Report On Body Image

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Walker-Reed 1

What is the Perfect Body?

In the United States, more than 68.8% (2/3 of population) of adults are considered to be overweight or

obese (National Institutes of Health 2017). From that 68.8% that are classified as overweight, 3% of US

citizens have major eating disorders. (ANRED 2017). The small percentage of Americans with an eating

disorder use the dangerous method to create the perfect body desired, even if there is a possibility for health

complications. The causes for the rise in obesity originate from unhealthy habits, self-esteem, and even mild to

severe depression. Due to the high rate of obesity, obtaining the perfect body becomes more of a dream than

reality. A perfect body is a prominent factor for those wanting a life change due to the impact from social media,

maintaining a healthy diet, and the dangers of experiencing different eating disorders such as anorexia and

bulimia. By definition, there are no standard requirements for obtaining the perfect body; only ways to improve

and develop a healthier lifestyle.

In order to keep up with trending fashions, looks, and places to experience, social media is the guide to a

successful lesson to remain current. With that update, there are changes in regards to the human body, especially

if there is a simple procedure that can be done to gain the confidence and beauty. Body image comes in many

shapes, sizes, and tones that establishes diversity in interest. Body image is best defined as the subjective

internal representation of ones physical appearance based on self-observation and the reaction of others

(Syfers 19). The impact of outside influences play a major role in a persons self judgement of own confidence

and representation. Body image continues to be a consistent struggle due to influence of negative views from

society, poor health habits, and emotional struggles. Emotions play a major role in developing a persons image

on the inside to replicate the beauty on the outside. Without a balance with internal and external image, the

success of a perfect body is slim to none.

Social media continues to inspire and build an empire supported by a majority of the United States

population, regardless of the positive or negative influence it may play in self-confidence. For some, social

media is the closet to being stylish, speak good gossip, and have the A-list celebrity look. According to the

Statistics Portal, 81% of the US participate with a social media profile in 2017 and is at the highest rate since
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2008, when there was only 24%. An estimated 185 million people use social media (Statista 2017). From

the beginnings of Facebook to the takeover of Snapchat, social media continues to influence the lives of

millions. The obsession with various forms of media (magazines, television, internet web sites, video games

and smart phone applications) (Spurr 18) portrays a major role with influencing the perfect body. With the

influence comes popularity and updates on trending fashion, places, people, and material items.

Acceptance is a factor of life that all desire from friends, family, peers, employers, etc.; to have the

respect and appreciation deserved. But with the influence of social bystanders, there can never be a perfect

image to copy. In young men and women, the focus is mainly on physical appearance, mainly targeted at

weight. With the media having the attention of the young generations, the demand to be accepted and look the

part is high. Media affects your wellness just the way you think about yourselves, because as soon as you

compare yourself to someone thats when you start feeling bad (Syfers 26). Body shapes classified as skinny or

the body of a model is the comments that everyone wants because of the attention received, especially thin

body image for girls and lean muscular ideal for boys (Spurr 20). Due to social media becoming a part of daily

lives, the damage of what society defines as the perfect body is the main cause of negative self-esteem and

extreme measures taken to obtain the perfect look.

With the insecurities of obesity being the life issue for many, there are also many who battle the struggle

of eating disorders that cause major health dangers. One of the most common disorders is Anorexia Nervosa. As

discovered by the American Addictions Center, anorexia nervosa is a challenging health disorder than enables

the individual to control the shape and size of a specific body part, even when they are extremely thin

(Anorexia Statistics & Facts 2017). Even for those with the perfect shape, the sacrifices performed to maintain

the perfection can become critical to many lives. Anorexia symptoms are commonly paired with bulimia

symptoms to allow maximum weight loss and keep a consistent weight. Bulimia symptoms are mostly found in

women because of the disparity to be perfect. Unfortunately, the disorders come with extreme life threats such

as binge eating and vomiting, suicidal thoughts, internal inflammation, and permanent damage to teeth and
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stomach and if not treated properly, the individual can pass. The risks taken for a perfect body may be worth the

pain and suffering to some but unnecessary to others.

Prior to the advanced technology and the effect it has on the billions of social media users today, there

were times where all shapes and sizes were acknowledged. Before the 1880s, women were sexy if they were

heavy (Fraser 775) and were seen as rich due to the amount of food needed to create the curves and fat. Perfect

bodies are more important to women because perception of overweight is more common among girls than

boys (Van Vilet 1). But in order to maintain the perfect body, there is a perfect diet that must be followed as

well. Dieting is a life choice that requires strict balance in fruits, vegetables, and constant intakes of water.

Instead, individuals skip breakfast, and consume high levels of soft drinks (Van Vilet 1) which all converts into

sugar and fat. When making life changes, there are risks that are taken, strict life changes that are enforced, and

mental strength to continue on the journey of a healthy life.

The perfect body is different for everyone. What one person may see as their dream body maybe

negative to someone else but there is not a right or wrong answer for the perfect look. Each person in the world

lives their life in their skin based on personal comfort and any amount of social media, disorders, and health

facts cannot influence the outcome of creating a new skin to live it. Some may turn to the quick fix methods but

its all based on personal choosing. The perfect body is the skin that empowers an individual to become the best

person and be comfortable in life. As tempting as waist trainers, dieting pills, gastric bypass, and special dieting

meals, the life to sculpt the perfect body is a unique and diverse action. No matter what society or words say

about skinny, obese, and even average person, the perfect body is the skin that allow for life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness on the inside and outside. Setting the example of accepting all shapes, sizes, and shades

will be the steps in making a strong foundation for better health and stronger empowerment for all people.
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Works Cited

"U.S. Population With A Social Media Profile 2017 | Statista". Statista, 2017,

network-profile/. 9 April 2017.

"Anorexia Statistics & Facts". American Addiction Centers, 2017, 11 April 2017.

"ANRED: Eating Disorders Statistics". Anred, 2017, 9 April 2017.

Fraser, Laura. The Inner Corset. 1st ed., 2009, 7 April 2017.

"Overweight And Obesity Statistics". Niddk.Nih.Gov, 2017,

statistics.aspx. 9 April 2017.

Spurr, Shelley, Exploring Adolescent Views of Body Image: The Influence of Media.

Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, vol. 36. no 1-2, 7 April 7, 2017, pp 17-36.

EBSCOhost, doi: 10.3109/014060862.2013.776145, 9 April 2017.

Van Vilet, Jolanda S, et al. Feeling Too Fat Rather Than Being Too Fat Increases Unhealthy

Eating Habits among Adolescents-Even in Boys. Food & Nutrition Research, vol. 60,

7 April 2017, p. 29530. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3402/fnr.v60.29530, 9 April 2017.

"What Are The Real Facts About Bulimia?". American Addiction Centers, 2017, 11 April 2017.

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