Confirmation (Prayers of The Faithful)

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We pray for our Pope Benedict, Archbishop Joseph Harris (Bishop Llanos)
and all church leaders. May they continue to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit
and have the courage to spread the Good News.
We pray to the Lord.
All: Lord Hear our Prayer.

2. We pray for our President, Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposion. May
they resolve their conflicts by seeking the justice and peace brought to the world
by the Lord Jesus, we pray to the Lord...
We pray to the Lord.
All: Lord Hear our Prayer.

3. Heavenly Father, we pray that the Christian community, made one by our
common baptism, may always welcome the unborn, the stranger, and all who
are vulnerable, we pray to the Lord
We pray to the Lord
All: Lord Hear our Prayer.

4. Dear God, we pray for our parents, sponsors, and friends. Grant that their
love and example will continue to guide and inspire us as we continue our faith
We pray to the Lord
All: Lord Hear our Prayer.
5. Heavenly Father, we pray for the newly confirmed by the gift of the Spirit,
that the Spirit of right judgement and courage may strengthen us in the years
We pray to the Lord
All: Lord Hear our Prayer

6. For the sick suffering or poor, that God might guide us to hlp them in their

We pray to the Lord.

All: Lord Hear our Prayer

7. For our family and friends who have died and all who have fallen
asleep in the hope of rising again, that they may see God face to
We pray to the Lord.
All: Lord Hear our Prayer

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