217spm2-Engl-1301-Im2 58087968 1061550619 Short Academic Response 3

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Walker-Reed 1

The Inner Corset

Laura Frasers The Inner Corset discusses the historical view of peoples appearance. The main focus

is being obese or thin in America and the influence both stereotypes have on individuals. Through the use of

factual support, visual content, and historical background, Fraser was able to establish a multi-meaningful

understanding of what is accepted in society based on weight and appearance.

In order to avoid personal views reflected in the report, Fraser focuses on the historical shift of image

and beauty and how in earlier times, beauty was viewed as a woman with plump cheeks and arms (Fraser

775). But as time progressed, being thin was the new fashion trend. But throughout the report, her thoughts

are shown through the use of factual information to prevent the personal bias. When writing a report, sticking to

the history and statistics prevents personal input. It also allows for the reader to learn and conduct factual

conclusions. Writing a report can be complicated due to the importance of facts and evidence; without the use of

personal views. Reports are a benefit to the literature world because certain topics are non-relatable and without

them, there would be little to no learning.

When integrating sourced material into reports, the flow and consistency are important factors to

consider. Fraser excels in combing sources and facts to establish the point of view. In order to prevent

plagiarism, Fraser gives the source, cites the author and location of source and gives background to the authors

influence in the topic discussed. Frasers techniques demonstrates focusing on the key words of the phrase or

quote in order to support the claim. The integration is clear and smooth to the point that the reader would

assume that the evidence is part of the report without support. The author Woods Hutchinson had the biggest

impact on Frasers view and his perspective allowed for a more clear understanding of image and beauty.

The Inner Corset, by Laura Fraser displays the judgment of thin and obese individuals versus

personality and behaviors. Image is an important part of being accepted into society and if not up to par,

rejection can come strongly and harshly. No matter what size or color, all people should be accepted for looks

and respected.
Walker-Reed 2

Works Cited

Fraser, Laura. The Inner Corset. 1st ed., 2009, 5 April 2017.

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