My particular thanks to Roger Westerberg, who took
climb into the air and start his left turn and just kept over the testing after Gus and made a series of perfor-
hanging in there with the left wing down. We noticed mance charts and helped in the final rigging of the
the airplane wasn't climbing and was flying in an airplane. He further flew it to Oshkosh and back so that
unusual manner. After he finally straightened out and it could be seen by the troops at the Convention. I also
started to climb a little further up in the traffic pattern, want to thank Julie Steichen for her stint. She had to
we noticed that the rest of the turns were very flat and take a bus clear across town and then walk for a couple
Gus came in immediately to land and taxi right back to of miles to get to the airport and without her, we never
the hangar. It seemed that after he got in the air and would have made it to Oshkosh.
started to make his turns, he required both his hands to PERFORMANCE: This airplane lifts off at about 35
pick up the left wing. He had down aileron on the left mph and climbs out at about 60 mph indicated. The climb
side and the wing was still not coming up until he got is about 350 feet per minute and the cruise is in the
his second arm into it. He was also somewhat bothered neighborhood of 80 mph. It has no bad habits whatsoever,
by the little wind screen up front of him flattening down I mean, none. This is the concensus of all of us who
in the breeze leaving his head and face exposed. At have flown it. Everyone says she flies like a J-3 Cub
another time this might have been more annoying than except the rate of descent is very high. Power is required
on this particular flight. As it was, it probably helped keep on approach and then just gently bleed off the power
him cool. as she settles. The stall speed is low and apparently it
When Gus got out, the first thing he did was walk settles so fast because the drag is so great. To main-
about 30 feet to the front of the airplane and look back. tain proper gliding speed, you have to keep a pretty
From that distance, we could see what none of us had good nose down altitude.
thought to look for. As Gus said, "When we built model Someday I'm going to learn to fly but right now I'll
airplanes, the first thing we did was to hold it out at build another airplane maybe another SE-5 with an
arm's length and take a look at the wings and tail sur- Olds F-85 and when that one is ready to fly, I'm going to
faces to see if they lined up square and properly and if try to con Gus into testing it and when he says it's okay,
they had a semblance of good rigging." From 30 feet I'm going to fly the next one!
away, we could see that the trailing edge of the right
upper wing was considerably lower than the trailing
edge of the left wing. The lower wing seemed to be
pretty much in line. A measurement of the gap indicated
that the trailing edges of the left wings were %" more
than the gap at the trailing edge of the right wings. This
was evidently a part of his problem. Another part that
Gus felt was contributing was that the ailerons had no
gap covers and were losing a lot of effectiveness, so it
was back to the tool box to re-rig the airplane and put
the cloth gap covers on.
With proper rigging, the airplane flew nicely around
the pattern at Fleming Airport and Gus took off for
Lake Elmo. I followed as fast as I could in the pickup
truck. When I got there, Gus informed me that another
condition that we were worried about was proving to be
true. The engine was overheating and we were going to
have to improve the baffling. We began the process of
elimination, and first blanked off all the air under the (Photo Courtesy Author)
engine from going into the accessory section from the Builder Jack Mickey gives test pilot Gus Limbach a prop.
14 MAY 1975
(Photo Courtesy of Bell Tel Co.. Bob Frett)
A little "Cheesecake" for the Bell Telephone Co. magazine
photographer and reporter. At the time we rechecked our
THE IMPOSSIBLE fittings and extended the center-section leading edge to
a slight point to pick up the line from the wing leading
DREAM edges. Ed Rafacz is framed in the wing tips.

Bill Adams I EAA 51011) thinking in terms of buying materials in bulk quantities
16746 S. Euans for a better price, they wanted to hold a meeting to
South Holland, III. 60473 formalize the project. A notice was placed in Chapter 15's
Newsletter that anyone interested in this project would
meet in the Chapter's Library immediately after the March
\y SHKOSH 1972 "Say, Dick, that's a sharp looking 1973 meeting with starter money in hand.
airplane comin' in, what is it?" Twelve disciples showed up and the Dream began to
"Looks like Stolp's new V-STAR, John. Shore is purty." look more like a nightmare. The twelve disciples became
"After looking this over, Dick, I like it more and more. the V-STAR BUILDERS with Lloyd Turner as the Trea-
I think I'll build one. I've gotta '65' that will fit real nice." surer. All members would be required to join the Chicago
"I'll tell you what, John, you sell me that extra '65' Area Sports Aviation Association, which is composed of
you've got and I'll build one with you!" dedicated EAA members who pay monthly dues to support
"YOU'RE ON!" and maintain the Chapter's meeting room, shop, astro-
And so began one of the most ambitious projects port and hangars. Most of the construction work would
within EAA. After that inauspicious beginning, Dick Fry take place in our own shop and final assembly in our
and John Zimmerman mentioned their plans to a few other own hangar all located at Lewis-Lockport Airport in
Chapter 15 members and before the week was out, 3 or Lockport, 111. (We also have our own coffee pot and all
4 others joined in, figuring that they could all take part in are welcome to stop in to see us and our project on any
constructing the jigs so the same could be used by all. weekend.)
Returning home from Oshkosh, Dickie-bird and Big Another meeting was held with Mark Foose of B & F
Bad John weren't too sure who was definitely going to Aircraft, Oak Lawn, 111. (who has given us immeasurable
be involved in the project and since they were now engineering advice and assistance), and $1600.00 was
spent on 4130 steel tubing. "A small step forward for
mankind, a giant leap for the V-STAR BUILDERS!"
That just about blew the bankroll and it was time for
another assessment. The hard facts of life were learned
in a hurry. Even buying in bulk, at a saving, aircraft
materials are expensive. This was May of 1973. When
the work was no sooner started, it had to be delayed as
we readied the building and area for our second annual
fly-in breakfast.
Chuck Bradford, our expert Wood-Butcher, took
charge of the jig making and eventually the basic wing
construction and the Impossible Dream began to shape
In the meantime, Dick Wunderlich, President of the
Rotorcraft Chapter No. 447-3R, that also meets in our
building, had an excellent suggestion. He is the Industrial
Arts Shop Teacher at the local high school and suggested
that we take the evening welding class about to begin
and weld up our airframes in school under his expert (Photo by Bill Adams)
supervision. About 6 members complied and in a few Left to Right Ed O'Connor, Dick Fry, Lloyd Turner,
months, all 12 basic airframes, tail feathers, gears and Bill Adams and Chuck Bradford, utilizing Chapter 15's
struts, were welded, oiled and stored. meeting room for wing construction. It's WARMER than
the shop and we clean up before the second Friday of the

(Photo by Bob Deutsch)

(Photo by Bill Adams)
Left to Right Jerry Hrdy, John Zimmerman, and Ken Lloyd Turner and Ed O'Connor hold the elevator and
Patrick proudly posing with 2 V-Stars on the Gear. Three horizontal stabilizer which are complete, including the
other BASIC fuselages are leaning against Chapter 15's finish coat of blue trim.
Shopand Meeting Building.Seven morearestored inside.

(Photo by Bill Adams)

Ken Patrick showing two of his children how to shape a
piece of foam and fuel-proof it with epoxy to act as a
(Photo by Bill Adams) support for the aluminum cover sheet. Hardly visible,
V-Star No. 1, slightly further along in this interior close- are two more full length epoxy coated strips of foam
up. Note the odd shaped fuel tank between the toes and for additional lightweight supports. The leading and
Helen Fry's kitchen chair. If you want a seat for your trailing edge of the center-section are covered with foam,
homebuilt, "Go to Helen Fry!" Dynel and epoxy.
16 MAY 1975
(Photo by Bill Adams) (Photo by Bill Adams)
(Well, it's my camera and I'd like to be immortalized on film, too!)
It fits like a glove 'STRONG LIKE BULL!"
Bill Adams fitting the cowl over the fuselage fuel tank.
In the background are 3 wings complete to the white
finish coat and the 4th getting its final check.

(Photo by Bill Adams)

Left to Right Lloyd Turner, Dick Fry and Jerry Hrdy
discussing the windshield retainer. In the background,
can be seen a second fuselage and a multitude of tail (Photo by Bill Adams)
feathers.. The aft section of the fuselage has a strip of "You see fellas, a long control stick gives you leverage!"
white where the N number will be masked in and then all From left to right Ed O'Connor, Bill Adams, Lloyd
will be sprayed blue. Turner and Chuck Bradford with Dick Fry in the cockpit.

(Photo by Bill Adams)

Dick Fry "On the Gear!" "Let's see now, that's 12 fuse-
lages, 12 verticals, 12 rudders, 12 horizontals, 12 eleva- (Photo by Bob Deutsch)
tors, 24 struts, 24 gear legs, and 6 wings . . . we need Ken Patrick fitting tubing into the V-Star rudder jig.
another 42 wings, guys!" (Along with a few thousand Looks like a "4130 cigar" salvaged from the scrap bin.
miscellaneous smaller parts.)
By now, as in any group project, problems were
developing. Some of the fellows just couldn't devote the
time to the project and another was transferred out of
state. The group purchased their shares, since there was
a waiting list of other chapter members wanting in, and
held another meeting. It was decided to keep the first
V-STAR as a group owned airplane, so that we could
all have something to fly until the individually owned
airplanes were finished. That way, we could also better
evaluate the performance of the little 65 hp Continental
before committing ourselves to an engine. Us Healthy guys
are considering 90 to 100 hp as a more practical size. The
other two shares were readily sold at cost to chapter
members who were fairly certain they would be able to
devote the time and money to the project and who were
thought to be compatible with the group as a whole. No
consideration was given to individual talent or ability
as a prerequisite at any time.
For myself and most of the others in the project, this
was to be an educational affair. Without the support of Layout and art by Bob Deutsch and Bill Adams
the all-knowledgeable and talented group, most of us An inspiration to us all! Chapter 15's new patch.
would probably never attempt to build an airplane. As
a nucleus, we have Dick Fry, Chapter 15's President, the modifications we have made thus far. Other than
Designee, powerplant mechanic, 20 years of Navy and correcting several errors in the plans, we purchased
Reserve A & E, builder of a Bushby Midget Mustang fiber-glass turtle-decks from Rattray of Beloit, Wiscon-
and Private Pilot (for at least 100 years, if all of his sin. Time saved, money spent but a beautiful rendition
stories can be believed). I've already mentioned ex-cabinet of the "Stolp Curve."
maker, Grumpy Bradford, T-Craft Pilot Extraordinare, Many changes were made in the wings. Rather than
and his partner, John Zimmerman, who has completed a Vs" ribs w i t h capstrip, we used 3 /is" plywood with
Jodel F-ll-3. A couple of good fabric men. Also, there is lightening holes enlarged and omitted the capstrips.
Ken Patrick with a commercial pilot rating and alot of "Strong like Bull!" Instead of aluminum formed trailing
general all-around ability and effort. He has probably edge, oval steel tube was used and brackets were
spent the most time on the project and is scheduled to get welded to it ... much easier to get that "Stolp Curve"
the next airplane completed. Jerry McGinnis has an that way. The leading edge of the wings were built up a
instructors rating, is an electrical engineer and a pretty la "Rand Method", cutting, fitting and glueing 1" foam
fair welder. Bill Lockman also has an instructors rating panels with Elmers Glue-All, sanding to a fine finish,
and is a machinist and when paired off with Jerry, a and covered with Dynel and epoxy. The aileron wells at
first rate engine mount builder. Lloyd Turner is a private the rear of the wing were treated in a like manner as were
pilot, parts maker and has stories enough to keep an the ailerons, themselves. All was then covered with Irish
aviation historian on his toes. Jerry Hrdy, a private pilot linen in the traditional method 1 coat of fungicide/
with a 172 in his garage and a runway in his backyard dope, 2 coats of clear dope, 8 coats of aluminum dope,
was born with a welding torch in his hand. Ed Rafacz, 4 coats of white or blue finish coat and trim. Hoo-Boy,
student pilot, is a first rate welder and his son Eddie is Strong like Bull!
learning to do both. Ed O'Connor is a private pilot with Since the center section has a sheet of aluminum
a flair for both wood and fabric. Dennis Costello, com- covering the fuel tank, we did it a little different. We
mercial pilot and industrial arts teacher, is our expert at dispensed with the plywood cover and paid closer atten-
fabricating control assemblies. And, finally, Bill Adams tion to the sanding finish of the foam and squeegeed on
is a private pilot who somehow became the foam, epoxy, several lighter coats of epoxy over the Dynel, sanding
and Dynel specialist. between each coat. The final epoxy coat was wet sanded
Actually everybody does a little of everything, with to a smooth finish and then sprayed with aluminum dope
some more expert at it than others. It is, however, a large and finish dope. The trailing edge of the center section
pool of talent and knowledge and therein lies the real was treated in the same manner, so that it could better
benefit of a group project within the Chapter. withstand the extra abuse it might get from pilot entry
The camaraderie developed over the last two years and exit from the cockpit.
is also not to be denied. Most of these fellows were only The control system is as per plans, except on the
acquaintances before, now we're good friends. It's a elevator control rod. In order to reduce the potential
closeness we would like to retain, so we decided to fatigue factor, we placed a piece of Teflon around it
develop a group insignia that would somehow project our about halfway, to act as a vibration dampener.
true image. Since the V-STAR seemed to be designed to fly As of this writing, the cowling and engine are going
through forests, the comment often heard from us builders in place and patterns pulled of all aluminum sheet for the
was, "STRONG LIKE BULL." We spend a lot of our time next 11 modified V-STARS. With a lot of luck and per-
"Shooting the Bull" . . . many of us smoke cigars . . . we're severance, we hope to have No. 1 ready to fly by May 18,
a group, something like a squadron. How about the "Bull 1975 at our annual fly-in breakfast at Lewis-Lockport
Squadron" with a capital B and S? A cigar smoking, Airport, Lockport, 111. We may even have two of them
dumb looking bull, complete with pilot's cap and our flying at the 15th Annual Lockport Air Show and Fly-In
Chapter 15's wings? For a slogan, "E Pluribus Toro", (formerly Joliet Air Show) on September 6 and 7, 1975.
that famous Latin quotation, loosely translated, "All for Since this air show will be on our home field, we'll be
the Bull" or "The Bull for Many!" Other Chapter members able to place the others on static display, showing the
liked it and wanted emblems for their planes also, so it various stages of construction. Be there and see for your-
has now become the Chapter member's emblem. self _ "THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM", coming true and
Now that the origin and history of the V-STAR just maybe, we can help nudge you into fulfilling your
BUILDERS has been covered, you may be interested in own dream!
18 MAY 1975
By N = propeller speed, rpm
Martin Hollmann (EAA 77760)
7917 Vista B ilia Court PL = power loading; aircraft weight divided by engine
Cupertino, California 95014 power, lbs./hp
P av = thrust power available, hp
Preq = power required, hp
R = rotor disc radius, ft.
WELL DESIGNED gyroplane is one which best ROC = rate of climb, ft./min.
meets one's requirements. Unfortunately, meeting one S = airframe projected frontal area, sq. ft.
set of requirements usually violates or conflicts with T = propeller thrust, lbs.
another set such that a compromise which best meets all TAFC = thrust available for climb, lbs.
requirements must be achieved. For example, it is de- WT = aircraft weight, lbs.
sirable to keep the structural weight down. Obviously, v = airspeed, ft./sec.
a large rotor is heavier than a small one and a compromise V = airspeed, mph
between diameter and rotor weight may be necessary.
Other trade parameters that affect gyroplane perfo"- 9 - blade-section pitch angle; angle between line of
mance must also be carefully selected and sized such that zero lift of blade section and plane perpendicular
a good overall design is achieved. to axis of no feathering, rad. It should be noted that
The purpose of this report is to show the theoretical for non-symmetric airfoil sections, the line of zero
performance trends that can be expected for varying disc lift is not parallel to the plane perpendicular to the
loading, power loading, solidity ratio, rotor blade pitch, axis of no feathering. For example, for the NACA
rotor blade twist, and rotor blade airfoil selection such 8-H-12 airfoil the line of zero lift is 1.5 degrees be-
that a proper selection of design parameters can be made low the plane, so that if the blade pitch is set at 2
for an efficient gyroplane design. The performance evalu- degrees above the plane, the total blade pitch is
ations are made from the thrust power available and 3.5 degrees.
power required curves from which minimum and maxi-
mum speed, speed for best range, speed for best endur- M rotor tip speed ratio
ance, and maximum rate of climb can be calculated. All
power curves are established for a gyroplane having as a solidity ratio; total rotor blade area divided by
baseline parameters a gross weight of 1,000 pounds, a rotor disc area
power loading of 10.0 Ibs./hp, a disc loading of 1.8 lbs./
sq. ft., a rotor solidity ratio of 0.035, and effective blade S2 rotor speed, rad/sec.
pitch of 2 degrees, and a NACA 8-H-12 smooth airfoil.
Although a computer program was set up and utilized The two most important design variables affecting
to establish the shown curves, a simplified method which performance are disc loading and power loading. It is
allows easy hand calculation and utilizes charts is pre- recognized from Fig. 1 that low disc loading (large diame-
sented such that the performance characteristics of any ter rotors) do not affect maximum speed appreciably.
gyroplane with a constant chord, constant airfoil sec- However, m i n i m u m speed is lowered significantly. While
tion, no twist rotor blades and a two blade propeller can for decreased power loading (large horsepower) the mini-
be quickly estimated by the reader. Before proceeding mum speed is changed only slightly and the maximum
a definition of the terms with corresponding units, com- speed is increased considerably as demonstrated in Fig.
mon to rotary wing aircraft and used herein, are given. 2. The difference between the power available and power
required is power available for climb and it is recog-
BN = number of rotor blades nized that both a low disc loading and low power loading
c = rotor blade chord, ft. are needed for good rates of climb. It should also be noted
Crj = parasite drag coefficient that the speed for best range is not affected by varying
CL = rotor lift coefficient power loading. However, for increased disc loading, the
d = propeller diameter, ft. speed for best range and best endurance is increased.
D = drag, lbs. The speed for best endurance is found by drawing a
DL = disc loading; aircraft weight divided by rotor disc straight line thru the origin and tangent to the power re-
area, lbs./sq. ft. quired curve as demonstrated in Fig. 2. The tangent
HP = engine power, horsepower point at which the line touches the power required curve
L = rotor lift, lbs. is the speed for best range. The speed for best endurance
is the lowest point on the power required curve.
off. Less power and time is required to prespin a "jump
start" rotor that operates at a lower speed. A method for
calculating rotor speed is presented at the end of this
report and the interested reader can verify the changes
in rotor speed with changing solidity ratio.

Power Required Increasing rotor blade pitch as shown in Fig. 4 de-

Speed for Best creases minimum speed, increases maximum speed, and
Endurance increases power available for climb. The largest blade
pitch angle at which a given rotor can be operated should
be used. For most ultra light gyroplanes which utilize
hand starting, the maximum blade pitch is dictated by
40 60 100 the angle which allows hand starting of the rotor.
Airspeed, mph
Fig. 1. Power Curves for Various Disc Loadings

60 80 100 80 90
Airspeed, mph Airspeed, mph
Fig. 2. Power Curves for Various Power Loadings Fig. 4. Power Curves for Various Blade Pitch Settings

Fig. 3 shows that by increasing the rotor solidity

ratio the minimum speed is decreased and the power Some controversy exists over what type of rotor blade
available for climb is increased. Since the solidity ratio twist (positive or negative) should be used on gyroplane
is defined as, rotor blades. This is probably due to the positively twisted
blades on one of the pre-war gyroplanes for which the tip
a = BNx C angle was larger than the root angle. However, in Fig. 5
IT x R (1) it is shown that a small increase in performance can be
achieved by 8 to 12 degrees negative twist. Because of
It is recognized that, for a given rotor radius, the solidity the additional complexity of manufacturing twisted
ratio can be increased by either increasing the blade blades, the small increase in performance does not seem
chord or increasing the number of blades. Increasing the to justify their use at this time.
solidity ratio reduces rotor speed which is of great ad-
vantage for gyroplanes designed for "jump start" take-

Blade Twist
-8 and -12

50 60 70 80 90
Airspeed, mph
0^30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Fig. 5. Power Curves for Various Blade Twist for an
Airspeed, mph Effective Blade Pitch of Two Degrees
Fig. 3. Power Curves for Various Solidity Ratios
20 MAY 1975
Considerable performance gains can be made by Substitute the static thrust coefficient and the ap-
selecting a NACA 8-H-12 airfoil with a smooth blade propriate values into Eq. (3) to find the static thrust,
contour over a NACA 8-H-12 airfoil with a rough con-
tour as seen in Fig. 6. A smooth contour is one which is
defined as having accurate leading edge contours and H P x 33,000 x 0.9
smooth, rigid surfaces, such as used on closely toler- T_ = (3)
anced metal rotor blades.

The flight thrust as a function of airspeed is found

by determining ,_, from Eq. (4),

NACA 23012 Smooth
NACA 8-h-12 Rough v/Cp
= 1.237 V l (4)
H P x 10

X X.
v 0.80 N
0 504.0 60
Airspeed, mph T/T
a X
Fig. 6. Power Curves for Different Airfoils
An easy hand method for calculating gyroplane per-
formance is now given. The Hamilton Standard Method ^
^> x
of Reference 1 is simplified such that the calculation of \ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
propeller thrust for varying forward speed can be made.
It is assumed that a two bladed propeller with an activity Fig. 8. Variation of Thrust Ratio with
factor of 118, a thickness ratio of 0.10, a Clark Y airfoil, Airspeed
a tip speed range of 800 to 925 ft./sec., an airframe body
diameter to propeller diameter ratio of 0.65, and a blade Next, the flight thrust to static thrust ratio is found
pitch angle at 75 percent radius of less than 14 degrees from Fig. 8 and the flight thrust is calculated as the pro-
are used for all calculations. The steps necessary for duct of the thrust ratio and static thrust. The thrust
determining the thrust power available are given first. power available is calculated from Eq. (5).
For a given air density ratio, p , engine speed, engine T XV
av 550
power, and propeller diameter, the propeller coefficient,
C', is calculated from, Utilizing the method described by Gessow and Myers
of Reference 2 the rotor performance is now determined
3.325 X 10 1 0 xHP in a similar manner.
'-- (2) By definition, the rotor lift coefficient is,
s~\ _ WT
For standard air at sea level, ~jT = 1.0. From Fig. 1/2 pv 2 TrR 2 (6)
7 determine the static thrust coefficient.


\\ Where/ 0 is the mass air density of air which for sea
level is 0.002378 slugs/cu. ft. From Eq. (1) the blade solid-
ity ratio is calculated and the lift coefficient to solidity

2.8 ratio, L , is determined. For a given blade pitch, 0 ,

and for , the rotor profile drag-lift ratio, [ - j
and tip speed ratio, fj., are found from Fig. 9. The rotor

\ speed can now be estimated by assuming a control axis

tilt less than 10 degrees such that, _ y

"x ^^. " =
^-~- " Effective Power Coeff., C
Fig. 7. Variation of Static Thrust Coeff. with
rTI I Effective Power Coeff. for a Two Bladed
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 O.U 0.16 SPORT AVIATION 21
For a specific airframe configuration, S x CQ js
selected from Table 1 and the parasite drag is calculated

D = 1/2 pv S x CD

The total aircraft drag is,

D D D (12)
r p

The power required can now be calculated as,

Dx v
req 500 (13)
0.1 0.2 0.4. 0.6 0.8 1. 2. 6. 8. 10. 15.
Lift Coeff. /Solidity, C And the rate of climb is determined from the thrust
Fig, 9. Rotor Profile Drag/Lift available for climb, TAFC, as shown by Eq. (14),

60 x T A F C x v
According to Gessow and Myers the rotor induced ROC = (14)
drag-lift ratio, ( I , can be assumed equal to,
\ L /j
Where the thrust available for climb is given as.
CL TAFC - T - D (15)
L/. T~ (8)

And the total rotor drag-lift ratio is,

The thrust power available and power required are
/JJ\ = /D\ + /D) plotted as a function of airspeed on a graph and the maxi-
liJ r liJ o I L/. (9) mum, minimum speeds, speed for best range and speed
for best endurance are found as described previously.
An example utilizing Eqs. (1) thru (15) for a 1800 lb.
The total rotor drag is calculated from Eq. (10). gyroplane is now presented. The other required design
parameters for this gyroplane are,

D x WT
r = (10) Engine power: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 HP at 2800 rpm
Propeller: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ft. diameter, two bladed
Rotor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 blades
The airframe parasite drag is one of the more diffi- D i a m e t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 feet
cult parameters to determine. Usually wind tunnel test Chord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 inches
data is necessary to find the drag for a specific airframe Blade pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 degrees
configuration. However, for the sake of preliminary cal- Airframe drag: Same as McCulIoch J-2, S x CQ = 10.1
culations, the product of projected frontal area, S, and
parasite drag coefficient, Cp, for various existing gyro-
plane airframes, from corresponding known maximum
speeds, have been calculated and recorded in Table 1.


T D , lbs SxCD
Aircraft Wt, lbs max mph HP s lbs T, lbs

Air and Space 1800 110 180 700 470 158.6 10.0
Model 18-A
Bensen B-8M 500 85 72 250 185.3 58.3 6.9
Barnett J-4B 750 100 85 375 251.3 79.3 6.8
Sportster HA -2 1100 90 130 501 350 120 11.1
McCulIoch J-2 1550 110 180 700 470 162 10.1

22 MAY 1975
Ma ximum Sp eed T_ /-
Substituting the appropriate parameters into Eqs. 120
(1) thru (13) and utilizing Figs. 7, 8 and 9, the thrust /^ /
power available and power required are calculated for 100
various airspeeds as shown in Table 2 and plotted as x /
shown in Fig. 10. From Fig. 10 the maximum airspeed 80 M nimiim S; Deed
is 110 mph, the minimum airspeed is 28 mph, the speed
,X ^x
for best range is 65 mph, the speed for best endurance is
40 mph. From Eqs. (14) and (15) the rate of climb at 80
_ i^--
^k^V Sp>ed i'or :Best Rai

mph is 634 ft./min. / ^ "\ H H

Sp<ed ror Best End uran ce
I 20
/- ^
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Airspeed, mph
Fig. 10. Power Curves for the 1800 pound Gyroplane

V, mph
v ft. /sec. v/S
s T Pav C
L (-)
' O \L\ u;r
(-) D

20 29.3 0.45 0.93 651 34.7 1.83 33.5 - 0.46 - - - - -

40 58.7 0.91 0.86 602 64.3 0.457 8.4 0.10 0.114 0.214 385 42 427 45.6
60 88 1.36 0.80 560 89.6 0.203 3.7 0.09 0.051 0.141 254 94 348 55.7
80 117.3 1.82 0.75 525 112.0 0.114 2.1 0.08 0.029 0.109 196 167 363 77.4
100 146.7 2.27 0.67 469 125.1 0.074 1.4 0.74 0.019 0.093 167 259 426 113.6
120 176 2.73 0.64 448 143.4 0.051 0.93 0.73 0.013 0.086 158 375 530 169.5

Caution should be used in using the proper units. For

example, airspeed in the propeller thrust equation is in GYROPLANE ALTITUDE
mph, and for rotor performance is in ft./sec. Also when
making performance calculations for different density PERFORMANCE DATA
altitudes, the drop in engine hp must be considered. This
drop varies from engine to engine and is not included in By
this discussion. A detailed description of the assump- Martin Hollmann
tions made are given in References 1 and 2 and the more
ambitious reader should consult these references.
The foregoing calculations can be carried out for all This report is a supplement to my article "Gyroplane
gyroplanes and the trends shown in Figs. 1 through 6 Performance Calculations and Trends", and the data
apply to all gyroplanes. When selecting and sizing design given herein together with the equations of "Gyroplane
parameters for a specific design the following summary of Performance Calculations and Trends" can be used to
conclusions based on this study should be considered. calculate gyroplane performance at various standard
density altitudes. First however, I would like to note a
A combination of low disc loading and low power modification to the standard rate of climb equation, Eq.
loading are required for good overall performance (14) in "Gyroplane Performance Calculations and Trends".
Low power loading and airframe streamlining as- Recent flight test of the HA-2 Sportster have indicated
sures high maximum speed lower climb rates than those calculated by Eq. (14) which
Low disc loading assures low minimum speed are given as,
Changes in solidity ratio have moderate effects on
performance. However, increased solidity ratio means GOxTAFCxv
ROC = (14)
lower rotor speed favorable for the "jump start" gyro-
plane WT
Large blade pitch settings increase gyroplane per-
formance significantly where,
Only moderate increases in performance can be
gained by twisting TAFC = thrust available for climb, lbs.
Considerable performance gains can be achieved v = airspeed, ft./sec.
by selecting the proper airfoil. WT = aircraft weight, lbs.

References: The difference in the calculated versus actual rate

1. Hamilton Standard Method of Propeller Perfor- of climb comes from the assumption that the energy
mance Calculation (East Hartford, Conn.: Hamil- from the thrust available for climb can be utilized direct-
ton Standard Division of United Aircraft Corp., 1941). ly for climb without considering the loss of energy in the
rotor in converting the engine thrust available for climb
2. Alfred Gessow and Gary C. Myers, Jr., Aerodynamics into lifting thrust. Eq. (14) should be multiplied by the
of The Helicopter (New York: The MacMillan Co., quantity of one less the rotor drag-lift ratio, (D/L)r,
1952). such that the rate of climb is,
ROC = ll-(D/L) r ] (14M)
WT Percent
Air density, Air density B.H.P. at
Eq. (14M) gives good agreement with actual rate of Altitude, ft. slugs/cu. ft. ratio sea level*
climb. It should be noted that this correction should also
be applied to fixed wing aircraft. However, the D/L ratio 0 0.002378 1.000 100
for a fixed wing typically ranges from 0.05 to 0.10 and is 2,000 0.002242 0.943 95
lower than that of a gyroplane rotor which typically 4,000 0.002112 0.889 88
ranges from 0.10 to 0.20. The error in not considering 6,000 0.001988 0.836 83
D/L in a fixed wing aircraft is, therefore, much smaller 8,000 0.001869 0.786 77
and is often neglected. 10,000 0.001756 0.738 72
Performance calculations can be made for a specific 12,000 0.001648 0.693 66
altitude by selecting the proper air density, air density 14,000 0.001545 0.650 61
ratio, and percent brake horsepower from the Altitude 16,000 0.001448 0.609 56
Data table below and substituting into the equations of 18,000 0.001355 0.570 51
"Gyroplane Performance Calculations and Trends". 20,000 0.001267 0.533 47
The horsepower, HP, is determined by multiplying the
sea level horsepower by the percent brake horsepower. * C.A.A. Technical Manual No. 107, "Aircraft Power-
plant Handbook", Jan. 1949. p. 350.

ing of the past and a perspective on the present, and a flight

he did not want to end.
FLYING CIRCUS is an aviation history, but one not
totally involved with chronological events, for the charac-
Book Review ters men and flying machines come to life on the
pages. How fortunate Ernest Gann is to have been a part
of aviation history. How fortunate we are that his skill
in writing makes the reader a part of it too.
Ann H. Pellegreno.
Ernest K. Gann Richard Bach
207 pages $16.95 335 pages $8.95
17 full-color plates Delacorte Press
Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Dell Publishing Company
866 Third Avenue 245 East 47th Street
New York, N.Y. 10022 New York, New York 10017

So, all you've read is JOHNATHAN LIVINGSTON

SEAGULL. Well, if you're an admirer of Richard Bach,
FLYING CIRCUS is an aviation enthusiast's dream you'll find even more of him in A GIFT OF WINGS, a col-
for between the covers are intriguing "behind-the-scenes" lection of writings. And, if what Bach writes is true
glimpses of the historically important commercially used "The way to know any writer, of course, is not to meet him
aircraft their development, their use, and their "per- in person, but to read what he writes. Only in print is he
sonalities". Was it luck or planning that brought a cer- most clear, most true, most honest. No matter what he
tain aircraft on the market at the right time? What hap- might say in polite society, catering to convention, it is
pens to the planes no longer needed by an airline? in his writing that we find the real man." then in this
You'll meet the legendary pilots who flew these air- book we find Richard Bach, the real man. We discover his
craft including Old Number One "Slonnie", an air- philosophies of flying, not in boring sentences, but in
man supreme who was always miles ahead of his aircraft reality urging a big old Parks biplane through a loop
and was unfailingly perfect in every flight detail or or barrel roll, visiting a control tower at 3:00 A.M., and
maneuver. witnessing the rebirth of a man who had given up flying
In one chapter you'll fly above the African desert in a and then returned to it. You'll find how the author became
Breguet or a Potez, landing at such exotic stations as "Five intimately acquainted with an old round engine, and you'll
Cans", if you have not gone down and been captured by meet Drake who runs an extraordinary flight school one
bandits. which every true pilot should attend. By the way, do you
After having been wined and dined in elegance, you'll know the difference between flying and aviation?
touch down gently at Le Bourget in an Armstrong-Whit- What about a journey to a perfect place or are we
worth Argosy, when passengers flying in the United States just flying to find that perfect place, and once arrived,
were lucky to have a box lunch. remain? Or is the sky itself that perfect, but challenging,
You'll fly swiftly across the North Sea at night in a place to which pilots take their aircraft?
Mosquito carrying precious ball bearings from Sweden This isn't a book to hurry through, but to enjoy. Each
to England during World War II. chapter is unique, each title intriguing "Cat", "Let's
Some airplanes you might not recognize, for they were Not Practice", and "There's Always the Sky". If you agree
used in distant parts of the world. Historically accurate that there's always the sky and at any time in life you han-
illustrations by Robert Parks capture both the essence of kered to buy or build an aircraft, and learn to fly, this book
these aircraft along with a feeling for the days when avia- will send you in thoughtful search of these goals. If you're
tion was less sophisticated. already a pilot, you'll understand and appreciate the pilots
The final chapter concerns a nostalgic ferry flight a and aircraft inhabiting the sky world in A GIFT OF
DCS from California to Samoa. For Gann it was a gather- WINGS. Ann H. Pellegreno
24 MAY 1975
Non-Pilots Of EAA . . . . . . Especially For You!
Pinch Hitter Course At Oshkosh
Men, Be Sure The Woman In Your Life Reads This!

Jayne A. Schiek (EAA 99999)

1341 Parkview Drive
Macomb, Illinois 61455

This is another "you asked for it" bit of good news.

A trial groundschool was held last year at Oshkosh for
those women who wanted to know something more about
flying, so they would be happier in the air with their hus-
bands. The groundschool, under the direction of Lana
Newlin and Bette Bach, met with resounding enthusiasm
and success . .. and the definite wish that we offer another
one in 1975.
William Stanberry, executive vice-president of the
A.O.P.A. Air Safety Foundation, heard about this wish,
spoke with Paul Poberezny, and called Ann Pellegreno
and me. The result: a two-day "Pinch Hitter Course" at
Oshkosh just for YOU. The course will be the ground-
school portion of the usual A.O.P.A. course along with
some verbal instructions concerning how you might ful-
fill the flying portion when you get back to a less busy
airport than Wittman Field. Best of all it is being
offered FREE OF CHARGE. You will be given the regular
course manual and the course will include how an air-
plane is controlled, airplane instruments, how an air-
plane flies, map reading, navigation, radio communica-
\ I
tion, radio navigation using an omni station, and how
(Photo by Rosemary Haus)
an airplane is landed.
Start your planning now! The course will be offered Lana Newlin instructs Groundschool class, Oshkosh '74.
in two sessions: from 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Thursday
and Friday, July 31 and August 1, in Forum Tent II. Let
the pilots feed the family lunch . . . or plan for a late one
. . . on those two days. Unlike the usual Pinch Hitter
Course offered all over the country, pilots will be allowed
to attend this one but with seating in the back of the
tent on a space available basis! Just so we don't get
cries of "Equal Rights!", the course is open to any non-
pilot member of the family, including older teenagers
(physically able to reach the controls of an airplane). We
may have to put some limitations on this if the group is
too big.
NOTE: We are trying to get some estimate of how
many would enjoy participating in this event. Will you
drop me a card if you are interested? This is not a pre-
registration event, but you would really be helping us
plan if you would just let us know that you want to attend.
We'd hate to end up with 200 participants and only 100
manuals! (Editor's Note: Please contact the author if you
are interested.)

(Photo by Rosemary Haus)

Lana Newlin, left, and Bette Bach give instructions on map
reading during the Women's Groundschool courses.
What Our Members


Dick Geist (EAA 79109), 5040 E. Funston,

Wichita, Kansas 67218 owns this rare machine
Corben Baby Ace, Serial Number 2. It has
been flown about 16 hours since a complete
rebuild, includingthetinySalmson radial engine.

Charles A. Lemmond (EAA 57408), Box 1347,

Gushing, Oklahoma 74023 built this very clean
orange and gold Cassutt. Its first flight was on
July 3, 1974 and it has some 80 hours to date.

N2702E is a pretty Aeronca 7AC Champion

restored by W. G. Matthews (EAA 2602), 2407
Colton St., Bakersfield, Calif. 93304 in "8
months of spare time and lots of dollars." A 24
inch model was also constructed to be used to J. C. Wiggins (EAA 61584), P.O. Box 428 of
determine the paint scheme. Leland, N.C. 28451 built this Baby Great Lakes
in 24 months. It is powered by a Continental
A-65 and has 78 hours logged to date. The seat
was moved back 3 inches and the engine mount
was extended 5 inches. N3906 weighs 494
pounds empty.
C. R. "Buddy" Cottle, Jr. (EAA 9851 Lifetime),
Beaver, West Virginia and N27BC, the second
customer built BD-5 to f l y . The plane is
owned by Cottle and R. H. Frilen (EAA 56319)
of Beckley, West Virginia. Buddy made the
initial test flight on February 27 and at press
time had put over 11 hours on N27BC. He
reports good flying characteristics and 162
mph indicated at 4500 feet using the 55 hp
Hirth. Buddy is past president of Chapter 365.

This neat gold and black Sonerai I is

the handiwork of Robert C. Larsen (EAA
18721), 1351 6th Ave. South, South St.
Paul, Minnesota 55075. It was com-
pleted late last fall but winter closed
in before it could be test flown . . .
should be flying by now.

Hale Wallace (EAA 59826), 197 Pollard Hill Rd., R.D. 1, Johnson City, N.Y. 13790 took just three years
to complete this beautiful Steen Skybolt. It is powered by a 180 hp Lycoming IO-360-B4A. Hale reports
the plane performs better than he expected and required only a small rudder tab to fly hands off.

...Are Building SPORT AVIATION 27

Air Racing Workshop
By Don Berliner (EAA 5654)
Race Air
2315 M Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037

i YLON AIR RACING can be fun!

Especially at the grass-roots level of the sport!
For those of you who see air racing as an important
part of sporting aviation, there will be a gathering of
sympathetic souls on June 21 and 22 at Martinsburg,
W. Va., Municipal Airport.
Sponsoring this first such event in the East will be
Race Air Corp. (a group of racing enthusiasts in the
Washington, D.C., area), in cooperation with the Ameri-
can Air Racing Association (that's the new name for
PRPA/Professional Race Pilots Association).
The East Coast Pylon Racing Practice and Seminar
will be open to EVERYONE who is interested in the
SPORT of air racing: Experienced racepilots, owners,
builders and designers; future race pilots, owners,
builders and designers; present and future crew members
and officials. And everyone else who might like to get
involved in a colorful sport, but may not know exactly
what he or she would like to do.
The purpose of this "Air Racing Rap Session" is to
start building pylon racing at the grass-roots level. For
years there has been heavy emphasis on the "big time"
events like Reno, Cleveland, Miami, Mojave, etc. But
entirely too little attention has been paid to the newcomer
. . . to the guy who has a raceable airplane but isn't
quite sure that he wants to mix it up with the hot-shots
and veterans . . . and to the person who is still thinking
about becoming involved at any level.
This will be a rare opportunity to get together in an
air racing atmosphere, but with plenty of time to look
around and ask questions and touch airplanes (carefully!).
The experienced racing people will be there to answer
questions and to talk over your ideas and theirs . . . they
won't be totally absorbed in preparing their airplanes,
as they are at major races.
This will be a time to talk at length about whatever
people are interested in: The past, the present and the (Drawings by Connie Marsh)
future of air racing . . . the kinds of airplanes that are
being raced, and the kinds that could be raced next year *** If you own a Cassutt or other Formula One racer
or in five years . . . what's good about 1975-style air . . . bring it!! If you are building a Formula One, bring
racing, and what needs improving. parts or pictures!!
There will be representatives from Formula One, *** If you own an airplane that fits into the Sport
Sport Biplane Class, Formula Vee, T-6 Class and Un- Biplane Class . . . bring it!! If you are thinking about
limited Class. There will be some of the top racing getting into Biplane racing, bring your enthusiasm!!
officials in the country. And hopefully there will be one *** If you own a Sonerai, V-Witt or other type of
or two of the top designers. Formula Vee racer . . . bring it!! If you are building or
The schedule of activities looks something like this: even thinking about building a F/Vee, bring parts or
Saturday afternoon, June 21 Practice on the 2-mile pictures!!
oval course for experienced pilots and rookies. Instruc- *** if T-6/SNJ racing or Unlimited racing turns you
tion for the new pilots, by veterans. Qualifying for on, Martinsburg, W. Va., will be the place to meet and
AARA racing licenses. Testing and qualifying of new talk with others who understand you!!
and newly-modified racers. Instruction for new officials, *** If you think you might like to become an air
both in the classroom and in-the-field during practice racing timer, pylon judge or starter, bring your notebook
flying. and pencil!!
Saturday evening, June 21 Seminars on racing To cover expenses, a registration fee (good for the
classes and on the popular types of racers. General dis- whole weekend) will be charged: $2 if paid before June
cussions of racing matters. Socializing and racing-oriented 10 ... $3 if paid later.
entertainment. If you are interested and think you would like to play
Sunday, June 22 A public air show which will a part in the future of pylon air racing, contact Race Air,
include as much actual and exhibition racing as can 2315 M St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. Phone 202/
possibly be crammed into the schedule. 333-0080.
28 MAY 1975
Push-pull tube uniball support assembly.
Richard Thuss, EAA 66819
David Thuss, EAA 35313
1810 Chinquapin Rd.
Churchville, Pa. 18966

(Photos Courtesy Authors)

During the design and fabrication of the wing for our

original four place aircraft, we recently had a problem
obtaining u n i b a l l push-pull tube supports for the 1"
O.D. outer wing panel aileron control tubes.
This type of support is used to accommodate the
small angular deflections of the control tube induced by
the circular motion of the operating bellcranks, as well
as the linear motion required to operate the control sur-
For the aileron controls of our Mustang II (N-44TA),
built several years ago, we had utilized a standard
Cessna part. Those units, however, could only be used
for a %" O.D. tube, and the $26/pair we paid for them
also seemed somewhat overpriced. Like most home-
builders confronted with the choice of spending money or
time, we chose the latter and decided to fabricate our
own. The results are shown in the accompanying figures.
Since we had been doing some preliminary evaluation
on the use of an epoxy glass landing gear for our aircraft,
fabricated from SCOTCHPLY u n i d i r e c t i o n a l glass
pre-preg, (a la American Aviation Yankee) we chose
this material to fabricate the side supports. Six layers
of 10 mil pre-preg were laid up with each ply rotated
30 relative to the previous ply. The sides were com-
pression molded to shape at 300F using a machined
aluminum male-female mold. The ball was obtained
from a local vendor and is precision ground from HMW Static load test with 100 Ibs. on a 5 x lever arm. This 500
polypropylene. When completed, the assembly was pound loading had no adverse on the unit.
static tested as shown in the accompanying photographs.
The original static load of 500 lbs. to the ball for 15
minutes duration with no failure, we gave up due to the
rather precarious nature of the test set-up. To test the
long term creep characteristics of the polypropylene
ball a static load of 125 lbs. was applied to the unit
and left hanging for 24 hours (at 68F). No measureable
distortion of the ball occurred.
Since the unit is designed to operate within a metal
panel during the summer months we also tested its
response at elevated temperature. A 100 lb. static load
was applied to the unit and the weighted assembly
was placed in a 200F oven for 3 hours. No deforma-
tion of the ball occurred, and the unit worked as smooth-
ly after the test as it did before.
We realize that many homebuilders do not have
access to the compression molding equipment or the
machining equipment we used in fabrication of these
units, so if anyone needs this type of support for their
project contact: David Thuss, 1810 Chinquapin Rd.,
Churchville, Pa. 18966. They can be supplied with a
1" bore or less. Disassembled unit showing side supports and ball.
more power with the addition of four proper length
pipes. These pipes were to have been some four and three
quarters inches long. Pipes were built up and installed
on the engine so that they could be removed while the
engine was running. These pipes were not as per print,
but crossed under the engine, the front pair going at 90
into a single pipe exiting at the fire wall the rear
pair doing the same (two stroke opposed). This engine
was then put into a model airplane that was a little bit
too heavy for it. The plane would not get off the ground
with these pipes left off, however, it would wallow through
the air with the pipes installed. When the engine was run
on a test block and the pipes removed while it was in
operation, you'd hear a definite drop in rpm. By the same
token, when the pipes were placed back in position, the
thing picked up quite a few rpms. The pitch went higher
and there seemed to be much more power which proved
that something is better than nothing.
By James M. Hill (EAA 43121) There was a boy out back one day who had a small
25 Orient Ave. four stroke engine, flathead, probably some kind of
Melrose, Mass. 02176 power-unit for a lawn mower, and he discovered the fact
that if he stuck about a four foot length of pipe two inches
B 1
ACK NOT TOO many years ago you could hear the
sound of a well-tuned exhaust system anywhere, and
I.D. over the end of the open exhaust pipe, the note
changed. More important than that, so did the rpm. A
loose fit, but it went up. He spent several hours a month
those who were interested in that sort of thing enjoyed playing with this thing. Although it probably irritated
the heck out of it. Whether the sound was varoomay, everyone in the neighborhood, I was amused.
vagroom, varoomio, or good old U.S.A. vahroom, a guy In Germany there is a machine shop that is completely
could appreciate the sound, but now it seems those sounds powered by one single diesel engine. This diesel engine
are condemned to that spot called the race track. They has about a half meter diameter piston with approxi-
even tell us now we can't make a little bit of noise a mately an 8 foot stroke. Someone came along and figured
thousand feet from the ground. However, when we're out the proper length for this was an 8" diameter pipe
giving up some of that noise, we're giving up a little thing about 67'/2 feet long. Seems a little ridiculous, doesn't
they call power. The smaller the engine, the less power it, but the top rpm on this engine is about 4000. This large
you have. When you start giving up on something that's engine is very well scavenged. At one point, when the
already small, you don't go very far or get up very high exhaust system had to be rebuilt, they had to shut the
or go very fast. Seems you never have enough of a good plant down as without this proper length pipe the engine
thing. Well, there are ways to get around this giving up of would not pull enough power to operate the equipment.
power and that's what we'll try to discuss here. What Okay, when it comes to a little Volkswagen engine
brought this whole thing to my attention was a piece by we can do two or three things that will work. What will
our beloved gentleman, Tony B. However, I believe we work on one engine in theory will work on another. To
can go a little deeper into this subject by explaining some start with, let's get a few truths out of the way.
of the things that you can and cannot do when it comes to 1. Short stacks are not the best answer for anything.
exhaust systems. 2. You can have extremely tight bends on your ex-
The sound of a well-tuned exhaust first came to my haust system close to the exhaust valve. Downstream it's
attention at about the age often which is about 1938 when bad news. Up close where the velocity and the pressure
I attended the first motorcycle race in Laconia, N. H. Here are so high, it doesn't seem to make a heck of a lot of
they all ran open pipes, all of them short, and for several difference. I don't mean kinks when I say this, I mean
years this was standard practice to hear this stacatto tight radii.
bark which really wasn't doing much on a flat-head en- 3. Do not under any circumstances (if there's any
gine. Today, things are a little different. They have tuned way to prevent it, that is) have four different length
intakes and tuned exhausts and they do one heck of a lot pipes or even two different length pipes (in the case of a
more work than you might imagine. The maximum rpm Franklin or Carr twin). Whenever possible keep all four
on the racetrack back in the days of the early flat-head pipes the exact same length. Don't use short pipes. True,
Harleys and Indians was about four or five thousand, they're just kind of chuffy, they don't put out much power,
with today's super-tuned machines that turn up 15, 18, they certainly don't scavenge, and they certainly don't
20, yes, 22 thousand or more for the smallest competition prevent any gases from escaping. They don't seem to do
engines. Theory has come a long, long way. From hard- anything but just be what they are, enough to dump the
ly more than a valve open to the air, they've come to first stuff over the side. The proper length is all important
the proper length straight pipe, then they found the ac- and this is fairly easy to attain. Please bear in mind that
tion of megaphones, straight and reversed cone. On the we are not tuning for speed here, we are tuning for torque.
motorcycle of 1930 to 1965 vintage, the straight pipe of the Of course, with as much torque as you can get out of an
proper length causes the cam to begin to work at 4000 engine, you also attain a little more speed or climb rate
rpm, witfi the proper silencer about 3000 rpm. Although in that you'll be able to use a larger or steeper pitch pro-
it's a bit flatter, it does not have the power of a straight peller.
pipe. With the proper reverse-cone meg it'll come in at
maybe 2500 and boost itself to a great crescendo of power HOC

at about 6000 or 7000 and then begin to slowly drop off.

But whatever you do, don't try to take the whole pipe
off or you can't even start the machine. I proved this to
myself some time ago.
I own a small 4-cylinder glow-plug engine made a
few years ago. The instructions claimed it would run with
30 MAY 1975
Figure 1 will show you the approximate action of the an expansion chamber or a muffler without much back
exhaust gas being emitted from the short stack. As you pressure or the use of both a resonance chamber and a
can see, this system is a pretty flat deal. It does the job muffler further downstream. However, at roughly 63"
of actually dumping the gas outside and protects the valve you must have what we would call an opened-end. This
from the cold air which if it came in contact with the valve expansion chamber that could be put at this point must
would cause it to warp. The nicest part about the short be at least nine times the swept volume of any one cylin-
stack is the fact that it is not a noisy stack and has a rea- der. More is better. This also holds true for your exhaust
sonably pleasant note from say from 500 feet on up. But muffler. Upon leaving the exhaust muffler, you may use
as you can see, it doesn't do much and the necessity for stub pipes of a larger diameter than your exhaust pipes.
more power in a small engine is always self-evident. The same is true leaving the resonance chamber and into
Therefore, there being no substitute for cubic inches ex- the muffler. As these stub pipes are open to a common
cept rpms and the fact that you can't use all the rpms muffling chamber and the velocity has already been de-
without gearing, we've got to find another route. creased, pressure is also decreased going through the larg-
It may sound like a lot of work making all four pipes er volume and will have abated not only the velocity but
the same length and they might end up longer than you also much of the sound as well.
think they should, although it may be possible to Siamese
them into two, or even one downstream. You may even
have to cross your after pipes underneath the engine to
keep them reasonably the same length on the outside of
your aircraft, but I think with a little experimenting
you'll find that this is well worth it because it does add
considerably to your torque. After you have determined
where you want this high torque point, then you've got
to get the length of the pipe. For instance, even though
you pick an arbitrary point such as perhaps 2800, the
pipe (or the camming in this case) will come in a little
bit sooner and last quite a little bit beyond where you
picked your point. For a Volkswagen 2800 rpm may be a
good range to work from, the mean distance between 2500
rpm and 3300 rpm. So we'll assume we want this to be
at maximum torque at about 2800. The exhaust gas on a Figure 2 shows you what we are trying to achieve
normal pipe will travel at that temperature about 1700 with the proper length pipe. The object is to get the wave
ft./sec., which for all practical purposes, is about the to be a minus pressure just before the exhaust valve
same speed as sound at that rarified atmosphere and closes, or at least no pressure whatsoever. The intake
temperature. This would be on a standard size pipe for valve would be open at this point slightly, and the gases
that valve only. However, there are ways around this to build up, with any luck at all, from whatever ram effect
make the long pipe shorter. By using a slightly larger there may be from the fresh charge rushing in to take the
diameter pipe, you can fool the exhaust into thinking place of the exhaust gases. With this plug of exhaust gas
that it is in the proper diameter pipe and it will act al-
in its neutral position or slightly returning toward the
most as well as if it were. In the future we will refer to engine we then see that there actually could be a slight
the rapidly escaping gas as a slug or plug of air. Remem- super-charging effect from the exhaust gas.
ber the old law, a body in motion tends to remain in mo- This system sounds great, but it ain't necessarily so.
tion; bodies at rest tend to remain at rest. In tuning for speed, the man will sit by his engine and a
Now let's take a look at the formula for determining dynomometer. The engine will be running, he'll measure
the length of the pipe. Let 1650 be the exhaust gas veloci- the pounds pressure, and perhaps cut another '/" off his
ty. On a Volkswagen engine, the degree of valve opening exhaust pipe in order to get the proper length. Not having
would be 114". Let the rpm be in this case about 3000. a dynomometer, perhaps the next best possible thing is to
Remember, the cam will begin to work a little bit sooner watch the tachometer. With a set of pipes made perhaps
than what you picked for your rpm and will continue to from telescoping tubing, keeping all the ends the correct
work beyond that point. length, or even perhaps using only 2 at a time, make like
Let: a slide trombone. Watch the tachometer, and get the
maximum rpm for a particular power setting. The formu-
Vs = velocity in ft./sec. la's good, but it's only approximate. Therefore, at best it
Dr = degree of crankshaft time of valve opening is only a place to start from. Whether using any of these
L = length of pipe measured from open valve systems will make that much difference because of added
weight is something that only you can determine. Here
again, if you're going to use a 2-stroke engine instead of
Vs x Dr 1650x 114" a 4-stroke, you may use double the rpm in that the 2-stroke
= L = = 62.7 fires every time it comes to the top. If you wish the best
R.P.M. 3000 and most comprehensive information available on this,
there is one book that I know of in the entire world that
is published on this subject. It is entitled Scientific De-
As you can see the formula will give you a pipe length sign of Exhaust and Intake Systems 3rd Ed. by Phillip
of approximately 63 inches. However, it may seem a little H. Smith and John C. Morrisson. I was able to obtain
long, but should you have crossed it underneath your en- this excellent publication at Robert Bentley Inc., 872
gine, remember this is a fine place to put the heat trans- Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02139. The price
fer point, assuming you'd have room enough for such. will be approximately $11, hut if you're seriously inter-
This would be, of course, to an open system, and it isn't ested in making your own system, I strongly recommend
just a staccato bark, it's a very loud bugle. It works like a the acquiring of this book. I think it will answer almost
trumpet. There is going to be a lot of noise. It'll be efficient, any question you have.
but there's a lot of noise. However, here again, you've All I can say is good luck and let us know how it works
got to do perhaps a little more in the experimenting with out.
By Jack Cox

Photos by Beverly Hyde

Aerial Shots by Buzz Fitzroy and Frank Lambe

The T WAS A warm Sunday afternoon in late spring of

1948 . . . May 23, to be exact. Since the end of church
hours, cars had been streaming, single file, up the narrow
gravel access road and into the parking lot of what was
proudly billed the Asheboro, North Carolina Municipal
Airport. Billows of red clay dust lightly settled on every-

Ultimate thing the mostly black, mostly pre-war Fords, Chev-

vies and Plymouths, the Sunday-go-to-meeting finery
most folks were still wearing and the row of Cubs,
Champs, Super Cruisers, T-Crafts and show planes parked
right in front of the cars. Worst of all it settled on the
chopped barbeque sandwiches being hawked from car to

Monocoupe car.
This was the day of the "First Annual Air Show" spon-
sored by the Randolph County Airport Commission with
"net proceeds for airport improvement". Already the
city fathers had been busy. Bulldozers had been pushing
back the scrub oak and gashing open banks of blood red
clay to lengthen the east/west strip to 2500 feet. Like
most towns across the country in the late 40s, Asheboro
was air minded. They were proud of their little dirt air-
strip at the south edge of town it would put them "into
the mainstream" of what they were certain was the dawn
of a new post-war aerial age. Today's air show would pro-
vide the cash to pay for the bulldozers and the seeding
(which never had and never would succeed) and for the
new 2,000 ft. cross runway that was planned.
Civic pride and the auspiciousness of the occasion de-
manded nothing less than the best, and that was what
the Airport Commission had contracted for an 11 act
John McCulloch getting ready to tow a disassembled show that would last almost until dark. According to the
Little Butch to Ken Hyde's shop for rebuild.

32 MAY 1975
Little Butch completely stripped for rebuild.

program, which was selling at the gate for lOc a copy, a

"Star Spangled Banner Parachute Jump" would open the
show, followed by "aerobatics with smoke by Ben F.
Huntley", a comedy act featuring a Curtiss Junior with
the fabric stripped off the fuselage (billed as a "1911
airplane"), a car-to-plane transfer by a group known as
the Thrashers, wing walking, ribbon cutting, aerobatics
in a modified Great Lakes called the "Bug" piloted by
Phay Daughtrey, a landing and take-off from a platform
atop a hot V-8 Ford that raced up and down the dusty
runway, "crazy flying with shotgun comedy act", a 10,000
ft. delayed parachute jump by Jack Huber . . . and the
grand finale, the piece de resistance an aerobatic per-
formance by Woody Edmondson in his powerful Clipwing
Woody Edmondson, the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Aerobatic
Champion just crowned at Miami in early January.
THE Woody Edmondson . . . right there in little ol'
It was almost more than the author, a callow youth
of 14, could stand. Rotten to the core with aviation en-
thusiasm literally since birth, I was also a rabid Mono- Here is how Monocoupes get those nicely rounded
coupe fancier. Woody's Clipwing would be the first real fuselage corners a lot of woodwork. That's one of
live one I had ever seen. Somehow amidst all the pre- Ken Hyde's Curtiss Jennies on the right.
show activity the red and white Clipwing landed and
parked before I noticed it. I recall watching the jumpers
pack their chutes, so it was probably during that period
. . . whatever, I had missed seeing my hero before he had
disappeared into the crowd.
Although I enjoyed the other acts that afternoon, I
was living to see the 'Coupe fly throughout the show
I fantasized fiendish methods of inhuman torture to in-
flict upon the wretch who had scheduled Woody at the
tail end of the program. That this was traditionally the
honored spot on any air show bill did nothing to allay my
impatience. Very late in the afternoon, I paced back by
the Monocoupe for possibly the 50th time and was dis-
mayed to see it running. Once again, Woody had slipped
past my supposedly watchful eye and was in the cabin
warming up the throaty Warner . . . too far away from my
vantage point behind the ropes to really see what he
looked like.
Shortly, the 'Coupe taxied down to the end of the strip,
bouncing and jerking over the rough, newly 'dozed sur-
face. Turning into the wind, Woody firewalled it and
blasted the tail up seemingly in one motion. Trailing
a glorious red tornado of dust, the Clipwing was off the
ground after a very short roll, but the nose came down
immediately. Even then I knew this was to build up speed
for a zooming climb, but I was totally unprepared for the Ken Hyde (EAA 37179), RFD 1, Warrenton, Va. 22186
one I saw seconds later. In 1948 I had not yet seen a jet applying fabric to one of the ailerons. Ken is one of the
aircraft up close, so when Woody Edmondson pulled up nation's super restorers of antique aircraft.
into a near vertical climb and just kept going up and up, mind boggling. Thinking back over the 27 years since
I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Out of the top of the that Sunday back in North Carolina, the things that stick
climb, he headed downwind and began a turning, scream- out were the high rate of roll, the vertical performance
ing dive right back down on the deck. Just as he ap- and the speed of the little 'Coupe. Woody flew a beautiful,
proached the end of the runway he rolled inverted to spectacular show, but for me anything he could have done
the accompaniment of an audible gasp from the crowd after that inverted pass and push up into vertical rolls
and held this to about mid-field, at which point he pushed was anticlimatic.
up to vertical and began a series of vertical rolls. After completing his routine, Woody slipped her in
Now, to the present generation of air show watchers and let the Clipwing roll right up to the crowd line with
and participants used to seeing the 180 and 200 hp Pitts the tail still off the ground. Here he stopped and made
in action, none of this would have been terribly earth the 'Coupe bob its nose up and down . . . he was bowing
shaking . . . but in 1948 the performance of this Clipwing to the crowd, according to the show announcer. By this
Monocoupe, particularly its vertical performance, was time I had elbowed my way to the front of the cheering
crowd this time I wasn't moving until I saw Woody
Edmondson, no matter what. And I wasn't to be disap-
pointed because after shutting down the Warner, the fun-
ny little pentagonal door swung open and out squirmed
. . . a rugged, Hollywood-hero type resplendent in riding
boots, whip cord jodhpurs and that brown badge of cour-
age no self-respecting aviator of the late 40s would have
been without, a leather flight jacket??? Not in a million
years. To my youthful astonishment, out stepped a dap-
per figure dressed in a business suit, white shirt and tie
and a then stylish broad brimmed fedora! Far from a Ros-
coe Turner, this fellow, who was now smiling broadly
and waving to the still applauding crowd, looked more
like he had come straight to the airport from church
along with most of the people in the cars. I wasn't disap-
pointed, however in fact, the more I thought about it,
the more I thought it was pretty neat that a guy could
go up and do all those things Woody Edmondson had just
done . . . in a suit and hat. I did wonder a lot about that
h a t . . . how did it stay on?
After the show was over I had the chance to go out on
the field and look at the Clipwing up close. I saw the
name "Little Butch" painted on the nose, and peering
through the side window, wondered how Woody could see
where he was going the seat seemed so low and the
panel and cowling loomed so large and formidable to the
front. Looking up through the narrow slit of Plexiglass
that was the windshield, all I could see was sky. I dis-
tinctly remember thinking, "It takes a REAL pilot to
fly this thing".
I stood there peering into the cabin drinking in the
exotic aroma of hot oil, gasoline and nitrate dope and the
metallic tic-ticing of the collector ring as it cooled down
. . . until everyone was shooed away when Woody was
ready to head home to Lynchburg, Virginia, some 130 air
The one piece Clipwing Monocoupe wing. Notice the miles to the north of Asheboro, I stood watching Little
near full span ailerons and the masked-off center sec- Butch until it became a faint speck and finally disap-
tion skylight. peared, still above the northern horizon. Never in my
wildest dreams did I suspect that 18 years and 5 months
later I would be flying in that same little airplane - loop-
ing and rolling and making screaming dives and passes
down a runway.
And that's the way it was . . . an afternoon in the life
and times of one of the most historic aerobatic/racing
airplanes still active today, N36Y, the Model 110 Special
Monocoupe made famous in the late 1940s and early '50s
by W. W. "Woody" Edmondson. Certainly one of the
more insignificant days in the life of "Little Butch", but
typical of many profitable Sundays it would spend on the
air show circuit. Woody was in great demand in those
days, particularly in his native Southeast. He often flew
two or three air shows a day when he could schedule them
close to Lynchburg and reasonably close together. Leav-
ing home in the morning he would zip down to, perhaps,
Asheboro, N. C., fly an early afternoon show, refuel and
head north for Madison. Diving out of nowhere, he would
beat up the place legally, of course and keep right
Ken Hyde's beautiful fabric work is evident in the rud- on flying north for Danville where he would repeat the
der and elevator shown here. performance before cruising on in to Lynchburg for din-
34 MAY 1975
The first coat of red. The extent to which Little Butch was stripped down for
rebuild is illustrated here. The cowling was stripped
and the old "bumps" were removed. New bumps were
hand formed and the cowl smoothed out. This was one
of the most time consuming jobs in the entire restora-
tion process.

The reason for the lack of forward visibility m a Clip- Little Butch's new all wood instrument panel. That's
wing Monocoupe is the high mounting of the engine. a wobble pump just ahead of the door.

John McCulloch (EAA 44871), 5115 Pommeroy Dr.,

Fairfax, Va. 22031, DC-9 Captain and owner of Little "Pop" Hatcher of Lynchburg, Virginia who built a new
Butch. wing for Little Butch.
ner that evening at home. The promoters at Madison a D-145 before the war and as an air show performer had
and Danville would simply drop his check in the mail! seen firsthand what an aerobatic ace like Leonard Peter-
The real glory days for Woody Edmondson and Little son or Johnny Livingston could do with a Clipwing, so he
Butch, however, were far removed from Sunday afternoon knew what a diamond in the rough he was getting.
air shows at little Tobacco Road airports. Their finest After VJ Day, Woody had to start thinking of ways
hours would come a hard days flying southward from his 'Coupe could earn its keep, and as we have already
Lynchburg at the Miami Air Maneuvers and Air Races. seen, he fell right back into his old pre-way ways. With-
The first big civilian air show held after World War in months the two were polishing the pylons and dueling
II was the 1946 Miami event held the first week in with Bevo Howard at Miami.
January. According to the Miami Herald, Woody and It was during this period that N36Y underwent the
Little Butch opened the show and thus were the first transformation to the form that is familiar to aerobatic/
civilian air show act of the post war era. Little Butch re- racing aficionados today. First, the plane was given a red
ceived a real workout, being raced as well as flown in the and white sunburst paint job and then a 185 Warner
aerobatic events. N36Y won the Curtiss Trophy Race, 200 hp for take-off. Woody winces a little to this day when
the Aeronca Trophy Race and was second in the aerobatic the subject of the engine change is broached. It cost him
event . . . won by Bevo Howard. Woody finished second 20 grand and more red tape troubles with the feds than
to Bevo again in 1947. he likes to remember. It took a lot of Asheboros to pay for
In 1948 the first post war International Aerobatic the big Warner, but the performance gains were spec-
Championship contest was held as a part of the Miami tacular and the bird was still licensed in the Standard
Air Maneuvers. This time Woody turned the tables on Category.
Bevo and came out the winner. This win, the high point After the winning of the aerobatic title in 1948, Woody
in Woody's and Little Butch's careers, is still noted on picked up Gulf Oil as a sponsor and performed in air
both sides of the fuselage of N36Y, just behind the D shows all over the east and midwest from 1949 through
windows. 1951.

John pours in some petrol preparatory to firing up the Two very important figures m the restoration of Little
engine for the first time since overhaul. The 23 ft. one Butch, Elizabeth McCulloch, left, and Beverly Hyde,
piece wing supports itself quite well without struts. "the long suffering wives" of John McCulloch and Ken
Hyde who, according to John, "have to have a sense
of humor when they're married to some kind of airplane
In 1948 Little Butch was just a pup only seven nut!"
years old. It had been built in Orlando, Florida early in
1941 for Billy Coddington of Charlotte, North Carolina
and was test flown on February 3 by Monocoupe presi-
dent, Clare Bunch. All the 110 Specials, since Johnny
Livingston's original, were built on special order, and With the coming of the Korean War in 1950, air show
Mr. Coddington was on hand for the test flying he even activity began to taper off and, concurrently, Woody's
had the dubious distinction of being in on a forced land- business interests began to take more and more of his
ing with Butch, fortunately a successful one. In its origi- time. It all added up to a gradual decline in the use of
nal form N36Y (Ser. No. 7W96) was powered by a 145 hp Little Butch during the 50s. The 110 Special is a demand-
Warner and was Monocoupe blue with ivory trim. ing airplane as far as pilot proficiency is concerned and
During the next 3 years, N36Y went through a series Woody knew this, so rather than continuing to risk his
of owners: Guy Gully of Farrell, Pennsylvania, J. D. neck and the airplane in only occasional flights, a very
Reed of Houston, Texas and on March 16, 1944, Woody reluctant decision was made in 1960 to sell Little Butch
Edmondson. Oddly enough, the Clipwing was purchased to air show pilot Johnny Foyle.
by Woody strictly for transportation. During World War Butch apparently did not take kindly to new hands on
II he ran a Contract Pilot Training program at Lynch- the stick. Foyle promptly found himself on his back dur-
burg and with a national 35 mph speed limit, airliners ing landing roll-out and after the plane had been rebuilt,
impressed into military service, trains and busses cram- duplicated the feat on the very first test flight . . . in
med with G.I.s, travel associated with running his school front of movie cameras, no less. Shortly after the 'Coupe
was a serious problem. Fast lightplanes such as Stagger- was rolled back into the late Frank Sadler's shop at
wings and Howards had also been impressed by Uncle South Boston, Virginia, Johnny Foyle was killed when
Sam, so about all that was available were a few pre-war his Stearman collided with a T-6 during filming for a TV
hotrods declared too hot to handle for use as military show in Florida. In 1965 the remains of Little Butch
hacks . . . like Clipwing Monocoupes. Woody had owned were offered for sale by Foyle's estate and a lot of avia-
36 MAY 1975
tion buffs made their way to South Boston to see the fa- loops, 195 mph passes down the fly-by runway, the high
mous little showplane including the author. I didn't G pull ups . . . while at the same time I was seeing it
know it at the time, but I just missed the man who came all from the other side of the looking glass. THIS is the
to buy rather than look Eastern Airlines Captain John way it felt, the way the world tumbled past the windshield,
McCulloch, then of Hialeah, Florida. Pushed back in the the way it sounded from inside the cabin of Little Butch
corner of a hangar, Little Butch was a sick looking bird that warm Sunday in 1948.
a poignant contrast to the proud world's champion of That was the most exciting airplane ride I had ever
my 1948 vintage memories. But John could see beyond had . . . it is the most exciting airplane ride I will ever
the dust and damage . . . on June 18, 1965 the prize was have. On that September morning yes, it was a Sunday
his. morning I had about 350 hours of flying time and I had
John had Carl Poston (the man who in 1950 had never flown in an aircraft with this kind of performance.
snatched the last factory built 110 Special 1N16EI from In short, I was at the most impressionable point of my
the hands of the local sheriff come to padlock the doors flying career. I have been in N36Y several times since
of a bankrupted Monocoupe company) retrieve Little and I have been fortunate to have flown and ridden in a
Butch's bones and trailer them to Florida. Over the fall great number of airplanes since, including a P-51, but
and winter the plane was completely rebuilt, largely by nothing else has and, I know, never will surpass the thrill
Monocoupe specialist C. V. Stewart. On March 8, 1966 of that September 25, 1966 ride. I am simply grateful to
John test flew N36Y, beginning a love affair that endures John directly and Woody indirectly for making this mo-
undiminished to this day. ment of my life what it was . . . and is ... to me.
In the early 1950s John McCulloch was in Korea fu- Throughout the late 60s and early 70s John flew Butch
tilely chasing MIGs with an F-84 while Woody Edmond- to fly-ins all over the eastern half of the U. S. from his
son was still thrilling the air show crowds with Little home airport in Manassas, Virginia he had been trans-
Butch back home in John's native North Carolina (Thom- ferred from Miami to Washington, D. C. by Eastern short-
asville). After mustering out of the Air Force and sign- ly after my Gastonia ride in 1966. He became quite pro-
ing on with Eastern, John soon came under the Mono- ficient in aerobatics with the little dude and occasionally
coupe spell. Something had compelled him to purchase flew an air show. When the Flying Circus began its opera-
the late Rusty Heard's D-145 (N86570, Serial Number tion at Bealeton, Virginia John flew a show there now
D-122). The appreciation he developed for this demand- and then when his duties as a DC-9 captain allowed. Lit-
ing little 'Coupe was, of course, what eventually prompted tle Butch has not seen a hard life in recent years by any
him to acquire Little Butch . . . the ultimate Monocoupe. means, but aerobatics and the simple accumulation of
That summer John started showing Little Butch on hours take their toll on any airframe. A couple of years
the fly-in circuit and, fortunately for me, decided to bring ago John decided it was high time he had a look at Butch's
it to Gastonia, N. C. for the fall fly-in of the Carolinas- innards . . . and it was a good thing he did.
Virginia Antique Airplane Foundation (now EAA Chap- Little Butch is very special to John McCulloch. He is
ter 395). After I had taken my 346th slide of the 'Coupe acutely aware that he possesses a unique historical arti-
and related my story of Woody and Butch at Asheboro fact that, in a larger sense, belongs to all of us. Thus,
in '48 for the 23rd time, John finally realized I was never when the decision was made to again rebuild the ship,
going to go away, so he gave in and told me to get in the he wanted the work done by someone who was not only a
right seat and hold the brakes while he propped the highly skilled craftsman, but, just as important, a kindred
Warner. spirit, someone who would share his feelings for the air-
From the moment I reached out and pulled the funny plane. He didn't have to look far.
little pentagonal door open and squirmed into the cabin, Ken Hyde of Warrenton, Virginia is an American
I found myself slipping into a near schizophrenic experi- Airlines Captain . . . and the owner and operator of Vir-
ence. For the next 30 minutes, every maneuver, every ginia Aviation Company. He has restored a number of
sensation I experienced, I experienced twice . . . simul- antique airplanes over the years his tongue-in-cheek
taneously. The real thing and its mirror image of 18 named Aeronca C-3, "Speedy", portions of a 1922 Farman
years before. I was sitting there with my backside strap- Sport, a Stearman, and, most recently, has been hard at
ped to Little Butch loving every second of John's rolls, work on two Curtiss Jennies, just to name a few of interest

How's this for close! John tucks Little Butch right into Little Butch and owner John McCulloch back in their
the cameraman's lap. element after the airplane's latest restoration.
to antiquers. All have been beautiful pieces of work. Some- John moved to the Washington area, he made it a point to
how, John convinced Ken he should squeeze Little Butch look Pop up, and the two 3 counting Little Butch
in ahead of the Jennies. struck up a friendship. After discovering the spar cracks
As soon as the 23 foot, one piece wing was removed and coming to the realization that the time that was going
and examined, the project took a completely new direc- to be necessary to restore the airplane was now roughly
tion. Both the main and rear spars were cracked! After doubled, the decision was made to farm out the wing. Pop
the little cold shiver that was racing up and down his Hatcher was the only logical choice. That way Ken could
spine subsided, John was able to reason that his most re- concentrate on the rest of the airframe and, if all went
cent aerobatic flights were not really as near the brink well, the various components would be ready for cover
of disaster as one might initially imagine. The cracks about the same time.
were in the center of the wing near the points at which it The pictures accompanying the article tell better
attaches to the upper fuselage. This wing is so inherently than words the extent of the work that went into this
rigid that it is close akin to being a full cantilever unit. most recent restoration of Little Butch. The airframe
The addition of heavy struts makes it bridge-like in was completely stripped down to the last nut and bolt, a
strength. In fact, a couple of Clipwings have been rolled new wing was built and the engine was majored. Peeling
up in balls with the outer portions of the wing smashed away the fabric and paint during the teardown was a sort
to splinters and in each instance the wing or what was of leafing back through the pages of history. The fuselage
left of it did not separate from the fuselage. In all tubing bore mute evidence in the form of numerous
likelihood the airplane could have been flown for years splices of past damage. The entire tail section appar-
without incident, so overbuilt is it ... but that was aca- ently has been off more than once. Interestingly, one
demic now. The airframe was disassembled, so the only landing gear leg was longer and bent at a different angle
thing to do was build a new wing. than the other. The cowling was a complete mess, a body
Back in the days when Woody owned N36Y, it had been putty salesman's paradise.
maintained by F. E. "Pop" Hatcher of Lynchburg. When All these discrepancies were corrected and as the bird

(Photo Courtesy Richard Austin)

W. W. "Woody" Edmondson and N36Y as it came from the Monocoupe factory at Orlando, Florida
in February of 1941. It was dark blue with ivory trim. Factory Clipwings were powered with 145 War-
ners and Curtiss Reed props. The "S's" are temporary race numbers. Woody has now retired and
lives in Myrtle Beach, S. C.
38 MAY 1975
went back together a lot of new goodies were added a correctly timed internally for a Warner. In what must
new wood instrument panel finished to glisten like a have been in the face of astronomical odds, the new left
piece of fine furniture, floorboards that look just as good, mag was internally timed the same as the old one. With
a black and white upholstery job and a new set of credits that problem solved at long last, the plane was buttoned
for the airplane oglers to read. Printed in the back of the up and in early October, 1974 was flown off Ken's small
fabric covered baggage compartment is the following: grass strip.
Curtiss Trophy Race . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Place 1946 In the air John immediately found Butch was a new
Aeronca Trophy Race . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Place 1946 airplane in more ways than one. With the beautiful new
Aerobatic Championship . . . . . . . 2nd Place 1946 wing fitted with a much smoother leading edge, the bird
Aerobatic Championship . . . . . . . 2nd Place 1947 just didn't want to quit flying and the top speed had in-
Also, attached to the rear spar, just behind the pilot's creased from an indicated 155-160 to 170 mph at the
head (in the Monocoupe the top of the cabin is open the same power setting of 22 inches and 1950 rpm. And since
wing bolts right on top of the upper longerons and the all was recorded on movie film so he can't lie out of it,
spars are fully exposed . . . the skylight is the roof of the we can tell you it took John three tries to get Little
cabin) are two small plaques. One reads, "This aircraft Butch down on Ken's tiny greensward!
restored by Ken Hyde, Va. Aviation Co., Warrenton, Va.", So once again, this famous little Monocoupe has been
and the other, "Wing woodwork by F. E. "Pop" Hatcher, given a new lease on life this time perhaps the best
Lynchburg, Va." it's ever had. Undoubtedly, the finest tribute to the work
With the airframe essentially completed, the freshly Ken did came from Pop Hatcher. When he saw the com-
majored Warner was installed and fired up for a ground pleted airplane for the first time, he walked around it
check. Much to John's chagrin, a longstanding problem several times and finally said, "It ain't NEVER looked
still persisted a rough left mag. All past efforts had like this!" He should know because his name first ap-
been for naught, but John was determined that after go- pears in Little Butch's logs from nearly 30 years ago! On
ing through the airplane the way Ken had, he was not the third flight of the newly restored airplane, John
going to settle for anything less than equal perfection roared down to Lynchburg and had Pop sign the logs
in the engine compartment. The mags were overhauled again.
. . . no improvement. A new set of overhauled mags were EAAers and aviation enthusiasts will be pleased to
obtained . . . still rough. Finally, one day one of the right know John McCulloch intends to eventually place N36Y
mags was substituted for the mysteriously plagued lefts in the EAA Museum. Further, Woody Edmondson, who
. . . and the darn engine ran perfectly! Smoother, in fact, now lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, has accepted
than it ever had since John had owned the airplane. Ap- EAA's invitation to participate in its Aviation Greats
parently, for a long time maybe as far back as when the program at Oshkosh this summer. The goal is obvious . ..
185 Warner was first installed, the left mag had been in- Woody and Little Butch reunited at Oshkosh '75!

3 By Val Wright (EAA 81831)
516 Wnghtwood Terrace
Libertyville, Illinois 60048

and installers of building insulation. Both in board stock

form and "foamed in place", urethane is one of the most
homebuilding efficient and widely used of all low-temperature insulat-
ing materials. Since different grades of the material vary
in flammability ratings, builders should check this point
with suppliers and specify a fire-retardant grade if availa-
Through cooperation of The Upjohn Company, whose

s, I INCE PUBLICATION OF the recent article on rigid

plastic foams at the 1974 Fly-In (December, 1974, p. 30),
CPR Div. is a major prime supplier of urethane foam ma-
terials and systems, we're listing below a number of fab-
ricators/distributors in 19 states from whom rigid ure-
thane foam sheet and slab stock may be purchased:
a number of EAA members have expressd interest in Alabama: Shook & Fletcher Insulation Co., P. O.
utilizing some of these materials in their homebuilt air- Box 7337, Mobile 36607. Arizona: Arizona Diversified
craft. One point quickly evident to SPORT AVIATION Products, 22 E. Lincoln, Phoenix 85004. California: All-
was the need for additional information on where build- Temp, 2348 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento 95813; Tharco,
ers could obtain rigid polyurethane foam and the Dynel" 265 Hegenberger Rd., Oakland 94615; Vertex, 4200
fabric overlay material, as used in the construction of Charter St., Los Angeles 90058; Thorpe Insulation, 4550
Ken Rand's KR-2 and the new miniaturized fighter aircraft Federal Blvd., San Diego 92101.
developed by War Aircraft Replicas, Santa Paula, Calif. Colorado: A. H. Bennett Co., 3201 Brighton Blvd.,
Polyurethane (commonly called urethane) foam is Denver 80216. Florida: Bigham Insulation Co., P. 0.
generally favored by builders over the more widely availa- Box 22146, Ft. Lauderdale 33315. Illinois: Glenrock Co.,
ble polystyrene foam because of its resistance to solvent 140 W. Lake St., Northlake 60164. (Also in the Chicago
type adhesives and other products which attack PS foam. area is Midwest Pipe Covering, 180 Ida Ave., Antioch,
The latter, for example, is dissolved by gasoline or polyes- Illinois.)
ter resin, while urethane foam remains unaffected. Iowa: Barton Solvents, 116 Forrest Ave., Des Moines
Urethane board stock, and Dynel modacrylic fabric 50301. Maryland: Walter E. Campbell Co., 10721 Tucker
in the 4 oz. weight used by EAA builders, are available St., Beltsville 20705. Massachusetts: Atlas Insulation
from the following organizations: Co., 6 Willows Rd., Ayer 01433. Michigan: W. H. Porter,
Inc., 4240 N. 136th Ave., Holland 49423. Minnesota:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co., Box 424, Fullerton, Minnesota Diversified, 2281 Hampden Ave., St. Paul
California 92632 55114. Missouri: MFG Associates, 3011 Roanoke, Kan-
Canadian Rand Aviation, 2 Thorncliffe Park Drive sas City 64108.
No. 47, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nebraska: Vaughn Insulation, 2815 N. 22nd St.,
Rand Robinson Engineering, Inc., 6171 Cornell Drive, Omaha 68110. New Jersey: Insco Corporation, 109 Gra-
Huntington Beach, California 92647 ham Lane, Lodi 07644. New York: Burnett Process, 5928
Wicks Organ Co., Highland, Illinois 62249 Court St. Rd., Syracuse 13201. Oklahoma: Davis Inter-
Also in a position to supply the Dynel material to national, P. O. Box 507, Catoosa 74015. Tennessee:
EAA builders is Noah Lamport, Inc., 2041 Blake Ave., MFG Associates, 1446 S. Cooper, Memphis 38114.
Los Angeles, California 90039. Texas: Houston Foam Plastics, 2019 Brooks, Hous-
For builders trying to locate sources of rigid urethane ton 77026; Sabine Industries, Inc., 507 Dayton, Orange
foam in their own areas, here's a useful tip: Your best 77630; Artcraft Industries, Inc., 340 Artcraft Rd., El
bet is to check local classified telephone directories and Paso 79925. Washington: E. J. Bartells, 700 Powell,
other commercial listings for distributors, fabricators Renton 98055.

40 MAY 1975

By Jack Cox

n r ----


5 >' "
(Photo by Jack Cox)
Dick Wagner and his CUBy.
-L HE NAME OF only one American lightplane has
ever become a part of the language, a generic noun. Ask
your non-aviation minded neighbor to name a small air-
plane and odds are heavy he will respond with the name
of an airplane that went out of production almost 30 years
ago . . . Piper Cub. Or, just plain Cub.
Since that day in late 1930 when pilot George Kirken-
dall (EAA 35582) nursed the first Cub off the ground,
nearly 22,000 variants have been built. And although the
last of the low powered line was discontinued in 1947,
approximately 3,900 Cubs (E-2 through J-3) remain on
FAA's books today . . . apparently not nearly enough to
go around for those who want to own one. Any devoted
reader of Trade-A-Plane can tell you that the price of
Cubs has risen dramatically in the past four or five years.
In a recent issue the Cubs listed had an average asking
price of $4281, and one was being offered for a cool six
and a half grand! All this for an airplane that sold new
for $2195 (faO in 1946.
Why the Cub? Why is this modest performing little
(Raettig Photo Service) puddle jumper enjoying such an amazing revival in the
One of the identification features of a CUBy a trim 1970s? Perhaps we can lay the phenomenon at the feet
tab to replace the J-3's jack screw trim system. of the nostalgia fad that has had the U. S. locked in its
grip for half a decade now. Perhaps we can point to the
energy crunch and the realization that it is not going to
go away and the consequent decision on the part of
many that recreation must hereafter be taken close to
home in something that is inexpensive to operate. It
could be that many are now looking at the once humble
Cub as a significant and therefore valuable artifact of
aviation history the airplane that has probably trained
more people to fly than any other, the airplane that went
off to war as the L-4 and distinguished itself in combat
zones around the globe, the airplane that more than any
other has made the general public aware and once ap-
preciative of little, privately owned planes. For others
the Cub is undoubtedly a personal means of escape, of
rebellion from an increasingly impersonal, mechanized,
computerized, ATCed, TCAed world . . . a retrogression
to happier, simpler days. There may even be a few who see
the Cub as a sound investment, a hedge against inflation.
(Photo by Lee Fray) And, finally, there's that bunch of Cub Lovers who simply
The basic fuselage structure of the Wag-Aero CUBy. think the little yellow bird is the most fun of anything
This is Paul Poberezny's airplane. SPORT AVIATION 41
(Color Photos by Jack Cox)

they have ever flown . . . and they just have to have one. Dick's dream has been to purchase the rights to the J-3
Whether for one or all of the above reasons, there is a from Piper and put it into production again on a limited
market for Cubs today. The used Cub business has been basis. He has not been alone in this and, apparently,
brisk since the late 40's and several aviation supply Piper has been unmercifully harassed down through the
houses have made their mark by specializing in Cub parts, years by persons wanting the J-3 for their very own. Some,
most notably Wag-Aero, Inc. of Lyons, Wisconsin, a tiny of course, have been outright crackpots and this com-
village almost in sight of the famed Playboy Club at near- bined with Piper's fear that somehow their good name
by Lake Geneva. Wag-Aero is Dick Wagner (EAA 25491), might become sullied, has caused them to turn down
a North Central Airlines Captain who has parlayed a sin- everyone, crackpot and serious contender alike.
gle mail order product wing spar inspection hole covers Dick Wagner has persisted, however, and now has
for Luscombes into one of the largest and most success- taken a different tack. A biplane buff he owns a Waco
ful after-market aviation product manufacturing and UPF-7 Dick was impressed with EAA's Acro Sport and
supply firms in the world. Early in the growth of Wag- became one of the first supply houses to make a ma-
Aero, a line of Cub parts was developed fuel tanks, terials kit available for it. This experience crystalized
exhaust systems and mufflers, cowling assemblies, land- his thoughts regarding the realization of his Cub dreams
ing gears, stabilizer jack screw assemblies, boot cowls, in- . . . if he couldn't get the rights to the ATCed Piper J-3
strument panels, hub caps, wing spars, lift struts, upper Cub, he would come up with a kit for a nearly identical
and lower doors, complete tail assemblies, wing tanks, airplane and sell it to homebuilders.
leading edge skins, throttle and cabin heat control cables, Before proceeding into such a venture, Dick had his
wing compression tube members, windshields, instru- attorneys thoroughly check out the legal ramifications.
ments with the Cub emblem imprinted on their faces, They concluded that as long as the kits were not purport-
floor boards, fairings, wing tip bows, engine mounts, re- ed to be genuine Piper J-3 Cubs and were not named Piper
placement wing ribs, and scores of smaller goodies . . . J-3 Cubs, then there should not be a problem. He also
in other words, everything one would need to assemble contacted Piper and completely filled them in on his in-
a J-3 except a basic fuselage frame. Dick wanted to sup- tentions and has kept them informed as the project
ply that, also. has developed.
From the beginning, Dick realized certain changes
A long time J-3 fancier and owner of quite a number would have to be made in his homebuilt design from that
of them, along with Vagabonds, J-5s and even an Aztec, of Piper's J-3 to make the task of the homebuilder easier
42 MAY 1975
or even possible. The wing was the biggest nut to
crack. Pre-war Cubs had wood spars and the post war
editions had metal spars obviously, reverting to the
pre-war spruce spars would be better for homebuilders.
Ribs on pre- and post-war Cub wings were riveted alumi-
num affairs that would be difficult for the basement
craftsman, so a built-up wood rib was designed, lofted
to assume the fat profile of the USA 35B airfoil that all
Piper products used until the Comanche came along. The
Wag-Aero ribs are constructed of V-t" x V4" cap strip ma-
terial and the usual ply gussets.
The front and rear spars were made V6" deeper than
Piper originals and the leading edge material .020 2024
T-3, which is a little more substantial than the easily
dented J-3 leading edges. The Wag-Aero wing, as it
evolved, is actually a sort of combination of the pre-
and post-war versions, taking the best features of each.
The post-war metal spar wing's Friese-type ailerons are
used along with the pre-war wood spars, for instance.
The rest of the wing compression tubes, ash wing
tip bows, drag and anti-drag tie rods, and fittings are (Raettig Photo Service)
interchangeable with those in Piper wings. 13'/2 gallon Although the prototype CUBy has a trim tab system,
wing tanks are available for either panel. the fuselage structure for installation of a Piper J-3
The Wag-Aero fuselage is dimensionally identical to jack screw trim system is in place.
a Piper J-3 . . . only the wall thickness of a few tubes at
the front of the fuselage are greater so as to accommo-
date engines up to the 125 Lycoming. A major improve-
ment is the fact that the entire frame is welded up with
4130 tubular steel rather than 1025 as in the Pipers.
Another improvement is the left side window which
swings out just as does the top portion of the door on the
right side of the cockpit. This will be a welcomed fea-
ture to old Cub pilots who remember that the first time
one slid the old windows up and down, they became
scratched permanently.
The tail surfaces of the Wag-Aero plane are actually
the replacement parts for J-3's that Aero Fabricators,
another Wagner company, has been building for a num-
ber of years . . . with one exception. The Piper J-3 used a
trim system which incorporated a jack screw that raised
and lowered the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer.
The jack screw was actuated by a continuous loop cable
between it and a small crank in the cabin. It was a source
of trouble the jack screw had to be kept clean and well
lubricated and when the cable became stretched through (Raettig Photo Service)
continuous use, would slip rendering the trim system use- Randy Gustafson, left, sets the stick control in place
less. Also, pilots and line personnel could never resist the on N3WA, the prototype CUBy, while Don Oberhart
temptation to hoist the tail of the airplane by lifting on works on Serial Number 2. That's an EAA Acro Sport
the stabilizer . . . thus putting the weight of the entire fuselage on the sawhorses.
tail section on the jack screw. A definite no-no. The Wag-
Aero airplane has a trim tab on the trailing edge of the
left elevator. For those who still want the old jack screw
system, all the attachment brackets will be included in
the plans.
The rest of the airplane is made up of new Aero Fabri-
cators J-3 replacement parts and components.
Late last year the decision was made to go ahead with
the project and jigs were immediately started. By that
time a name had also been decided upon . . . the Wag-
Aero CUBy Sport Trainer (say "cubbie"). In 56 working
days the Wag-Aero crew whipped out the CUBy struc-
ture, covered it with the Stits process from Poly-Fiber
to Aero-Thane and installed a freshly majored Conti-
nental C-85. As the color pictures accompanying the ar-
ticle clearly illustrate, the final paint job is ... shall we
say, unconventional? Dick Wagner's explanation is sim-
ple "Everyone will want to take two pictures of it."
As a practical matter, he had to do something to keep
people from walking right past "just another yellow Cub", (Raettig Photo Service)
and the CUBy's court jester's suit of half yellow and half Francis Dahlman inspects the all-wood Wag-Aero CUBy
green certainly accomplishes that! Although it sounds wings. A 131/2 gallon wing tank was later installed in the
awful, the effect is startling only at first. After a while it left wing.
44 MAY 1975
begins to grow on you. A lot of people who have seen the
CUBy, including the author, like the green side with yel-
low trim. We're going to predict a lot of CUBy builders
will choose the green for their bird, and that there will
be some more half green/half yellow jobs, also. The atten-
tion that paint job will get at every stop will be too much
for some to resist.
For those of you who like to mark the occurrence of
significant events, check Wednesday, March 12, 1975 on
your date book. It was a cold, blustery, overcast day and a
good four inches of snow blanketed the Wisconsin coun-
tryside. Anticipating such a circumstance, skis were wait-
ing at the ready. After FAA inspector Joe Siemer (who
followed the project from beginning to end and went out
of his way to help keep work on schedule) handed Dick
the coveted airworthiness certificate, everything was go.
As the CUBy was being pulled out on the snow, a call
was made to the Wag-Aero office for all hands to turn out
and come up the hill to the company's private strip to
(Photo by Jack Cox) watch the object of their recent labors take to the air for
N3WA in the final stages of construction in Wag-Aero's the first time.
airport shop. With his family, employees, Paul and Audrey Pober-
ezny, who drove up just in time, a couple of EAAers from
Michigan, Wayne Fredline and Vie Hansen, who had
driven over to Lyons for parts, and the author standing
on the sideline, Dick poured on the coal and seconds later
lifted off for the first time. The name was changed and
the color certainly was different, but all of us were aware
we were witness to the rebirth of an aviation legend.
Paul and Audrey Poberezny had a special interest in
the flight of the CUBy. After Audrey heard about the
project, she secretly arranged to purchase the first kit
for Paul for Christmas. President Paul is a hard man to
keep secrets from, but Audrey really put it over on him
on this occasion. Remember when you got a model air-
plane for Christmas and dashed off to your workbench to
start work on it even before opening the rest of your pre-
sents? Well, that was Paul and his new "toy". For a time,
there was some question whether Paul would complete
his CUBy before Wag-Aero's . . . but the press of EAA busi-
ness soon began to cut into his after hours and weekends,
as usual, and progress has slowed. By the time you are
reading this, however, Paul's CUBy will be nearing com-
pletion. It will be painted black with yellow trim and will
(Photo by Jack Cox) have the registration number N23254. This paint scheme
FAA inspector Joe Siemer, left, and Dick Wagner pose and N-number will make the plane a duplicate of Paul's
with the prototype CUBy. Siemer had just presented first Piper Cub.
Dick with the experimental airworthiness certificate. As of this writing (late March), the flight restrictions
After the picture taking, the wheel pants were removed are being flown off the CUBy and Bill Blake is finishing
and skis were installed for the first test flight. up the plans. The prototype came out at an empty weight
of 695 pounds and 769 with wheel pants, the C-85, a
metal prop, 13'/2 gallon tank in the left wing and a built-
in ski rack behind the rear seat. Flight testing to date
has been uneventful, including spins. "It flies like a Cub"
has a special significance in this case and is, perhaps, the
finest compliment the plane will ever get.
The Number Three CUBy is already under construc-
tion by Wag-Aero and will outwardly resemble the Piper
PA-11, the fully cowled transition model of the Piper
Cub that eventually led to the PA-18 Super Cub. This
CUBy will be powered by a 75 hp Limbach engine, which
is distributed in North America by Wag-Aero.
Information on plans, kits, prices, etc. for the CUBy
is available from Wag-Aero, Box 181, North Road, Lyons,
Wisconsin 53148.
Upon hearing of the CUBy for the first time, one
EAAer was overheard to say, "Guess it had to happen
sooner or later, what with all the replicas being built
today". Nothing has to happen, of course, but a whole
new generation of Cub . . . er, CUBy owners will be glad
it did if they have just half the fun with their airplanes
(Raettig Photo Service) as us present and past Piper Cub owners have had.
Cabin structure details. SPORT AVIATION 45
46 MAY 1975


PUP N 5182
By K. C. D. St. Cyrien, M.B.E.
One Kongsley Close
Horley, Surrey, England

I,'M NOT QUITE sure when the idea to huild a Sopwith Suddenly, out of the blue, I received a telephone call
Pup first occurred to me. Of one thing I'm sure the first from the Managing Director at Hawkers. Did I still want
stray thoughts in that direction came during 1955-56. At the Sopwith Pup drawings? A clerk at their drawing of-
that time I was re-building a Heath Parasol, a project I fice had discovered all the early Sopwith drawings during
would have given up if it hadn't been for George Hardie, a search for more modern but elusive drawings. In due
Jr. of EAA. His letters and encouragement on the Heath course some 40 pounds of drawings found their way to
project saw me through to a certain day in 1958 when I test where I was living in Dorking to be followed equally
flew the Heath Parasol at Croydon Airport. Thank you, quickly by two security men. Please, could they have the
George, for the many happy hours I flew in the Heath drawings back. The official secret act, you know it
before I had to part with it. lasts 50 years. Now that I had the drawings, I hung onto
Early research on the Sopwith Pup took me first to them. But it took the personal intervention of the Minis-
Hawker-Siddley at Kingston-upon-Thames. I contacted ter of Defense to get the drawings off the official secret
the Managing Director and asked if the original Sopwith list! Sometime later Jack Canary wrote to me from the
Pup drawings were still in existence. After some days I U.S.A. regarding the Sopwith Snipe drawings, and I had
received a letter from Hawkers stating that inquiries the pleasure of referring him to Hawkers.
revealed that all drawings of the old Sopwith Aviation Now that I had the drawings it seemed to me that I
Co. Ltd. were destroyed in the early 1920's. ought to be able to build a Pup replica in about two years.
My next line of attack in the search for drawings was I registered the aircraft with the British Air Registration
visits to the Science Museum and the Imperial War Mu- Board, and a friend in high places reserved the registra-
seum. At the Imperial War Museum I struck pay dirt when tion G-APUP for me.
I found eight drawings of the Pup fuselage, plus a general Inquiries to the Sopwith Apprentices Assn. brought
arrangement drawing, but not enough information to en- a letter with the exciting information that the Sopwith
able me to build a Pup. Aviation Co.'s chief designer, Mr. R. A. Ashfield, was still
At this stage I made up my mind to shelve the project. alive and living just outside of Kingston-upon-Thames. I
I had already written many letters to British museums wrote to Mr. Ashfield and received an invitation to visit
and various other well-informed people, in the hope that him and discuss the project. This I did, and over the next
a lead on the remains of a Pup could be obtained. All my few years Mr. Ashfield became a friend who was never too
letters had received negative replies, so that avenue busy to clear up the various problems on the Pup con-
closed up. struction. Many hours I spent listening to the early his-
48 MAY 1975
tory of the Sopwith Aviation Co. Mr. Ashfield, who per-
sonally designed such aircraft as the Pup, Camel and Tri-
plane, and who also designed all of the early Sopwith air-
craft, is still alive today at 86 years of age, I am happy to
I now had drawings, material was on order, and the
Pup designer had agreed to help with problems. All I
needed was an engine. I discovered that the British Science
Museum had two Le Rhone rotary engines which had been
in storage at that time for some 40 years. Inquiries to the
museum brought a polite reply that, although they didn't
require the engines, strict regulations made it impossible
to part with one, even on loan. After a year of trying all
the methods I knew to shake loose an engine from the
museum, all to no avail, I gave up.
At this stage I came in contact with the first of sever-
al sharp types who asked for help in constructing a Pup.
With most I'm willing to give them the "benefit of the
doubt", but one in particular proved to be completely
without conscience. From Holly, Michigan came a letter
from a Mr. H. Leslie Groves stating that he had found a
Sopwith Pup hanging in a barn. Groves said he had ob-
tained the aircraft, rebuilt it and sold it to the Dutch
government for their aviation museum. (Later inquiries
made through the Dutch Military Attache indicated that
they had never bought a Sopwith Pup since the 1919's, and
in any case they did not have an actual aviation museum
at that time.) Groves wrote that he had an 80 hp Gnome
rotary which had been running about two years earlier.
If I could obtain two old type lightplane aircraft engines
he would let me have the Gnome in exchange.
Various contacts of mine spent months searching and
turned up a 30 hp Scott "Flying Squirrel" and a 20 hp
Douglas "Sprite" engine. Both engines were complete
and in good condition. Here in England at that time small
aero engines were like gold dust, and although the owners
didn't ask gold dust for them, they did cost quite a lot
of money.
I crated up both engines and shipped them off to De- Photograph of Flight Lt. E. R. Grange. D.S.C., Croix De
troit. A few weeks later I wrote to ask if the engines had Guerre. RNAS, taken in 1917 while on sick leave, having
arrived. Four letters later I hadn't received a reply. After been wounded in combat. Grange, a Canadian and still
six months, I wrote to the British Air Attache in Wash- living in Canada, was the first pilot of N-5182.
ington and told him I couldn't get a reply from Groves.
Then three weeks later Groves wrote that he had shipped
the Gnome engine. At last things were moving!
Some three months later a letter came from the cus- The Colonel suggested that we come back the next day
toms authorities at the London docks asking me to clear by then the French Air Force would rig up some sort of
an old engine and take it away. I drove straight to Lon- lighting.
don and a customs officer showed me the engine. It was The next day when I arrived at the hangar some por-
a solid ball of rust. At some time it had been in a fire and table lighting had been rigged up. What a sight met my
it was possible to push a finger through one cylinder which eyes! Everywhere there was the dust of ages and large
was completely rusted through. The customs officer stated cobwebs festooned everything. As we moved along the
that customs duties were not going to be claimed because inside of the hangar the lights lit up the remains of old
the engine was only suitable for scrap. I took the "en- aircraft and engines. At the far end of the hangar I found
gine" home, and you can imagine my feelings! I wrote to an aircraft which resembled a dark mound of bits and
Mr. Groves several times but as I could get no reply, gave pieces. On top rested an 80 hp Le Rhone with the remains
the whole thing up as a bad job. of a propeller attached! The prop had become de-laminated
Around about this time my job started to take me all but it was just possible to read "Sopwith Scout" stamped
over the world, with the exception of the Americas. Vari- on the boss.
ous friends from all the different countries I visited all I moved one of the wings which was lying on top of the
helped in the search for Sopwith Pup parts and for an en- fuselage. It fell to the ground raising clouds of dust. The
gine. A lead at last took me to a military museum in fuselage could now be seen but it was impossible to iden-
France. But it took two years to persuade the Colonel in tify the actual type. The machine gun, under-carriage and
charge to show me their very large stores. instruments were missing but from the tattered remains
Then one winter's day I was taken to a very old air- of fabric on the wings and fuselage it was most certainly
ship hangar. "This is our reserve store," said the Colonel. a British machine. After some six hours of laying out the
"It was opened about 10 years ago. In fact, I am informed parts and inspecting it was clear that this was actually a
that it has only been opened about four times since 1920. Sopwith Pup. The engine had a brass plate wired to the
The material stored here is either incomplete or badly push rods on which was stamped "N 5182". The remains
damaged." It took some time to find a key to fit a side of the fabric at the rear was cut away and the lights'showed
door. Inside it was very dark and little could be seen in the the remains of the serial number. This was Sopwith Pup
dim light that filtered through the overhead skylights. N 5182!
Flight Lt. A. R. Little, D.S.O. and Bar, D.S.C. and Bar,
Croix De Guerre, who took over N-5182 from E. R. Grange
and shot down a number of German aircraft. He tangled
with Von Richthofen while flying N-5182.

The prototype Sopwith Pup. Was powered with a 50 hp

Gnome rotary and had warpable wings.

By this time my helpers from the French Air Force land I started to sell off the replica parts. Some went to
and I were covered with dirt and grime. The Colonel sug- George Neal in Canada who built a very nice Pup him-
gested that we close the hangar and clean ourselves up. self. Most of the remainder of the replica went to a U. S.
When I was alone with him I asked him if he would let Air Force officer who diverted an Atlas aircraft from Buf-
me have the Pup. This caused him some problems. First, falo Falls, USA to Mildenhall Air Force Base near Cam-
the stores were not to be shown to visitors like me. Sec- bridge, England to collect them!
ondly, his records showed the engine as belonging to the About this time I went to live some 100 miles north
museum but the airframe belonged to the French Air of London. The Pup went with me and I left my house
Force. He said it might be possible to obtain release of the empty. At a later date when I visited my house in Hor-
engine to the British Ministry of Defense, but the Air ley I found that squatters had moved into it. They stole
Force could not release the airframe. There was a law my mail, money and anything else they could get their
against removing war material from France. hands on. It took quite a few police to move them out. If
It took two years to get the engine handed over to the any of my friends in the U.S. wonder why they received
British Ministry of Defense. To help things along, the no reply to their letters, I'm afraid the squatters had
French Air Force flew the 80 hp Le Rhone to England. them. Some three years later I moved back, towing the
On one of my visits to France the Colonel told me that dur- Pup on jury wheels all the way behind my car.
ing the late war he had been flying in England and that During the rebuilding of the Pup I had a visit from Mr.
he had been shown much kindness by the British people. Ron Shelley. He brought with him some of the original
In view of this he had discussed the Sopwith aircraft with parts and instruments from the Sopwith S.L.T.P. This
his superiors and the stores officer. It was agreed that I was the original prototype of the Pup (see photo). These
could take the Pup but only a piece at a time! Officially, parts were used to replace those missing from Pup N 5182.
the French Air Force knew nothing about the Pup or its Many people came to visit during construction, but I made
removal. It was my problem how I got the pieces out of no mention of the fact that the aircraft was original, as
France. it was difficult to work out the legal position as to its
It took several years to get all the pieces back to Eng- ownership.
land. The various airlines were of considerable help in During the rebuild it was necessary to replace much of
flying the parts back free of charge. The first two or the original wood in the longerons and wing spars. As ash
three times I went through British customs and declared to the high quality required was not commercially availa-
my baggage as "Sopwith Pup parts". I was met with frank ble, a friend of mine who was at that time Managing
disbelief, but on the remainder of the trips the customs Director of a woodwork company, decided to let me have
officers were very helpful. enough ash to make four longerons. He told me later they
As soon as I had the most of the Pup parts back in Eng- had reserved this wood for work on the Royal box at the
50 MAY 1975
Ascot race course. In the old days of Queen Elizabeth I
1 would have probably ended up as a prisoner in the Tower
of London!
Now the fuselage was well underway so I decided it
was about time to think about getting it up on its wheels.
The undercarriage legs were a special streamlined steel
tubing, as were the outline of the fin, rudder and trail-
ing edge of the wings. Once again I contacted Hawker-
Siddley Ltd. to ask if by any chance their stores had any of
the special streamlined tubing left over from the 1914/18
War. I got the expected reply, "Sorry, nothing." I then
contacted the original manufacturer of the steel. Yes, they
still had the tools and could "draw" the special stream-
lined tubes to deliver in 12 weeks. As it turned out, once
more I had a stroke of luck.
For some years each time I was in London I visited a
very large scrap yard which purchased scrap metal from
all the various aircraft manufacturers and the Royal Air
Force. It was my fond hope that by luck I might one day
find a rotary engine in the scrap yard. Before World War
2 this company used to deal in Avro 504 parts and rotary
engines. But I never came across one. Some three weeks
after my visit to Hawkers after streamlined tubing I was
in the scrap yard and noticed a lorry unloading a pile of
Rebuilt fuselage of N-5182. Note the simple bungee cord
shock system employed in the landing gear.

Rebuilt fuselage of N-5182 showing the wire braced,

wood fuselage that was typical of the state of the art in
aircraft construction of the World War I period.

Trial fitting of the 80 hp Le Rhone. The prop was from an

AVRO 504 and was installed here for photo effect only.

steel tubes. Some of the tubes looked interesting. Twenty

minutes with the Pup drawings and a steel rule and I found
every piece of steel tube ever used on the Pup. The lorry
driver told me all the material had come from Hawkers! I
bought just enough tube for the Pup the cost was just
one old English penny for each foot length. After I left
the scrap yard and was well on my way home, I thought,
"How stupid of me! I should have bought all the steel tubes
to give myself enough spares should I need them." I went
back the next day, but the tubes had gone for salvage. How-
ever, I consoled myself that I still had the extra supply
coming from the original British manufacturer.
For some time I had been thinking about the overhaul
of the 80 hp Le Rhone rotary engine. Some eight years
earlier I had received a half-promise from the Royal Air-
craft Establishment to rebuild a rotary if I ever managed
to obtain one. I telephoned the very senior engineer I
had talked to eight years earlier. He remembered our
conversation but was retiring in a short while (in fact,
the next day was to be his last). Could he call me back?
Next day I received his call. Deliver it to the Royal Air-
craft Establishment experimental hangar. The R.A.E.
could rebuild that engine as good as new, if not better!
I was still short a bloc-tube carburetor, but I knew of
one attached to a Le Rhone engine in a museum in Brus-
sels, Belgium. Apart from the natural reluctance of the
museum to part with anything, this carburetor was fitted
to an engine behind which the great Belgian ace, Willy
Coppens, had sat during his combats! I visited the museum
with the British Air Attache and talked to the museum
Director. At long last he agreed to release the bloc-tube
carburetor if the British Ministry of Defense asked the
Belgian Ministry of Defense for it. Some two years later
it was posted to me in the diplomatic bag from Brussels.
Around this time I obtained a B.T.H. (British Thomp-
son Houston) magneto from Finland. The complete rebuild
of this magneto caused me no trouble. I worked for the As-
sociated Electric Industries Ltd., one of the biggest elec-
trical companies in the world. It had bought the old B.T.H.
Company. They rebuilt two original magnetos for me
and one of the engineers involved wrote to tell me that in
1914 he was one of the engineers who copied the German
Bosch magneto for the British aircraft engine manufac-
From Lincoln in the English Midlands I obtained a
pair of Sopwith Pup wheels which had been fitted to a hand

This view shows the mounting of the Vickers machine

gun and fuel tank.

The Pup's instrument panel. Some spare instruments

are installed for this picture originals were out for
overhaul at the time. The small crank at the left actuates
the round object behind the panel, the belt winding drum
for the machine gun.

Tail section of N-5182.

cart by an old R.F.C. fitter. The wheels were still fitted

with the original beaded edge tires and inner tubes, and
when pumped up still retained the air. I sent the wheels
to the Dunlop Rubber Co. who rebuilt them with new
modern rims and spokes, using the original hubs and bear-
Vickers Ltd. at Weybridge (now the British Aircraft
Corporation Ltd.) had offered help with the rebuilding of
metal parts, or remaking of parts which were no longer
airworthy. During one of my many visits I brought up the
question of obtaining a Vickers .303 machine gun. Al-
most immediately they produced an original Vickers ma-
chine gun from their museum and presented it to the pro-
ject. It was an original Mark I model from World War 1.
I had the Sopwith Kauper interrupter from the French
museum, so now the gun problem was tied up.
On one of my visits to France I discovered that some-
one had a French-built Sopwith IV> Strutter. It took me
six months to find the owner, only to be told that he had
sold it to M. Jean Salis, a veteran airman well known in
France (now, alas, since deceased). I traced Jean Salis
to a house some miles outside of Paris, and his wife told
me he was at his airfield only a short distance away. I fol-
lowed a small path through a wood and found myself close
52 M A .
to a hangar. Inside I saw a very tall old man, typically
French, working on a 50 hp Gnome rotary. I said, "Bon
jour, Monsieur Salis?" The Frenchman looked at me with
the bluest of blue eyes and replied in English with a pub-
lic school accent, "He is over there," pointing to another
man who was working on an early Bleriot. It turned out
that the Frenchman had been to school in England, served
as a pilot in the Armes de L'Air in World War 1, and then
with a Royal Flying Corps squadron on loan hence the
good English.
Jean Salis kindly showed me his collection of early
aircraft and many rotary engines. But again I could not
persuade him to part with one. During the wonderful
French dinner I had at his house he told me that he had
known Bleriot very well and that for a time in World
War 1 he was a Sopwith 1 '/> Strutter test pilot. Today Jean
Salis is a part of French aviation history.
Some ten years had now passed since I first started
the Pup project. An almost original fuselage stood in my
garage, while my car stood outside in the road rusting
away. For one reason or another the project hardly moved
during the next three years. I collected a few more parts View of the pilot's seat, belt winding drum, ejector tube
but made little progress. And then the Pup started grow- for spent rounds and the ammo magazine. Also notice
ing again! the light but intricate metal fittings.
For nearly ten years I had been searching for an origi-
nal Sopwith Pup propeller, but I couldn't find one any-
where. Then a chance visit to a technical museum in Birm-
ingham to look at a Spitfire. There hanging on the wall
was a perfect Sopwith Pup Lang propeller. Again persua-
sion had to be used. It's strange how valuable an object
becomes to someone else when only you have a need for
it! After some months I managed to agree to an exchange,
and drove home the 150 miles with my prize.
The Pup had now grown too big for my garage, so a
friend loaned me the use of a barn. I rebuilt the wings in
part of the barn, but found that his children had damaged
my beautiful propeller and the fabric on the fuselage. It
was quite clear that if the Pup was to survive it would have
to be moved. About this time I had a visit from Eric Skind-
ley, who claimed to have space available free of charge at a
local airfield called "Fairoaks". I visited the airfield, saw
the working space which was just what I needed. Skind-
ley also promised a team of aircraft workers would fin-
ish the Pup construction for me if I would act as consul-
tant. I could already see the finished Sopwith Pup sitting Vital engine parts that had to be overhauled to new toler-
on the tarmac ready for its first flight within a few weeks. ances before the Pup was to fly. In the middle and at the
After sitting around the aerodrome for a month wait- left are parts of the oil pump, at the upper right is a bloc-
ing for the "team" to turn up, I began to smell a rat. I then type carburetor and a piston is at the lower right. That
started to ask people the questions I should have asked 1916 carburetor looks suspiciously like the "new" in-
before taking the Pup to the airfield. Eric Skindley was a jector carburetors being used on homebuilts today!
"con" man and was showing the Pup to all and sundry as
his Pup. And it seemed the space would have to be paid
for. Not having any money to pay for it, there seemed to be
the possibility I might have to sell the Pup fuselage so that
I could pay the outstanding charges. And of course there
wasn't a "team".
When I first visited Fairoaks airfield, I had met the
C.F.I, and Manager, George Young, who had shown an in-
terest in the Pup and listened to the story of how it had
reached its present stage. When George heard of my prob-
lems, he freely made space available in the engineering
hangar, allowed full use of the engineering facilities, and
allowed me to use the knowledge of his engineering staff.
The staff were experts on the rebuilding of Tiger Moth
aircraft as well as other types. Without the help given by
George Young the Pup would never have gotten into the
air. How can light aviation ever die with such grand peo-
ple as George Young around?
At this stage of construction a young engineer who N-5182's original French-built 80 hp Le Rone being re-
had a collection of World War 2 military vehicles offered built at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough,
his services as fitter, rigger, engineer and odd job man. England.
From the time we both started working on the completion
N-5182 at Fairoaks Aerodrome on the day it was first
completely assembled after 16 years of research and
restoration. Markings were still incomplete.

of the wings to the day the Pup flew, I worked some 1500
hours on the project and Mike Johns worked just as many.
He showed true devotion, working in the cold and damp,
all hours of the day and night. When the aircraft was com-
pleted, Mike made the 80 hp Le Rhone engine his respon-
sibility, and to see him swing that nine foot propeller is
quite exciting.
During ground runs of the engine it was difficult to
get full revolutions, but as the engine had been completely
rebuilt by the Royal Aircraft Establishment it was felt
that in flight the engine would give much higher revs.
At last the great day arrived! The Pup was pushed out
of the hangar. Everything was checked over at least twice,
and the test pilot was waiting. I had intended to test fly
the Pup myself. However, I had let my pilot's license ex-
pire some years before, as every spare penny I had went
towards building the Pup. Nevertheless we had the serv-
ices of one of the finest test pilots available, Neil Williams.
Neil flew the Sopwith Dove in the famous Shuttleworth
collection, and was therefore ideal to comment on the
handling of Pup N 5182. He is also an ex-Farnborough test
A small group of well-wishers gathered on the tarmac.
Neil climbed in the cockpit. Mike swung the propeller. The
trusty Le Rhone fired, and after a few anxious moments
while Neil checked the engine revs, etc., a short taxi run
to the grass runway, a turn into the wind, the Pup's tail
came up and almost immediately the Pup was in the air.
I had expected Neil to do two or three short hops, but it
was quite clear that he wasn't wasting his time with such

Mike Johns, left, and the author, K. C. D. St. Cyrien,

after Mr. St. Cyrien had completed the taxi trials of
54 MAY 1975
preliminaries. He climbed N 5182 up to 1500 feet and for response. However, there was sufficient control to main-
the next quarter hour did steep turns and stalls over the tain direction and the aircraft was allowed to run straight
air field. All too soon the Pup rejoined the circuit, turned with its tail up. Although the engine sounded rough and
on final and landed. As Neil taxied into dispersal, the well- was not giving full power, it was felt that there was ade-
wishers cheered. N 5182 had flown again! quate thrust for flight. Also, although rough, it was steady.
As soon as possible I asked Neil, "What was it like? The aircraft flew itself off the ground, and was found to be
How did it fly?" tail heavy. A careful climb-out path was followed to allow
"There will be a written report," said Neil. And here for a possible engine failure at any time. However, the
it is engine continued to run steadily though roughly at 1800
rpm indicated.
FLIGHT REPORT ON SOPWITH "PUP" N 5182 The aircraft was positioned over the approach at 1200
feet as a safety precaution and the following points
Place: Fairoaks Aerodrome, Chobham, Surrey emerged:
Purpose: Initial flight 1. The machine was out of trim longitudinally, nose
Date: 11 August 1973 Take-off: 1835 local time up, and required a push force of 5 to 15 lbs. through the
Time: 15 minutes speed range tested; i.e., from 37 to 90 mph. This push
Introduction force precluded lateral and directional tests proper, there
The purpose of the flight was to prove the aircraft in being no trimmer. When the aircraft was allowed to com-
flight and to note any primary handling problems. mence a pitch-up maneuver, a large amount of forward
Conditions relevant to flight elevator was required to arrest it. At 90 mph the stick was
The wind was NE, less than 5 Kts. The sky was clear about 2 inches from fully forward.
and there was no turbulence. Approximately 3 gallons of 2. There was no noticeable wing heaviness, and nor-
petrol was aboard. mal rudder settings produced balanced flight.
Starting 3. The aircraft was brought to the stall, power off,
The engine was reluctant to start and there seemed and this occurred without warning at an estimated 37
to be insufficient priming fuel available. Smooth running mph. The stall was very gentle and was marked by a small
at high power was achieved on the chocks with the air nose-down pitch. There was no wing drop and no ten-
lever vertical and the fine adjustment ' inch ahead of it. dency for the engine to stop.
Taxiing 4. Turns were made in both directions, up to 75" bank,
Engine handling was normal for the type. Wing tip and the turns to the right felt more comfortable. Coinci-
assistance was found necessary to steer on the ground. dent with the slight increase in acceleration in these
Take-Off turns was a sudden smoothing out of the engine together
The aircraft was aligned into the wind and full power with a noticeable increase in power, with the rpm increas-
was applied. The lever positions found on the chocks were ing from 1800 to 2150 indicated.
used, but the engine would not develop full revs, nor would 5. The level speed stabilized at 70 mph, but when the
it run smoothly. The optimum lever position to give the aircraft was dived to 90 mph, the engine speed again in-
highest power available were quickly found, but these creased and the rough running disappeared coincident
differed from the static positions during acceleration and with the slight "g" pulled at the bottom of the dive. IAS
when the aircraft reached the flying attitude. This was
achieved with the stick well forward, and as the tail lifted
the aircraft felt directionally "loose" with less rudder N-5182 immediately after its first flight in more than 50
years. Autographed by T. O. M. Sopwith.
alone did not produce this. When the engine was smooth, 4. The out-of-trim condition is thought to be accepta-
the speed remained at 90 mph in level flight. When the en- ble and is representative of the type.
gine was running smoothly, the fine adjustment could be 5. It is thought that there might be an insufficient
aligned with the air lever for best results. head of fuel, and it is considered that the minimum fuel
6. With power off, the aircraft was sideslipped both state for take-off should be one half tank; i.e., approxi-
ways and was more comfortable to the right; i.e., right mately 10 gallons. The basis for this opinion is that under
stick, left rudder. "g" the engine operated normally.
7. The sensation of poor forward visibility disappeared 6. The effects of the "inverse" differential ailerons are
after a short time, and one was no longer aware of the pre- masked by the effects of the rotary engine.
sence of the gun. 7. It is thought that the rpm gauge is set up for about
Landing a 2:1 ratio. The estimated take-off rpm were 950 (indi-
A glide landing was made in a tail-down attitude with cating 1800).
speed decaying from 70 mph in a sideslip to approximately Recommendations
50 mph just before the flair. There were slight pitch oscil- Re-fly with full fuel and adjusted elevator friction.
lations just before touchdown. The landing was straight- Signed: Neil Williams
forward until below 10 mph estimated, when full left

N-5182 during its test flight program in 1974.

rudder could not prevent a gentle swing to the right at 90". It was evident that the engine wasn't giving full revs.
There was no tendency at this speed for a wing to drop, and I suspected the original World War 1 plugs, so I contacted
the engine was caught and kept running on the bottom. K.L.G. Plugs, who invited me to visit them with the plugs
Ground assistance was again necessary in taxiing. and talk with their consultant. The outcome of the visit
Conclusions was a complete rebuild of the original plugs, and a brand
1. The airframe is thought to be representative of the new set specially designed for my 80 hp Le Rhone engine.
type as far as handling is concerned. Contrary to expectations, the new plugs still didn't clear
2. The elevator friction is considered too high, result- up the engine problem. The engine seemed to be running
ing in overcontrolling during landing. This friction was on only 7 cylinders instead of 9. Over the next few flights
also remarked upon the ground. the engine still ran rough, and then on the ground one day
3. Compared with the Shuttleworth Pup, N 5182 has I found it impossible to get more than 800 revs on the clock
a higher ground incidence and a smaller fin and rudder, instead of the 1200 normally expected. On top of this there
both of which add to the ground looping tendency dis- was a very pronounced knocking noise. This was first
played. It is certain that this machine must always be thought to be the propeller out of balance, but after check-
operated into the wind.
56 MAY 1975
N-5182 at the only British flying museum, the famous port owner, Doug Arnold ( w h o owns a Spitfire, a Har-
Shuttleworth Trust at Old Warden. The flight from Black- vard, and several Hawker Sea Furies) was given free
bush airport to Old Warden took 1'/2 hours across coun- hangarage and facilities. While at Blackbush I had a visit
try. Note the Gloucester Gladiator behind the tail of the from ex-Capt. L. Rochford, D.S.C., D.F.C., an ex-Flight
Pup. A Bristol fighter looms immedately behind N-5182. Commander of Naval 3 Squadron in 1917. He remembered
N 5182, joining the squadron in February, 1917. He put
me in touch with ex-Capt. E. R. Grange, O.S.C., who took
over N 5182 when it was a new aircraft. Capt. Grange shot
ing no fault was found. Next the engine was suspected. down a white colored seaplane while flying N 5182 (see
Then it was thought the noise was something knocking the copy of the official report I. Later he handed it over to
in the fuselage. I was almost convinced for a short time Flight Sub Lieut. R. A. Little, who started his score of Hun
that the fuselage was going to fall to pieces, but careful aircraft on N 5182, shooting down about five Germans in
examination revealed no structural defects nor broken this aircraft. Little was killed flying a Camel in 1918. By
struts. this time he was the 8th top scoring fighter pilot of the
At last Mike said the only logical thing to do was to United Kingdom, with 47 aircraft to his credit. At that
check every separate item and by a process of elimination time he was a Captain in the RAF and won two D.S.O.,
find the trouble. As luck would have it, he started at the 2 D.S.C. and the French Croix de Guerre.
magneto. I insisted it could not be the mag A.E.I, had Sopwith Pup N 5182 is now flying on a Certificate of
completely rebuilt it and the only alteration made to it Airworthiness as an original World War 1 fighter. How-
was when I changed the slip ring for another one. I pro- ever, considerable problems were encountered with the
duced the original slip ring, Mike fitted it, the knocking British civil aviation authorities. They were very help-
noise vanished, and the engine revs jumped to 1300 rpm, ful about the flying program, but demanded authenti-
the maximum revolutions for this type of engine. Neil cated proof that the aircraft was original. The C.A.A.
flew the Pup again a few days later. This time N 5182 investigations took some eight months, during which evi-
climbed away like a homesick angel. dence of the original Sopwith parts was checked as well
The Pup's flight testing program lasted several months as all my letters relating to moving the Pup from France
and was undertaken from Fairoaks Aerodrome, Chob- to England. Finally confirmation had to be obtained from
ham, Surrey. The operators of Fairoaks Airport Ltd. freely Sir Thomas Sopwith, President of Hawker-Siddley Ltd.
allowed full use of all of their facilities. The fact that the (Successors to Sopwith Aviation Co., Ltd.) that the Pup
flying tests were brought to a satisfactory conclusion is was considered by him to be original!
due to their Managing Director Alan Mann, who was never In May, 1974 N 5182 was flown at the Biggin Hill
too busy to help over the many problems that arose. Air Fair. Later in the year it was flown at the Shuttleworth
N 5182 moved away from Fairoaks to Blackbush Air- Trust Air Display in company with their Sopwith Dove,
port, some 30 miles, and due to the generosity of the air- a 1920 civil aircraft which had been altered and repainted
A historic photograph two Sopwith-built aircraft fly-
ing together for the first time in more than 50 years. In
the foreground is N-5180, a Sopwith Dove (a civil two
place version of the Pup built in the 1920s) converted in
1936 to look like a Pup and St. Cyrian's N-5182. The
insurance coverage for N-5182 for this flight only was
about $300! The Shuttleworth Trust paid the premium so
that this picture could be taken. Their Dove/Pup is only
allowed to fly for ten minutes a flight about 6 times
a year.

to look like a Sopwith Pup. This flight was historic, for all the work they did for free, and all the parts purchased
it was the first time in more than 50 years that two Sop- if all of these were added together, there wouldn't be
with originals were flown together. much change left from about 60,000 U. S. dollars. What is
It took 16 years to put N 5182 back together. Much of this historic relic worth? I don't know. All I know is that
the story would take too long to tell, and in some cases it when I started the project I was a youngster in my early
has been impossible to tell of the help given by many thirties and now I'm almost 50 years of age. Can anyone
friends who must remain nameless, but hold important tell me what 16 years of one's life is worth?
positions in foreign governments, military forces and When N 5182 finishes its flying days, a place of honor
the British aircraft industry. has been reserved for it in the Royal Air Force Museum
Meanwhile flying time of the Pup is very restricted. at Hendon, England, where it will be preserved for all
The hourly insurance costs about 180 U. S. dollars, which time. Would I do it again? I honestly don't know. There
is prohibitve. The cost of rebuilding the Pup is almost im- were many times over the 16 years that I worked on the
possible to compute, but if the thousands of miles I drove project that I wished I'd left the Pup undisturbed in the old
and flew, plus the cost of rebuilding the parts and renovat- airship hangar.
ing them, the cost to the British aircraft companies for
58 MAY 1975
The Sopwith Pup's Certificate of Registration.

An affidavit by none other than T. 0. M. Sopwith to prove

to the British government that Sopwith Pup N-5182 was
an original Sopwith-built aircraft.

From Sweden . . .
Comments on Motorsailers DESIGNEE
Government Regulation, CORNER
Props, and Exhaust
Systems By Antoni (Tony) Bingelis
EAA Designee Co-Chairman

8509 Greenflint Lane

Austin, Texas 78759

I HAVE A friend in Sweden who is

an ICEBEAR HUNTER. I don't know
any other Icebear Hunters nor do erant and understanding as is the and landed 20 miles away in a swamp
any of my friends. Now, there may good old US of A. unscratched. A helicopter had to
be more than one Icebear Hunter on Local "FAA" is red-tapish and be used to carry the airframe back
earth but I doubt very much that strict in the extreme and only the to the field.
any of them are dedicated EAA mem- hardy, clever, industrious, meek guys I have probably shoved down your
bers like Bengt V. Nilsson. ever reflect on aircraft repair or throat already my pet idea of a
I can tell when the bear hunting homebuildin'. plane Automobile started, to save
season is over for Bengt marks the Did you know that Norvegian air- tow plane cost . . . with a small 5 to
occasion by taking his typewriter club members are not even allowed 15 hp assist engine. Barely enough to
out of the deep freeze, where he to change oil in aircraft engines? fly on once airborne, and with a shut-
stores it to keep the keys from freez- They need a special license for this off facility for sailflying when ther-
ing, and cranks out one of his unusual precision work of art. mals are right. So, the Oshkosh 2
letters. These letters arrive addressed In Scandinavian areas, govern- cycle fold-down job you described
to me with such zany salutations as ment regulations being what they to me is the THING. It must be
Antoni Bingelis, Rebel Country are . . . many a rugged individualist folded down otherwise glide is far
AM-erica; or the US Technical Ad- is toying with the idea of flying below acceptable.
vice Corporation, Texas Branch, AM- "black". There are large areas up In fixed pylon mounting engine
erica; or to Right Hon. Antoni Bin- north very isolated and inter- prop can have a clutch mechanically
gelis, Wizard of nut N bolts; or Bin- spaced often with fine straight as- detachable so prop can freewheel
gelis Air Expertise, Inc., Th' Deep phalt roads that run for miles right when the engine is shut off. Less
South; or ... well, I think that gives over the tundra . . . drag than still prop.
you the general idea. My postman But fly we will somehow. One of With the mountain upwinds near
has even gotten to the point where the few sanctioned flight activities Norway, even a streamlined VP
he grins a lot as he puts my mail in that runs counter to severe govern- with longer wings would work . . .
the box. mental restrictions is that of taking how about you do some pushin'?
Bengt Nilsson, the great Icebear to the air in motor gliders. Here some motor sailers can be pilot-
Hunter of Sweden has apparently ed on sailplane licenses a fact
dedicated himself to assuring that BENGT NILSSON LIKES THE that could make for many new EAA
my continuing technical aviation MOTORSAILER CONCEPT . . . members who can't shell out the 1200
education is not to be neglected. I Motorglider? Yup that's the dollars a motor license costs.
suspect that his training course for bird for Mr. Nilsson of Icebearland Fourniers, we have a very few in
me is yet far from complete because but the more seasoned sailfliers Sweden but they're looked upon
his last letter carried the notation smirk at the very idea. WHAT sport dimly a substandard sailer with
. . . "The Great Swedish Novel - Part is that when you KNOW you can engine on at that. With a folding en-
two . . . " get home? No siree they say the gine job you'll get 28:1 or better.
For all of his vivid imagination, only true thing is the only true breed While Fourniers have about 20:1
technical awareness (I think he's . . . the pure engineless bird that is or so (glide angle) and that's below
also a machinist) and literary skill, coaxed aloft with the help of a tow standard here. Borderline accep-
he is far from being subtle or modest tance goes around 30:1 which most
. . . after all, would you sign your- Last August I was at Sweden's modern single seaters meet.
self as "THE Swedish Nat. Icebear- most popular sailfield: (65 50' 36" At the above mentioned field, 5
hunters Brotherhood Ultd."? This North by 15 04' 37.5" East you or so years ago, a local was killed in
guy's sense of humor is a cross be- take your sly drole and tell me the a Fournier. A dealer in Sweden had
tween that of Bob Hope, Edgar Ber- name of it) where I gave them come up demonstrating one. The
gan, Charlie McCarthy and Ladis- my motorsailer bit (sales pitch). demonstration pilot swooped down
lao Pazmany. Nilsson's observa- and sped along the field on the
"Wouldn't it be nice to start by
tions follow: yourself," I says, "and get home in- wheel then pulled up sharply and
stead of risking an outlanding and went up on a magnificant steep an-
FLYING RESTRICTIONS IN THE a trailer return?" They answered gle. Apparently that sold the ma-
NORTHLAND that all last year there was only one chine then and there. The new owner
out-landing there . . . and it was a tried the same forgetting to make
In Sweden, as in many countries, sure of enough speed so the plane
it seems, the construction and flying motorsailer:
Nevertheless, I made my point stalled tipped over on side and
of homebuilt aircraft becomes an crashed into a fuel wagon.
unending challenge as most govern- when a few days after that a sail-
plane went up got into a headwind I hear and remember such stories
ments aren't anywhere near as tol-
60 MAY 1975
and keep my eyes glued on the THE ICEBEAR HUNTER ON PROPELLERS
speed dial but my sailteacher don't COMMENTS ON EXHAUSTS It has been said that EAA USA has
like it ... "Damnitall look at the
horizon or I'll tape over the speed Your exhaust stack writings have a shortage of prop carvers. How about
dial for you", he bawls. Of course, been most interesting . . . you finally props being sold half finished to buy-
that seasoned bear has the speed and got around to drilling holes in the ers . . . letting them do the sand-
level in his seatpants while a end of the pipe to equalize inner and paper and paint job themselves?
greenhorn like me must rely on the outer pressures and to minimize 'em Mr. Hugo Ericson, Tandsyn Swe-
bangs. I have used this system on my den, our own number one EAA pro-
instruments or so I thought. Ac-
Aston Martin Grand Deluxe for years tege has a very fine idea for a "rough
cording to me more than one avi-
. . . without squeezing the ends shut. cut" machine to turn prop material
ator has crashed because of too little into a near propeller, leaving a few
speed so, I believe in keeping the Just straight pipe with lotsa V4" holes
nose down rather than up. Es- six to seven inches from the bitter percent of material to be handcarved
end. To sophisticate it further we away. This should be great for part
pecially without an engine up front. of the prop buyers others with cash
can double the diameter then
squeeze it let in outside air, and still buy the finished product. This
then double it again with lotsa holes could be an idea to stretch the cur-
IN HOMEBUILTS rent limited propcaving capacity to
again near the end . . . all this just
Hugo Ericson of Tandsby, Swe- to let pressures meet without caus- serve more customers.
den, did fly motorcycle engined home- ing back pressure. I think amateurs should stick to
builts with charcoalburners during wood propellers. They're cheaper,
the WW II years so why can't seldom break suddenly, and are
moderns fly a fly with a little heavier easy to replace. You probably re-
auto engine leaving some sand- A REPLACEMENT FOR SUPER member the Sport Aviation story
wiches home instead, to lighten total CUB, ANYBODY? about the guy nearly losing the en-
wing loading. After all this is not The Super Cub is regarded as one gine over the Lake Tahoe area a cou-
ton per mile cost seriousness. Me of the safest hedgehoppers. Some in ple of years ago because the prop
thinks. USA and also our artillery spotting blade broke. About wood spoons you
Tony, please don't push two stroke. school here thinks so. They are look- seldom hear such stories. By and
they screaming buffs. A water- ing for replacements for their 35 large wood is a fine material for
cooled 4 stroke is best. We see this year old Cubs. Can you recommend amateur aircraft. But, Sweden has
real good here. An old Motorfalke any good design they could use? If special problems like today
has a 4 cylinder 2 stroke Hirth (500 it's a homebuilt, I know a couple of when cold vet rains been pouring
cc or 26 hp) but now the new one has factories that could build 'em. You down l i k e heavenly w i n d o w cur-
a VW mill and it can't be compared can write direct to the school . . . tains most of the day. This is hard
in silence (noise?). By and large I on propellers you know. We're go-
can't understand why the US cool cats Herr General Curt Erik Boudrie ing towards worst part of year.
don't make more use of Vega and Artilleriflygare March May is perhaps our nicest.
other auto engines. Couple of feet BRANDHOLM via Nykoping White snow, sunshine and Christ-
longer wings and less mph could Sweden mas card views everywhere out in
mean a far cheaper ride with an auto the countryside . . .
engine pulling/pushing. Those mills . . . and, how come that EAA has not HOSSMAN PROPELLERS Aus
are mighty reliable these days and tried to copy the Cub design for Germany can be had in variable pitch
their prices are way down compared EAA'ers since it is so good and de- configurations - adjustable on the
with gold certificated aircraft en- pendable? (It's been done Editor) ground. Yankees 'n Rebels who are
gines. the smartest people in the whole


1/16" HOLES 1/4" HOLES


o i-*

2P 2P
da-- world should be able to do bet-
ter. So whydontcha make a design
competition for designing a 20 to
70 hp variable pitch wood prop?
Blades could be glass-fibre-attached I TAUGHT AMELIA TO FLY
to aluminum or steel pipe holdings
. . . movable in a steel or aluminum Neta Snook Southern
hub with a mighty 6 volt Mighty
Midget electric toy motor and some 169 pages $6.95
worn gears thrown in and juice fed Vantage Press
by isolated rings on prop or shaft. 516 West 34th Street
Try 'em out on snowmobiles first be- New York, New York 10001
fore you cross the Atlantic with one.
Only a few homebuilts in Norway
and Sweden today. The difficulty in
finding suitable workshop space,
the frustrations of obtaining the es- Who really taught Amelia Earhart to fly? Neta Snook,
sential materials, all of which must now Mrs. Southern, did. She met Amelia and her father
be imported at great expense, and on a hot December day in 1920 at Kinner airport in
the great distances between the few southern California. Amelia impressed Neta by saying,
interested builders, all combine tc "I'll come right to the point. I want to learn to fly and I
deter homebuilding activities. Nev- understand you teach students." Neta thought she would
ertheless, one of the latest projects make an excellent student. The flying and personal epi-
to be airborne again proved the point sodes with Amelia are at times humorous, at times seri-
that it can be done. This homebuilt, a ous, but Neta did teach the famous flyer and became her
Bede 4, has just done its maiden flight close friend as well.
and works good. Cost about 9,000 Neta had always been interested in things mechani-
bucks. Pretty good when you realize cal and, encouraged by her father, tinkered on cars by
a bought 4 seater Cessna or such the hour, finding which gear moved what part.
goes here abouts for around 25-30,000 County fairs meant one thing to Neta the balloon
. . . key in the door and no gas in the ascension. From the time the big gas bag was stretched
tank. on the ground, the fire built, and the balloon airborne,
that was where Neta stayed, secretly hoping that the bal-
loonist would have an attack and she could take his place.
On her grandparents' farm she lay on the sloping cel-
lar door and watched the red-tailed hawks circling the
fields, imagining she was soaring with them.
(Any of the readers who have an During her sophomore year at Iowa State College,
interest in Motorgliders and wish to Ames, she wrote the aviation school at Newport News,
compare ideas and notes on the sub- Virginia, but no females were allowed.
ject may wish to write to the Ice Early in her junior year, a Des Moines newspaper
Bear Hunter in his own liar. Bengt advertised a flying school at Davenport, Iowa. When the
Nilsson, Pack, S 900 11 UMEA 11, college year ended in June, 1917, Neta went there, parted
Sweden.) with her $400, and was taken to see the "superb flying
equipment" the other students were constructing. The
fellows accepted her immediately as she said, "I'll be glad
to help at any jobs where I'm needed, and please don't
change any of your habits on account of me. Just count
me as one of you." By July the plane was done, and on the
DESIGNEE NEWSLETTER 17th, she took her first flight and lesson.
SUBSCRIPTIONS The students had received about 100 minutes of fly-
ing time apiece when, tragically, the plane crashed. Neta
In addition to Tony Bingelis' received a refund of $200 and watched the boys leave for
monthly column, The Designee Newport News. Finally she was accepted there, arriving
Corner, EAA Headquarters pub- on October 15, 1917. World War I forced an end to flying
lishes a monthly Designee News- at Newport News, the fellows joined up, and Neta was
letter containing even more "How left behind.
To" material, a compendium of After the Armistice, Neta purchased a wrecked Ca-
the previous month's Designee in- nuck and shipped it to Ames. By the Spring of 1920, the
spections and a summary of all plane was rebuilt and finally, Neta soloed. During that
homebuilt accidents occurring summer she barnstormed flying fair exhibitions and
around the nation the previous hopping passengers. With winter approaching, she ship-
30 days. ped the plane to California where she went into the avia-
Any EAA member can subscribe tion business passenger rides, aerial advertising, and
to the Designee Newsletter for teaching flying. It was here she met Amelia, Donald
$7.00 per year. Make your check Douglas, and other aviation greats.
payable to: I TAUGHT AMELIA TO FLY is intensely personal, a
vivid and accurate tale of early flying, and not only do
EAA you read the facts, but also the feelings which went with
P. O. Box 229 them as Neta flies through her intensely active and varied
Hales Corners, Wise. 53130 aviation career.
Ann H. Pellegreno
62 MAY 1975
But seek no longer, Table I is a reproduction of the AN
By Luther D. Sunderland (EAA 5477)
specification which is used to determine bolt dash num-
5 Griffin Drive
bers. The first number following AN in a bolt designation
Apalachin, N. Y. 13732
specifies the diameter of the bolt shank in sixteenths of
an inch. For example, an AN 7 is 7/16 inch in diameter.
Diameters can be specified between 3 and 20. (Don't be
surprised if there is a rather long delivery time on a -20.)

E (VERY HOMEBUILDER KNOWS that to meet air-

craft quality standards, it is necessary to use aircraft
Next there comes either a dash or a letter. Following the
dash or letter is the length designation number, common-
ly called the dash number. Note that length changes in
quality hardware and avoid the temptation to use bolts 1/8" increments as does grip length so data on dash num-
from the local hardware store. In the U. S., that means bers from 55 to 80 can be generated by continuing each
using hardware which complies with military specifica- column in 1/8" increments. Bolts can have safetying holes
tions. This article explains the military bolt designation in either or both the head and shank. Holes are specified
system and provides reference tables which are needed by letters before and after the dash number as shown in
to determine proper designations for ordering bolts. the following example:
Originally, the applicable hardware specifications
were designated AN (for joint Army and Navy) but these
are being replaced with a new set of Military Standard AN5-10A Undrilled
specifications abbreviated MS. Although the AN specifi- AN5H10 Both head and shank drilled
cation system is used almost universally throughout the AN5H10A Head only drilled
civil aviation community, it has been almost completely AN5-10 Drilled shank only
replaced in military applications. Unfortunately, it is
not possible to convert from AN hardware designations
to MS numbers without reference tables. Parts suppliers, Tolerances on the various bolt dimensions are impor-
however, have the reference tables, so they can fill your tant to' the homebuilder for it is often necessary to ob-
orders if you specify requirements with either the AN tain tight fits between bolts and various parts. Table II
or MS designations. The problem is that most builders lists various bolt dimensions and tolerances.
have trouble ordering bolts, even under the old AN sys- Old timers in the aircraft industry use interesting
tem. tricks to get holes which give tight fits with standard
Along with diameter, the dimension which it is es- AN bolts. Notice that an AN 4 bolt can have a diameter
sential to specify when ordering a bolt is grip length, or between .246 and .249. Many AN 4 bolts run at the low end
the distance from the head to the beginning of the threads, of the tolerance band so a hole reamed with a standard
see Figure 1. Except for non-structural applications .249 (.248/.250) reamer could have a .004 slop. In a wing
where screws can be used (like for attaching thin sheet fitting, this could be excessive. There is no standard drill
metal), it is absolutely necessary that the threads do not or reamer size between .246 and .249 but there are two
bear against the parts being secured by the bolt. This is ways to get a smaller hole. With a standard .249 reamer
the first good aircraft practice which every mechanic spinning in a drill, lightly rub it with a piece of 400 wet-or-
should learn. But, once you have learned it, just try to dry paper. This dulls it a bit, but it will still cut and at an
find out how to determine the proper dash number for a undersize diameter. Another way is to use an undersize
given grip length. You will soon discover that it can't drill. Drills usually cut slightly oversize, so a D drill
be done without a reference table. And where do you find (.246) will usually make a hole large enough for a tight
that? fit on an AN 4 bolt. Special low tolerance bolts can be pur-
Some parts suppliers interestingly provide in their chased. They have tolerances for 1/4" bolts of .2487 to
catalogs a conversion chart to get from bolt length to dash .2492 but are usually not readily available.
number, but that is no help since the length of the thread- As a Designee, I am often confronted with the ques-
ed portion is different for each diameter bolt. Other sup- tion of how many washers are permitted on a too long
pliers properly include a scale in their catalogs which bolt. Since washers are 1/16 inch thick and bolts increase
can be used to obtain dash numbers from grip length. It in 1/8 inch increments, if more than two washers are
is strange that two mechanic's pocket reference manuals needed, the next longer bolt should be used. Thus, the
in the author's library do not contain this essential bit FAA limits you to two washers per bolt. This is just a
of information.

AN6H10 AN6H10A AN6-10

,_ r I S V
" un r^vs n
I -- U -of
< -
I- - "***v^ I



matter of tidy practice, but the rule of never letting tating joints where rotating friction in the joint is re-
threads bear on the part is a matter of structural in- strained only by the nut. But there are some cases where
tegrity. Table III lists the rated strength of AN bolts. this is done, and a castellated nut with cotter pin must be
Note that the shear strength is given at the full diameter, used. An elastic stop nut can legally be used if the bolt
not at the threads. secures a bushing which is tightly clamped to another
It is often surprising to find builders improperly in- part since the rotating friction is transmitted directly
stalling cotter pins in bolts. We rather expect a garage from the bushing to the other part.
mechanic to bend both halves of a too long cotter pin If you want to make life less frustrating ask for a really
around the end of a bolt, but not an airplane mechanic. nice present for your next birthday. Ask for a dozen of
One half should bend down and just touch the washer each dash number bolt sizes AN3, AN4 and AN5. Throw
while the other half should wrap around the end of the in a hundred washers, nuts, No. 6 and No. 8 screws also,
bolt and stop at the center line. but don't tell any of your fellow EAA members or they
Elastic stop nuts can legally be used on drilled shank won't last long. At least you can now make up your shop-
bolts only if the edges of the hole are not sharp. In a prop- ping list using the proper AN dash numbers.
erly designed application, bolts should not be used in ro-

H-,x-.010 .005 RADIUS
X -A





AM} Mid AN 5 i6 AN7 AH 8 AN?

NO. il/6d +1/32 tl/6d + 1/3? 1/61, -1/32 :l/6d +1/32 !l/6d 1/32 -1/f-d 1/32 -1/6L +1/32
-l/6d -l/6d -l/6d -l/6l. -l/6d -1/6L -l/6d
3 1/16 15/32 1/16 IS/32
u 1/3 1V/32 1/16 17/32 1/16 19/32
5 IA 21/32 3/16 21/32 3/16 23/32 1/16 d5/6d 1/16 23/32
6 3/8 25/32 5/16 25/32 5/16 27/32 3/16 53/6d 3/16 2'/32 1/16 27/32 1/16 31/32
7 1/2 29/32 7/16 29/32 7/16 31/32 5/16 61/6d 5/16 31/32 3/1.6 31/32 I/1* 1- 1/32
10 5/8 1- 1/32 9/16 1- 1/32 9/16 1- 3/32 7/16 1- 5/t>d 7/16 1- 3/32 5/16 1- 3/32 1/d 1- 5/3?
11 3/U 1- 5/32 U/16 1- 5/32 11/16 1- 7/32 9/16 1-1 3 /6d 9/16 1- 7/32 7/16 1- 7/32 3/8 1- 9/32
12 7/6 1- 9/32 13/16 1- 9/32 13/16 1-11/32 11/16 1-21/61. 11/16 1-11/32 9/16 1-11/32 1/2 1-13/32
13 1 1-13/32 15/16 1-13/32 15/16 1-15/32 13/16 l-29/6d 13/16 1-15/32 11/16 1-15/32 5/3 1-17/32
id 1-1/8 1-17/32 1- 1/16 1-17/32 1- 1/16 1-19/32 15/16 l-37/6d 15/16 1 -19/32 D/l 6 1-19/32 3/d 1-21/32
15 i-i/d 1-21/32 1- 3/16 1-21/32 1- 3/16 1-23/32 1- 1/16 l-d5/6d 1- 1/16 1-23/32 15/16 1-23/3? 7/8 1-25/32
16 i-3/e 1-25/32 1- 5/16- 1-25/32 1- 5/16 1-27/32 1- 3/16 1-53M 1- 3/16 1-27/3? 1- 1/16 1-27/32 1 1-29/3?
17 1-1/2 1-29/32 1- 7/16 1-29/32 1- 7/16 1-31/32 1- 5/16 1-61 /6d 1- 5/16 1- 31/32 1- 3/161-31/32 1-1/8 2- 1/32
20 1-5/8 2- 1/32 1- 9/16 2- 1/32 1- 9/16 2- 3/32 1- 7/16 2- 5/61. 1- 7/16 2- t/32 1- 5/16 2- 3/32 1-1 /d 2- 5/32
21 1-3/d 2- 5/32 1-11/16 2- 5/32 1-11/16 2- 7/32 1- 9/16 2-13/61. 1- 9/16 2- 7/32 1- 7/16 2- 7/32 1-3/8 2- 9/32
22 1-7/3 2- 9/32 1-13/16 2- 9/32 1-13/16 2-11/32 1-11/16 2-21/61. 1-11/16 2-11/32 1- 9/16 2-11/32 1-1/2 '-13/32
23 2 2-13/32 1-15/16 2-13/32 1-15/16 2-15/32 1-13/16 2-29/6U 1-13/16 2-15/32 1-11/16 2-15/32 1-5/8 2-17/32
2d 2-1/8 2-17/32 2- 1/16 2-17/32 2- 1/16 2-19/32 1-15/16 2-37/6d 1-15/16 2-19/32 1-13/16 2-19/32 1-3/1. 2-21/12
25 2-1 A 2-21/32 2- 3/16 2-21/32 2- 3/16 2-23/32 2- 1/16 2-d5/6d 2- 1/16 2-23/32 1-15/16 2-23/32 1-7/3 2-25/32
26 2-3/8 2-25/32 2- 5/16 2-25/32 2- 5/16 2-27/32 2- 3/16 2-53/6d 2- 3/16 2-27/32 2- 1/16 2-27/32 2 2-29/32
27 2-1/2 2-29/32 2- 7/16 2-29/32 2- 7/16 2-31/32 2- 5/16 2-61/61. 2- 5/16 2-31/32 2- 3/16 2-31/32 2-1/8 3- 1/32
30 2-5/8 3- 1/32 2- 9/16 3- 1/32 2- 9/16 3- 3/32 2- 7/16 3- 5/6d 2- 7/J6 3- 3/32 2- 5/16 3- 3/32 2 -IA 3- 5/32
31 2-3/1. 3- 5/32 2-11/16 3- 5/32 2-11/16 3- 7/32 2- 9/16 3-13/6d 2- 9/16 3- 7/32 2- 7/16 3- 7/32 2-3/8 3- 9/32
32 2-7/8 3- 9/32 2-13/16 3- 9/32 2-13/16 3-11/32 2-11/16 3-21/6d 2-11/16 3-11/32 2- 9/16 3-11/32 2-1/2 3-13/32
3-13/32 2-15/16 3-15/32 2-13/16 3-15/32 2-11/16 3-15/32 2-5/n
33 3 2-15/16 3-13/32 3-29M 2-13/16 3-1V/32
31. 3-1/8 3-17/32 3- 1/16 3-17/32 3- 1/16 3-19/32 2-15/16 3-37/6d 2-15/16 3-19/32 2-13/16 3-19/32 2 -3 A 3-21/32 NUMBERS
35 3-lA 3-21/32 3- 3/16 3-21/32 3- 3/16 3-23/32 3- 1/16 3-d5/6d 3- 17I6 3-23/32 2-15/16 3-23/32 2-7/8 3-25/32
36 3-3/8 3-25/32 3- 5/16 3-25/32 3- 5/16 3-27/32 3- 3/16 3-53/61, 3- 3/16 3-27/32 3- 1/16 3-27/32 3 3-29/32
37 3-1/2 3-29/32 3- 7/16 3-29/32 3- 7/16 3-31/32 3- 5/16 3-61/61, 3- 5/16 3-31/32 3- 3/16 3-31/32 3-1/8 d- 1/32
UO 3-5/8 h- 1/32 3- 9/16 d- 1/32 3- 9/16 d- 3/32 3- 7/16 d- 5/6d 3- 7/16 d- 3/32 3- 5/16 d- 3/32 3-1/d d- 5/32
U 3-3/d 1.- 5/3? 3-11/16 d- 5/32 3-11/16 d- 7/32 3- 9/16 d-13/6d 3- 9/16 d- 7/32 3- 7/16 d- 7/32 3-3/8 d- 9/32
d2 3-7/6 d- 9/32 3-13/16 1 d- 9/32 3-13/16 d-11/32 3-11/16 d-21/6d 3-11/16 d-11/32 3- 9/16 d-11/32 3-1/2 d-13/32
~E '
d- 1/16
3-15/16 d-15/32
d- 1/16 d-19/32
3-13/16 d-15/32
3-15/16 I.-19/32
d-15/32 3-5/8
d-19/32 3-3/d
IA 14-1 /d d-21/32 li- 3/16 U-21/32 d- 3/16 d-23/32 d- 1/16 d-d5/6d d- Wl6 J.-23/J2 3-15/16 d-23/32 3-7/8 d-25/32
d* d-3A> d- 5/16
li -25/32 d-25/32 d- 5/16 d-27/32 d- 3/16 d-53/6d d- 3/16 d-2f/32 d- 1/16 d-27/3? d d-?9/32
Ii7 d-1/2 d-29/32 d- 7/16 d-29/32 d- 7/16 d-31/32 d- 5/16 d-61/6d d- 5/16 d-31/32 d- 3/16 d-31/32 d-1/8 5- 1/32
50 d-5/6 5- 1/32 d- 9/16 5- 1/32 d- 9/16 5- 3/32 d- 7/16 5- 5/6d d- 7/16 5- 3/32 d- 5/16 5- 3/32 d-l/d 5- 5/32
51 d-3/d 5- 5/32 d-il/16 5- 5/32 d-11/16 5- 7/32 d- 9/16 5-1 3M d- 9/16 5- 7/J2 d- 7/16 5- 7/32 d-3/8 5- 9/32
52 U-7/3 5- 9/32 d-13/16 5- 9/32 d-13/16 5-11/32 d-11/16 5-21/6d d-11/16 5-11/32 d- 9/16 5-11/32 d-1/2 5-13/32
53 5 5-13/32 d-15/16 5-13/32 d-15/16 5-15/32 d-13/16 5-29/61, d-13/16 5-15/32 d-11/16 5-15/32 I. -5/8 5-17/32
51. 5-1/8 5-17/32 5- 1/16 5-17/32 5- 1/16 5-19/32 d-15/16 5-37/6d d-15/16 5-19/32 d-13/16 5-19/32 d-3/d 5-21/32

64 MAY 1975
/ e c D c


AN} .186
AN 5
NO. 10- 3-' HF-3A
IA -it UNF-)*
5/16-21, > , N r - 3 A
1 .'M
AN6 VS -21, UNF-JA .3?a .!/! .565 .553 .650 .235 .203 7/16 TABLE II AN BOLT TOLERANCES
AN 7 7/16-20 UNK-3A .i.37 .1.31 .627 .615 .720 .266 .231. 31/61.
ANJ 1/2 -20 UNF-3A .i.99 .1,95 .752 .71,0 .870 .297 .265 39/6L
AH9 9/16- 18 UNF-IA .562 .558 .877 .865 1.010 .328 .?96 21/U
ANiO 5/8 -18 UMF-jA .621, .620 .91,0 .926 1.090 .360 .3^ L7/61
AMI: 3A -16 UNF-3A .719 .7U, 1.066 1.053 1.2)0 .122 390 7/fl
A.NIL v/e -11, UNF-IA .871, .669 1.253 1.2LO 1 -!,L.O .185 .1,5) 63/61
X16 1 -11. NF-3A .9*9 .9*3 l.Uil 1.1,2ft l.60 .51,7 .515 l-3/)2
1 -U;ll.r-31 .-m VM 1 . ../. i I...:1J ;
:-i/ -
ANiP 1-1/8 -12 UNF-3A 1.121, 1.118 1.628 1.615 1.880 .610 .576 1-3/16
AN20 1-lA -12 UNF-3A 1.21,9 1.213 1.815 1.802 2.090 .672 .61,0 1-3/8


AN 3 NO. 10-12 NK-3A 2 210 1 100 1 690 710 2 12 c, 9VO
AtIL, iA -2*> UNF-3A L O'JO 2 030 3 130 1 310 3 t-*0 1 '15
AN5 5/16-21, UNF-3A 6 500 3 220 L 9?^ 2 OdO 5 750 2 6S5

AN6 3/3 -21j UNF-3A 10 100 5 02^ V IUO 3 2UO 9 290 3 9'0
AK 7 ' 1 16-^0 UNK-3A 13 600 6 750 10 130 l 350 11 250 5 2?0
AN8 1/c -<!0 UNF-3A 18 =;oo 9 190 lu 190 5 920 lij 700 * 850
AN9 ?/ 16-19 UNF-3A 23 600 11 700 ie 100 7 550 18 700 H 700
ANIO 5/^ -16 UNF-3A 30 100 lit 9JO 23 080 9 610 23 000 10 V50
AN12 3/ii -16 'JNf-3A ill 000 21 800 33 730 lb 100 33 lt-0 J 5 500

This beautiful dark green and white Pitts Special is the

work of John R. E. Day (EAA 78327), 13 Sidwell Ave.,
East St. Kilda 3183, Victoria, Australia. Powered by a
180 Lycoming, VH-AOY was started October 1971 and
made its first flight on November 29, 1974.
Items to appear in Calendar of Events in SPORT AVIA-
TION must be in EAA Headquarters office by the 5th of
the month preceding publication date. MAY 25 SANDPOINT, IDAHO Pend D'Oreille Flyers 5th Annual
Fly-In Breakfast. Contact Bert Wilkinson, Rt. 1, Box 487, Sandpoint,
Idaho. (208) 263-6670.
sored by EAA Chapter 395 (Antique). Banquet Saturday night. Con- MAY 25 TOUGHKENAMON, PENNSYLVANIA Colonial Flying Corps
tact Ray Bottom, Jr., Box 98, Newport News, Va. 23607. Museum Annual Air Show and Open House. Rain date May 26
or June 1. Contact Alexis I. du Pont, P. 0. Box 171, Toughkenamon,
MAY 2-4 PINE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 2nd Annual International Pa. 19374.
Cessna 170 Association Southeast Regional Fly-In. Callaway Gar-
dens. Contact: Bob Wylie, Box 398, Chester, S. C. 29706. (803) 377- MAY 25 PORTAGE, WISCONSIN Fly-In Breakfast sponsored by
4613. EAA Chapter 371 and Columbia County Flying Assn.

MAY 3-4 OROVILLE, CALIFORNIA 4th Annual Fly-In. Only joint MAY 29-31 ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA 1st Annual Coquina Auto
land and seaplane event in California Fuel available. Contact E. H. and Air Show. Static displays, aerobatics, air oriented celebrities.
Boggs, 3012 Olive Hwy., Oroville, Calif. 95965. Plaques for all entries, awards luncheon. Contact William A. John-
son, Air Show Coordinator, Box 2153, Ormond Beach, Fla. 32074.
MAY 3-4 CORONA, CALIFORNIA Southern California Regional EAA
Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapters 7, 11, 92, 96 and 494. For informa- MAY 31 - JUNE 1 CAMBRIDGE, MARYLAND Potomac Antique
tion contact Terry Davis, 13905 Envoy Ave., Corona, California 91720. Aero Squadron Annual Fly-In. Horn Point Airport located on the
(714) 735-8639. Frank DuPont estate, WSW of Cambridge. Beautiful grass runways,
no registration fees, free camping just a super fun fly-in. Con-
MAY 4 DAYTON, OHIO All day EAA Chapter 48 meeting. Moraine tact Sam Huntington, Fly-In Coordinator, Avery Road, Shady Side,
Air Park. Free breakfast for homebuilt pilots. Maryland 20867. Telephone 301/261-5190.

MAY 10 KENT, OHIO Air Expo '75 - EAA Fly-In. Kent State Univer- JUNE 1 BEND, OREGON 2nd Annual Fly-In. Sponsored by Ore-
sity Airport. Rain date May 11. Contact Rob Garrett, c/o KSU, Van gon Pilots Association. Contact Sonny Kline, Rt. 3, Box 883, Bend,
Deusen Hall, Aerospace Technology, Kent, Ohio 44242. Oregon 97701.

MAY 11 HAVRE, MONTANA Air Show - Havre City/County Air- JUNE 1 EARLVILLE, ILLINOIS 1st Annual Fly-In Lunch. Spon-
port. Contact Rod Herrig (406) 265-4579. sored by EAA Chapter 263. Contact Randy Novak, R & R Airport,
Earlville, III. 60518 - 815/246-9870.
MAY 11 LIVERMORE. CALIFORNIA 6th Annual Livermore Fly-In/
Air Show. May 11, rain date May 18. Contact AIRSHOW, Box 524, JUNE 1 DE KALB, ILLINOIS EAA Chapter 241 11th Annual Pan-
Livermore, Calif. 94550. cake Breakfast Fly-ln/Drive-ln. 7:00 A.M. De Kalb Airport - note power-
line west.
MAY 15-18 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI AirFair 75. Contact Kay
Ferguson, (816) 471-0514. JUNE 1 NORTHHAMPTOM, MASSACHUSETTS Chapter 166 Fly-
In. Rain Date June 8. Contact William Edwards, 25 Madison Ave.,
MAY 15-18 FRANKLIN, NORTH CAROLINA Eastern 195 Associa- Northhampton, Mass. 01060. (413) 586-0044.
tion annual business and maintenance meeting. Contact D. C. Bar-
bot. Box 1154, Florence, S. C. 29501. (803) 662-8405. JUNE 1 BURLINGTON, WISCONSIN Chapter 18 Annual Fly-In.
Contact Bob Grimm, (414) 762-3421. Rain date June 8.
MAY 17-18 CONROE, TEXAS Antique-Classic Chapter 2 (Hous-
ton) sponsored fly-in. Montgomery County Airport. Contact J. J. JUNE 1 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Fly-In sponsored by EAA
Paul, 1518 Ronson Rd., Houston, TX. 77055. (713) 465-5361. Chapter 505 and the Klickitab County Sheriff's Air Patrol.

MAY 17-18 HARVARD, ILLINOIS Dacy Chapter Antique Airplane JUNE 6-8 ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA 6th Annual Old
Association Annual Fly-In. Dacy Airport. Contact Loel H. Crawford, South Hospitality Fly-In. Sponsored by EAA Chapters 242 and 249.
608 Old Orchard Road, Harvard, III. 60033.
JUNE 6-8 MERCED, CALIFORNIA 18th Annual Merced West Coast
MAY 17-18 ENID, OKLAHOMA 3rd Annual EAA Chapter 455 Fly-In Antique Fly-In. Early bird party June 6. Air Show Sunday. Contact
and Air Show. Dinner and Awards, Saturday; breakfast and air show, Linton Wollen, Director, Box 2312, Merced, Calif. 95340. (209) 722-
Sunday. Contact: Ray Cunningham, 2225 E. Ash. Enid, Okla. 73701. 6666.
Telephone 405/234-3014 or Chuck Dulaney, 1735 Pawhuska, Enid,
Okla. 73701. Telephone 405/234-1401. JUNE 7-8 FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA Old Dominion Chapter 339 spon-
sored Fly-In and Air Show. Municipal Airport. Air Show on June 8,
MAY 18 QUINCY, FLORIDA 3rd Annual EAA Fun Fly-In. Spon- 2:00 P.M. Contact George Hillier, 1453 Westover Ave., Norfolk, Va.
sored by EAA Chapter 445. Contact: Charles G. Smith, 2065 Eden- 23878. (804) 623-5509.
field Rd., Tallahassee, Fla. 32303.
JUNE 7-8 ATCHISON, KANSAS Annual Fly-In sponsored by Great-
MAY 18 LOCKPORT, ILLINOIS 4th Annual EAA Chapter 15 Fly-In er Kansas City Area AAA Chapter. Amelia Earhart Memorial Air-
Breakfast. Lewis-Lockport Airport. 8 'til noon. Rain date May 25. port. Contact Bill Hare, 6207 Riggs, Mission, KS. 66202.
See first complete "V" Star of 12 under construction. Contact:
Richard Fry, 8610 W. 92nd St., Hickory Hills, III. 60457. JUNE 7-8 OROFINO, IDAHO Annual Fly-In sponsored by EAA
Chapter 328. Contact Brent Holbrook, 3635 20th St., Lewiston,
MAY 23-26 WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA 11th Annual West Coast Idaho 83501.
Antique Aircraft Fly-In. Antique, Vintage, Classic and Amateur-
Built aircraft. Static displays, flying events, air show, trophies, Fri- JUNE 7-8 CULPEPER, VIRGINIA Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chap-
day and Saturday night get-acquainted parties. Sunday Awards ter 186. Contact George Lutz, 5415 Fremont St., N. Springfield, Va.
Banquet. Contact: W. B. Richards, 2490 Greer Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. 22151, 703/256-7873 or Jim Propps, Box 13, Marshall, Va. 22115,
94303. 703/364-4881.

MAY 24-25 TULSA, OKLAHOMA Fly-in sponsored by EAA Chap- JUNE 8 CANTON, OHIO Fly-In and Air Show sponsored by EAA
ter 10. Harvey Young Airport. Cookout evening of 23. Contact John Chapters 82 and 147. Contact Russell B. Caldwell, 2006 Alien Ave.,
Pierce, 184 E. 42nd Place, Tulsa, Okla. 74105. (918) 743-1236. S. E., Canton, Ohio 44711.

sponsored by EAA Chapter 378. Contact Jeff Clarke, 3326 Colony Annual Informal Fly-In. Cash Prizes. Contact Joe Tarofis (215)
Dr., Jamestown, N. C. 27282. (919) 454-1727. 865-9478.

MAY 24-26 CLARKSDALE, MISSISSIPPI 5th Rebel Regional "5" JUNE 8 ZANESVILLE, OHIO 3rd Annual EAA Chapter 425 Fly-
Category Aerobatic Contest. Contact Chuck Mann, 3544 Windcrest In Breakfast. Contact: Dave Workman, 400 South St., Zanesville,
Dr. No. 3, Memphis, Tenn. 38116. Ohio 43701.
66 MAY 1975
JUNE 8 CORRY. PENNSYLVANIA EAA Chapter 160 Annual Fly- JUNE 22 PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS 2nd Annual Fly-In Flea Market.
In/Breakfast. Lawrence Airport. Spot landing contest on arrival. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 461. Clow International Airport. Contact
Contact Harry Hipwell. 266 E. Fairmount Ave., Lakewood, N. Y. Art Froehlich, (815) 436-3930 or (312) 968-7454.
14750 Rain date June 15.
JUNE 22 RIO. WISCONSIN 5th Annual Fly-ln/Drive-ln Breakfast
JUNE 13-15 DENTON, TEXAS 13th Annual Fly-In sponsored by All aircraft types welcome.
Texas Antique Airplane Association, Inc. Contact Myrna Johnson.
2516 Shady Brook Dr.. Bedford, TX 76021. (817) 283-1702. JUNE 22 MARCY. NEW YORK Fly-In Breakfast sponsored by
EAA Chapter 294 Riverside Airport Contact Charles Puliafico,
JUNE 14-15 FREDERICKSBURG. VIRGINIA 8th Annual Antique Hayes Road, Marcy, N. Y 13403.
Aircraft Fly-In Shannon Airport Awards Banquet. Contact John
B Maas. Jr.. Shannon Airport, Box 509, Fredericksburg, Va. 22401. JUNE 22 PAINESVILLE. OHIO 13th Annual EAA Fly-In. Sponsored
by EAA Chapter 118. Casement Airport. Contact Rudy Esser. 4654
JUNE 14-15 PORTERVILLE. CALIFORNIA 26th Annual Moonlight Lane Rd . Perry, Ohio 44081
Fly-In and Air Show. Static displays, aerobatics, sky diving and
flying antiques Contact PAPA. 1893 S Newcomb. Porterville Air- JUNE 27-29 FRANKLIN. VIRGINIA Annual Fly-In sponsored by Old
port. Porterville. Calif 93257. Dominion EAA Chapter 339. Contact George Hillier. 1453 West-
over Ave . Norfolk. Va 23878. (804) 623-5509.
JUNE 14-15 CRYSTAL FALLS. MICHIGAN (Upper Peninsula) 3rd
Annual Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapter 439. Static displays, fly- JUNE 28-29 BURLINGTON. WISCONSIN 3rd Annual Cub Fly-In.
in events. Club Work Day - 14th; Air Show - 15th. Free 25 gallons gas Sponsored by EAA Antique-Classic Division. All vintage and home-
to all homebuilts flying in. Primitive camping available Contact Jim built aircraft invited
Lyle. 141 Albatross. Sawyer AFB. Mich. 49843
JUNE 28-29 KOKOMO, INDIANA 2nd Annual Midwest Regional
JUNE 14-15 SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA 4th Annual Fly-In spon- Aerobatic Competition. Sponsored by IAC Chapter 1. hosted by
sored by EAA Chapter 124. Sonoma County Airport. Contact Art Kokomo Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee. Rain date
Beer. Box 6192, Santa Rosa, Calif. 95406. June 30. Trophies for Best of Class in Antique. Classic. Homebuilt
and Warbirds. Contact J E. Davis (317) 628-7272.
JUNE 14-15 KENNEWICK. WASHINGTON Fly-In sponsored by
EAA Chapter 391 and the Tri-City Command CAP. JUNE 28-29 BLAKESBURG. IOWA 3rd Annual Unique Aircraft
Fly-In Antique Airfield. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 409 and the AAA
JUNE 14-15 WICHITA, KANSAS Fly-In for all Great Lakes owners Air Power Museum.
new, original and homebuilt sponsored by Great Lakes Air-
craft Co. Patty Field (30 mi. NE of Wichita). Contact: Great Lakes. JUNE 28-29 MONONGAHELA, PENNSYLVANIA 3rd Annual Golden
Box 11132. Wichita, KS. 67202 Triangle Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapter 45 Rostraver Airport.
Contact Jim Griffiths (412) 881-3304 or Bill Humphrey (412) 384-6929
Aerobatic Contest 4 Category. Contact Leo Comesotti, 66 Chip- JULY 3-6 URBANA. OHIO Annual Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chap-
wood Cres.. Willowdale. Ont, Canada M2J 3X7. (416) 491-8383. ter 421. Grimes Airport. Contact Jeffrey McClain, 572 Washington
Ave., Urbana. Ohio 43078
JUNE 15 WEEDSPORT, NEW YORK 2nd Antique-Classic and Home-
built Fly-In/Pancake Breakfast. Trophies Sponsored by EAA Chap- JULY 5 CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND Fly-In sponsored by EAA
ter 486. Whitfords Airport. Contact Dick Forger. 204 Woodspath Rd., Chapter 426. Everyone welcome Camping space available
Liverpool. N. Y. 13088.
JULY 4-6 GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA 8th Annual Cracker Fly-In.
JUNE 15 UPLAND. CALIFORNIA Aircraft Swap Meet and Pancake Sponsored by North Georgia Chapter AAA. Banquet Saturday even-
Breakfast sponsored by EAA Chapter 448. Cable Airport. Contact ing with Matty Laird as featured speaker. Contact: Bill Davis. 2202
Don Barber, 917 Alta Loma Dr.. Corona. Calif. 91720. Willivee Place. Decature. Ga 30033. (404) 636-4743.

JUNE 20-22 PAULS VALLEY. OKLAHOMA Greater Oklahoma City JULY 6 LYONS. OHIO Mini-Breakfast-Fly-ln sponsored by EAA
Antique Airplane Association Fly-In Contact Jerry Horn. 2008 Chapter 149 Newbury Field
Nail Parkway, Moore. Okla. 73160.
JULY 11-13 HOLLISTER. CALIFORNIA 5th Annual Fly-In spon-
JUNE 20-22 MOJAVE. CALIFORNIA 3rd Annual California Na- sored by EAA Chapter 62 Contests. Trophies Contact John Win-
tional Air Races. Sponsored by Professional Race Pilots Associa- ter, 407 Hiller St.. Belmont. Calif. 94002. (415) 592-2522
tion. Contact: Air Race Management Corp.. 16644 Roscoe Blvd..
Van Nuys. Calif. 91406 (213) 988-4900. JULY 12-13 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Oregon EAA Round Robin
Annual Fly-In. Chiloquin State Airport. Hosted by EAA Chapter 411.
JUNE 21 MIDDLETON. WISCONSIN Wisconsin 99 Proficiency Contact Dale Faries, 1544 Sargent, Klamath Falls. Ore. 97601.
Air Derby. Morey Airport. P.I.C must be female. Co-pilot required
- male or female (need not be a pilot). Send $2 00 for race kit. Pat JULY 12-13 WEST CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Du Page County Airport
Weir, R. 5, Box 162. Marshfield. Wise. 54449. Air Show featuring the USAF Thunderbirds. U. S Army Golden
Knights, Bob Hoover, U. S. Army Silver Eagles, biplane race. An-
JUNE 21-22 SALEM. ILLINOIS Fly-In Salem-Leckrone Airport tiques, warbirds and homebuilts welcome. Trophies Gates open
Sponsored by EAA Chapter 16 Contact Robert E Tarrant. Box 474. 9:00 A.M., air show 1:30. Sponsored by the Greater Chicago Area
Effingham, III. 62401. Antique Airplane Association, Inc. Contact Troy Dodd. 6801 N.
Wildwood, Chicago. III. (312) RO3-7114.
JUNE 21-22 HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA Air Show sponsored
by Canadian Warplane Heritage. Contact Dennis J. Bradley, Canadi- JULY 13 WASHBURN. IOWA Annual Fly-In sponsored by EAA
an Warplane Heritage, Inc.. 550 Kipling Ave.. Toronto. Ont. Canada Chapter 227 Flyer's Field. Noon Lunch, free to homebuilt and an-
M8Z 5E9 tique pilots.

JUNE 21-22 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 6th Annual Aerobatic Contest JULY 13 DUNKIRK. NEW YORK Annual Fly-In Breakfast spon-
sponsored by IAC Chapter 3 Bear Creek Airport Practice Day. sored by EAA Chapter 46. 8:00 A.M. til noon. Free to pilots of Home-
June 20. Contact Greer Parramore. 4880 Clark Lake Way. Acworth. builts, Antiques or Warbirds. Trophies. Spot landing contest on
Ga 30101 arrival. Rain date July 20. Contact Charles Gallagher. 19 Shelby
Dr.. Buffalo. N. Y. 14225.
Racing Practice and Seminar. Open to everyone interested in air JULY 19-20 SHIRLEY. NEW YORK 13th Annual Fly-In sponsored
racing. Sponsored by Race Air Corp.. 2315 M St., N. W.. Washing- by Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York. Brookhaven Town
ton. D. C. 20037. Airport. Contact Harry E. Geddes. 374 Latham Rd.. Mineola. N. Y
JUNE 22 ELKHART, INDIANA Fly-In and Air Show. Sponsored
by EAA Chapter 132 and Mishawaka Pilot Club. Breakfast at 6:00 JULY 19-20 PORTLAND. OREGON Annual Fly-In sponsored by
A.M. EAA Chapter 105. Lenhardt Airpark, Hubbard. Ore. Contact Merv
Henkes, 12535 S E. Boss Ln.. Milwaukie, Ore.
JUNE 22 PLYMOUTH. MICHIGAN Spring Fly-In sponsored by
EAA Chapter 113 and Plymouth Aero. Mettetal Airport. Pancake JULY 23-27 MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Annual American Bonan-
Breakfast Contact Lew Marzewski. 30194 W. Chicago, Livonia, za Society Convention Headquarters: Radisson South Hotel. Con-
Mich. 48150. (313) 421-9328 tact Ralph G Haesloop. Chemung County Airport. Horseheads.
N. Y. 14845. Telephone 607/739-55,5.
Demagnetization Of Aircraft Fuselage
By Ken Gersbach
1624 Lorraine Dr.
Piano, Texas 75074

(From EAA Chapter 168 Newsletter, Hangar Echoes)

Heating of 4130 chromoly tubing during the welding If you choose the latter course, cut out the ends of
process can cause enough reorientation of its molecular an old transformer until it looks like a block "H". Wind
construction to magnetize a joint. Proof of this is shown some small insulated wire around the center part of the
by moving a compass from one side of a joint to the "H". The more turns, the stronger the demagnetizing
other and noting the compass swing. This is particularly force will be. Connect one end of the wire in series with
evident along a longeron where crossmembers are weld- a light bulb or other electrical load. Plug this in and
ed. It can be serious enough to adversely affect an air- listen for the 60 cycle hum. If the device gets too hot
craft's compass or compass system, however, it is an easy the turns and load may have to be adjusted. With the
task to reduce this compass error by demagnetization of demagnetizer plugged in, bring it to the metal to be
the welded members. demagnetized and move it around the joint as closely
The designer of my Sidewinder mentioned that this as possible. Back the coil away from the joint then unplug
could be done, particularly in the cabin area near the it and check the results.
instrument panel, so I bought a cheap compass to check On my aircraft the rollover bar was particularly bad.
the necessity of it and found definite compass swings It was heated, bent, and welded on both ends. I demag-
on nearly every joint. Mike Narrin and I got into a dis- netized it and all the tubing and welded landing gear
cussion of this and tried it on his Tailwind and found mounts. I checked them periodically with the compass
the same results. Here lies proof that it isn't mandatory during the process and it was amazing how much of the
to demagnitize, for his bird has many hours of successful residual magnetism disappeared. I still get some compass
flying on it, however, Mike was so impressed he decided deflection when one is passed near the joint, but the
to demagnetize anyway to remove his compass error. definite swing is gone. This will most certainly reduce
One of the easiest ways to demagnetize the fuselage the compass error.
joints is to operate a bulk tape demagnetizer, TV Care should be taken in using the demagnetizer,
demagnetizer, or large tape head demagnetizer near however, it might ruin any electrical motors if they are
them. A "brute force" demagnetizer rather than a small nearby so remove instruments such as clocks, or
watch or tape head demagnetizer must be used if you electrical fuel pumps before starting the operation.
want to be successful. Follow the manufacturer's recom-
mendations for operation of the particular device or build
one of your own.

Obtaining Your A & P By Building

An Amateur Built Aircraft
It is possible in the U.S. to use the experience obtained is cautioned that he must log and record part time work
in building an amateur built aircraft towards obtaining hours and type work done as proof of hours worked.
an A & P (Airframe & Powerplant) Mechanics license A standard work week consists of 8 hours a day for 5
from the FAA. The information on this is as follows: days or 40 hours per week. A month is considered to be
1. Determination of applicant eligibility will be made 160 hours.
only by an FAA inspector or advisor. (Check with your 3. The "Airframe & Powerplant Mechanics Certifi-
local FAA.) cation Guide" AC 65-2B is available from the Superin-
2. When evaluating part time practical mechanic tendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
experience, a showing of equivalency of 18 months on Washington, D.C. 20402. Check your local GPO book-
the basis of the standard 40 hour week is acceptable store first.
even where the months are not consecutive. The amateur

JULY 26-27 VANDALIA, OHIO Air Fair 75. Sponsored by EAA JULY 29 - AUGUST 4 OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN 23rd Annual EAA
Chapter 48. WW I Air Race. Sunday Air Show. Cox Field. Contact International Fly-In Convention.
D. E. Hayes, 4366 Hillcrest Dr., Bellbrook, Ohio 45305.
AUGUST 24 WEEDSPORT, NEW YORK Air Show and Fly-In Break-
JULY 26-31 FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN 10th Annual EAA/IAC fast sponsored by EAA Chapter 486. Whitfords Airport. Contact
International Aerobatic Championships. Sponsored by Interna- Dick Forger, 204 Woodspath Rd., Liverpool, N. Y. 13088.
tional Aerobatic Club. Practice Days July 26, 27. Contest Days
July 28, 29, 30. Rain Date July 31. Contact Sam Huntington, SEPTEMBER 5-7 GALESBURG, ILLINOIS 4th National Stearman
Contest Chairman, Avery Road, Shady side, Md 20867. Fly-In. Galesburg Municipal Airport. Contact Jim Leahy, 445 N.
Whitesboro, Galesburg. III. 61401 or Tom Lowe, 823 Kingston Lane,
JULY 29 23rd ANNUAL FLIGHT RALLY TO OSHKOSH. WISC. Spon- Crystal Lake, III. 60014.
sored by AC Spark Plug Division. Starting points: Kansas City, Mo.;
Dayton, Ohio; Flint, Mich.; Minneapolis, Mn.; Omaha, Nebr.; St. SEPTEMBER 19-21 KERRVILLE, TEXAS Southwest Regional
Louis, Mo. Contact AC Aviation Department, Flint, Mich. 48556 for Fly-In. Contact Bill Haskell. Box 1235, Kerrville, Texas 78028. (512)
details. 995-2791.
68 MAY 1975


I rer- Propeller
\\ Hfc' Precautions
(from FAA CAM 18)

Chapter 443, Columbus, Ohio. 02-08-75 thru 02-15-75.

Sport and Recreation Show at Ohio State Fairgrounds.
Attendance 160,000.

Many persons have been fatally

injured by walking into whirling pro-
NEW ADDRESS GREATER SELECTION pellers. Painting a warning stripe on
the propeller serves to reduce chances
NEW FREE CATALOG of such injuries. Approximately 4
inches of the propeller tips should be
yellow nonreflecting paint or lacquer.
SYSTEM NOT REQUIRED The drain holes in the metal tipping
All new manufacture, low of wood blades should be opened up
cost, lightweight instru- after the tips have been painted.
f ments for homebuilts; 2%
V accuracy, dust and mois- Wood propellers are especially
- ture proof, lighted, 2W susceptible to damage from improper
and 3!/a" standard sizes.
handling. When moving an airplane,
ENGINES special care should be exercised to
avoid bumping the propeller. The
BE CONSPICUOUS practice of pushing or pulling on a
With combination tip lights and white propeller blade to move an airplane
anticomsion lights. should be avoided; it is extremely
easy to impose forces on a blade in
excess of those for which the blade is
310HP Lye. TIO-540-A2B w/all access. designed. It is continually necessary
340 STOH, 1340 TT, Excellent....
............................$3595. to ascertain that the glue joints are in
200HP Lye. IO-360 w/access. 1400TT good condition and that the finish on
200HP Ranger w/mags ........ 595. the entire propeller will protect the
190HP Lye. 0-435 .............. 395. propeller from absorbing moisture.
$139.50 COMPLETE 175HP Ranger On a PT19 Mount..... Two-bladed wood propellers should
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495.
* Made for us by an FAA Approved 150HP Lye. 0-320, 390TT . . . . . . . 2695. always be left 01 stored, whether on
Manufacturer 150HP Lye. 0-320, 1740TT . . . . . . 1695. or off of an airplane, in a horizontal
* 6 Times FAA Requirement 150HP Lye. 0-320, First Runout.. 1595
125HP Lye. 0-290-G As removed 395. position to prevent unbalance from
* Flashes 52-62 Times per Minute 85HP Cont. C-85F (Electric) ... 1395. moisture absorption. A good pre-
* Excellent Haze Penetration
* Hemispherical Coverage
caution is to cover the propeller with
* Weighs only 12 ounces SAFETY ITEM a well fitting waterproof cover when
* Two year Guarantee 0-290-G GPU OWNERS
not in use. It is very important to
DON'T LOSE YOUR protect the shank section of wood
PROP! blades from moisture changes to pre-
STICK GRIPS vent swelling and subsequent loos-
Propeller Flange Re-
inforcement, as per ening in the metal sleeve. In the case
John Thorp drawings
in April 1971 Sport Aviation. Precision
of varnished blades, it is advisable to
machined from 4130 - Cad. plated - occasionally apply varnish around the
Baked ........................$57.50 shank at the junction of wood and
Exra long propeller Bushings for the
above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 . 5 0 set metal. In the case of the plastic
Send large self-addressed stamped (20c) Add 5% shipping (USA) - Calif, add covered blade, repair cement may be
envelope for FREE CATALOG. 5% tax. applied around the same joint.
In certain cases where the blade
has been manufactured from laminat-
ed planks of composition material,
longitudinal cracks or splitting be-
tween laminations have been ob-
served after several hundred hours of
operation. These cracks dare not pro-
gress beyond definite limits as cover-
ed by the manufacturer's service bul-

GO EAA Brooch - yellow gold sunburst with EAA emblem . $ 6.80

Charm - on white gold plate or yellow gold plate $ 4.80

Earrings - regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9.80


Earrings - pierced, post-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.25
Wire type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.25
Lapel Pin/Tie Tac (blue and g o l d ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.00
Lapel Pin/Tie Tac (white and g o l d ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.25
Tie B a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.55


New EAA Jackets in our traditional blue with double white stripes. EAA Patch
over stripes. The new Antique Airplane Jacket is the same style as the EAA Jacket but
made of same mate rial as jumpsuit shown above.

Knit EAA Jacket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26.95

Adults Small Children Small (5-8)
Polyester Cotton EAA Jacket . . . . . . . . . . . $15.95 Adults Medium Children Medium (8-11)
Antique Airplane Pattern Adults Large Children Large (10-13)
(Polyester Cotton Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.95 Adults X-Large
Liners for above Jackets
(order same size as jackets) . . . . . . . . . $11.95
Smart new double knit blazer in EAA blue with embroidered EAA Patch.
Double Knit Blazer.............................. $59.95 Men's Sizes Only 36-50 Short
Men's Sizes Only 36-50 Regular
(Above Items Postpaid) Men's Sizes Only 36-50 Long

Note Orders for Jackets, Blazers and Jumpsuits described on these pages should be
sent to EAA Headquarters. Apparel will be shipped (allow 4-6 weeks for delivery) directly from
the manufacturer, Flight Apparel Industries, Hammonton Airport, Flight
Apparel Lane and Columbia Road RD 4, Hammonton, NJ 08037. Any returns or exchanges must
be returned directly to Flight Apparel Industries.

Ail Photos by Lee Fray

You've been asking for it for years an EAA Jumpsuit. Now
they are available in knit, polyester cotton and Nomex __ Basic Hand Tools, Vol. 1
fire retardant material also a wild antique airplane pattern. __ Basic Hand Tools, Vol. 2
__ Custom Aircraft Building Tips, Vol. 1
These jumpsuits are tailored and fit beautifully no
__ Custom Aircraft Building Tips, Vol. 2
baggy look. __ Custom Aircraft Building Tips, Vol. 3
__ Custom Aircraft Building Tips, Vol. 4
Knit EAA Jumpsuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539.95
__ Custom Built Sport Aircraft
Polyester Cotton EAA Jumpsuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27.95 Handbook
Antique Airplane Pattern (Polyester Cotton Only) $27.95 __ Design, Vol. 1
Nomex Fire Retardant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95 __ Design, Vol. 2
__ Design, Vol. 3
__ Engine Operation, Carburetion,
Men 36-50 Regular Ladies 6-20 Regular __ Engines, Vol. 1
Men 38-50 Long Ladies 8-20 Long __ Engines, Vol. 2
.__ Engineering for the Custom Aircraft
Builder Hoffman
Note When specifying sizes for jumpsuits, indicate __ Metal Aircraft Building Techniques
height, weight and suit or dress size in addition to the above __ Modern Aircraft Covering Techniques
information (i.e., 40 Regular). __ Pilot Proficiency
__ Pilot Report & Flight Testing
(Above Items Postpaid) __ Service & Maintenance Manual
__ Sheet Metal, Volume 1
__ Sheet Metal, Volume 2
__ Sport Aircraft You Can Build
SPECIAL EAA OFFER! __ Tips on Aircraft Fatigue
EAA Embroidered
__ Welding
Cloth Patches EAA JACKET REDUCED __ Wood, Volume 1
EAA - Small (cap size)......... $ .75
The EAA Jacket (now shown) with __ Wood, Volume 2
EAA - Medium (S'/i" x 4Vi".. $1.95
the triangular white panel is being __ Wood Aircraft Building Techniques
EAA - Large (5" x 6") .......... $2.25
closed out. Save on the unlined
EAA Wings........................ $1.50
Aircraft Builder.................. $1.75 75
Antique/Classic Division ..... $1.75 Unlined medium and large
I.A.C. Division................... $1.95 only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.95 ea.
Lined medium and large
EAA Vinyl Decals
only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95
EAA Standard (round)......... $ .50 Add 30c postage f i r s t publication, 10c each
Each special offer item, enclose additional manual.
EAA Winged...................... $. 50 $1.50 additional for postage and
Antique/Classic Division ..... $ .50 handling.
I.A.C. Division................... $ .50
How to Build the Acro Sport ... $4.50
Plans C A M - 1 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.30
Metal Aircraft Placards........ $2.50
C A M - 1 0 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.30
Flight Bags (14" x 5" x nVj") $7.50 EAA Acro Sport................ $60.00
EAA Air Show and Fly-In Manual $2.80
Garment Bags (1 suiter) ...... $2.25 Super Acro Sport Wing
Golden Age of Air Racing ...... $2.80
EAA CAPS Drawings...................... $15.00
Wings of Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.80
EAA (white mesh, Aerosport Info Kit........... $ 4.00
Air Pictorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.30
blue visor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 EAA BiPlane P-2................ $27.00
Flying Manual, 1 9 2 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.30
Men's sizes . . . small, medium, large Pober Pixie...................... $30.00
x-large Flying & Glider Manual, 1932 ... $2.30
Farm Type Hangar............ $ 5.00
Ladies . . . one size, adjustable to fit all Flying Miscellany, 1929-33 . . . . . . $2.30
"Fun in the Sun" ......... $5.00 EAA Log Book for the Custom-Built
(sailor type - small, medium, large, Airplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.30
x-large) EAA Sport Shirts
Theory of Wing Sections . . . . . . . $5.50
Skool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Knit pull over types with zipper at
Hang Gliding (by Dan Poynter) . $5.25
(knit cap, navy and gold) neck. EAA emblem. Sharp in red
Miscellaneous or blue! Specify color. Small,
EAA Lucite Key Chain .........$ 1.25 medium, large, (All books lower section Postpaid)
EAA Letter Opener........... $ 1.80 extra-large....................... $12.50
EAA Coaster Set (4)........... $ 1.55
(Order Today All items this Section Postpaid)

Send check or money order to:


P.O. Box 229 Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130
World's Largest Stock of Aircraft Materials for Build-
ing or Rebuilding of Experimental, Amateur-Built,
Antiques, and Standard Category Aircraft. Schools,
Universities, Airport Shops and Homebuilders In- BY THE AIR FORCES OF
quiries Invited. Catalog $1.00. SO. KOREA AND NOW BY
We Are Direct Mill Agents for Seamless 4130 Chrome-Moly
Tubing and Sell for Less than Your Local Warehouse. One
Foot or 10,000, Round, Square, Streamline. The PL-1 was two time EAA GRAND CHAMPION. The easier
to build PL-2 is superbly engineered. Don't settle lor less.


Sawhill Tubular Products Turco Products 24 PAGE B R O C H U R E WITH PHOTOS DRAWINGS S150.00
Summcrill Tubing (Paint Strippers, Etch, 3 VIEWS - AIRPLANE DESCRIPTION
CONST. MANUAL (Light Aitplane Construction) 5100
Tube Distributors, Inc. Cleaners, etc.) SOME PRE-FA6 PARTS AVAILABLE
Flightex Fabrics Acme-Newport Sheet (4130) J3.00
Ulster Linen Co. Schenuit Tires & Tubes BOX 80051S -SAN DIEGO-CALIF. 92138
The G'idden Co. (Dopes) Thor Power Tools
Macwhyte Cables Aero Supply & Equip. (Plywood)
Flottorp Propellers Maule Products (Tail Wheels, etc.)
U.S. Plywood (Weldwood Glues) Behr-Manning OWN ANY AIRCRAFT ! !
Wisco Batteries
Now, every pilot, not just those with money to burncan
Stock items include: Sitka Spruce, Plywood, Glue, Noils, Aluminum easily own the aircraft of his choice. No cash investment,
Sheet and Tubing, Trailing Edge, "Hat" Section Aluminum String- no monthly payments! Sound impossible? Definitely not. It
ers, Bolts and Hardware, Cables, Pulleys, Streamline Wires, Slip
Covers, Fabric, Dopes and Thinners, Engines, Propellers, Acces- is being done more and more, every day, by thousands. Gen-
sories, Tires and Tubes, Wheels and Brakes, Plexiglas, Fuel Tank eral aviation is booming and so is the need for aircraft. New,
Hardware, Complete Line of Instruments, Hand ToolsSheet unique puichasing and operating methods give every average
Metal Tools, Welding Kits, Spraying Kits, Riveting Tools, etc.
pilot the chance to own the aircraft of his choice and make
ONE SOURCE SUPPLY FAST SERVICE LOWEST PRICES good money at the same time. Tremendous tax advantages for
every pilotnot just the ones in a "tax bracket". Get the facts
today by sending for this simple, brief, and proven system of
aircraft purchase, operation, and ownership. Provides all the
B & F AIRCRAFT info you need to analyze the economics of any aircraft pur-
chase. Shows you step by step how to end up owning your
SUPPLY own plane for no cash down and no monthly payments. A prov-
"Since 1937" en system in use by thousands. Send $3.50 (fully refundable)
6141 W. 95th OAK LAWN, ILL. 60453 to M. D. Wilier & Company, Box 3040E, Long Beach, Calif.
On Routes 12 & 20 Phone 422-3220 90803
EAA Members 396 and 397 Area Code 312-422-3221

GIFT FOR THAT AVIATION ENTHUSIAST. All Shirts Good American Made Brand.

Note: (Give Design, Size, Color)
CASSUTT MOTHER'S WORRY TAILWIND Add 50c for special handling and
CESSNA 150 MUSTANG II T-18 delivery.
CURTIS PITTS SPECIAL U.F.O. Foreign Countries add S1XX).
EAA BIPLANE P-40 Write...
CHILD 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-J6

"We Also Do Custom Work For Clubs" PO. -> H/l

72 MAY 1975
(Continued from Page S)

Dear Paul:
I read the profile of you in Air Progress. I
sure wish you could understand ho* corrupt
any war is. Militarism and the military indus-
trial complex is ruining this country and, yes.
it will eventually ruin EAA. (Did you every try
to get one inch diameter tubing lately?)
At present I am working through Les Aspin
to help crack the governments supression of
gas saving carburetors. Kendig. Poague to name
a few. I wish you would take an interest in
I really do believe. Paul, (and I say this with
realization that you have done an immense job
to help the sport airplane enthusiast) that you
are rubbing shoulders with a hell of a lot of
big shots of the bureaucracy who don't give a
damn about the small homebuilder and are out
to eliminate him or her
Homebuilding goes against the powers that
be because it makes one think and become an
individual. This the leaders of the masses don't
want. You can't lead thinkers into stupid wars.
I know you were a military man, well, so was
I, even saw a little action but still I am able to
see the light. Hope you do too.
If you are sincere enough to print this you
will find many down to earth members as A Picture
myself (who aren't designing craft, by the way.
that also can be used for military trainers)
who will be in agreement with this letter.
worth A Thousand Dreams
A unique new concept in sport aircraft construction drawings combining the precision
Incidentally. Paul, because of the fact that
the Navy is pondering buying the BD-5 for a detailing of a master perspective draftsman with Ihe artistic presentation of a graphic illustrator.
military trainer I am withholding a contribu- This full color illustration is incredibly detailed and drawn to perspective scale directly from
tion of $10 I was going to donate to EAA this the latest aircraft plans set. A worthy addition to your den and a valuable visual aid to clarify
spring when visiting Headquarters. construction details of your aircraft project. Available now with highest quality color
If I feel the military gets more involved I reproduction on heavy weight coated matt white stock 18" x 24" DSTARDUSTER TOO
will drop out of EAA Think about it. D PITTS S IS G STEPHENS AKRO Price including postage and sturdy mailing tube
Sincerely. is $12 for one drawing. $22 for two and S30 for the set of three. (Calif, residents add 6% tax)
Bob Kuehn EAA 2493 Remit check or money order to Ivan Clede Studios. 1127 Pembridge Dr.. San lose. Calif. 95118
Lomira. Wis 53048


Tool ft Supply Catalog SPORT AVIATION BACK ISSUE OFFER . . . .
Tools & Sv^opi't
1974 Metal Wcxk & 12 ISSUES FOR $7.50
r o l o 9 r i l * 0 . "AIR WORLD"
P.O. BOX 160 (Dtpi.S), NfW HYDE PARK I I Because of the tremendous response to our special "warehouse bargain price"
NEW YORK 1 IWC Phone: (516)328-0666 sale, this offer has been extended indefinitely! Added to this SPECIAL are
SPORT AVIATION issues for 1972! Go through the following list, pick out any
12 issues and pay only $7.50 for them (instead of the usual $10.80). EAA is mak-
ing this offer to clear out badly needed storage space. Take advantage of this
BRASS SCULPTURE KIT offer while the issues last. This offer is for issues up to and including December.
1972 only. 1973, 1974 and 1975 issues are not included. Any quantities of less
than 12, of the years prior to 1973, sell for 90c each, as do all issues of 1973,
1974 and 1975. Back Issues Available are the following . . .
1960 - July, September, October, November
1961 July, August, October
1962 - May, June
1963 - September, October, November, December
1964 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
1965 - January, February. March, April, May. June, July, Sept., Oct., Nov.
1966 - May, June, September, October, November, December
1967 - March, May. July, September, October, November, December
1968 - January, February, March, April. May, July, August, Sept., Oct.. Nov., Dec.
1969 - January, February, March, April, May. June, July. August, Sept., Oct.,Nov., Dec.
1970 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
1971 - January. February, March. April, May, June, July. Sept., Oct.. Nov., Dec.
1972 - January, August, September, October, November, December
1973 - July, August, September, October. November
Now you can make elegant metal sculptures 1S74 - January, February, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec.
like the eipentive ones In galleries. This
whimsical flying machine can be assembled 1975 - January, February, March, April
in 2 to 3 evenings. Easy-to-follow Instructions
plus your simple tools and solder convert kit
into beautiful 12" brass and wire sculpture. Make check or money orders payable to
Only $11.95 plus $1 postage and handling.
Add 72 tai for Calif, shipments. Send
""""' WHIMSEY P. O. BOX 229
521 Fanita Way. Dept. O. Menlo Park, Ca 94025 HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130
A Woody Pusher built by Cal Cavendish and Jim Cooper
of Lafayette, Louisiana. It was test flown by Griff


SPAN . . . . . . . 20'2- TOP SPEED . . ISOM PH
420 LBS
. 14QM.P.H.
. . . 4 2 M.P H . YOURSELF

Handy, Compact, Precision Tools for Nicopress Sleeves

Nicopress Oval Sleeves; Zinc Plated:!
f\ vlt". 12 for $1; 'Ai. 10 for $1 "SWAGE-IT"* TOOLS
FREE INFORMATION " J/". 20cea.; %". 25c ea. #2 for Jf", &" 4 W
K". 50c ea.: %", 75c ea.
(Send stamped, self addred envelope)
Nicopress Oval Sleeves $12.50
RAND/ROBINSON ENG., INC Stainless Steel Thimbles:
6171 CORNELL DRIVE I AN 100-C3 (K" & HJ"> 8 'or SI: #3 for W, %?, %' and W
HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA. 92647 AN 100 C4 (V) 6 for $1; Nicopress Oval Sleeves $27.50
AN 100-C5 %"> 2 0 c e a . Tightening bolts applies swaging pres-
AN 100-C6 (Kt"> 3Dcea._____ sure. Will hold full rated strength of
DETAILED PLANS & INSTRUCTIONS '45.00 Galvanized Cable MIL-W-1511A: cable. 'trademark
Comtructioo Kits aJio available 7x7, Y,t". lie ft.; V. 14cft.;
719, %", 19cft.; ^,", 21cft.; 13th Year Nationally Advertised
K,". 25c ft.
Send check or M.O. with order. --E-BOX 1546 Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626
Calif, residents add 6% Sales Tax.
Orders postpaid in U.S.A.- Foreign Orders Add 10%.






Wing Drawings $15.00

Info Pack .................. $ 4.00 EAA AIR MUSEUM FOUNDATION

and Builder's Manual .... $60.00 Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130
74 MAY 1975
' -J i -1 SC
Mutder shrouo 3350 Cabm Meat Mutf 35 OC
Tailpipe 1660 Taylorcraft Model 19
10 20 64np.'OOfD '0950
PA-12 14 16 20 Carb H*>ai
22 muffler 14750 bhroud 19 50
PA-18 PA 1Q5 tnru Cab<n heal
PA-150 Tiutf'e- 89 95 shroud ?i 50
TaylorcrdM C65 B thr^,
AeronCd 7AC MAC
BC12D 7200
eahausl sysl Pr 48 X
Heat shroud
Heal rruit Ea '7 40 assy 56 89
E'Coupe 415C mod Competition Aero-
syslem Pt 5900 batic EM ha US! ML360 Full 360 Channel
Carb neat mud
Cat)m heal -null
19 50
SySIen wilhoul
smoC Mt<ngs
Comm Transceiver $630.00
Luscombe CrossOvC' pf 97 5C
65 hp With smoke fittings
Rear Crossover 3895 P- 11950
200hp w.lh smone
RH Stack 29 95
P' i39 50
LH Stack ?9 95
Beech E*naust system
CaD'H Heal
Lye 108-160 hp
ShrouO 33 50
SI 234 00

J3 ............
Aeronca 7AC. 11AC .........
T-Craft 65 hp models . . ML200 NAV/Comm Transceiver
100 Channels Comm & 100
T-Craft 85 hp BC12D ... Channel NAV '$565.00
PA-11 90 hp ..... .......
PA-15, PA-17 .... .......
PA 18. 105, 135, 150 . . . . . . .
Send for FREE parts catalog.

North Road - Lyons, Wisconsin 53142 - 414, 763-9588

OBS '$315.00
BothML200&OLC30 For $695.00
Our New Year's resolution? We want
everyone to fly our radios, so we're
offering them to you directly, at as low
a price as we've ever advertised. And
the reliability is so good, we're
offering a two year warranty.
Sport planes, gliders, racers,
balloons, experimentals whatever
TERRA is what flyers are turning to
after all, what could be better than
a reliable radio costing less than all
the others?
Fcx more information on the complete Tn-
Corporation line ot communication and
navigational equipment. write to

4130 AIRCRAFT STEEL Spars, Stringers, Cap-Strips
Round tubing - square tubing - stream- * Surfaced either two or four sides.
line tubing - bushing stocks - steel sheets * Plywood and spruce in stock for
aluminum sheets, immediate delivery.
* Dynel Fabric
Polyurethane Foam and
CLASSIC Al R Epoxy Resins for KR-1 Aircraft.
(813) 686-1285 WICKS ORGAN COMPANY
723-S Saratoga Ave. Lakeland, Fla. 33801 Madison County Highland, III. 62249
BUILD THE LITTLE D-8 SAILPLANE: 618/654-2191 No Collect Calls, Please
* All Metal
* Easy to build for beginner and
veterans alike
* Brochure $1.00
P. 0. Box 2191 Marker Rcvr, Test Equip. & more. CLASSICS. WARBIRDS, HOMEBUILTS AND PRODUCTION
RST POB23233B San Diego, CA 92123 , BOX 142 MAYNARD. MASSACHUSETTS 01754
(714) 277-1917

Sport Aviation Supply Ltd.

1104 Gamble Rd., Richmond Vancouver,
Spottaite B. C., Canada VEX 1L2 604/273-8501

1st Finished. ART CHARD, Bronson, Mien.

VAN'S RV-3 In stock in thicknesses from .6mm 3-ply
thru 6.0 mm 5 ply. Various size sheets.
1973 & 1974 EAA Flight Efficiency Winner NOW IN STOCK
The total performance homebuilt, Tops
195 mph on 125 hp. Lands 48 mph. STOL. 3
Aerobatic. Aluminum structure. Easy to /4", 1", 2" x 6'", dressed to 20' long.
build and fly. 85 - 150 hp. Parts Avail- BUILD THIS 2 - P L A C E S P O R T P L A N E HOMEBUILDERS SUPPLIES,
Brochure $2.00 Plans $75.00 I N F O 54.DU P L A N S $75.00 Write For Free Quarterly catalog
Construction Manual $5.00.
22730 S. W. Francis, Beaverton, OR 97005 RIVERSIDE, C A L I F . 92507 (7U) 682-6766
Aqua Glider Kingfisher
Eaby Ace Mustang
Baby Great Lakes Pazmany PL 1 & 2
ED-4 Sidewinder
Coot Starduster
Bakeng Duce Starlet
Dyke Delta T-18
Fly Baby Turner T-40
Heath Bantam
Others in Process
Second to none in building supplies of all kinds including spruce kits, steel tubing EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE
kits, covering materials, instruments, accessories and hardware. SEND YOUR REQUIREMENTS
Finished spars, stringers, capstrip All sizes available SPENCER AIRCRAFT
2/4" x 6" lengths 10-14' $1.65 lin. ft.____________ INDUSTRIES
Wood Glue Epoxy Wood Glue
1 lb. Kit $ 4.25 1 qt. Kit - 5 Ibs $11.00
5 lb. Kit 9.95 1 gal. Kit - 15 Ibs. $29.90
8 lb. Kit 15.05
* Trademark of Ciba Co. Ltd. F. 0. B. Fullerton, Calif.
Spruce Kit $145.00 $175.00 Spar Kit $151.00
Styrofoam 90.56 141.20 Tubing Kit $350.00
Epoxy Kit $24.00/gal. $108.00/5 gal. SKYBOLT
Dyne) Fabric 48" $1.80 yd. Spar Kit $230.00
Polyurethane foam available Tubing Kit $380.00
Write for detailed listings approved by the designer of this award-winning aircraft.
4'x8' sheets to Spec. MIL-P-6070 Prices per Sq. Ft.
Mahogany Birch
Thickness 90 45 90" 45
1/32" 3 ply 1.53 2.27 (Poplar only)
1/16" 3 ply 1.21 1-94 1.26 2.11
3/32" 3 ply 1.26 2.07 1.31 2.16
1/8" 3 ply 1.31 2.18 1.37 2.20
3/16" 3 ply 1.36 2.26 1.51 2.61
3/16" 5 ply 1.63 2.94 1.57 2.83
1/4" 5 ply 1.76 3.01 1.68 3.08
10% Discount for 8 sheets or more - 25% cutting charge on less than half sheets. $3.00
packing charge for less than 3 sheets unless cut in half. Marine Plywood Available.
(Applicable to $25.00 Purchase)
BOX 424, FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92632 714/870-7551
76 MAY 1975
This Taylor Monoplane is the work of John C. Walmsley Pitts N8424 is powered by a 150 hp Lycoming equipped
(EAA 53491), P.O. Box 805, Geraldton 6530, Western with starter, battery and alternator. The aircraft is
Australia. Powered by a Rollason Ardem Mark XI (VW) complete with a strobe, landing light, nav lights, smoke
of 1600cc with a 25/s" long and 4%" diameter prop system, inverted system and was just fitted with a set
extension. The Australian Department of Transport of new four aileron, symmetrical wings. Built by Anthony
has asked Mr. Walmsley for justification for this ex- G. Ebel (EAA 36867), 812 W. Maple, Lompoc, Calif.
tension so he could use a letter from any of you who 93436. Ebel is Secretary/Treasurer of Chapter 275.
are running a similar extension on a VW engine. John
is currently building a Rollason Beta.

Aerobatics IAC IS ... The world's largest aerobatic organization.

Consisting of over 2500 members, IAC is the voice for
sport aerobatics. There are also over 30 local Chapters of
the Club scattered all over the United States, Canada, and
South Africa. IAC sponsors dozens of aerobatic contests,
judge's schools, training sessions, and educational meet-
ings. The Club publishes the most comprehensive maga-
zine on aerobatics available, Sport Aerobatics. IAC gives
you the opportunity to participate in the most dynamic and
exciting aspect of the sport aviation movement within the
framework of the EAA. Dues are $13.00 per year
and is open to anyone interested in aviation and
who is a current EAA member. Write today!

I. A.C.
YOU GET . .. For your annual dues, the following:^
1. Twelve issues of Sport Aerobatics containing many inter-
esting and educational articles and pictures.
2. Membership number and card and official decal.
3. Your own copy of the IAC Official Contest Rules if re-
4. Eligibility to fly in many IAC sanctioned events.
5. Numerous programs available to IAC members, in-
cluding the Aerobatic Achievement Awards Program,
the Judge's Continuing Education Program, and others
oriented toward the aerobatic enthusiast.



At your Service, Headquarters since 1931 for
SPECIALTY PLYWOODS A comprehensive works particularly for the serious minded individual
interested m designing and building light float sport aircraft 7 drawings
AIRCRAFT To MIL-P-6070 24 x 36 PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED An e x c l u s i v e f i r s t m the modern
method o'. technical presentation which could not be accomplished otherwise
90 Mahogany Type 48 x 96 Panels m lesser form A straight-forward approach to proper float aircraft design
practice (Finger tip float design engineering data for light float aircraft from
1/16", 3/22", 1/8", 3/16",
1/4", 9/32". 5/16", 3/8" i.OOO and less and up to and including gross weight of 2.425 lbs ) Highly
detailed showing details, sub-assemhlies and mam assemblies generously
detailed "Float Aircraft Design Guide." $1950 postpaid m U S A and its
MARINE To MIL-P 18066 possessions For airman service add $2 00

Fir, Overlay and Mahogany types Outside of North America kindly use international money order payable
5/32" to IV," thicknesses m U S equivalent currency Add $100 additional for postage or $300
custom scarfed to any length for airmail service Or send self-addressed stamped envelope lor detailed
float aircraft design guide information

Famowood Plastic Filler & Borden adhesives also available. MRS. STANLEY J. DZIK
4079 NORTH 62nd STREET
Phone 301-727-0106


Hi Quality T-Shirts Sweatshirts Windbreakers HATZ CB 1
3-view & photo
Specify White or Yellow for Garment & S.M.L. or XL
T-Shirts4.00 ea* Sweatshirts 8.00 ea* Windbreakers 15.00ea* Plans Available
'Add 1.50 per order for Postage & Handling DUDLEY KELLY
Rt. 4,
TORG /ART 1314 Dorothy Drive, Glendale, CA 91202 Versailles, Ky.

BUILD YOUR OWN AMPHIBIAN INVERTED OIL SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$107.50

Includes *0il changeover valve *Oil Separator tank
*Sump fittings

Folding Wings *Fuel Tanks - Smoke Tanks *Dyna Focal Ring Kits
Towable *Flop Tubes - Winp Fittings *Dyna Focal Rings
Easy Construction "COOT-A with fiberglass hull. Complete with Bearings Completely welded
*Stainless Steel Exhaust
We have hard to build parts and hull shells SEND *"l" Struts - Slave Struts 150-180 and 10-360 200 HP
available. $3.00 * Engine Mounts *Pilct Tubes
Construction Photos $25.00 For Specifications For Complete Listings and Prices
Photo, 3-Views, Write To:
Prices and A C R A - L I N E PRODUCTS
MOLT TAYLOR Information Packet P. 0. Box 1274 Kokomo, Indiana 46901 (317) 453-5795
Box 1171 Longview, Wash. (986:2) Phone (206) 423.8260


In answer to your many requests, the single-seat PITTS SPECIAL is
now available in kit form. Most of the fabrication work has been com-
pleted at our plant leaving only assembly, covering, and painting. If you
have ever wanted to own a WORLD CHAMPION PITTS SPECIAL, but
couldn't find the time to build one from scratch, here's your chance,
and at a price far below the factory-built version.
For those of you who would rather "Do it yourself," there's a new plan
set for the S-1 D 4-aileron model consisting of 47 sheets of production
quality drawings with assembly manuals. We also have a large selection
of off-the-shelf parts to facilitate construction.
All the details are included in a vinyl portfolio containing spec sheets,
parts lists, assembly details, etc., plus a giant full-color brochure that
opens up into a poster-size picture of the finished airplane.


($6.00 outside continental limits of U.S.A.)
PITTS AVIATION ENTERPRISES Box 548E, Homestead, Florida 33030

78 MAY 1975

This Bensen Gyrocopter was started by Howard J. Cooper

(EAA 89265), 3553 Alice Lloyd, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48014 while he was still a senior in high school and was
completed in 9 months of leisurely work. Howard is now
a student at the University of Michigan. BEAUTY


v Flight Proven
(Photo by Bill Adams. EAA 51011) for Executive, General
We knew these Warbird pilots were great but a high
wire act in a P-63???
and Agricultural

Contact Randolph Products

Company, for name of
nearest distributor.

The first Bushby Midget Mustang built and flown in the United Kingdom.
It was started in 1966 and was initially flown in 1973. Owned by K. E. Sword
(EAA 55901) of Leicester, England.




Simplified step-by-step assembly drawings SEND $1.00

and detailed printed instructions. for literature,
material costs,
PETER M. BOWERS tooling re-
13826 DES MOINES WAY SO. large flight
SEATTLE, WASH. 98168 photo.

Build Paul Poberezny's latest design, the VW powered

Pober Pixie. Features a very roomy cockpit, super short
field performance, economical operation and is easy to
built. Plans consist of 15 big sheets drawn by Bill Blake New (Bede 4 Cowl)
who also did the widely acclaimed EAA Acro Sport plans. Tailwind, Cougar, Bushby I
& II, VJ-22, Loving's Love,
The Pixie is a very docile little'- sportsplane designed Smith Miniplane, T-18, PL-1,
for the pilot who wants an honest, inexpensive fun air- PL-2, Pitts, Starduster, Sky.
plane for weekend and sparetime flying.
bolt and others.
Marcel Jurca MJ-77
Plans are only $40.00. Mail your check to: (P-SI 3/4 scale)
Information Package $5.00
Full cowls, tip tanks, wing tips, spinners, prop extensions,
wheel pants, engine nucelles, air scoops, Pazmany nose
EAA AIR MUSEUM cowls, wheel pants for tri-gear, and bucket seats, prop flange
reintorcement. Fiber-glass kits and aircraft spruce.
BOX 229
2357 Afton Road Beloit, Wis. 53511
(60S) 362-4S11

AL BUTLER will do your

49% with PRECISION!


. Certified aircraft quality materiaj LISTING
cut to blueprint skes full _._,.--
Sitka Sxpruce, Ptne.-Oouglfe'Fir.'... All Plywoods - Nails HIGH GLOSS URETHANE ENAMELS FOR METAL & FABRIC
Wingribs fabricated,! AN^rr/c/jSrare packagesrace-comrjlete AIRCRAFT, URETHANE & EPOXY VARNISH, CORROSION
to conform to plan, do^b cotter pins^arvd all-details.. . INHIBITING EPOXY PRIMER, ETCHES, BRIGHTENERS,
Brag'and Anti-drag wires with
fittings to your specs. ., ... POLY-FIBER AIRCRAFT COVERING PROCESS
V.W. Rrop Flanges - Built fey BJjtjer SERVICE PROVEN, NON-BURNING
Full Machine Shop r-a'cWKersr^
- -Modern facilUieuseZrfor'.yvelded NEW MODERN MATERIALS
^eorrrptffients, fuselages, gears, etc.. ;;,
Complete iolloWfhrough
a shop, not just a store! DISTRIBUTOR LIST
FAA Facility ft 103-1 3

Quality materials and Craftsman-

Patronized by Particular Builders ship are buy-words at BUTLER'S.


A.H. BUTLER, EAA 57353
R.D.2, Box 174 BLAIRSTOWN, NJ. 07825 PHONE 714-684-4280

80 MAY 1975
Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc.
For the year ended December 31,1974

Memberships $ 699,906
Publication Sales 22,776
Advertising 80,788
Merchandise sales 153,698
Convention 315,792
Interest income 27,577
(Photo by Lee Fray)
Division management fee 7,136
Left to right, Kelly Viets, Ray Stits, Audrey Poberezny, Photographic services 10,546
Harry Zeisloft and Buck Hilbert. Miscellaneous 2,641


Wages and salaries S 206,597

Employee benefits and expense 31,565
Publication costs 281,099
Advertising and public relations 25,845
Cost of merchandise sales 120,550
Convention expenses (NOTE) 264,971
Depreciation 8,194
Administrative and general expenses 253,531
Retirement of Air Museum notes 90,000
Loss on sale of assets 4,364 $1,286,716

Excess income over expense $ 34,144

(Photo by Lee Fray)
Left to right, Bob Fergus, Bill Turner, Tom Poberezny Fund balance, January 1, 1974 668,591
and Antique-Classic Division Vice-President J. R. Nie-
lander. The Division was also holding an officers and Fund balance, December 31, 1974 $ 702,735
board meeting at EAA Headquarters. NOTE
In addition to Convention expense, payments in the amount
of $90,263 were made during 1974 to reduce indebtedness
on EAA Convention site land purchased at Oshkosh, Wis-

As of December 31, 1974 the total commitment for land pur-

chased at the Oshkosh Convention site was $329,480. This
consists of $264,440 principal and $65,040 interest with
payments due over an eight year period.
An independent audit of the financial statements of the Experimental
Aircraft Association, Inc. was performed for the year ended December
31, 1974 and presented to the Board of Directors.

(Photo by Lee Fray)
EAA Air Museum Foundation Board of Trustees meeting DIRECTORS MEETING
April 11, 1975 in Haedtler Hall in the Air Museum's
complex, Franklin, Wisconsin. Saturday, April 12, 1975
Place: Haedtler Hall, EAA Headquarters, Franklin, Wisconsin
Present: Paul H. Poberezny, Ray Scholler, S. H. Schmid, Harry
Zeisloft, Robert Gyllenswan, Gus Limbach, S. J. Wittman, Ron
Scott, Van White, Tom Poberezny, Jerry Strigel

The meeting was called to order by President Paul H.

Poberezny. The Secretary's and Treasurer's Reports were
accepted as read.
The Officers and Directors received a briefing regarding the
activities and financial obligations of the Experimental Air-
craft Association. An audit report for the year ending December
31, 1974 was also presented and reviewed.
A presentation by Satellite Industries of Minneapolis,
Minnesota, regarding sanitary facilities for the 1975 Convention
was made by Mr. Ted Anderson of that company. Various
options regarding the spiraling costs of these facilities were
discussed and reviewed by the Directors.
(Photo by Lee Fray) The Directors and Officers received a briefing on the subjects
Left to right, Harry Zeisloft, Van White, Ray Stits, Chet covered at the EAA Air Museum Board of Trustees meeting
Weilman, Paul Poberezny, Bill Turner and Ray Scholler. held on Friday, April 11. (Continued on Page 84)
Guaranteed to pass written, oral, Practi-
cal. All Tnree txams in s 10 i4 days. A/C SPRUCE, PLYWOOD & SUPPLIES DISCONTINUED
V e r y Moderate Tuition. Examiner on ijiaif Wood kits for most homebuilts with parts INVENTORY SALE
For Full Information Call or Write: cut, sanded, ready to assemble. Spar kits
FEDERAL EXAMS with spars beveled and tapered. Acro
5602 N. Rockwell, Okla. City, OK 73008 4130 Tubing, Hardware many
Sport milled wing kit $398.39.
405/787-6183 parts and accessories at 1973
Western Division TRIMCRAFT AERO
4137 Donald Douglas Dr., Long Beach Apt. 4839 Janet Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560 prices. Write or call for free
Long Beach, Calif. 90808 213/429-3315 419-882-6943 Catalog 25c___
illustrated inventory listing.
P. 0. Box 3084
FIRST CLASS PREPAID. (714) 684-4280
1975 Catalog w/many exclusive SAL 2/3 Mustang Miniature Fighter
Plans - $150.00 Brochure - $4.00
^pTri. New, Items. Snd$1.00
3212-14 So. El Monte. Ca. 91733 S-14 High Wing All wood STOL
Plans - $50.00 Brochure - $3.00
Also available F-9, F-10, F-ll & F-12 bro-
chures $3.00. Add $1.00 extra for Airmail,
Kits for above will be available. Let us
know your needs.
36 Airport Road
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
AIR SKIMMER 403/453-1441
Performance so intriguing the U. S. Navy
purchased these plans and the proto-
type! Folding wings-Cont. or VW, 60-90HP
The orginal plans by the design engineer. Real Performance In A Proven Design
Info. $3, Plans $65. Special to EAA Mem-
bers $55 including plans for landing gear.
AIRCRAFT Engineered For Safety And
tc-f DI A klC 180 Carmelo Drive (E)
Jtl PLANS CARMICHAEL CA 95608 INTERCOM Simplicity VW Powered

Use with standard aircraft mikes and 600 Brochure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.00

Solve Your Metal Cutting ohm headphones. 12 V. Four new models Plans (168 sq. ft.) . . . . . . . . . .$75.00
Problems to choose from: Model 301-use w/o radio
Homebuilt 80-Inch Bandsaw and hand mike, $39.95; Model 302-use w/o
radio & boom mike, $44.95; Model 303-use MacDonald Aircraft Co.
Build it in a few evenings P. 0. Box 643-S Sonoma, CA 95476
for about $100 using mater- with radio & hand mike, $49.95; Model
304-use with radio & boom mike, $54.95.
ials you can buy at the Post paid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mass,
lumberyard and hardware res. add 3% tax
store. It also has a high MX CORPORATION
speed that zips through Box 47, N. Chelmsford, Ma. 01863
wood. (formerly Max Meredith Assoc.)
Plans and step-by-step in-
structions $6.00 - check or FLYING BOAT
money order.
HOMEBILT TOOL COMPANY A Challenge 1o The Home Builder I
Box 2136, West Lafayette, IN 47906


Wood Construction Folding Wings
B J 520 60 to 100 H.P. Stores in Garage Build and fly the boat that does
HIGH SPEED X-C FULLY AEROBATIC 250 ft. Takeoff not use or need ailerons, eleva-
Easy to Fly Photo Brochure $3
Information booklet now available - $6.00 Comnlete Plans $65 tor or rudder. Information free.
Engineered details; stress analysis; 3-view GEORGE PEREIRA, DESIGNER/BUILDER
drawings; photos; Sample plan sheet. OSPREY AIRCRAFT SPRATT CO., Inc.
Plans being prepared . . . . . . . . . . . .$250.00 3741 El Ricon, Dept. SA51 BOX 351 . MEDIA, PA. 19O63
Very detailed; completely engineered; con- Sacramento, Calif. 95825
struction manual; maintenance manual;
pilots hand book.
Rt. 3, Box 58-B
New Orleans
Thickness Size per sheet
JET ENGINE 1 mm (1/25")
1.5 mm (1/16")
$ 9.00
REVOLUTIONARY' All who see it
2 mm (1/12") 48x48 $12.00
marvel at its POWER. SIMPLICITY.
3 mm ( 1 / 8 " ) 48x48 $14.00
6 mm ( 1 / 4 " ) 48x48 $20.00
100% Throltleable CONTROL!
SAFE! RELIABLE! Clean Exhaust! Secure Packaging:
LIGHTWEIGHT. Never wears out! Add $3.00 to orders under 5 sheets
High performance, all metal, two-place Add $1.00 to orders over 5 sheets
POWER your Glidet. Small Plane
sportplane. Designed with the amateur
Ice-Sled. Boat. Go-Kart Tesl Stand. Etc builder in mind. Three-view, specs, sam- SHIPMENT:
ple drawing, 15 page illustrated brochure As Requested Collect
15-LB. THflUST JET-WT: S-Lts PLANS.. .512.00
$2 00. Good quality, easy to follow, step- 24 Hours After Receipt of Order
40-LB.THRUST.516.00 * SMB....119.95
For Complete INFORMATION Package: by-step construction drawings. $125.00. Send for (FREE) Stock/Price List
mclucr-g G8 2 Technical H<ndDoo (Illustrated), Graphs Plans may be purchased in five - $25.00 And Hand Sample
C;.r\es Comparisons wilti olhe-Jets and a Book on Uses packages if desired. Your check must accompany order.
EZlMIGr ENGINEERING CO. Box 308, Huntington, Indiana 46750 P. 0. BOX 1442 CHALMETTE, LA. 70043
82 MAY 1975
EAA Aeronautical Engineering HOMEBUILT HANDBOOKS
' plone) For mules Boionc*. A.rfo>ii Loyouf
Motenals Eng.nei SI 50 HOMEBUILT
Write EAA: AIRPLANE DIRECTORY Phorogrophv Speci-
fications Biplanes Ui'ro"ghti Ro<e>t
_ . BOOK Explanotioni. ComDonen'i Rotors
Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130 Order A.rf ii D^Q^ $i so HOMEBUILT HELI
COPTER O'RECTORY Photographs. Sp*Ci-
VOUrS ficatiom Hei'copfen Autogifoi. Rotor-
GET Motenoli. Hand Loyup, Vacuum Mold-
Structurally Superior to traditional Birch and
Mahogany Panels
Price Per
Fourteen manejverv illustrated
itep by vep SI SO

Bo 250. Santtl. Cal.lornl 92071


1.5 mm (about 1/16")
2.0 mm (about 1/12")
2.5 mm (about 1/10")
3.0 mm (about 1/8")
J 9.50
12.80 C E R T I F I E D A I R C R A F T B I R C H
Fuel Control
Listed prices are m U. S. dollars FOB per sheet
graded to GL II standards with 90 construction. 1/32" J8.40 3/32" $1360 3/16" $19.80 The Christen 844 Manual Fuel
ADO: (2 50 (or orders under S sheets.
Other thicknesses as well as 45r panel construc-
1/16" 9.20 1/8" 15.00 1/4" 25.20 Pump System introduces a new
FOB per 4x4' sheet. 20 or more 10%.
tions available on special order.
Cut in half, or smaller for prepaid parcel concept in fuel systems for light
Your check must accompany order.
EAA members 5 S, discount. post and faster service aircraft. It is a self-contained single
REPLY: HY. Box 292. Netcong. NJ 0785? VIOLETTE PLYWOOD CORP. fuel control unit which provides all
fuel management functions for
TAYLOR MONOPLANE & light aircraft without the need
SOUTH FLORIDA for connection to electrical power.
Homebuilders Supplies, 4130 Sheet and
Tubing. All sizes, any length. The pump section of
Taylor Mono. The popular single-place
low wing, all wood, aerobatic model. 30 No minimum charge the Christen 844
to 60 H.P. 100 mph. with 1300 c.c. VW
engine. Excellent plans, fully detailed.
Distributor for all STITS Products. System consists
AN Hardware. Etc.
Sou.00. Tayior Inch. super smgie place of a self-priming,
low vying aerobatic tourer/racer. Simple KNAFP AVIATION
to build wood construction tor 40 to 95 P. 0. Box 764, Miami, Fla. 33148 high-volume,
H.P. engines. Superb plans for this su- 305/888-6322_____________305/887-9186 positive
perb airplane include full size rib sheets,
material list, and numerous advisory
notes. $40.00. bend $3.00 tor details, ^^ WHEELS AND BRAKES
brochures and colored photo of both air-
planes. Construction pictures, per set ^^P New, manufactured to F.A.A.
$2.50. These plans are obtainable only Standards. Will fit sld. axles
from . . . Jl^l S includes sealed bearing.
"A I 2.80/2.50x4 ....... 69.50
Mrs. John F. Taylor ^L* 5.00x5 ........................ ..109.50
25 Chesterfield Crescent 4.00x6 ......................... .119.50
Leigh on-Sea, Essex, England MASTER BRAKE CYLINDERS
Reservoir style with park
ing brake and sealed acrobatic type.
New. Mfg. for Cessna, leech, Piper
.C. S ECT. .
Push-pull control!, ignition switches, volves,
primers, rudder pedals, control wheels, etc.

sec YOU* D;sT/eu7o* FO*

P. O. BOX 175
dual stroke pump.
In addition,
ALCLAD 2024 the Christen 844
T3 .016 by 36" wide SI 60 per running foot
T3 .016 by 48" wide S2.15 per running foot a three-way ball-
T3 .020 by 48" wide S2.55 per running foot type fuel selector and shut-off
T3 .OV'S by 48" wide S2.75 per running foot
T3 .032 by 48" wide $3.50 per running foot
valve, a replaceable filter, and a
0 .040 by 48" wide $2.95 per running foot FORD V-8
moisture sump with a quick-drain
0 .040 - 5052 3 4 ' 2 " wide $1.95 per run- valve. The Christen 844 System
Add 13 cutting charge for less than 5 ft.
COMPLETE READY FOR INSTALLATION functions in all aircraft attitudes and
Add $2 cutting charge for less than 10 ft. On 289-302-351-400 CID. Ford V-8. Now
available for Chevy V-8's. Permits SCALE is particularly suited for installation
BRAND NEW SHEET FASTENERS ! ! Fighter Replicas Designed for installa-
3 32" or 1/8" 37c each - 36c each in tion of constant speed propeller. Custom
in sport aircraft. Simplicity of
lots of 50 - 35c each in lots of 100. engine building available. For illustrated design assures reliable trouble-
Sheet Holder Pliers used S2.75 pair. brochure, specs, price list, send $5.00.
free performance.
Lot irl Mostly 3 / 3 2 mixed 95c per pound DEVELOPING TWO NEW ENGINES Send two dollars first-class
Lot 2 Mostly 1/8 mixed 75c per pound
Lot 3 Mostly 5/32 mixed 50c per pound
2-1 Reduction postage and handling (refundable
Pinto and Capri 4 cyl. (2000 cc and with order) to receive new color
Be sure to include ample postage, ex- 2300 cc)
cess will be returned. 100o money back Capri and Mustang II V-6
catalog of sport aviation products.
customer satisfaction guaranteed, if re- (2600 cc and 2800 cc)
turned within 30 days.
These engines could be installed in Christen Industries, Inc.
Send 25c for brochure many popular homebuilts with improve- 1048 Santa Ana Valley Road
AIRPARTS, INC. ment in performance and appearance.
Hollister, California 95023
1430 South 33rd Street For further information contact us.
Telephone: (408) 637-7405 ^^^^^^
913 831-3903 Box 5152 Lincoln, Nebr. 68505
Quality products for sport aviation
from Bede Aircraft and from interested people who want
(Continued from Page 2)
to know what the status of the BD-5 is at the present
time. Many feel that because the airplane is a homebuilt
that the Foundation has no right to produce designs aircraft, constructed by the amateur, that it is an EAA
and/or drawings which would cut into their profits. One supported and sponsored project. Nothing could be
gentleman recommended that the Pober Pixie drawings further from the truth. EAA does not sponsor any par-
should be made available to all members desiring ticular design other than those it owns itself. Nor, do
them, for approximately three dollars. I can say that we take a stand with any of the designers or material
the designs of the single place Acro Sport and the Pober sellers. I have flown the BD-5 propeller job, but there
Pixie were my own, and the design rights have been has been no story in SPORT AVIATION. The reason
turned over to the EAA Air Museum Foundation for two for this is that I just don't have the time to answer the
specific purposes. One is to provide sets of drawings many letters that would be directed to me stating,
that would be suitable for use in Industrial Arts programs, no doubt, that Bede Aircraft was receiving free adver-
Civil Air Patrol, Air Explorers, etc. for educational tising in SPORT AVIATION and that EAA is giving
purposes. The other is to provide funds for the EAA special treatment to Mr. Bede. It seems a shame that one
Air Museum operations. These proceeds have helped has to take this position, but as it is now, I have been
tremendously and have lessened the financial burden running sixteen to eighteen hours a day, seven days a
on those EAA members who feel the Air Museum and week and I feel that I cannot take on this additional
its work are worthwhile. The two place Pober Pixie, work load. It is too bad that the airplane has not moved
a tandem seat aircraft, is under construction as the result forward as fast as many people would like, but that is
of many schools asking for the design of a two place beyond the control of us in EAA. Nor is it our business.
airplane. Also, because of the great number of people We try to give coverage to all new designs in SPORT
who have written to me, or talked to me about a two AVIATION to keep interest at a high level . . . but that
place Acro Sport and also because of the efforts of some is as far as it goes.
to modify the present airplane into a two place con- 7. I have received several letters and personal com-
figuration with which to make a profit for themselves, I ments from members of various Chapters asking if I
have started the design of the two place Pober P-12, could suggest to the Chapter presidents that the talents
a twenty-five foot wing span version of the Acro Sport. of Designees be put to better use at Chapter meetings.
The airplane currently is sitting on the gear and has Designees receive a Newsletter each month from EAA
taken a great deal, of midnight oil. The design rights Headquarters which could be used as a basis of a short
to both these aircraft will also be given to the EAA Air presentation at each month's Chapter meeting. Consider
Museum Foundation. it done. Incidentally, this is recommended in the Chapter
5. We have had a little more than a dozen comments Handbook, which is provided each EAA Chapter Presi-
regarding the recent dues increase. I think we learned dent. This publication contains very detailed guidelines
something on this subject that should help us in the and suggestions for running a successful Chapter.
future. You will recall that our previous increases were 8. It looks like we are going to have to take on farm-
in increments of two and three dollars. Since 1970 we ing at Oshkosh . . . a conclusion reached after we received
have attempted to hold the line, despite record breaking our tax bill for the property owned by EAA at the Con-
inflation during the period. We absorbed price increases vention site. It was $6,000. Most likely we will be doing
as long as possible and when the Board of Directors a lot of baling of hay and renting some of the land out
finally decided an increase was imperative, studies for corn production, so as to make enough money to
showed that $5.00 would be the minimum figure that pay the taxes.
would have the desired effect. If inflation continues and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of
future dues increases are necessary, perhaps we would you who have supported EAA over the years. Despite
be wise to have smaller but more frequent increases. An criticism from a few, more of you have sent letters that
interesting point is the relative value of the five dollar show an understanding of the task that faces us each
1975 increase as compared to the previous increase of day here at EAA Headquarters. If I ever write a book, it
three 1970 dollars or the two dollar increase of the last probably will not be about airplanes . . . it will be about
decade. In terms of buying power, this year's $5.00 in- people. When we started out 23 years ago, I thought it
crease may well be the smallest of all. was all welding, woodworking, sheet metal, dope and
6. On another subject, we are receiving an increasing fabric, but we have learned a lot more about people
number of letttrs from people who have ordered kits than about aircraft.

(Continued from Page 81) The meeting was called to order by President Paul H. Pobe-
Other items discussed and reviewed by the Directors were: rezny. The Secretary's and Treasurer's Reports were accepted
1975 EAA Sweepstakes, Museum acquisitions, Designee Con- as read.
ference, 1975 EAA Convention, New member campaign, The Trustees and Officers present received a briefing
Washington report. regarding the activities and financial obligations facing the
EAA Air Museum Foundation. An audit report for the year end-
ing September 30, 1974 was presented and reviewed. This was
followed by a report on the progress of Project Crossroads.
EAA AIR MUSEUM BOARD Follow-up action was discussed.
A fund raising and future development report was presented.
OF TRUSTEES MEETING This report listed a number of contacts that had been made on
behalf of the Foundation. Also presented was a program
documenting various plateaus which would be reached through
Friday, April 11, 1975 planned phases over the next eight to ten years.
The "Aviation Greats Day" planned for Thursday, July 31
Place: Haedtler Hall, EAA Air Museum, Franklin, Wisconsin at the EAA Convention was discussed. A tentative schedule
was developed and a list of attendees was reviewed.
Present: Paul H. Poberezny, Dave Jameson, Dr. Lyle McCullough, A list of Museum acquisitions from January 17 through
Tom Poberezny, James Barton, Robert H. Fergus, Buck Hilbert, April 11 was presented to each Trustee. Other items discussed
Morton Lester, John Parish, Ray Scholler, Ray Stits, Dick Stouf- were Museum admission fees, Burlington site, Designee
fer, Bill Turner, "Kelly" Viets, Harry Zeisloft conference and a 1975 Convention report.
84 MAY 1975
Classified Ads
CARR TWIN Ultra light opposed twin-cyl-
inder four stroke, built mostly from exist-
ing VW engine parts See S.A Jan 1975 Pro-
fessionally drawn plans. $25.00 Info. $2.00.
Carr Conversions. P 0 Box 671. Beaverton.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE: Regular type per word 30c Bold face type: per word
35c ALL CAPS per wo'd 40c (Minimum charge $500) (Rate covers one insertion one
VW CONVERSION booklet includes plans,
instrument markings, serial numbers VS
issuei CLASSIFIED DISPLAY S2? 00 pe- inch i 2 ' 4 widtri column) HP, ignition wiring diagram, step by step
List $237.50. EAA $19900 PP inserts into
Address advertising correspondence to ADVERTISING MANAGER SPORT AVIATION distributor hole TACHOMETER Electric
Box 229 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130 3" 5000 RPM. magneto actuated. INSTRU-
Make all checks or money orders payable to EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION MENTS Engine and fuel. Catalog availa-
ble BAG. 78 E Stewart Avenue. Lansdowne,
PA 19050

Now Available! Brand new Continental R-

FOR SALE BD-5B kit: Priority #2154 still crated Very

reasonable1 G. Raicos. R. D. #2 Box 408D.
Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022. 412/483-
5179 after five.
670, 240 HP, 7 cylinder radlals lor home-
builders. Weigh only 485 Ibs. Prop hub and
new design wood prop available. Contact
Chris Stoltfus, Box 470, Coatesville, Penn-
sylvania 19320. 215/384-1145 - or - Ken
PIEL EMERAUDE 85% complete. 0235 en- Stoltzfus. North Lawrence. Ohio 44666.
Aircraft gine, instruments, fuselage, spars, ribs, (216) 833-7265 No Sunday calls please.
tail feathers, landing gear, wheels, most
CLIPPED WING CUB Famous Reed con- metal fittings Box 351, Monterey Park. CA C85-12F with all accessories Good crank-
version. Manuals, drawings, copyright 91754. _____ shaft. Needs top overhaul. $750.00 M.
authorization Kit includes spar plates and Steinhilber, Box 441. Shellbrook. Sask..
heavy duty strut ends $50 00 Wag Aero. SCORPION TWO welded airframe, Improved Canada 306/747-2230.
Box 18. Lyons. Wisconsin 53148 landing gear, seats, tailrotor directional,
collective. $110000 Edward Picardi. 3231 LYCOMING 0-320-E2A o since major over-
BAKENG DUCE left wing, right wing, cen- South 18th Street. Philadelphia, Pennsyl- haul, Vj" valve, chrome cylinders, with spin-
ter section, ailerons, flaps, plans. First vania 19145. 215/HO5-9441 ner, prop, starter, oil cooler and Stolp
$300 00 Ralph Mitten. Enid. Oklahoma mount for Starduster II Howard Morgan,
405/233-2836. no collect. BREEZY 75 hrs TT. airframe and engine. 4 Chandelle Drive. Hampshire. Illinois. 312/
New materials all over, rebuilt 108 HP Ly- 683-3832
Single place Mid-Wing. 65 Cont , 39 hours. coming, Cleveland wheels. 12 volt electri-
$4000 1937 T-Craft, serial 210. new cover cal system New or overhauled instruments LYC. 190 0-435-1 needs work, $500. Box 81.
and glass, not assembled, no prop. $2000. Metal spars, J-3 wings, freshly covered Wymore. Nebraska 68466
Call Michigan 313/239-8586 with ceconite. Super Cub wing tip boosters.
30 gallons fuel tank Write to: Maurice Boy- JLO-LB-600/2 with electric and carburetor.
BD-5D, Serial #3495, contracted for the orig- er. 36 Ave du Pare. Valleyfield. Quebec, $200 weekends and evenings. 617'453-
inal $4400 Selling for $600. you pay bal- Canada J6T 2P9 7409
ance of $4000. 10 days before delivery. 312'
395-2392 STITS PLAYMATE 0-290-D 105 hrs.. New 72 HP McCullough drone engine with
new T O H . , radio, lots instr., current li- attachments, $50000 Master Enterprises,
VP-1, flight tested, award winning school cense Mrs Ruth Schilling. 1910 E.D Street. P. 0. Box 100, Niles, Michigan 49120.
project Selling to re-coup funds for next Belleville, Illinois 62221. 233-6197
aircraft project 1600cc engine, hangared, Engine Case for Continental 0300-A-145. Re-
$2000. Joe Webber, c/o Willowbrook High BD-5B kit. electrical system. 70 HP. dual ig- paired and line bored by FAA approved fa-
School, Villa Park. Illinois 60181. nition Construction begun on wings and cility. Papers A Schoenmaker. 27 Learner
fuselage. Excellent workmanship. $2750 Court. Iowa City. Iowa
MUSTANG II Complete, but for engine and John Vance, 138 E Xenia Drive. Fairborn,
canopy, Mark XII 360, excellent workman- Ohio 45324. 513/878-9058 Lycoming, 0-435 Air Force tag reads "Low
ship. $4500 firm, particulars write. Walt compression, Excessive oil consumption,
Youra, 350 Ward Road, North Tonawanda, 699:45 Hrs." Mags; still in crate Best rea-
New York 14120 sonable offer Steve Walker. 20503 Co. RD
BD-5D priority number #213. $600 equity. Engines 50. Hamel. Minn. 55340. 612/425-5860.
Best offer over $600. R E. Huffman, Box 100 LYCOMING 0-235-C. 1571 TT. 251
27207. Tucson, Ariz 85726. 602/889-5721 PROFESSIONALLY ENGINEERED CONVER-
SMOH, all accessories, all logs, with Mc-
SION INSTRUCTIONS for VW engines to Cauley 724S prop. $1100. Mike Goetz. 203
TWO TOO MANY modified Teenie Two with use with incredible Volksplane VP-1 and 2 W. Montezuma, Houghton, Michigan 49931.
55 HP Lye. 95% complete Will sell for cost and other aircraft Simple, low cost, ex-
$1,000. 414/596-2810 tremely reliable Flight tested and proven LYCOMING 0320 150 HP. 240 TT, wide
over 300 hours. 28 page brochure $7 00 ppd deck, solid flange. Vi valves. Sensenich
HELICOPTER SCORPION II Partially fin- U.S.A. Chas. Ackerman. 1351 Cottontail 74-53 prop. PS-SC carb, $3000.00 317/
ished, 65% of work completed, 80% of Lane. La Jolla. California 92037 457-8951
parts included. $5.500. Call TWA pilot at
203/322-7410. CORVAIR propeller reduction box plans and
kits information $1 00 COUGAR tri-gear erplant for homebuilt. Almost indestructa-
BD-5B 70 HP. kit #1027. elect. $240000. plans $10.00 Bud Rinker, 169 El Sueno ble. Light 1 57 lb.'HP; rate 130 HP, used,
Wings, flaps, ailerons, vertical stabilizer, Road. Santa Barbara. CA 93110
excellent: $650.00 914/426-1329 after 6:30
rudder, about ready to be skinned Basic P.M , Pacific Time.
fuselage, % complete. Steve Copp. Route 3 LYCOMING ENGINES Homebuilders see
Box 328-A. Hendersonville, NC 28739 704/ or call us first We build the best from 0-320
to 0-540 Call Dick or Gene 1-305/422-6595. VW ENGINE BUILDERS, low. low prices.
692-2378 Valves - 99c, valve guides - 60c Send for
1325 W Washington Bldg A-6. Orlando. complete list CARR CONVERSIONS, P O
EAA BIPLANE 90TT. 125 Lycoming, excel- Florida 32805. Box 671. Beaverton. OR 97005.
lent condition, offer, might trade. Roger
Ahrens. Fremont. Nebraska 68025 402/ MONNETT VW ENGINE CONVERSIONS
Easy bolt on! Streamlined prop hub unit, 200 HP LYCOMING IO-360. 117 TT. heavy
721-7801 crank, etc Evenings - 312/272-2762. Days -
rubber anti-vibration mount. Slick magneto
'47 CESSNA 120 full elect., radio, needs for aircraft engine look and performance.
right wing, gear box. prop Good int. and Fits type 3 VW blocks. No modification to
glass 720 SMOH. good compression. Han- existing VW parts necessary! Available
gared. $1850 307/634-8473. completely machined or "do it yourself"
castings. Also new cast manifold system
SCORPION TOO just completed, meticu- for "dual port" heads and Posa Injector PROPELLERS, Custom wood, epoxy dynel.
lous in every detail Will consider trades. carbs Flight proven designs on the Son- finish R. Mende. Rt 2. Quitman, Ark 72131.
414/763-6100 Burlington, Wisconsin erai I & II. Introducing - ready to run con- 501/589-2672
verted VW's 100% new parts. Monnett Con-
VP-1 108 hrs. on aircraft. ISOOcc VW en- version, Posa Carbs, you add exhaust and PROPELLERS Custom manufacture, plas-
gine, Hegy prop Can be seen at the St. gasoline! 1600cc $1295 F O B . 1700cc tic leading edge, 2. 3. or 4 Blade Tractor
Marys Airport. St. Marys. Pennsylvania. $1395 P.O.B Send $1 00 for Sonerai infor- or pusher Ted's Custom Props, 9917 Air-
Carl M. Dietz. Robin Road. St. Marys, Penn- mation Monnett Experimental Aircraft. Inc . port Way, Snohomish. Wash 98290 206/
sylvania 15857 814/781-7474. $180000 410 Adams. Elgin, Illinois 60120 568-6792

TAYLOR TITCH 70 SMOH. C-85. $2100 Air- 150 HP turbo Corvair engine, converted par- PROPELLERS V W., Corvair. Continental,
frame without engine or instruments. $1100 tially. $450 Box 81, Wymore. Nebraska etc H A Rehm, Dousman. Wisconsin 53118
505/898-7186 evenings. 68466
PROPELLERS 23 diversified custom pre- EXPERIMENTAL LIGHT AIRCRAFT and Mid-
cision machined models. Propeller Engi- PRICES SLASHED! DON'T TAKE CHANCES
get Racers Photos and data on over on uncertified surplus or used wheels and
neering Duplicating, P. 0. Box 63, Man- 300 "homebuilt" aircraft of the world. In-
hatten Beach, California 90266. cluding little-known and highly unusual brakes! 500x5 or 600x6 1975 Production
craft. Directory of airplane kit and plan Cleveland wheels and brakes, brake brack-
CUSTOM MADE WOODEN PROPELLERS manufacturers. Articles about homebuilt ets NOW ONLY $125.00 plus $6.50 postage.
Proven design, VW, Continental, Lycoming, Wheel dust covers $7.50 set. M. B. C. with
and experimental organizations of the parking brake $35.00 pair. Bonanza type
others. Recommended by Ray Hegy. world. USA: $3.45' (includes postage,
Wayne Ross, Box 7554, Phoenix, Arizona $35 pair. 500x5 or 600x6 Cessna axles
handling). Canada: $3.'75 (MO) to: AMERI-
85011. 602/265-9622. CAN AEROTECK, P. 0. Box 881, Hicksville, $19.50 each. 1975 600x6/6 tires $17.00.
New York 11802. *N.Y. State Add Tax. Also conversion kits for Cessna, Beech,
PROPELLERS Custom modified metal for Stinson, Swift, etc. Stamped envelope for
experimental and racing aircraft. Rebuild- BUILD YOUR OWN SPORTPLANE New free list. Hardwick A i r c r a f t , 1612 Chico,
ing, repair, service, all types. Prompt atten- 256 page book packed with all needed in- South El Monte, Calif. 91733.
tion. ANDERSON PROPELLER CO. INC., formation. Profuse photos, drawings.
DUPAGE COUNTY AIRPORT, WEST CHI- $13.50. JOHN ROBY, 3703T Nassau, San T-18 BUILDERS Save time and material.
CAGO, ILL. 60185. Phone 312-JU-4-8787. Diego, California 92115. Buy material marked per matched hole
tooling. We have 90% of all material, hard-
PROPELLERS: VW, Corvair, Continental, etc. ANY RATED PILOT CAN EARN $200.00 - $300
ware, parts and assemblies. Write for cata-
log. Ken Knowles Sport Aircraft, 27902 Al-
My new book, "Aerial Photography Really varez Drive, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Cali-
WOOD PROPELLERS FOR 0-290; 0-320; 0- Pays", tells you how you don't even need fornia 90274.
360 POWERED THORP T-18's AND COM- to do your own selling or even own yo'ur T-18 MACHINED PARTS 67 parts exactly
PARABLE DESIGNS. WRITE FOR BULLE- own plane. My book gives methods, tech- per Thorp's drawings including canopy
TIN #210, Sensenich Corporation, P. 0. niques, angles, sources of inexpensive latch. Send for list. Dewberry Industries,
Box 1168, Lancaster, Pa. 17604. equipment, tax information and much more. 4751 Hwy. 280 So., Birmingham, Ala. 35243.
You'll soon have a good plane of your own
plus a good extra or full time income. $4.00 NEW WOBBLE PUMPS united aircraft pro-
to EAA'ers (Cal. res. 24c tax). CBE, 521
Orange Avenue #146, Chula Vista, Cali- duct, AN4009 type D-2 with handle, $48
Hang Gliding fornia 92011. each while they last. Javelin Aircraft Com-
pany, Inc., 4175 East Douglas, Wichita,
PLANS AND INSTRUCTIONS Plans for Kansas 67207.
the original Quicksilver (monoplane) and TEM) US PATENT 3,851.633 owned by GEN-
Flexi-Flier (rogallo). Guide to Rogallo COMPLETE LINE OF CLEVELAND WHEEL
Flight, and catalog, $10.00. Information CONVERSIONS for Cessna, Beech, Na-
kit, $1.00. Eipper-Formance, Inc., P. 0. vion, Swift and Stinson. Write for quote.
Box 246-E, Lomita, California 90717. Homebuilders 5.00 and 6.00 new magnesium
wheels, brakes, covers and bearings
HANG GLIDING Designing/Building/Flying Miscellaneous $132.50 and $6.50 freight (USA) Amphibious
6.00 x 6 wheels and brakes $223.50 and $6.50
handbook. 200 pages. New edition. $5.95
postpaid. Dan Poynter, 2431-304 Calle Al- WHEELS Custom made aircraft wheels, freight. Technical information available.
monte, Santa Barbara. Calif. 93109. complete with brakes and bearings. Barney Oldfield Aircraft, Box 5974, Cleveland,
500x5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110. per pr. Ohio 44101.
HANG GLIDER WEEKLY, $12/52 issues, or 500x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110. per pr.
trial subscription $2/8 issues. Box 1860- 700x4 (will take 800x4 tire) .. .$110. per pr. VP-1 MOLDED FIBER-GLASS ENGINE COWL-
SAb, Santa Monica. CA 90406. Master cylinders, $20. per pair with wheel ING Upper and lower shell, excellent
order. $23. per pair without. Alfred H. Rosen- cooling. $50.00 postpaid. Dick Ertel, RR
han, 810 E. 6400 South, Salt Lake City, #7, Quincy, Illinois 62301.
Utah 84107.
ALUMINUM kits; Mustang I. Mustang II, T-
FIRESTONE & SHINN wheels & brake parts. 18, Davis DA-2A, Sonerai, drills, reamers,
Books 1" brake lining kit, $6.60, 1" brake shoes
$8.25 each, brake dust covers $3.85 each*
Gerdes wheels and brakes. Send large self-
addressed envelope stamped to: SMITH
all for model 6C assy's. Mfg. Firestone & SUPPLY COMPANY, Route 4, Brown Deer
MODERN AIRCRAFT RE-COVERING Com- Lane, Janesville, Wisconsin 53545.
Shinn wheel & brake parts. WHEELER-
plete manual with 50 illustrations on re-
covering with Grade "A" cotton or Cecon- DEALER, P. O. Box 421, Harbor City, Calif.
90710. COOT BUILDERS! The finest in machined
ite. $2.00 postpaid. Airtex Products, Box parts, fittings. All parts now available
177, Morrisville, Pa. 19067. many in stock Also custom work. Forney
T-18 BUILDERS Extrusions; sheet metal
and hardware; instrument panel; gas tank; Precision, Inc., Box 75, Cambra, Pennsyl-
by K. D. Wood. Now available. Revised ma- gas cap; landing gear; engine mount and
terial includes new tables, graphs and ring; aluminum windshield frame; hori-
zontal spar tube assembly; Cleveland 500x5 WITTMAN TYPE GEAR LEGS for Tailwind,
photographs. Previous editions used in 30 wheels and brakes; axle stub; Pitot-static Sidewinder, Davis, Daphne, RV-3, and oth-
colleges. $13.95. M.O. with order. Johnson tube; wing ribs; Maule tailwheel. Write for ers. Expertly machined and polished from
Publishing Co., Dept. S.A., Box 990, Bould- 6150 steel. Write H. C. Lange, R. #1. Merrill,
catalog. MERRILL W. JENKINS CO., 2413
er, Colo. 80302. Moreton St., Torrance, Calif. 90505. Wis. 54452.
Books for Aircraft Designers, Builders. Out- LARGE STOCK of new and used light aircraft ATTENTION CFI's Biennial flight review.
of-print and current. List 25c. John Roby, and engine parts. Lots of parts for home- Ground and In-flight check lists. Provides
3703T Nassau. San Diego, California 92115. builders. The home of flight tested aircraft permanent record. Pad of 40: $3.95. Sample,
parts. Nagel Aircraft Sales, Torrance Air- .50c. Kick-Shaw, Inc., 3527 Hixson Pike,
LIGHT AIRPLANE DESIGN 80 pages, 61 port, "lorrance, Calif. 90505. Chattanooga, TN 37415.
figures, 16 photos, 18 tables. Step-by-step
guide for amateur designers. No difficult SPORT AVIATION BINDER Now holds 12 CANADIAN KR ENTHUSIASTS Why pay
math, $8.00. LIGHT AIRPLANE CONSTRUC- more. Eliminate importation problems.
TION for the amateur builder. Sheet me- plus. U. S. $4.25, Canada $4.50, postpaid.
EAA No. 79, Box 917, Spokane, Wash. 99210. Write, phone or visit your ONE STOP KR
tal, fiber-glass, plexiglass, molds, tools, CENTER, for all your KR-1 and KR-2 building
jigs. 311 illustrations, 92 pages. $9.00. PL-4 DRAG WIRES, FLYING WIRES, BEARINGS, needs. Wood, foam, epoxy, dynel, engines,
CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 104 pages, ETC. Per AN standards for homebuilts. props, professional partswe have them all.
394 figures. Team-mate of CONSTRUCTION Send stamped addressed envelope for il- Free price list. CANADIAN RAND AVIATION,
book. A "must" for amateur builders. Con- lustrated list. A. Wheels, P. 0. Box 174, Hangar #2, Toronto Island Airport, Toronto
struction tips, VW engine installation in- M5V 1A1, Ontario, Canada.
structions, Pop-Riveting technique $10.00.
Ambler, Pa. 19002.
GEE BEE CANOPIES T-18 Canopies and
80051 S, San Diego, CA. 92138. windshields fit T-18. Mustang II, Sidewind- high strength, epoxy. Specially formulated
er, Turner Super T-40A, CA-65. Pazmany for use in wood/foam/dynel aircraft struc-
DESIGN DATA All aircraft types. NACA Pub- PL-2 Canopies, % and 7/10 scale P-51's. tures. Does not soften polystyrene foam, or
lications 1915-1958. Reports, Technical $170.00 each. Large single place bubble - become brittle on polyurethane foam. Low
Notes and Memorandums. Catalog, $2.50. 60"x24"x16" high; small single place bub- toxicity. Use this one material as glue, filler,
AER SOC PUBLICATIONS, 1823 N. Sierra ble - 50"x24'x14" high - $100.00 each. New coating, laminating resin and strengthening
Bonita Avenue, Pasadena, Calif. 91104. Pitts Bubble $95.00. All canopies un- filler material. Does not shrink, craze, de-
trimmed and in green, gray or clear. "Ship- laminate or crack. Water, gasoline and chem-
STARDUSTER TOO BUILDER'S MANUAL ping crate - $30.00" FOB Seattle. Gee Bee, ical proof, it is also impermeable to water va-
CG data all engines. Hints, modifications, 18415-2nd Ave.. So. Seattle, Wash. 98148. por and so prevents dimensional changes in
illustrations, photos. $8.00 pd. Fred Meyer, Glen Breitsprecher. wood with changing humidity. Prevents
New Hartford, Conn. 06057. wood rot. $32.00 Gal. Send for booklet.
Dynel, fiber-glass, resins, polyurethane foam. "WOOD/FOAM AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTION
TORY 64p, over 300 color illustrations, Inc., 3527 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, TN RAND AVIATION, Hangar #2, Toronto Is-
$10.50. JOHN ROBY, 3703T Nassau, San 37415. land Airport, Toronto M5V 1A1, Ontario.
Diego, CA 92115. Canada.
86 MAY 1975
Steel Tube Fabrication wood work, dope 2 lb. URETHANE FOAM, KR-1 A KR-2 kits
AN HARDWARE FITTINGS Send 50c available. Send stamped, addressed en-
for catalog - refundable first purchase HB and fabric, engine mounts, fuselages, land-
ing gears, etc. Specializing in custom built velope, free sample, price list. Low prices.
AIRCRAFT STANDARD PARTS, BOX 4358, Jim Snyder. Hesston. Kansas 67062.
FLINT, MICHIGAN 48504. 313/239-2992. aircraft. All work guaranteed. 30 years ex-
perience 10% discount to EAA member.
Eugene Livingston, 4928 Eleanor Drive, LAKE FRONTAGE, $20.00 per ft., clear, spring
SPORT AVIATION ANNUAL FILESI Each con- fed water. Site for 3000 ft. strip Three miles
tainer holds 12 copies. 5 year supply, includ- Charlotte. N. C. 28208. 704/392-5981.
of frontage available. Minimum purchase
ing date labels. $4.95. EAA Chapter 202, Box 1000 ft 200 air miles from Milwaukee. Write
202. Panama City. Florida 32401 Cessna 150-172 brake master cylinders, re-
conditioned new seal $17.95 each Nagel Box 91753. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.
FLUSH GAS CAP with mounting ring May be Aircraft Sales. Torrance Airport. Torrance.
California 90505. 213/326-9303. COOT BUILDERS My husband is so busy
riveted, welded or molded to your tank. A building beautiful new airplanes that he
quality product machined from solid alumi- never got around to editing the several
num. $17.95 postage paid. Free brochure EPOXY RESIN Buy direct and save. For
AVIATION PRODUCTS. I N C , 114 Bryant. use on foam/dynel and wood aircraft (KR1/ hundred pages of COOT notes, comments,
2 and W.A.R.) High flexural, tensile and and instructions. So. I got busy and with
Ojai. California 93023 some help now have all of this material
compresslve strength. Low viscosity and
CONTROL CABLES fabricated with AN ter- toxlclty. $19.95 gallon plus shipping. Send edited, organized, cataloged and beauti-
minals. $2.95 per end for swaging and hy- .SOc for catalog and technical bulletin, re- fully printed. Copies are available for $6.00
fundable at $1.00 for first order. MILLIKEN Send your check to Mrs. Molt Taylor.
draulic proof testing. Components at com- Box 1171. Longview. Washington 98632.
petitive prices. Free brochure AVIATION INDUSTRIES, 820 N. Grand Avenue, Covlna,
PRODUCTS, INC. 114 Bryant. Ojai, Cali- California 91724.
fornia 93023 SKIN CLAMPS for half the price of Clecos.
PROPELLERS to TAILWHEELS Instruments VB dia. - kit to make 50 clamps. $11.75. 100/
LIGHTWEIGHT STEERABLE TAILWHEELS for Engines. Accessories, Parts. Sparkplugs. $21 95. Postpaid Data ,25c Swanson Tool.
homebuilts. 4" or 6" diameter wheels. 1Vi" Helmets, Manuals. Tires, wheels, brakes, 4018 S. 272nd Street. Kent. Wash. 98031.
or 1'/2" flat, or **" round spring mounting. etc. Bass. R. 0. 1, Roms River, New Jersey,
$27 95 postage paid. Free brochure. AVIA- Gerdes Products. SPOKED WHEELS WITH BRAKES Com-
TION PRODUCTS INC., 114 Bryant. Ojai. plete set of plans, with parts sourcing in-
California 93023. INDEX TO EAA'S SPORT AVIATION JOUR- formation. 16" - 18" rim size. V/V axle, use
NAL. Looking for articles in past SPORT on one or two place aircraft, price $4.50
WHEEL PANTS Lightweight. 500 x 5. as AVIATIONS on a particular aircraft, building postpaid R & B Aircraft Company. RD #2.
used on Sonerai. $35.00 pr. Split racing type techniques, materials, etc.? INDEX is an- Box 78, Frankfort. NY 13340. 315/732-6513.
- $45.00 pr. 12" aluminum spinners and notated, cross-referenced, includes every-
backplates - $25.00. ' F I & F V formed alu- thing, and is updated annually. 1960-1969 DANDY SIMPLE DIE., 172 Boniface, Kitchen-
minum landing gears. 5' Azusa wheels and INDEX $5.00. 1970-1974 INDEX $4.00 ($300 er. Ontario. Canada: stocks aircraft 'One-
brakes, plexiglass canopys. fiber-glass for past purchasers.) SPORT AVIATION ar- Sided/Hand" rivet dimple dies. 3/32". 7/64",
nose bowls for VW s. Cassutt canopy caps, ticle copying service - back to 1960. Use 1/8" (100. 120); "lightening-hole" flang-
etc. INDEX to locate articles you want copies ing dies, cutters; (12 - sizes including "Ze-
POSA INJECTOR CARBS The answer for 15c per page, $1 50 minimum. John Berge- nith"); monel "Pop" rivets, guns. Free
carb problems. As used on Sonerai. 29. 32. son, 418 E. Grand. Mt Pleasant, Ml 48858. brochure(s). Free with orders: 4 - 7 ft. steel
35. 37 mm models available. $50.00. Why bending brake drawing.
pay more? Include engine type and HP One pair 600x6 Cleveland wheels, brakes,
RIVETS Cherry commercial "pop type" bearings, good tires. $125.00 Double spin- DRAGON SKIN fiber-glass wing and fuse-
rivets. 120 flush or standard protruding dle profiling machine for propellers up to lage skins. Sheets up to 4 x 8 in four thick-
head. Vt" stainless steel, $23.00/1000; Vi" 74" long, including 30 templates, glueing nesses. Also molded leading edge materi-
aluminum. $10 50/1000. G28 Hand Rivet press. $120000 M Steinhilber. Box 441. al. Send $1.00 for sample and specifica-
Tool for above plus 120 dimple die $21.00 Shellbrook, Sask.. Canada. 306/747-2230 tions. The America Company 1521 Breeze-
Send $1.00 for Sonerai information. Monnett land, Oconomowoc. Wisconsin 53066
Experimental Aircraft, Inc., 410 Adams. El- BD-5 BUILDERS AND BUYERS Free Club
gin, Illinois 60120. information James BD-5 Club. Box 151,
Pasadena. California 91102
HOMEBUILDERS are you looking for the
following - vac pumps, prop governors, WIND GENERATOR Champion 10 amp. $40.
Continental carb heat box with filter. $19.
fuel injected systems, blowers, cranks
Check with us first. Air Engines. Ltd . 1325 Aeronca heat muff, $8.00. All fine condi- SURPLUS Seats Backs for aerobatics
W. Washington. Bldg A-6, Orlando. Flori- tion. Hansen. 2709 Robin Ridge, Enid, Okla Gliders Aircraft Pioneer thin back
da 32805 or call 1-305-422-6595 73701. $465.00. 313/349-2105 MIDWEST PARA-
WOOD AIRCRAFT BUILDERS We supply Interested in a steady income? Start your own
kit material to your specification, laminated aviation insurance business. You'll have
spars made to your requirements Epoxy, tax deductible flying and save on your own
aerolite glue, balsa, ash Kits for Pieten- insurance. Send $4.00 for manual 'How to
pol. Cavalier. Minicab. Taylor Mono, Fly
Baby. etc. Catalogue $1 00. WESTERN AIR-
Start Your Own Aviation Insurance Busi-
ness" Kam-Craft. Box 1, Okauchee. Wis- Services
CRAFT SUPPLIES. 623 Markerville Rd . consin 53069.
BUILDING OR DESIGNING your own aircraft
N.E.. Calgary, Alberta, T2E 5X1. Canada. and in need of sound advice? For FREE de-
Bus Ph. 403/261-3046 SPRATTS FLYING BOAT 22 photos, text.
Helpful to builders, lookers. $1 (non-re- tailed information about this engineering
fundable) to see and return or pay $2 more mail service send a self addressed stamp-
BUBBLE CANOPIES 15x44x11. 20x33x13 - ed envelope to:
$50. 18x46x 12 - $60. 20x46x 14 - $70. 23x46x 15 to keep Smith. 10509 N.E. 197, Bothell,
- $80 20x60x14 - $90. 23x60x16 - $100. 2/3 RD 8. Mansfield. Ohio 44904
P-51, tandem 23x70x16 - $150. 34x70x21 - Wood Testing Device; plans, detailed in-
$200. Tandem drape 23x55x17. open both Ground power unit less one jug with two
mags, sensitive altimeter. R.P.M. indicator, structions $17.38; description June 1970
ends, $100 Emeraude windshield and side Sport Aviation.
panels $120 Others not listed. Prices in- no collect calls, 315/257-2031 after 7 P.M
clude crating. Excellent optics Custom BILL "AVI" ATOR Aviation Insurance
work, partial canopies, windshields Send MAGIC all purpose POLISHING CLOTH
cleans, polishes, waxes - chrome, alumi- Specialist. Representing large established
stamped self-addressed envelope for com- companies. Competitive rates. Fast. Claim
plete info. BOUWENS AEROSPACE. Twing num, wood, enamel Removes oxidation
from paint and aluminum. Removes rust Service. Speciality Homebuilts and Antique
Road. LeRoy. NY 14482 716/967-8215. Aircraft. 211 South Fayette. Jacksonville.
from chrome. Non poisonous MONEY BACK
GUARANTEE only $1.75 for 2. Calif, resi- Illinois 62650. 217/245-9668
FUEL GAUGES P-51, FOKKER replicas,
antiques, homebuilts. Send 50c piece for dents add tax Rice Enterprises, P. O. Box
186, Cutten. Calif 95534. SAVE MONEY USE QUALITY RUBBER
information. Ron Sands, RD1-341. Mertz- STAMPS 3 line address stamp only $3.00.
town, PA 19539 Satisfaction guaranteed. Order yours now.
DRAFTING: Detail drawings, blueprints, trans-
parencies, to customer specs Free info. Great Circle Manufacturing Company. Box
Vt SCALE P-51 aluminum cowlings, belly 173. Coloma. Wisconsin 54930.
scoops, spinners, wing tips. Specialists VANRJN. Grover Road. RD #1. Olean, NY
on compound curves in 2024 T3 aluminum. 14760
BD-5 BUILDERS. Structure strengthening
Let us know your needs Unlimited Simu- mods. Flight controls, re-designed for dual
lations. 33805 Viceroy, Sterling Heights, Build wire styrofoam cutter for $4.50. expe-
dite building, plans $5.25. Lonnie Prince. path failure mode. Weldments re-designed
Michigan 48077 313/268-4627 to "YOU MAKE" redundant sheet metal
4460 Dayton Road. Springfield. Ohio 45502.
parts. Third edition. Send 20 cent business
Precision metal and wood components made size stamped envelope for index.
to order for your homebuilt. Please enclose ALUMINUM OUR SPECIALTY list SOc refun-
dable. Charge cards BJG Aircraft. 40 Coun- KR-1, KR-2. The missing "HOW TO". Photos
legible blueprints or drawings Kipp Aero or slides plus instructions. Design Review
Workshop, Route 1 Box 64. Swannanoa. tryside Drive. St Peters. Mo. 63376.
Issue One. specify airplane. Index available
N. C 28778 upon receipt of 20 cent business size
KR-I-II/W.A.R. BUILDERS Polyurethane
PITTS ROUND WINGS (S1S) Covered, com- foam and dynel Best deal Sport Craft. stamped envelope Gillespie Aero Services.
3510 Langdale Drive. High Point, NC 27260. 404 South Reese Place. Burbank, Califor-
plete, canopy with cowl, misc. parts 703/ nia 91506.
860-2441 919/869-3969.
SUPER-DIAMANT - retract tri-gear: $125 UNUSED plans Turner T-40A plywood two
heliarc welded, pressure tested. We wel- place tri-gear, $100.00 or trade for Smith
come custom tank work. We also offer a SUPER-EMERAUDE - 2 sealer, all-wood: $75.
BERYL - fully aerobatic, tandem sealer: welding outfit. Thomas Plunkett, Box 1054,
CUSTOM MACHINING SERVICE, Including Hurst, Texas 76053.
layout and machining of instrument pan- $80. COUGAR - all wood racer: $75.
els. Write for complete listing of prices or - TOURBILLON - fully aerobatic, all-wood
single sealer: $60. - EDELWEISS - all-metal, THORP T-18 never used plans plus newslet-
send your drawings for speedy quotations ters, original $125.00, selling for $85.00
WIDE-GRIN AVIATION, P. 0 Box 331, On- retrac. tri-gear, 2 sealer: $125. - 4 sealer:
$175.00 - Specs, 3-view, photos, $2 per air- pp. Write or call Bill Riddell, 4575 Shades-
sted, Michigan 49265 view Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32504. 409/
plane to E. Litlner, P. O. Box 272, Sainl-
Laurent, H4L 4V6, Quebec, Canada. 477-8481 evenings.

PAZMANY PL-4 plans, unused, plus newslet-

PLANS RAND KR-1 PLANS $25.00. The VW pow-
ered Styrofoam retractable. Ken Rand, 6171
Cornell Drive, Huntinglon Beach, Calif.
ters, $60.00. George Heide, 620 E Walnut,
Palmyra. Pennsylvania 17078.

UNUSED PLANS Acro Sport - $45.00; V-

Plans of aircraft advertised in SPORT Star, $30.00; Slarlel - $30.00; Acrodusler
SESA REPLICA 85% scale WW I Biplane
AVIATION must have satisfied the FAA Too - $45.00; Mini-Muslang - $75.00. 904/
Seoul fealured December 1970 SPORT 252-2938.
minimum requirements of the Experi- AVIATION. Sport plane performance with
mental Amateur-built Category and antique appearance. Brochure, specs, and
must have been operated a minimum of pholos; $3.00. 30 sheels 22"x34" complete
RV-3 PLANS $50 Complete, never used,
50 hours when using a FAA certified en- construclion prinls and inslruclion book- save 1/3. J. Leiker, 317 E. Linda Vista. Al-
gine or 75 hours with a non-certified en- hambra, California 91801.
let $60.00. REPLICA PLANS, 953 Kirkmond
gine and should have satisfactorily dem- Crescent, Richmond, B. C., Canada.
onstrated its advertised qualities. The DYKE DELTA JDM Wings fold - lowable al
FAA O p e r a t i o n Limitation must have HEADWIND B The original VW powered max speed limit. 4-place airplane that will
been amended to permit flight outside airplane with over a decade of success Ex- pay for itself by hangar rent saved. 4-place,
the test flight area. cellent plans, $20.00, info, $2.00. Stewarl retraclable gear, cruise 175 on 180 Lye., 5-
Aircraft Corporation, 11420 Rt. 165, Salem, view info, sheel, $3.00. Delailed plans
Ohio 44460. $125.00 Jennie Dyke, 2840 Old Yellow
Springs Road. Fairborn, Ohio 45324.
COUGAR 1 12 sheets, black line, full size
wing ribs, folding wing modification, $20.00. LITTLE TOOT PLANS Reduced to book
Order from Leonard Eaves, 3818 N.W. 36, form, sixteen sheets 11" x 17", $25.00. Full
Oklahoma City, Okla. size blue prints, $75.00. Illustrated bro-
chure, $2.00. Meyer Aircraft, 5706 Abby,
FOKKER TRIPLANE DR-1 Full size info
kit, $3.00, Plans $50.00. Redfern Replica,
W. W. Redfern, Rt. #1, Athol, Idaho 83801.
Corpus Christi, Texas 78413.

R. L. 3 MONSOON, low wing 2 seats all wood

construction. Brochure $3.00, plans $75.00.
EAA BIPLANE P-2 A fine sport plane for the Wood kits available WESTERN AIRCRAFT
amateur builder, 85-150 HP, cruise 105-140 SUPPLIES, 623 Markerville Rd., N.E.. Cal- Will purchase P & W R1340 and R985 engines.
mph. Fully aerobatic. This rugged single- gary, Alberta, T2E 5X1, Canada Bus. Ph. Also Ham Std 2D30 and 12D40 propellers.
place biplane has spruce wings, steel tube 403/261-3046. Mid-Continent, Drawer L, Hayti, Missouri
fuselage, very detailed shop drawings, plus 63851. 314/359-0500.
full size wing rib and jig drawing. $27.00 BG-6, BG-7, BG-12D and BG-12/16 plans from
to EAA members. $37.50 non-members (in- $35 to $137.50. Information packages: Wanted, gears and couplings necessary to
cludes one year's EAA membership). Ex- BG-6 and BG-7, $1.00; BG-12D, BG-12/16, install Bendix S6RN Magnetos on Con/air
perimental Aircraft Association, P. 0. Box $1.00. Both for $1.75. Sailplane Corporation engine. Ted Baranski, 22 Cardinal Lane,
229, Hales Corners, Wls. 53130. of America, El Mirage, Rt. Box 101, Ade- Waterbury, Connecticut 06708. 203/756-
lanlo, Calif. 92301. 5331.
side-by-side. 85-135 HP Cruise (with 0- SONERAI I & II PLACE PLANS VW pow- WOODY PUSHER in good condilion wanted.
200 Cont.) over 150 mph at 5,000 ft. at 7054 ered, all metal, folding wing, self-trailering. Also information about Pusher kept at
power. Construction plans and photos I - $50.00. II - $75.00. II includes builders Lafayette Airport, Louisiana in lale sixties.
$125.00. Brochure $1.00. S. J. Wittman, manual. Components and kils available. Rob Gaddy, PSC Box 294, K. I. Sawyer AFB,
Box 276, Oshkosh, Wls 54901. Send $1 00 for informalion. Monnett Ex- Michigan 49843.
perimental Aircrafl, Inc., 410 Adams, Elgin,
BANTAM plans. Over 200 sq. ft. detailed Illinois 60120. T-18 project with plans. Send list of completed
drawings. All metal construction. Fun to parts and materials. Tom Henthorn, 1718
fly. $55.00 for blueprints or $2.00 for E. Ash, Enid, Oklahoma 73701.
JL-4 four passenger, wood and foam con-
specs and photos. Bill Warwick, 5726 struction, engines to 260 HP, retraclable.
Clearsite, Torrance, Calif. 90505. Plans & Manual for HM-290 by Falconar. A.
STOL. 210 T cruise, information kits $2.00. Oslerman, 290 S. Fork L.B. Road, Eagle
Jim Londo. Rt. 3, Box 83. Arlington, Wash- Point, OR 97524.
CA-65 Two place sport plane with retracta- ington 98223.
ble landing gear. Plans - $110.00. Brochure
- $3.00. A. Cvjetkovic, Box 323, Newbury ANDERSON KINGFISHER SPORT AMPHIBI-
Park, Calif. 91320. AN Flight proven, simple and economi- Soaring
cal. Wooden construclion. Piper Cub wings
SMITH DSA-1 "Mlniplane" Plans. 17 ft. Bi- PLANS $150, informalion brochure $3.00. SOARING magazine comes with SSA Associ-
plane. Excellent drawings, $25.00. Mrs. Present builders note new address. Earl ate membership, only $12/yr. Or, send $1.50
Frank Smith, 1938 N. Jacaranda Place, Ful- W. Anderson, P. O. Box 422, Raymond, Maine for sample copy plus literature. Soaring
lerton, Calif. 04071. Sociely of America, Box 66071-X, Los An-
geles, Calif. 90066.
AIRCAMPER, GN-1 Complete plans for 65
to 85 HP, 2-place Parasol, all wood and fab- TAKEHOME T-18 WING Airway to Highway
ric construction. Rib drawing and major in just minules. Information $3.00. Plans
fittings full size. $25.00 postpaid. Cutaway $35.00. Sunderland Aircraft, 5 Griffin, Apal- Helicopters
and photos, $1.00. John W. Grega, 355 achin, N. Y. 13732.
Grand Blvd., Bedford, Ohio 44146. SCHEUTZOW HAWK IT'S REALLY FAST
BABY GREAT LAKES Champagne per- build an oulslanding helicopter; HAWK 90
SHOESTRING Formula One Racer, sport- formance on a beer pocketbook! Cutaway or HAWK 140; choose single or two place.
plane plans available. 3-view, photos, drawing and full reports, $3.00. Complies Information package conlains bolh designs;
specs., $3.00. Condor Aero, Inc., P. 0. Box with NASAD "AA" quality standards Dealer specs, 3-view drawings, weighl and balance,
762, Vero Beach, Fla. 32960 for Great Lakes Sport Trainers and parts. and performance dala. Handling charge,
Send $3.00 for special info packet. Barney $5.00. SCHEUTZOW HELICOPTER MANUAL
AIR SKIMMER $10.00 buys the hull plans Oldfield Aircraft Company, P. O. Box 5974, Airfoils, dynamics, power requiremenls,
for this single place homebuilt Navy Sea- Cleveland, Ohio 44101. slruclures, mchanics, lesl procedures,
plane. Rest of plans as you build or com- $17.00. Add $2.00 for foreign poslage. Webb
plete set of original plans $65.00. JET PRACTICAL LIGHTPLANE DESIGN AND CON-
Scheulzow, 451 Lynn Drive, Berea, OH
Plans, 1800 Carmelo Dr. E. Carmichael, STRUCTION FOR THE AMATEUR has
CA. 95608. plans for Ihe Fike Model "D" and sells for
just $4.75 plus 35c postage U.S. Fike Model
FLOAT PLANS Metal. Designed by Stan- "E" low aspect ratio STOL airplane plans,
ley Dzik. Information packet, $1.00 U.S. EAA Aeronautical Engineering
$35 00, airmail $2.00 extra in U.S. Brochures
Bill or Money Order. Plans, four sheets, on both $2.00. W. J. Fike, Box 683, Anchor- Scholarships
NOW $25.00. U. S. or Money Order. Post- age. Alaska 99510.
paid L. Landermann, 39 Poplar St., Ste- Write EAA:
Rose, Laval, Que , Canada. Knight Aircraft Drawings for Knight Im- P. O. Box 229
perial, $95.00, Sunday Knight. $95.00. Info
JET ENGINE PLANS and newsletters, in- package $3.00 Vernon W. Payne, Rt. 4, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130
fo. $1.00. Doyle, Box 310, Montclair, New Box 319M, Escondido, Calif. 92025.
Jersey 07042.
88 MAY 1975
Volunteer Your Help
For Oshkosh Limbach
Distributed USA by WAG-AERO, Inc.
The TURNER T-40 Series all wood
folding wing airplanes
EXPLOSION PROOF T-40 Single Place Plans......... .$ 75.00
T-40A Two Place Plans ...... ....$125.00
Information Packet ..............t 3.00
21 Mansfield Or.
Chelmsford, MA 01824


Any Shope or Capacity
6 beautiful 11 x 14 color in-
Choice ol three
Sport. Stunt. Experimental flight photos taken at Oshkosh. 64 HP man raling. 58 HP continuous. 3200 rpm
Aero Tec Labs Inc. Dept 23 Hewson Ave Included are F6F, P-51, FM2, Includes Slick magneto, high temperature har-
W a d w c k NJ C7463/2tr-444.508C ness. SAE-I propeler hub. Bosch aircraft spark
P-38, P-40 and AT-6. plugs. SUomburg carburetor intake mamtoid
with heat exchangers air cooler sending unit tor
Order From oil temperature, fuei pump drive


68 HP max 61 HP continuous. 3200 rpm Same
accessories as above
P. 0. Box 229 75 HP max 66 HP continuous 3200 rpm Same
WELDING OUTFITS accessor-es as above
Hales Corners, Wls. 53130 SPECIAL
Available separately conversion parts starter, al-
Only $2.50 including postage ternator, voltage regulator ring gear kit, ooscn
spark plugs, dual cylinder head kit. o:i cooler kii
and fue' pump kit
For more :nlormat.on and FREE brochures

Box 181, North Road

Complete kit as shown includes pre-

cision needle valve regulators, set of
three welding tips, exclusive Flo-Trol
cutting torch and tip, plus the famous
Smith airline welding torch.
CAT. NO. M-247
$128.95 A*>,U
Alm. F 15 OUi
ACCESSORY KIT: 25 Ft. of Hose, Flint Alum. I...K i,,
CKctreJrt V.I
Lighter, All New Soft Safety Goggles Alum. V*f
Cat. M-247-100 $21.25 Mutn II
FORD-V8 li.C* In BUICK-V6- Special


Super Sport Take Home
Box 181 - LYONS, WISC 53148
Stalls at 40 tops out at 140
Steel tubing airframe. Easy Home Con-
struction. Quick removable wings. Alumi-
num and steel spars. Adjustable trim and
seat. New Techniques in Foam-Dynel
Epoxy and Aluminum. Volks Power. Plans,
- lUtlD TMlM YOU IIF FROM JCALI M-ANi O. ., " L .<*!

The Ultimate Biplane!

AS LW * J'99**

R.tfT T '"toll
Photos, Instr. $50.00
mo PAOUT raid mrUMOAju _ RIDLANDS. CALIF 92)7]


New Production Highest Quality
Made to highest standards of workmanship and materials. Fully approved
Plans now available for the 4 aileron
for all aircraft including Standard Category. These wires are made in
symetncal 2 place aerobatic trainer and three specifications: American AN, British, Metric, and are available
competition bipe. 24' span suitable for 125 in both Stainless and Cadmium Plated Carbon Steel. Fork ends available
hp to 260 hp engine. Extreme ease of con-
struction with excellent drawings. Flight for all three thread types. We stock wires for: Pitts, Starduster Too,
tested and stressed for unlimited aero- DH82A Tiger Moth, Great Lakes, Jungmann, etc. Write for quotation
batic competition. Fuselage and wing Kits
available. Color photo and info, pack, and price list.
$200. Drawings, $5000.


15623 DeGaulle Cir. Brighton, Colo. 80601 AVITARA CORPORATION
303/659-7182 P. O. BOX 624 TULLAHOMA, TENN. 37388

(714) 686-7943
All Metal 85-160 HP X17" SPAN

BROCHURE $5.00 $350
COMPLETE KIT - $4500.00 A safe economical 2 sealer. 26 MPG at
130 cruise on 100 HP, Short field per- NOT SHOWN
former. Professionally designed for min. D.H. TIGER MOTH $3.50
jigs. No air tools required. Building time
1000 hrs. NASAD quality seal for average CURTISS ROBIN $3.50
amateur. Plans $150.00; Info $3.00. Mater- PORTERFIELD
ials, Kits and Parts available. COLLEGIATE $3.00
Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada L4C 3Y8
PLANS $60.00 CATALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Qc
Ne* mamficture with lightweight B U I L D I N G INCLUDING R A D I O CONTROL.
suede lining. Limhswool ear cush- C H A R G E C A R D S ACCEPTED.
ion, and chin strap. Made from
the finest materials
available . . . . . . . . $23.95
Siies: Sml.-med.-lrg.-exlr|.
Fully Lambswoel lined ... $26.95
Hobby Shop Ino.
Suede lined helmet with earphene
STARLET i n e t a l l e d . . . . . . . . . $27.95
__ lambswool lined helmet with
PLANS $45.00 earphene adaptors PHONE 3 1 2 / 2 8 3 - 6 4 4 6
BROCHURE $2.00 i n e t a l l t d . . . . . . . . . $30.95
The new 510. The finest geggle
made. Curved Triplet safety
jlass. Soft leather lined mask.
^ilbtweight headband covered
withnylen . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.95
Extra smeked Itne . . . . . . S 7.00
Extra clear lene. . S 5.00
Wide vision cerved laminated NOW. FROM EAA
glass. Can be worn ever glasses.
Stnrdy lightweight strap. 513.95
VSTAR pr. Extra smoked lenies S4.00
PLANS $45.00 extra head strap J2.50
B R O C H U R E $2.00 Limited Supply.

Mk9 RAF style goggles, English

made with excellent visibility,
adjustable center piece. $11.50
pr. Extra tinted lenses $4.00
extra headstrap J1.00.

Please write for Free Catalogne.

Styled after the Navy and THEORY OF WING SECTIONS

Army A2 flight jacket. Both
ACRODUSTER TOO feature warm quilted lining By
2-SEATER and knit cuffs and waist Ira H. Abbott
PLANS $60.00 bands. The A2 is made of and
BROCHURE $2.00 fine leather with leather
collar. Navy Style is made Albert E. Von Doenhoff
of fine goatskin with a The best single volume study available
Bi-swing back and fur like on subsonic wing sections. 693 pages
collar. Satisfaction guaran- include theory, airfoil ordinates, etc.
teed! Sizes 36 to 50, brown
only. $5.50
Navy Style ........ $76.95 (Includes hook rate postage)
A2 Style . . . . . . . . . . $69.95 FROM
Sizes 48-50, add $8.00
Enclose sufficient amount for postage. Box 229
P L A N S 550.00 California Residents add 6% sales tax.
B R O C H U R E $5.00 Please write for Free Catalogue
STEEL - 2024-T3 AL.
15320 Willow Drive
Los Galos. California 95030
90 MAY 1975
1346 Connecticut Ave., Suite 915
Washington, D.C. 20036

Now that the EAA International Convention and Fly-In that does not have a professional staff working full time
at Oshkosh has grown to such size and importance it has on the arrangements and details. And let it be said that
frequently been compared to other air shows held in this the smooth running EAA show could never be put on
country and abroad. This comparison is valid to a certain without the scores of dedicated and hard working visiting
extent but it might be well for those of us in the aviation volunteers who cheerfully give their time not only on
industry to understand the special contribution to aviation convention days but before and after the event to prepare
that the EAA Oshkosh event demonstrates each year. the grounds and to tidy it up afterwards.
The biannual Paris Air Show in France and the The EAA show attracts for the most part people who
Farnborough Exhibition in England are the show places have an active interest or involvement in aviation. No
for air carriers and military aviation. Although the number other show comes anywhere near to matching the number
of aircraft involved are not nearly so numerous as at of people who fly in with their own aircraft. The transient
Oshkosh there is greater public attendance. The general parking area can hold approximately 3000 airplanes at one
public is invited to come and pay a substantial admission time. It was an impressive sight to see the entire area
fee to help support the show. They come as taxpayers to filled day after day. Spaces that were vacated by departing
see what their military forces are buying with their tax aircraft were soon filled by new arrivals.
money and to gaze at the airliners which someday may Many local residents of Wisconsin, Illinois and sur-
carry them as paying passengers. The crowds at Paris's rounding states drive to Oshkosh to see the EAA show.
LeBourget Airport run to 2 or 3 million as this famous The parking space for cars will be more than doubled
field is just on the outskirts of one of the largest cities in in size for 1975. But by and large Oshkosh attracts a
the world. In addition to the static displays there are greater percentage of aviation enthusiasts than any other
several fly-bys each day and international military teams large aviation show in the world. These are people who
put on exhibition and precision flying demonstrations. will buy airplanes and their accessories for personal use
Farnborough and Paris and lately the Hanover Air Show and recreation as well as occasional business use.
in West Germany are fine displays for the big airplane The people that come to Oshkosh each year are pri-
buffs. marily interested in seeing airplanes that can be used
Here at home the Reno Air Races have become the for sport and recreation purposes. There was no military
outstanding event of the year for those interested in participation at Oshkosh in 1974 and yet the number of
speed competition flying. Comparatively large crowds people broke all records. This would indicate that EAA
are drawn made up of those people who enjoy seeing does not have to have military participation to draw a
high performance aircraft competing in closed course low crowd. The civilians who flew Warbird aircraft satisfied
altitude contests. The crowd comes for entertainment most people who were interested in military aviation.
and not education. The theme of Oshkosh in 1974 was aviation education
At Reading, Pennsylvania, each June a splendid air with great emphasis placed upon the "how to" workshops
show is held for business aviation. The number of air- and talks by prominent designers and builders in aviation.
craft, the number of displays and number of participants Aviation education will also be stressed in 1975 with more
and operations are not nearly as large as at Oshkosh but workshop activity and many EAA Designees volunteering
those interested in $100,000 and up business airplanes to serve as part time instructors. In addition the camping
can see what the industry has to offer. This is a very areas will be enlarged, the number of parking spaces for
important show if you wish to see expensive aircraft and classic aircraft approximately doubled and the main exhi-
all the electronic and other accessories that make them bition building enlarged so that it will hold 167 booths
efficient tools for business. Military participation with 62 more than last year.
precision flying and aerobatic demonstrations by civilian As a special feature for 1975, Friday, August 1st, will
pilots have been part of the show for many years. They be designated as "Aviation Greats Day." Some 40
attract the non-aviation industry people who pay a sub- distinguished visitors will be honored for their contribu-
stantial fee to see high performance aircraft in action. tions to aviation history and development.
What a contrast to all these shows is the annual EAA Oshkosh in 1975 will again be the world's largest
event at Oshkosh! For one thing the management of the aviation exhibition and will attract the enthusiastic partici-
show is handled by the regular EAA staff along with a pants in sport and recreational aviation.
host of volunteers. This is the only big time aviation show

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