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Conjuring Combat
Summoning Binding Banishing Detection
Choose Spirit Type (Force) Hours Banishing + Magic [Astral]
Choose Force Price = (25 * Force) Drams vs. Force + Binders Magic
Summoning + Magic [Force] vs. Force Binding + Magic [Force] vs. 2 * Force Net Hits Reduce Services Illusion
Net Hits = Services owed Net Hits after first add Services Drain = Spirits Hits * 2
Drain = Spirits Hits * 2 Drain = Spirits Hits * 2
Combat Actions
Free Actions Note Spellcasting
Declare Counterspelling Protect yourself or Ally Step Note
Choose a Spell
Simple Actions Note
Choose a Target Unaugmented LOS (LOF if Combat Indirect)
Call/Dismiss Spirit Call or Dismiss a Summoned Spirit
Choose a Force Up to Twice Magic
Reckless Spellcasting Cast a Spell with +3 Drain
Cast Spell Spellcasting + Magic [Force]
Reckless Conjuring (SR5:SG) Summon with -2 Limit and +3 Drain
Determine Effect Normally based on Hits
Trigger Preparation by Command
Resist Drain Physical if Hits > Magic
Complex Actions Note
Minimum 2
Banish Banish a Summoned Spirit
Tradition Attribute + Willpower
Disjoin Preparation Reduce the Potency of a Touched Preparation
Determine Ongoing -2 Sustaining Modifier
Dispel Reduce effective Hits of Sustained Spell
Manifest Not same as Materialize
Remove Astral Signature Removes 1 hour from fading time Spell Class Spellcasting Test
Spellcasting Cast a Spell Combat Direct Physical vs. Body + Barrier Force
Summoning Summon a single Spirit Combat Direct Mana vs. Willpower + Barrier Force
Combat Indirect vs. Reaction + Intuition + Barrier Force
Interrupt Actions Initiative Cost Bonus Combat Indirect Area (3 + Barrier Force) with 2D6 Scatter Chance
Declare Counterspelling 5 Defend with Counterspelling Detection Active Living Target vs. Willpower + Logic + Counterspelling
+ Barrier Force [Mental]
Detection Active Magical Object (3 * Force)
Alchemy Detection Active Object (Object Resistance)
Step Note Mana Illusion vs. Logic + Willpower + Barrier Force
Choose a Spell Alchemical Spell Physical Illusion vs. Intuition + Logic + Barrier Force
Choose Spell Force Up to Twice Magic or vs. Object Resistance + Barrier Force
Choose Lynchpin for Preparation Object to Anchor Preparation Mental Manipulation vs. Logic + Willpower + Barrier Force
Choose Preparation Trigger Command, Contact, Time Physical Manipulation Living Target vs. Body + Strength + Barrier Force
Create Preparation Requires (Force) Minutes. Alchemy + Magic [Force] vs. Force Physical Manipulation Object (Object Resistance + Barrier Force)
Resist Drain As Spellcasting + Trigger
Trigger Drain Note Spell Effect Effect Note
Command +1 Triggered by You & requires LOS to Preparation Combat Direct DV Net Hits
Contact +2 Target next living thing to Touch it & No Health Combat Indirect DV Force + Net Hits
Time +1 Max is (Potency) Hours & No Health Combat Indirect AP -Force
Detection Range Force * Magic ( * 10 if Extended)
Potency Detection Passive Perception Limit [Net Hits]
Spellcasting = 2 * Potency [Potency] Manipulation DV Force
Minutes Spell can be Sustained Manipulation AP 0
Reduce by 1 every hour after 2 * Potency Hours

Astral Combat
Astral Combat + Willpower [Astral or Accuracy] vs. Intuition + Logic
Type Damage
Magician Charisma
Weapon Focus By Weapon (CHA instead of STR)
Spirit Force Common Tests
Watcher 1
Test Pool
Cast Spell Spellcasting + Magic [Force]
Spirit Services Use Preparation 2 * Potency [Potency]
Unbound Note Drain Resistance Tradition Attribute + Willpower
Combat 1 Service per fight Scavenge Reagents Alchemy + Magic [Mental] = 1 Dram per 2 Hits
Use Power No cost if already in Combat Assense Assensing + Intuition [Astral]
Physical Task Notice Magic Perception + Intuition [Mental] (Magic Skill Rating - Force or 6 - Force)
Remote Service Magic * 100 meters away is final service Spot Preparation Arcana + Intuition [Mental] (0)
Notice Astral Perception + Intuition (+ 2 if Awakened) [Mental] (4)
Bound Note Read Signature Assensing + Magic [Astral] (3)
Aid Alchemy/Sorcery/Learning Add Force to Dice Pool Astral Tracking Assensing + Intuition [Astral] (5, 1 Hour)
Spell Binding Sustain for -1 Spirit Force per day Astral Combat Astral Combat + Willpower [Astral or Accuracy] vs. Intuition + Logic
Spell Sustaining Sustain your spell for Force Rounds Press Through Barrier Magic + Charisma [Astral] vs. 2 * Barrier Force

~Adragon202 - Alan

Object Resistance
20 per Dram
One Hour to Gather Reagents Naturally Type Resistance
Alchemy + Magic [Mental] = 1 Dram per 2 Hits Natural Objects 3
Neutralizes area for 2 days Manufactured Low-Tech Objects & Materials 6
Can replace Limit with Drams Spent Manufactured High-Tech Objects & Materials 9
Alchemy, Banishing, Counterspelling, Disjoining, Spellcasting, Summoning Highly Processed Objects 15+
Can Create Temporary Lodge that lasts until Sunrise or Sunset
Force = Drams Spent & Hours Required
Ritual Spellcasting
Step Note
Counterspelling Choose Ritual Leader Determines Tradition
Sustained Choose Ritual Only Leader must know
Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] vs. Force + Magic + Quickening Karma Choose Force Up to Twice Leaders Magic
Resist Drain from Spell Set Up Magic Lodge At least Spells Force
Ritual Give the Offering Spend (Force) Drams of Reagents
Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] vs. Force + Total Magic Perform the Ritual Make Teamwork Tests
Net Hits Reduce Sealing Step Seal the Ritual Ritual Spellcasting + Magic + Teamwork Hits [Force] vs. 2 * Force
Resist Drain = twice the Hits Resist Drain For each participant Drain = 2 * Defense Hits

Assensing Step Note
Assensing + Intuition [Astral] Choose a Formula Purchase or Arcana + Magic [Astral] (Force2, 1 day) to create
Obtain the Telesma Item matching the formula
Hits Information Gained Prepare the Magical Lodge Lodge Force >= Focus Force
1 General health (healthy, injured, ill) Spend Reagents (Karma Cost) Drams
Emotional State or Impression (happy, angry, sad) Craft the Focus Requires (Force) Days. Artificing + Magic [Force] vs. Force + Object Resistance
Mundane or Awakened Resist Drain Drain = 2 * Objects Hits
2 Presence and location of Cyberware
Magical Class (Fire Elemental, Power Focus, Combat Spell) Assense Focus
Possible Aura Recognition Artificing + Magic [Astral] vs. 2 * Force
3 Presence and location of Alphaware
Essence/Magic/Force compared to yours (Higher, Lower)
General Diagnosis (disease or toxin) Disenchanting
Astral Signatures
4 Presence and location of Bioware/Betaware Action Test
Exact Essence/Magic/Force Deactivate Focus Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] vs. Force + Owners Magic
Cause (Combat Spell, Air Spirit, Manipulation Preparation) Break Down Focus Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] vs. Force + Magic (if Bonded or not yours)
5 Presence and location of Deltaware/Genetreatments/Nanotech Requires (Force) Hours
Accurate Diagnosis (Diseases and Toxins) Capture Break Down Alchemy + Magic [Astral] = Hits create Reagents, Max 1/3 originally Spent
Technomancer Disjoin Preparation Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] vs. Force + Magic + Fixation
Net Hits reduce Potency

Astral Attributes Formulae Price Guide

Physical Attribute Astral Equivalent Formulae Availability Price Spirits & Foci Max
Agility Logic Focus As Focus 0.25 * Focus Price Type Max
Body Willpower Spell Unbound Spirits One per type
Reaction Intuition Combat 8R 2,000 Bound Spirits Charisma
Strength Charisma Detection 4R 500 Foci Magic
Astral Initative 2 * Intuition Health 4R 500 Total Foci Force 5 * Magic
Initative Dice +2d6 Illusion 8R 1,000
Manipulation 8R 1,500

Foci Price Guide

Category Availability Price Karma Cost Foci
Enchanting (3 * Force)R Force * 5,000 3 * Force Alchemical, Disenchanting
Metamagic (3 * Force)R Force * 9,000 3 * Force Centering, Flexible Signature, Masking, Spell Shaping
Power (4 * Force)R Force * 18,000 6 * Force Power
Qi (3 * Force)R Force * 3,000 2 * Force One Adept Power per Qi Focus
Spell (3 * Force)R Force * 4,000 2 * Force One Spell Class each
Counterspelling, Ritual Spellcasting, Spellcasting, Sustaining
Spirit (3 * Force)R Force * 4,000 2 * Force One Spirit Type each
Summoning, Banishing, Binding
Weapon (4 * Force)R Force * 7,000 3 * Force Weapon

~Adragon202 - Alan

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